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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Hey guys, so I often get asked to show a round 1-10 playthrough for various maps to show how I get myself set up for a solo game, which birthed this series that I've named SuperStarts™. All of these videos show full playthroughs from round 1 until at least round 10, further in some cases and up to 30 if I thought it necessary to show how I manage to get to 30 in about an hour since some people don't see it possible. Biggest tip I can give a player for rounds 10-30; don't waste so much time spraying and spraying with a wall gun or LMG. Not only is it very slow, it's also much safer to just kill your groups with one fell swoop. That way you won't run the risk of walking back into an area that you don't wanna be in and getting stuck, or getting surprised from behind by that one zombie that always gets you. People may argue that you need to point-build later on for traps/recycling - I couldn't disagree more with this. By group-killing I normally end up with well over 50k by the time I get to round 30. You also point-build as you're using traps with most strategies. Not to mention, if you need to point-build to recycle then it's a hell of a lot safer to spray a group with a wall gun to gain points in the high rounds when you're not killing them and making them respawn. The wall gun can also go into the slot where the wonderweapon once was, thus eliminating the need for Mule Kick in some cases. I'd generally use the Mustang & Sally to group kill up to round 20 or so instead of the Thundergun, since it'll make more points. This also works with other maps up until you can coax the wonderweapon out of the box. The Ray Gun also works as a pretty good M&S replacement on the first 3 classic maps. Anyways, enough said, on with the videos... enjoy Kino Der Toten FIVE Ascension COTD Shangri La Moon Nacht Der Untoten Verruckt Shi No Numa Der Riese
  2. I know exactly what you mean mate. I mean, I guess I'm used to putting up new strategies that I've worked out and seeing them neglected apart from a few regulars. So I thought, "Maybe I need to put out something a bit less advanced, that even newer players could take advantage of". Alas, there are only just about more views on this thread than the hours of time I put into creating it (had to play to round 30 on every map, down myself, rebuy some perks etc, and that's just for the videos). I can see the Black Ops 2 strategy section garnering a lot more attention, but I think it's gonna be like this for this section from now on, sadly. I know how much work you're putting into the RMZG, just makes you wonder if you're wasting your time...
  3. Might have to jump in on that 90 minute PhD Flopper challenge, sounds like fun Good to see people giving so much back to the community [brains]
  4. Might have to jump in on that 90 minute PhD Flopper challenge, sounds like fun Good to see people giving so much back to the community [brains]
  5. Welcome to the site mate, we've got story and strategy all covered here so get stuck in :D
  6. Thanks guys, yeah Eye this is specifically aimed at beginner-intermediate players, who can get to round 30 but tend to struggle with the higher rounds. Once you get to 30 the chances of you going down should be pretty slim if you stick with these strategies I'll definitely be doing some newbies guides when BO2 is released. When BO came out it was always hard to find a good strategy guide, so with this game I wanna be bang on it putting out full guides for each new map on day 2... then crack on with a round 200 attempt :lol:
  7. INTRODUCTION Hello again ladies (if any) and gentlemen, Superhands here bringing you another long-arse guide on how to make zombies so easy that you can keep killing zombies until you get so bored that you have to kill yourself. In this guide I’ll be covering what I’d say are the absolute easiest solo strategies for the 30+ rounds on every Black Ops zombies map, as I believe any round 30 player can achieve 50 and beyond on most maps if they go about it the right way. Though any round 50 player that automatically assumes that they can achieve a round 100 could be delusional – that requires a different mindset altogether. Another thing that must be discussed is the speed of these strategies. As is often the case, lack of difficulty comes with a lack of speed. It’s becoming increasingly popular for players to shun an easier strategy because it’s too slow. Yet you ask them what their current highest round is on that particular map, and their answer is often nothing impressive. If it was purely from lack of time or will to continue, fair enough (although your strategy being fast obviously isn’t making much of a difference if this is the case). Sure, some of us have the ability to use a somewhat risky strategy to get to insane rounds as well as the inclination to do so. But when someone isn’t achieving their desired goal because they’re being too impatient, obviously an attitude adjustment is in order. A fitting scenario is someone I recently guided on a one-to-one basis to help achieve one of their goals on a harder map. They’d tried it several times and