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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Similar to the 'afk spot' on Moon near PhD Flopper. It's not something I'd ever abuse, but since Treyarch haven't implemented a pause function into co-op zombies it'll do for a quick break ;)
  2. When I first got into playing zombies with my best mate on PS3, this provided hours of entertainment, it was our only hope of getting to round 30 at the time :lol:
  3. I prefer to just run the pig room too actually, if you have a Ray Gun you can circle up small groups and kill them very quickly which helps speed the game along. This is just a strategy that I thought I'd show as it's nice and laid back, good for a game where you just wanna take it easy ;)
  4. Good to see you joining mate, welcome Gave you some rep points [brains] to kick you off, enjoy your stay ;)
  5. Done! 305 kills using the teleporter strategy, an unprecidented amount as far as I know. Just gotta render the full video, bit of music, then I shall be uploading to YouTube :D
  6. Yeah I'm sure Chopper's vid will help. I found this part pretty simple, just make sure to shoot at their feet when you turn back to shoot and you'll do some nice damage with more spread ;)
  7. It'd be good to see more variety in the normal zombies. Special zombies (astro, napalm, George) I don't give a crap about, do away with them for all I care, as long as there are means of getting Max Ammos on some sort of regular basis. I'd still love to see more zombies maps per map pack, I'd rather have 2 simple but very playable maps rather than 1 featured-laden map, for example a FIVE and Ascension as opposed to one Shangri La.
  8. That's one way to do it Tom maybe cheat yourself a Wave Gun? Though I'm not sure what the command is to do that :? Well, 290+ on the pad is always impressive, you would have gone well over 300 kills if you'd used one of the other areas mate What approach did you use to get so many kills that early on?
  9. I'm with the other guys, so glad this was left out. Even if it was unlocked at round 50, I mean would you even really need it before then anyways? Not really. Also, imagine COTD; get the wunderwaffe, down to the last shot, top up, repeat until round 100+. Certainly takes the challenge away ;)
  10. Tom, and other guys at 280, 290 kills that are trying for 300, I tell you... 90 second PaP with 40+ kills, then run the main area in a big circle, shooting small groups as they gather behind you; ignore the points for now, either get up to 100 kills with 8 shots before buying Jugg or restart. It won't work every time if the spawns are slow, but it's not hard. If you manage it, carry on playing as you normally do using the back pool or side drop and you'll have a nice chance at 300+. How do you think TheRelaxingEnd and Mato get such high scores from seemingly average PaPs? They use the very same strategy between PaP and Jugg! I'm gonna try a 300+ game on the telepad strategy this week, if I manage it that'll prove the effectiveness of starting the game like this ;)
  11. 8-) Speaking of which, I want to see your 333 kill game! Or is that one of the games you're referring to? Yup as I said on the Official No Man's Land Records thread, every time I'm recording attempts at high kill games, barely even get a PaP most games, just tried squeezing in a nice amount of kills on NML before I started a game on Moon, got some awesome spawns and nailed 333 kills. I posted a screenshot of the final scoreboard on that thread but that'll have to do me for now.
  12. Great commentary mate, I feel that spawn control is one of the most underrated pieces of knowledge in this game. As you've pointed out, the zombies will only spawn from the room you're in and the 2 rooms next to it (apart from on Moon in certain areas it seems). So, keeping a door closed can give you quick and consistent spawns in many areas.
  13. Absolutely mate Not to want to jinx myself, but I genuinely see myself knocking out a 340+ kill game at some point now that I've been working on better starts and ammo management. Though I'll make sure I record every single attempt this time, these high kill games that miss a recording session are killing me :lol:
  14. I've been playing a bit today just testing the starts up to 6/6/30 ammo, I've noticed that if you can get up to 100+ kills by 2:45, using no more than 8 M&S shots, the chances of a 320+ kill game are good as you'll normally end up with 200+ kills by the time you get to the said ammo count.
  15. I've found that the best thing to do after the PaP is ignore the points, just keep running round killing small groups with 1 shot. Once you have 90 kills go buy Jugg, which even with a 40 kill PaP still normally happens at about 2:30 with about 6 shots used. I wanna do some testing, to see if using a little more time and a couple of shots more to get 100 plus kills and a 2:45 Jugg is helpful towards the 6/6/30 kill amount. Yeah Dougie, that's an excellent start you had there. Of course as I said, things can go wrong to ruin it, slow spawns, too many shots used between 42 shots left and 32 or taking too long to kill your spawn so their health rises with each siren. This is why we have our secondary target at 32 shots left (6/6/20), to check that we're still on track since the last target ;)
  16. No worries mate, always remember, killing groups of about 5 at a time when going for Jugg tends to net more kills than gathering full groups from what I've tested ;)
  17. Yeah I was just having a little look at that game again. Now, at 6/6/30, he had 220 kills or so, which put him in good stead for 360+ kills :shock: but then by the time he'd reach 6/6/20 ammo, a few bad shots and he'd gotten 258 kills, only 38 on top of his total of 220 at 6/6/30 ammo, which put him back in stead for 340+ kills; he got 348 and slashed his way to 354. If things had went normally and he'd gotten that 50 kill average during this stage rather than 38, he would have been looking at a staggering 365+ kills. Still, 354 kills, that's something few will ever accomplish ;)
