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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Good stuff mate, I actually think 17-25 are slightly tricky for some reason, the spawns just go a little bit funny sometimes. Once you hit round 30 it's so easy; you wait, you walk round, then by the time you walk back round again the other side is completely clear ;)
  2. Yeah as Tom said, reviving shouldn't be much of an issue. As for it being a highly advanced strategy, maybe that's making it sound a little harder than it actually is IMHO; it's just a typical rinse-and-repeat strategy - stay in one spot while they spawn, as they approach you move off, little loop/cutback with a drag out or 2 and you've got your train, then for 2 players run to meet each other and you've got 2 trains merged into one. Timing can be a slight issue with some strategies where it's hard to see what the other player is doing, but this problem is eliminated with some communication. At 35+ the zombies start spawning in super fast and this is when these quick, small area trains work a treat, even with 2 players once a good strategy is worked out.
  3. Definitely mate With my fast, piss-easy Recieving Bay strategy for solo, and this fast strategy for co-op with infinite perks that should be piss-easy for 2 good players, March is the month in which we say 'Goodbye slow, boring Moon - hello fast, exciting Moon!'. Sorry Biodome, you're just too damn slow...
  4. Thanks guys, yeah it'll definitely be updated with any news strategies I've pretty much done all of the written stuff so I think they'll mostly be videos from now on.
  5. Yeah I think maybe we jumped the gun a bit that it should be stickied, I mean past stickies haveonly been so because of the sheer amount of work and detail put into them so the vreaders are so well informed. Nevertheless, it's a very helpful thread ;)
  6. I saw this vid yesterday, awesome stuff. I've actually been messing around with tunnel 11 in solo, it's a little dangerous in the early stages but at 35+ it's pretty nice. Like my spawn running strategy, if you run the area a certain way the astro is always kept in check. It can still be a little tricky though so the spawn is nicer for solo and just as fast... but for co-op, you can have both Gersch Devices for dropping Max Ammos at the really high rounds and QEDs to get rid of the astro, so tunnel 11 is definitely the better option. A 2 players strategy in the spawn would be interesting to see though ;)
  7. Yeah I'd always just stick with a Wave Gun for killing groups using this strategy, nothing works more efficiently ;)
  8. I'd say this too if I were writing a guide. I just mentioned about jumping being a better option that running in most cases, had no idea it was goig to be quoted or I would have said lemme write something a bit more in depth for you to put in ;)
  9. More zombies maps in each maps pack, best thing that could possibly happen. However, the consoles could most likely not handle 6-8 player co-op. The consoles can just about handle 4 player zombies, adding more players would most likely make the game lag or crash. The only way to remedy this would be to lower the amount of zombies on the map at any given time to 15 or something, which would make things far too easy. I'd love to see a solo leaderboard, other than that I'd like the game to be kept simple.
  10. This is the way I like to start my solo games on Moon. Quick PaP, Jugg, lots of kills and points using the teleporter strategy, followed by lost of point whoring and hacker bonuses before hitting the box on round 9. Combine this with my Recieving Bay strategy and you've got what I believe to be the best overall solo strategy there is. I'd generally stay in the dome until the first Excavator goes off, teleport to NML to point-whore for a couple of minutes, then teleport back and hack it before spending the rounds up to 10 in tunnel 11 as the rounds go by much faster than the Biodome. Notice how little points it takes me to get the Wave Gun and how many it takes me just to get the Gersch Devices here, just goes to show it's worth getting so many points in case of a bad case scenario. U2tFy_S6g1s
  11. Messed with this a bit, but looking to come up with a strategy that's as solid as the Juggernog one before any sort of guide is created.
  12. I think this also proves my point that you don't need to spend hours and hours farming points up until round 30 or 40, just a waste of time. I got the Ray Gun at round 12, started using that to take out all of my hordes until round 20, when I started using the Thundergun. Yet, at round 60, I have a very nice point-cushion.