fell short each time and even uploaded YouTube videos of them raging as a result. They then came to me expressing their frustrations and asking for advice. As we talked about what approaches can be made, I suggested a certain strategy. Whilst they were reluctant to use it because it was slow, I pointed out that it would pretty much guarantee the desired result. So they went away, used all of the strategies I’d suggested and got a near perfect game as a result, achieving their goal with ease. They can now scratch that goal off of their list and move on to other things, all because they had a little patience. Back to what this guide will entail… Each map will have its own segment which details the strategy, all of which become effective as of round 30 (earlier in some cases too). There will basically be a video clip demonstrating the strategy, which I will be performing without Juggernog to show you how easy it is. This will also include a written guide to explain key points that make up the strategy. With a lot of these strategies, we’ll be taking advantage of how spawn mechanics are set up to get all of the zombies to spawn in one area before moving off to another area before they’re completely in the map so they all follow behind, thus allowing us to gather them with a simple figure-of-8 train. This of course requires fast spawns; round 30 normally sees them spawning fast enough with this kind of strategy, and these kinds of strategies are as easy as it gets. It probably goes without saying, that you’ll be group-killing from rounds 30 onwards. For early round guides and alternative high round strategies for each map, take a look at my previous project, The Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide. Some of these strategies I have already shown you in that guide, while others I’ve gone with faster (but still safe) strategies. This guide however is all about the safest way to go about achieving your desired round. KINO DER TOTEN: Theatre-lobby strategy This is a typical spawn-mechanics manipulation strategy, in which we’ll be getting the zombies to spawn in the theatre before running to the lobby, gathering with a figure-of-8 loop and killing them there, then waiting in the lobby for a bit to get them to spawn there before running out into the theatre for another figure-of-8 group and kill. This is based off of a strategy that I believe cjgarof came up with – he would do the same theatre-to-lobby, but after gathering them he’d take them back to the theatre to kill them there to repeat the strategy. This obviously takes quite a bit of extra time, and all the while you’re on the lower floor of the lobby at the bottom of the stairs no zombies will spawn in the theatre, so it’s just as safe to run back through that way while they’re spawning. It’s also just as safe to gather a group using the stairs of the stage; running up and jumping off in a figure-of-8 loop with all of the zombies coming down the theatre passageway. After killing them in the theatre, you’ll also see me standing on the stairs where the trap is. There’s a very good reason for this; all the while you’re standing here, you’re manipulating spawn-zones. You’re not quite in the theatre, so you won’t trigger spawns from the 2 rooms on either side of the theatre from which you enter it for the first time before the power is on – cancelling these spawn points out means they’ll most likely spawn closer to you, which basically means faster spawns. At the same time, you’re not quite in the lobby, so you won’t trigger spawns there or the MPL room either. Although, just the same as being in the theatre, one or two zombies may spawn from the window just above the stairs, so look out for that. Just hang to the left on the stairs, and you can easily dodge them if they come out. Let’s take a look at this strategy in action: And a step-by-step written guide: 1) Wait on the stairs between the theatre and lobby to trigger spawns only in the theatre and make it easy to avoid spawns from the window just above the stairs, hanging to the left to avoid the near-window spawns as discussed above. 2) When you’re forced to, move off to your right and into the lobby. 3) Use the lower floor of the lobby to run a figure-of-8 as shown. 4) Kill the train and place a board on the window next to the Olympia. 5) Face the theatre and look for shadows on the wall near the window on the right as an indicator of when to sprint to the theatre, waiting no more than 9 seconds after killing the last group with the Thundergun. 6) With all of the zombies coming from the lobby down the theatre pathway, use the stairs on the stage to gather a train as shown. 