  18. Hey guys, so I've been doing a bit of analysis using my own experiences as well as YouTube videos, to work out how many kills you'd need to have by the time you get down to a certain amount of ammo in the earlier-mid stages of the game to get certain amounts of kills on No Man's Land and maybe to point out where you're going wrong in the pursuit of a higher score. I've noticed a little pattern in my own games and in YouTube videos about your ammo:kill amounts in the earlier stages of the game, that shows you whether or not you're on target for the amount of kills you're aiming for. The first stages As a general rule, you'll want 90+ kills before the 3 minute mark i.e. by the time you've gotten Jugg without taking too long. There is some debate as to whether conserving ammo at this stage is so important. My view... well, it's hard to say, you ust have to go with the situation. The general idea though, is the more kills you can get before the 3 minute mark, the better the chances you have of getting a better end result. Ideally, no more than 8 shots should be used, preferably 6 or less. But 90 kills at 2:45 won't guarantee you to be in good stead - what you do between buying Jugg and having 6/6/30 ammo will obviously affect how well you rack up your kills. On average in high kill games, around 100 kills are racked up during this stage. If you're going for the really high kills at 330+, you'll want 100+ kills using no more than 6 shots by Jugg at 2:45. The following moments For x amount kills, you'll want to have a certain amount of kills by the time your M&S ammo is down to 6/6/30. Then another certain amount of kills by the time you're down to 6/6/20 to check you're still on target; if you've wasted too much ammo or the spawns have been too slow after the previous target, this will most likely have cost you your kill target. 300+ kills = 190 kills by 6/6/30, 240 kills by 6/6/20 310+ kills = 195 kills by 6/6/30, 245 kills by 6/6/20 320+ kills = 200 kills by 6/6/30, 250 kills by 6/6/20 330+ kills = 205 kills by 6/6/30, 255 kills by 6/6/20 340+ kills = 210 kills by 6/6/30, 260 kills by 6/6/20 350+ kills = 215 kills by 6/6/30, 265 kills by 6/6/20 360+ kills = 220 kills by 6/6/30, 270 kills by 6/6/20 What affects whether or not I'm on target? This of course is not an exact science, you can get better scores than suggested if the spawns are really fast or if your bullets are immensely well-placed, which for most players isn't the case so much... or the scoreline won't be as high as you expected, due to slow spawns or bad shooting. But for the majority of games, most high-kill players, myself included, will average 40-50 kills between their ammo being at 6/6/30 and 6/6/20. If you can't seem to average this at any time, this is most likely what's costing you that high kill game - you're either taking too long to take out your groups, time is ticking by and their health is rising so they'll need more shots to kill... or you're shooting a little off target, therefore needing more shots to take out each wave (about 4 shots is optimal for one full group). In other words, practicing this part of the game will help you become a better No Man's Land player, as these same little errors over and over again will greatly affect your score at the end of the game. Final thoughts Overall, this proves that it's the first half of the game that's the most important, and getting a good start as well as conserving ammo (killing your groups with as few shots as possible) is vital. Of course, you don't want to be slacking towards the end of the game, or you'll find that target going out of the window quickly ;)
  19. Welcome to the forums mate I actually played only Der Riese with my mate when I first started playing back on W@W, it's great fun but when we started playing other maps I got really into it. Enjoy your stay and check those links Ehjookayted has just put up. Feel free to PM me with any strategy-related questions on Der Riese, it's a map I know very very well ;)
  20. Yeah, one player taking on 4 players zombies is always gonna be long. I remember a while ago plazing Riese with 4 players, they all died out on round 36 and I spent half an hour finishing the round.
  21. Good stuff lemonade, glad to hear it's working for you Yeah I've found it best to hang over on the QR side for as long as possible to allow more time for the other side to clear, though at 30+ they spawn in so quickly that most of the time you go back around and it's completely clear.
  22. :shock: Wow... OK Super, I doubt I can EVER beat that. Nice job! Wouldn't say that mate, I thought that at some point but the more practice you get you learn how to handle spawns better ;)
  23. Something doesn't sound right there, the amount of zombies spawning in each window is irrelevant to how well the strategy will work at any given time, you'll always get the odd completely uneven spawn on any console... but as long as you hack that quick revive window closed after each group killed then the way they spawn is a non issue. You are hacking that QR window closed each time, right? It's that one little thing that's the ONLY reason this strategy works so well. I've noticed that it's actually better to have less of them spawn on your side and more on the QR side, they'll allpile up behind the boarded window and come in as one huge clump, you'll be just waiting for the first one to come in before you move off, then you already have the majority of them behind you as you go back around, lovely so the problems you're getting suggests the QR window is not boarded, which of course would cause major problems. As for those 16-25 rounds I mentioned being the trickiest... they should still be easy. The speed of the spawning means you may have to drag out a little in the corners on the side of the room you start on as you come back round, but it's never a problem and normally results in 2 hits at most, if any. Just check the vid again mate and see if there's anything you need to change. I cannot stress enough the importance of closing off that QR window before each new spawn, not doing that will always make running this area 100x harder Hope that helped mate, sounds like I should have solved your problem but happy to answer any more questions :)
  24. Thanks bud, to be honest with the spawns I had, you probably could have done 340+ as you get better starts than I do No video very sadly... getting quite annoyed actually, seems like every time I'm on a NML recording session nothing good happens, seems like every time I start recording I play like shit Though that's probably cuz when I'm recording my FPS drops down to 40 which makes everything feel a bit sluggish, which in NML really doesn't help. I was just doing another game on Moon actually trying out ways to speed things up even more, went in tunnel 11 for a bit to try that out and went down because of the astro, got up and knocked back down again so I restarted. Rather than doing my normal Moon start and using the telepad the whole time, I got a nice PaP out in the main area and used the side drop for the rest of the game. The spawns were just amazing.
  25. My first succesful side-drop game today, bumped up my record again to 333! Lucky game to be honest, spawns were so fast from start to end: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Superhands ... tab=public
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