  13. Hey guys, so during my stay here at CoDZ, as many of you will know I've released several guides in written and video format. This is a thread that I'll be putting into my signature that will link to guides and general gameplay videos for the easy future reference of my fellow CoDZers STRATEGY TUTORIAL/DEMO/GAMEPLAY VIDEOS Superhands' 100s Cancelling new-area respawning on COTD, Shang & Moon (and BO2 maps) Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record* Nacht: Super's Fast 30+ Strategy Verruckt: Round 120 solo *New World Record* Shi No Numa, Round 115 Solo World Record Der Riese, Round 100 Solo Kino FAST 40+ MP40 room strategy Kino Lobby Strategy (Round 60 playthrough) FIVE Round 115 Solo *New World Record* FIVE: NO PERKS Round 37 solo FIVE: The EASY way to get to round 30+ solo (Video Guide) FIVE: Super's Trap Strategy v2 - Faster and more fun! FIVE - Rounds 1-10 strategy FIVE labs/basement strategy FIVE Auto-train and teleport-respawn ruining glitch (and how to avoid it) COTD 34+ Ultimate Safe Strategy ALL you need to know about Max Ammos from George Shangri La Round 100 solo, FAST AK Area Strategy Moon: The Most Efficient Starting Strategy Moon FAST & EASY Recieving Bay strategy Moon Round 100 solo, Recieving Bay Strategy Moon round 66 co-op, FAST Recieving Bay Strategy Moon: Locking the Astronaut in Tunnel 6 or 11 Moon: No Doors Opened Solo, Round 37 *World Record* Alternate (but effective) 90 Second PaP strategy Super's 90 Second PaP - alternate nade placement Super's Hybrid 90 Second PaP; kill-maximising method NML Quick Tip: Shoot Dogs To Make Them Run Moon: Juggernog before round 1 made easy No Man's Land 2 player Jugg strategy with commentary NML 2 player PaP World Record, 190 seconds No Man's Land 361 Kills, WR & First Ever 360+ game No Man's Land 357 Kills No Man's Land, 349 Kills NML 305 kills with the teleporter strategy Telepad Strategy 330 Kills {World Record} WRITTEN STRATEGIES The Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide The Trinity - Super, Chopper & Tom's guide to Shang 100 part 1 The Trinity - Super, Chopper & Tom's guide to Shang 100 part 2 No Man's Land High-Kill Game Analysis
  14. That's a good idea actually mate I think I'll do that ;)
  15. That's very similar to my Recieving Bay strategy actually, in those same rounds the spawns just tend to be slightly awkward at times. Once you hit round 30 though things just fall into place each and every time. The only thing that can really screw things up is the astro glitching when you use a Gersch for a Max. I've got a little theory though as to what causes this and how it can be avoided, but I wanna test it properly before I throw it out there. Anyways, as I said on YT excellent vid bud, really think you've found your niche with the commentary and the gameplay and editing is quality. Cheers for the shoutout ;)
  16. Difficulty: Don't quite know how to answer this... with Black Ops came 2 maps, Kino, an easy map, and FIVE, which is widely considered to be a hard map. Maps of various difuclty level were then released. This is the best way to do it, something for everybody to enjoy. Setting: 3 - I do enjoy some maps a little more than I probably would because of the setting, but playability is way more important. Innovation: 2 - Some of these new features are cool, but I'd rather things be kept a bit simple and not go OTT. I'd prefer it if more time was spent on error and glitch testing rather than implementing new features. Storyline: 3 - I've never delved too deep into the storyline, but I like do see the basics of the plot development. Size: 1 - The size of the map isn't important for me, it's all about how many nice kiting areas are in one map.
  17. Wicked vid mate, I like to do this strategy myself sometimes, good fun. The only other person I've really seen do it like this is RelaxingEnd in a co-op version with Christian.