7) Kill the train, sprint to wait on the stairs and repeat. FIVE: Auto-train, spawn-trick & trap Auto-train is a tactic that has been applied in several different ways in this map. It basically takes advantage of the mechanics of the PaP room, going to DEFCON 5 and hopping into the teleporter to go into the room as the zombies are already spawning which will cause the entire train to pile up outside of the doors and wait for you – an automatically formed train, no dodging or kiting required. With this strategy we’ll use it to form a train, before leading them into the room and running back out of it to get them to respawn via the War Room teleporter. You’ll see me shoot the group with 1 shot from my Winter’s Fury; this is not an attempt to try and kill the zombies since that’d never work at round 30 with 1 shot. I’m doing this for another very good reason. This is an advanced respawn control trick that I discovered prior to my world record breaking run to 115 on this map. I made the discovery, that if you're in the War Room with a bunch of zombies that have all taken hit-markers, when you use the elevator to go up to the top floor, around 18-20 out of the group of 24 will follow you up via the teleporter. This means, 3 will be waiting for you by the MPL as the elevator opens again on the top floor, a few will come out of a window somewhere, 99% of the time all in the Speed Cola/MPL room - all of these easily dodgeable. The rest will come out of the teleporter in a big clump and form a train behind you as you go into the first room. Safe and consistent! Let’s look at this strategy in action: And the written guide: 1) With the switches on DEFCON 5, wait ntil the zombies start spawning in before jumping into the teleporter. 2) As the whole group enters the room, hit your group with just 1 Winter’s shot, just to damage them so they don’t all respawn through the windows when you take the elevator to upstairs. 3) Move slowly around the room as shown in the video to get all of the zombies into the room. Then run out, hit the switch just outside of the doors and run up the stairs. 4) Walk slowly around the upper floor, hitting both switches as you pass by. 5) Once the switches are set to DEFCON 4, leave the last lower switch and use the elevator to go upstairs. 6) With the MP5k in hand for fast running, sprint to the left to start with to lure zombies, then veer off to the right to dodge them. 7) The rest of the zombies will spawn come through the teleporter. Slowly lead them to the Quick Revive trap to kill them, before sprinting back to the elevator. 8) Sprint back down, hit the last switch and hop in the teleporter. Rinse and repeat! ASCENSION: PhD Flopper lander strategy w/ trap demonstration Running the area where the lander closest to PhD Flopper is located is a very simple task, especially if you run it as one big figure of 8. In this video I show you how to alternate between Thundergun kill and trap kill to conserve ammo, without having to wait around for the trap to recharge. So you basically just use the trap and kill the next group with the Thundergun, before gathering another group and approaching the trap just in time for it to recharge: 1) Gather a group at the lander area using the figure-of-8 loop shown. 2) Kill the group with the Thundergun and gather another group. 3) Use safe moments to spray your group with the MP5k to point-build for the trap. 4) Walk towards the trap and turn it on when you reach it, then walk up the stairs next to the trap and stand on the ledge. 5) Watch the dumbasses run through the trap and drop down from the ledge once they all run through. 6) Run back to the lander area. Rinse and repeat! COTD: Lighthouse drop-off strategy This is another strategy in which we take advantage of how spawns work, getting all of the zombies to spawn in the lighthouse before dropping from the top of it, forcing all of the zombies to come back down to we can gather them with a figure-of-8 as they come out of the bottom of the lighthouse. We then take them up to the 2nd floor and kill them with the Scavenger, with George well out of the way since he always stays at the bottom of the lighthouse. You’ll obviously need PhD Flopper for this, so you can drop down without downing yourself: 1) Wait at the top of the lighthouse and drop from the ledge when overpowered. Do NOT jump, since this will cause your character to use the zipline. 2) Wait close to the AK74u – moving too far away from the doors will confuse the zombies and make them use the zipline, then respawn everywhere around you. 3) Run a figure-of-8 as all of the zombies come out of the bottom of the lighthouse. 4) Once you’ve got a full group and the doors are clear, go up 2 floors and wait for your group. 5) Kill them with the Scavenger as shown, then sprint up to the top and wait on the ledge. 6) Rinse and repeat! SHANGRI LA: Map loop So this is a half-map loop that has always been pretty popular for its sheer ease. No idea who created it originally, I think people just spotted it by themselves or variations of it at least. What we do here is start at the top of the tunnel near the MPL, then CASUALLY WALK (do NOT sprint) through the AK room and power room before using the geyser to shoot up to the first room. We then do some simple gathering using a little space in the first room and the spikes between the first room and MPL room, before killing the train above the tunnel using the Shrink Gun and Mustang & Sally. This strategy generally starts working at round 10, but works much better the faster the spawns get, so I personally like to camp the minecart area near the MPL using a Ray Gun and M&S combo until round 20 or so. Here's how to run the strategy: 1) As soon as zombies start spawning, walk through the tunnel to the AK room and proceed to the power room. 2) As you enter the power room, walk past the Spikemores and wait at the window at the end until zombies reach you. 3) Proceed over the bridge in the middle and out to the geyser. 