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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Great work Tom. I think a 5 min version of this would also be good, just to outline the important parts, show how to loop the spawn at certain rounds etc. But it's good to see a long length gameplay too to show consistency ;)
  2. It's a process, I learned how to play on a higher sensitivity ( i play on 7 currently) from experiance playing on lower ones, and gradually moving up... personally i think a higher sensitivity helps if you make a lot of mistakes... in the long run, it will help with dodging, cut backs, and screen shakes. I dunno, I think 3 and upwards is okay. You can do a quick 180 with 3 so cutbacks and dodging are never a problem. I played on 3 for quite some time, I've now been playing on 4 for a few months. Just feels so comfortable and I have total control over my character, doubt I'll be raising it any higher as I don't feel the same level of control. Higher and lower sensitivity both have their pros and cons, I'd always just say go for what you know; don't raise or lower your sensitivity to something you don't feel comfortable with, you'll only play worse. For the record, current NML WR holder IlSteveIl plays on 3 ;)
  3. Yeah, on that note I just wanna keep coming up with new and innovative strategies and stuff like I've been doing lately ;)
  4. General zombies goals of mine are to get to round 100 on all of the Black Ops maps, excluding COTD and Nacht for obvious reasons. Ascension done multiple times, Kino done, Moon done yesterday. Der Riese, Verruckt and Shangri La attempts were looking very promising, but all runs were cut short at 80+ by errors. Another goal is 350+ kills on NML, I'm slowly increasing my score bit by bit and I see it coming soon All of these goals are well in reach for me, just a matter of finding a suitable time to do them and the game treating me nicely As for co-op... I don't really have any goals for it, I just play it for fun. I've done 40+, 50+ or even 60+ on nearly all of the maps, and occasionally Tom and myself will just go for round 50 on a particular map on spur of the moment, but as I said co-op is just for fun.
  5. Almost all of this makes COTD so unrealistic :lol:
  6. Still shouldn't really be happening if the rounds are meant to go on indefinitely, but you put out a very valid point. These things have to be fixed in the next game with more and more players reaching the 50+ rounds. Managed my first 100 game in a while on Moon today. It's not my only 100 attempt since my last on Ascension, I've had 4 of them spoiled by errors (respectively Shangri La at 89, Der Riese at 92, Verruckt at 88 and Moon at 62) But this one went without a hitch ;)
  7. They should just bring back the Flamethrower, that'd make a lot more sense and be much simpler to implement ;)
  8. What strategy are you using mate? 300 is possible on the telepad strategy, but it's very rare for someone to be able to pull it off. I've done it (305) and MatoMaster has done it (300), nobody else has as far as we're aware.
  9. The thing with the stats I put here is, they're just averages, a guide if you will. Sometimes you can get really fast spawns and you're placing your bullets very well. On the average game, you'll average about 50 kills between 30 and 20 in the clip. On Steve's 356, he got almost 60 in this time due to nice quick spawning.
  10. This is basically turning into a fave maps thread, which has been done time and time again I'll say what I like and dislike in a zombie map. LIKE Infinite-damage wonder weapon Traps PaP PhD Flopper Variety of kiting areas of varying difficulty levels and spawn speeds Between-round bosses (Hellhounds, Thief, Monkeys) Grimy/industrial feel Best example of this type of map: Ascension DISLIKE Mid-round bosses Too many slow spawning areas, only quick areas are dangerous Lack of traps Unreliable source of Max Ammo Unusual very unscary setting Best example of this type of map: Shangri La
  11. Too farfetched in my opinion and having one character to more damage than others is a little unfair, pretty cool idea though ;)
  12. Trust me mate, from personal experience it's so worth the effort, the cons of having the astronaut around far outway the cons of blocking him out actually as it makes the strategy a lot easier to run. Glad you asked all of these questions as I can give everyone the answers, believe me I've thought all of this out already in weighing up pros and cons: Also, at round 35+, this strategy becomes so ridiculously easy, the only way you're gonna go down is if you do something really, really stupid. Example in a game I did yesterday - Gersch Devices, dropped a x2 and Death Machine. Hacked, it was the x2 that turned to a Max Ammo. Now, I could have just collected the Death Machine and been fine, no need to even sprint running this strategy at the high rounds. But, I was pissing about tryna get the Max Ammo and not the Death Machine, took way too much time, got surrounded just as I collected the Death Machine and went down. Complete and utter thoughtlessness. This was at round 60. Beforehand, not a single down, not even a red screen since I started running the strategy in round 19. I can safely hrow a Gersch Device without worrying about the astro. The thing with running this strategy is, what are you gonna do if the astro starts glitching? Very dangerous to attempt to kill him in a number of ways and it can be a game ender. Whereas with him locked out, this problem is eliminated and replaced with a much smaller problem.