  18. It was almost stick material before. With the new formatting, I demand that this thread be stickied :mrgreen:
  19. Then you are a bit.... extreme. It's not all that bad on the console. I feel for you, though. Spending god knows how many hours only to glitch out is just awful. Just have to wonder, why do you do the high rounds, anyways? They're kind of... boring. I won't judge You misunderstand me I think mate - I weren't slating just the console versions of the game, I mean these errors are present on all version of the game, I was stating that I don't have a disc for the game as it's in digital format through Steam. If I did have a disk, I would be tempted to cover it in mine and my cat's bodily waste to send it to Treyarch in hope that they'll get the message. As for why I go to high rounds... yes, it can be tedious. But if I didn't like doing it, I wouldn't I'm driven enough to keep going to get a good score for personal gratification. It's a goal of mine to reach 100 on as many maps as I can before the next game comes out, although my last 3 attempts have been foiled by poor programming (Der Riese at round 92, Verruckt at 88 and now Moon at 63). Anyways, to get back on topic... if this was any other product, things would be different. If it was a car that kept going wrong, the customers would not stand for it. If it was a TV that kept switching itself off, the customers would take it back for a refund. Yet, video game developers get away with it. It's an incomplete product, we wait and wait hoping each problem will be fixed in the next patch, yet they seem to concentrate more on fixing exploit-type glitches rather than fixing the things that really screw up your games. This proves exactly my point, it's all down to poor programming. Maybe Treyarch should hire skilled players as a test team; I'd jump at the chance to get paid to go for high round runs to see what errors creep in at round 60+ :lol:
  20. This. The more features Treyarch spend time on implementing, the less time they'll have to properly test and correct these errors. I'd rather have a simple, flawless game than one with lots of features that's likely to screw up a good game in various ways, allow glitchers to cheat their way to a good place on the leaderboards, waste my time trying to find a decent game on their terrible servers... could just go on... I guess I'm kind of lucky I play on PC and have the game on my hard drive in digital format - as much as I love this game, if I was on a console, I'd be inclined to rip the game out of the disk tray, urinate on it and send it to Treyarch in an envelope filled with my cat's feces.
  21. So I just needed to come on here and have a little vent, after yet ANOTHER potential solo run to 100 was just cut short. So I was playing Moon for several hours today using my recently discovered Recieveing Bay strategy. Round 33 I went down, I had to kill a glitched astro at 31 and at 33 he blocked my path as he spawned, but after getting back up from a QR I recovered pretty easily (that's the great thing about this strategy, you almost never have to use the teleporter so you can pretty much set it up so that Juggernog will be there for you the next time you teleport). All went swimmingly 'til round 52, was out of ammo, threw a few Gersch Devices. Dropped something off the last one, but the astro also glitched out on me, tried to kill it with the M&S but it was too strong to do it quickly enough. Went to the dome, no ammo, flopped for about 10 minutes, dropped a Firesale and lead the glitched astronaut away, came back and hacked it to a Max Ammo. Killed the astro, finished the round in the dome and went back to my spawn strategy. Awesome recovery. All was going very smoothly again, was getting my hacked Ammos without a hitch, was on round 63 getting ready to call it a day to continue towards round 100 tomorrow. Then I can't quite believe what I'm seeing... this: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/487753130420496369/6AE27A813D864FF7D777EACF0715BAED595F8EE6/ Really, Treyarch? You've robbed me again? Really??? Why the hell was it even trying to connect to Activision Matchmaking anyways??? Please make sure these stupid errors all of us high rounders have to experence over and over are not present in your next game guys, I'd really appreciate it. It is your duty to your paying customers after all. [/rant]
  22. Yeah, as Tom said it's a hard question to answer in the case of co-op games. In solo, I pretty much kill on sight with the big blade before round 10. Round 10+, they start running, I like to hoard them up and kill them instantly with either M&S or Ray Gun. With certain areas - the spawn rooms of both Ascension and Moon being good examples - doing it like this, rounds 10-15 are gonna take just over a minute each. Round 20 I still use the same strategy but generally switch to a wonder weapon to do the killing. Round 35+ is when they start spawning in really fast so I may often change my strategy to take advantage of this - starting this strategy at round 30 or even a little later doesn't always work too well, spawning is still slightly too slow. The spawns in these cases can take around 30 seconds per group, so with 4 or 5 groups at round 35 we're looking at about 2-3 minutes to complete this round.
  23. Very useful thread mate, I'll most likely be referring back to this from time to time As usual, I go to give you brains but have already done so too recently :|
  24. Quite disappointing that this helpful thread has died somewhat. As for hacking at long distances from the airlock, AK or Mule Kick for example, I find it useful to jump to it rather than to run, you'll travel much faster and after the hack you can just turn around, come back the way you came and get into the airlock with a few seconds to spare every time.
  25. My apologies then guys, just Tom said 'Whenever I see someone in coop pimping' and Chopper agreed, so I thought you were both discussing co-op, I guess it appeared to me that it may have came across that I support slow hoarding in co-op, which I dont so I had to make it clear I was discussing solo here Either way, I agree with what you both are saying, as I said in my first post killing them quickly will get you a nice amount of points rather than spraying and spraying, just don't understand the point behind it in either solo or co-op under normal circumstances.
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