4) As you launch into the first room, wait to the right of the box. 5) When zombies get close, move off and pass the Quick Revive machine before sprinting through the spike trap as shown. 6) While the hoard gathers itself in the spikes, wait in the lower part of the MPL room as shown. 7) Use the same zig-zagging technique that I'm using in the video, waiting for a split second near Speed Cola, then by the top of the tunnel. 8) With your train bunched up tight, zap them with the Shrink Ray and quickly switch to your M&S to kill the group to avoid collecting unwanted drops (Carpenters are bad). Move off down the tunnel as soon as your group is killed to avoid the bottom window. Rinse and repeat! MOON: Biodome Claymore loop I believe this to be the easiest place to loop on this map. The basic strategy here is to do a counter-clockwise loop of the rocks on which the Claymores are found. Nice, wide open and a simple circle shape to gather a group to kill with the Wave Gun. You can use the stairs as shown in the video to widen your path where needed. A look at how to run it: I’d also highly recommend taking a look at the Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide for demonstrations on managing your ammo with the hacker, how to lock away the Astronaut in one of the unused tunnels, as well as how to make light work of hacking the Excavators. NACHT DER UNTOTEN: Spawn-Thompson strategy This is a strategy I devised during my world record run, and is loosely based on Vzual VenoM's strategy. With this strategy you start the first half of the strategy in the same way. However, once you've gathered your group in the first room you'll kill them there, and jump straight into the corner nearest the HELP door to trigger a zone-mechanics trick. Once you get to round 30, going from the first room and gathering the group in the Thompson room is easier than vice versa. It’s very important to keep the HELP door closed for this strategy. I found a spawn anipulation trick here that we’ll be using - all the while you sit in this spot, zombies will only spawn in the first room. So you'll shoot the Thundergun and sit in this spot immediately, for 9 seconds. You'll then take them to the top floor with a little zig-zagging, before gathering them in the Thompson room before killing them and waiting for 9 seconds before you move off. See this video for demonstration: 1) Wait in the corner next to the help door as shown – remember, no more than 9 seconds from when you shoot your Thundergun, and preferably no less. 2) Walk up the stairs and wait in the spot shown in-video, until a zombie gets close. 3) Same thing with the spot in the next room. 4) Move down to the Thompson room and wait in the corner shown. 5) Move off to the right, then to the left again as you approach the other side of the room. 6) Wait for a second before moving to your left and going back to the other side of the room to finish the train, before killing it with the Thundergun. 7) 9 seconds after you shot the group, move off up the stairs and walk to the first room, waiting where shown. 8) Gather your train around the pillars, using a zig-zag and cutback technique like I do in the video. 9) Kill your group and hop into the corner. Rinse and repeat! VERRUCKT: Full map loop This is a pretty simple loop and trap strategy, using the trap closest to the MP40 to kill all of the zombies. Going in a clockwise direction around the map is generally safer. With this strategy, basically the longer you take to get from the Thompson room to the stairs leading to the trap, the safer you’ll be going up the stairs. See the video for demonstration of where I like to stop and shoot as well as areas I use to bunch of the zombies a little: SHI NO NUMA: Flogger-Comm Room strategy This is basically a modified version of the strategy everyone used to use on the W@W version of the game, running the group back to the Flogger once gathered to kill them since the Wunderwaffe doesn’t have sufficient ammo to last you through to the next Hellhound round. It involves waiting at the Flogger to trigger most of the spawns in the surrounding area, then moving off through the huts and out in the Comm Room area before using the whole area to gather the group. Then it’s back to the Flogger to kill the zombies. Let’s look at a video demonstration: 1) From the Flogger trap, walk straight ahead into the huts. 2) Walk through the back huts and out through to the Comm Room area. 3) As you walk out into the Comm Room area, walk into the area shown by the circle, and stop to wait for the zombies to get close. This helps to gather them up a bit. Proceed to the small hut. 4) As you come out of the small hut, stop in the area shown to wait for them to reach you again. Then go off to the left, back onto the wooden walkways and to the Comm Room door. 5) Stop in the area shown just outside the Comm Room door, waiting again. Then move off to the left down the walkway. 