  13. Yeah as shooter said, we don't tolerate flaming here. Respectful disagreement and debate, yes, this is a discussion forum. But downright rudeness no. If you think you've found anything in the future, do post it. It may be already known as in this case, but there's also a chance that it's not ;)
  14. Everyone's having controller issues As I mentioned the other day in my crappy NML 317 kill thread, the right analog stick has worn out, seems like the dead zone on the right side of the stick is huge which evidentally affected my gameplay something terrible I've switched back to my old wired controller though and I love it. Nice and responsive and very lightweight, though I prefer the d-pad on my other one so I may swap them. Did a solo run on Moon last night to test this thing with using the tunnel diggers to lock the astro on the other side of the map, I kept my round 1 astro shut out til round 60 so this works didn't have a down until 60, felt very comfortable with the old controller, the only downs that followed were from me getting tired and doing really silly things still could have carried on but gave up at round 69, had plans for this weekend so didn't wanna leave it paused but my plans have now been cancelled so I may use the time to get a proper run to 100 going with all these cool little finds that make the spawn strategy so awesome. Anyways, so yeah mate, I'd say just nick the spring out of the new one, nothing worse than playing with a controller you don't like the feel of ;)
  15. Well done phxntxm, welcome to the 300+ club I'm also becoming a side drop fan as opposed to my previous preference to the back pool, just feels like I have to use less shots on my groups normally.
  16. Updated the OP with a legitimate method (no glitches involved) on how to get rid of the Astronaut while you're running this strategy. Check it!
  17. Okay guys, just did a solo run to 50 to confirm this. I kept the bottom door of Tunnel 11 closed rather than letting it breach (keeping the door closed obviously will still stop the astro from going through 11 to the spawn, and still allows me to run the area with gravity if I so wish - you can just let it breach in co-op if you need to open it for the EE). I then waited for Tunnel 6 to breach. Round 19, Tunnel 6. I was running in the Biodome until then, the same astronaut from round 2. After 6 breached, I teleported and went back to the Recieving Bay, ran my usual Recieving Bay strategy until round 50... with the same astronaut trapped in the power room since round 19! Lord-Kipmud, thanks for bringing this topic up. I've been looking for a fair way to take the astronaut out of action as it'd make the Recieving Bay strategy so much easier. Okay, so if you went down you'd have to regather your group, hack the windows shut, kill the group and hack tunnel 6 so you can go back through it to the teleporter. But, you can rebuy Quick Revive, teleport, then run the dome for a while until Tunnel 6 breaches again, then teleport back to the spawn and continue as before. Also, running this strategy past 35, no need to 'spin the wonder weapon', the chances of someone who's practiced the strategy going down are pretty small. So, running the dome and waiting for Tunnel 6 to breach again is not so bad, rather than the risk of the astro glitching out on me when I use a Gersch Device in a high round, if this happens and he's got really high health, this can ruin the game using this particular strategy anyway. I'll copy and paste this into my Recieving Bay strategy thread too I think... This also makes it possible for a Recieving Bay a great co-op strategy after the EE is done. I can picture exactly how it would work ;)
  18. Then the Gersch Devices almost 50k and half an hour later, that's not cool I actually prefer to get the Gersch Devices first and chase the box for the Wave, at lest that way I can take any weapon I get and keep trading it for the next until I get the Wave to speed up the process, unlike this situation where I had to wait for every single weapon to disappear before I could use the box again cuz I didn't wanna get rid of my Wave or M&S :roll:
  19. This raises an interesting question - if you let both tunnels breach while you're in the dome with the astro, then teleport and stay in the recieving bay, does the astro stay stuck on the other side of the map for the rest of the game or will it die out and respawn on your side? Must test this...
  20. [quote name=">]How did the 31-79 JGB215 end up in a sacred temple then... I guess i missed a bit of the zombies storyline. and it has what looks like "ancient" style designs on it I'm not entirely sure of the details, but 935 have been involved with Shangri La.
  21. I think there should be another option in the poll, and that option funnily enough is 'options'. In all of the maps up to COTD, there were so many varieties in how you could play. I enjoy the odd really small area kiting, but that is ruined by the likes of George and the Astronaut (sounds like a title of a childs film ).
  22. This is exactly why I'm in agreement with the OP. Now, I'm not into camping, though I was before I found out that running is more effective. But forcing people to play a certain way will put a lot of people off. The mid-round boss players need to be done away with IMO, bring back boss rounds! Doing this would keep things more interesting I feel. It helps break up the gameplay so every round doesn't feel the same, makes the game go quicker so it doesn't get so boring and lets players go with whatever strategy suits their style of play.
  23. This doesn't happen on PC. Even if you're signed in and you suddenly completely lose your internet connection, you'll simply go into offline mode on Steam, it won't kick you out of a solo game. So it had nothing to do with connections, it was an error. There's no getting away from the fact that the coding in the 60+ rounds in this game is poor, any consistent high rounds player will tell you this.
  24. Under normal circumstances it'd take a little less than 2 hours just running the lander area, extending to the QR area in the lower rounds to finish gathering. I see what you mean though maybe shooting spawners with a Death Machine from one spot could quicken things up a bit.
  25. I've actually found the best method for me is a combination between mine and Choppers. Blast some half groups with 1 shot each, 3 shots or thereabouts for Jugg at 2:15-2:30 with 80+ kills, then gather a group, 2 shots, 100+ kills by about 2:45 with about 5 shots used.
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