6) Continue walking forwards to the circled area and stop again. Once they reach you, walk off to the right and across the water. Once you’re back on dry land, start sprinting across and past the Comm Room door all the way to the other end. 7) Sprinting past the Comm Room door and all the way to the end. Carry on sprinting through the small hut and all the way to the Comm Room, buying Thompson ammo from the wall as you pass if need be. 8) Turn on the Flogger as soon as you reach it and crouch underneath it, on the back side of it a little to let the zombies actually run through it as they try to get to you. To make points for the trap, spray them with a few clips of Thompson ammo as they run towards you/the trap. Rinse and repeat! The reason we sprint back to the Flogger from the Comm Room is to get it spinning well before they get there; you don’t want it to be spinning for long after its taken out the group, reason being that if you take out new spawners with it as you continue your next loop then they’ll start spawning in on you when they should almost all have spawned in by the time you’re walking through the Comm Room. DER RIESE: Half map loop This is another safe strategy that was used on the W@W version of the game, and works even better in the Black Ops version. It basically involves getting all of the zombies to spawn in the upper areas by standing on the Double Tap ledge while they spawn, before dropping down and zig-zagging across the power room all the way to the STG room with all of the zombies gathering behind you. You’ll then make your way back to the Thompson room trap to kill the group. This map would be a hell of a lot easier if it wasn’t for Hellhounds spawning in with zombies, but they’re not too bad to deal with. A great piece of knowledge to learn is that dogs don’t turn quickly at all, so this sharp zig-zagging motion will have them spending a lot of time turning around rather than biting your arse. Let’s take a look at how the strategy works: 1) Stand on the ledge and wait for the zombies to reach you before dropping down. 2) You should have most of the group already spawned in at this point, now you’ll just gather the rest of them up using the power-switch area and Bowie Knife area, using a zig-zag technique as shown. 3) Finish your zig-zagging by going onto the raised teleporter area and dropping off next to the STG, before running up the stairs and dropping from the ledge. 4) Sprint through to Speed Cola, stopping to turn and shoot for points where shown. 5) Hit the Thompson room trap, run up the stairs and wait again at the ledge. Rinse and repeat! I’d advise against killing dogs once you’ve dropped from the ledge, as this will only cause dogs to spawn in front of you. So there we have a collection of all of the easiest strategies for completing the high rounds on each map. These will of course take a little practice to get the feel of and get them absolutely perfect. But stick to these guidelines and you’ll be hitting the high rounds in no time! Do remember to check out The Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide for guides on getting a good start and getting through those early rounds, as well as solid advice on dealing with all of the little quirks each map will throw at you. Thanks for reading/watching!
  8. Old topic I know but another question I forgot to ask you - are you looking for a safe strategy for the early rounds or later rounds? I'd still say the stage is the safest option in the early rounds. At rounds 30+ take a look at the video I've uploaded here. It's basically an adaptation of a strategy that CJGarof once used - he'd get them to spawn in the theatre and run to the lobby to make for easy gathering, then take them back into the theatre to kill them and repeat. I use this as a base, but kill them in the lobby and use the same concept of using spawn mechanics to your advantage, by waiting in the lobby for a bit before moving back to the theatre and using the stage to run a very simple figure of 8: So there you have most likely the easiest 30+ rounds Kino strategy, could be done without Juggernog pretty easily too. Just as simple as CJ's strategy, and almost twice as fast ;)
  9. I believe it was ChopperNator that gave a warning about deleting these threads if credit wasn't given to the strategy creators. You haven't done this with any of my strategies, but as a strategy creator myself I know how disappointing it is to put work into developing something new to help people out and the people that show it or use it don't even give you so much as a shoutout. That said, please don't refrain from posting mate. Just make sure to give credit where it's due and you'll be golden ;)
  10. Great to see you back mate, looking forward to some epic posts ;)
  11. Welcome to the site mate nice thread I've got down what I believe to be by far the fastest Der Riese strategy, it's safe but there are drawbacks which will put people off. I'm planning to do a run to round whatever with it since I feel like that insta-kill bug game is missing from my credentials, and Kino & Ascension have been rinsed so they'd be nothing new. I'll see how MeltonSuperSoilders does on his current run before I consider going for it though I think.
  12. You may find this video of use: You'd then start running the strategy at round 10. If you need any more help with solo strategies I'd recommend having another look at my project, The Complete Solo Zombies Guide HERE ;)
  13. Looking forward to this mate, I'm gonna be writing up a much better strategy for 2-4 players on FIVE soon which will fit in nicely if you need it ;)
  14. Yeah I thought it had something to do with being in the labs, but from personal experiences it just completely screws up the way the teleporters work for the rest of the game when you get teleported by the Thief on DEFCON 5. As you see in the next round after the glitch took place, I was in the War Room and jumped through the teleporter as normal, but still just didn't work as it should. Last time it happened to me the 'damaging before using elevator' trick just stopped working, all of the zombies would spawn out of the windows. So yeah, if you do happen to be on DEFCON 5 and the round ends unexpectedly before a Thief round, I'm also guessing hopping into the teleporter and PaP room before he arrives might help matters.
  15. Hey guys, so I had another go at a no-perks round 50 again today after getting screwed over on 37 last time. I got this horrible glitch that pretty much cancels any spawn-trickery via the teleporters, thus causing the auto-train strategy and my trap strategy to not work as they should as well as making teleporting of any sort a pretty dangerous task. This is the second time I've had the glitch but I found out today what causes it, and died on round 19 as a result. I'll still be trying for 50 again. Put simply, if the Thief takes your gun and teleports you while you're on DEFCON 5, this completely messes with the teleporter respawning system. You can avoid this by: a) Keeping the switches on DEFCON 4 at the end of a round. Killing the Thief before he takes your gun, which is usually no problem with the M&S at any round but I screwed up here by thinking he was dead when he actually wasn't.
  16. I should have submitted this a week ago, oh well
  17. Absolutely brilliant mate, should help people reconsider their options if they're not getting their desired results. Just to reflect on what has been said in the video: The back pool is generally harder to survive in, but it's a pretty uniform train and requires little improvisation and it's easier to get a tight train. The side drop gives more options for directions and escapes, but requires great improvisational kiting skills. Pretty difficult to get a tighter train, but those who know how to control the zombies will benefit greatly and be able to inflict maximum damage per shot. All in all - back pool for great players achieving personal records, side drop for the best of players looking to push boundaries.
  18. Firstly... Nitromonkey, quit lurking in the background and get stuck in, you could be a valuable asset to the forum [brains] Back on topic... The diggers as mentioned are something that comes at random intervals, could be 2 or 10 rounds after the last and it could probably even be the same one 3 times in a row. However, it will always be at the start of a round so you can always be prepared. Always assign one player as the Hacker carrier. If the digger warning goes off, we normally have that player immediately go on a mad dash to stop it. As long as the windows in the Recieving bay are kept boarded this is usually a safe task. What I personally like to do is go through tunnel 6 to go and hack it, then camp it out in tunnel 11 for the rest of the round.
  19. Zombies... then maybe after a few months I'll see what the Campaign and Multiplayer are like ;)
  20. Welcome to the site dude Feel free to tell us some more zombies-related stuff about yourself... more interested in gameplay and strategy or stories and theories? Highest rounds and current goals?
  21. I've always been a fan of the phrase, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'm dreading the day the game is changed too much - changing the AI would be too much.
  22. I normally do these runs over 2-3 days depending on round and map. I play them on PC though, PCs are of course designed to be left on 24/7 so I don't have to worry about overheating/RROD/YLOD etc :D
  23. Verruckt added, still gotta do another 100 on both Ascension and Kino just to capture some footage.
  24. Thanks Riley, yeah I knew I had the time to do it this week and knew I might not have the time again at any point soon, so I was pretty determined. I'd also love a 100 on Nacht, I think I could do it but as I said to Jimbo I'm not gonna bust my balls and keep trying it over and over again if I fail a couple of times. Have you tried a developing a flipper strategy on COTD? I guess in theory you could kill the entire hoard with it. Seems like it would be pretty difficult but if anyone could do it I assume it would be you. It'd be an easy strategy, only problem is the flinger only makes zombies respawn so it doesn't actually kill them.
  25. Thanks dudes, yeah as Eye pointed out I wasted a day getting to round 80 before my power went out, so this could have either been done a day earlier or I could have spent the extra time doing another 15-20 rounds... but the first 80 rounds are a lot more fun that the following so that doesn't sound cool :lol:
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