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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. I'm not even into hoarding at any round on co-op no matter how early, gimme a pistol/ballistic knife and Bowie/Sickle and I'll just run around knifing to keep things nice and quick Guys, it's been made clear that this topic is about solo - can we please stay on topic? If anyone else wants to comment or rage about hoarding in co-op, let's make another topic :D
  2. @Tom Also the topic title As you'd know Tom, in co-op games I'm a kill-on-sight-with-Ray-Gun kinda guy, you and me both are not keen hoarders, unless it's 40+ and we're hoarding and merging. But we're talking solo here as mentioned ;)
  3. Any mods that can lock/delete this thread? Shooter is no longer active on these forums so this leaderboard will no longer be updated.
  4. Superhands


    Hi, welcome to the forums, yeah the English is a little unclear but I got the gist you need help with Kino strategies. Check the forum gabbehhh linked you to and also click HERE for my step-by-step guide to getting to getting to high rounds on Kino.
  5. So this is something that's always going to be discussed I think; in solo games, some players like to round their groups up and get rid of them in one fell swoop from round 10 upwards, while others like to grab a wall gun or MG and farm and farm and farm until all of the zombies are gone. I'm definately a fan of gathering up my group and killing it instantly, in most cases preferably with the M&S from 10-20 or Ray Gun if there's no PaP, and a wonder-weapon from 20+. It makes a pretty nice amount of points, hording and killing with the M&S I normally have around 50k by round 30 and have done so in less than an hour. If I'd spent that time spraying and spraying and spraying, it would have taken me twice as long and all I would have gained is a bunch of points I'm never gonna use, particularly as I'd normally have about 100k by 50 or 60 so I'd have plenty for recycling the wonder weapon if need be. The other reason why I like to kill them off quickly, is because I actually find it safer. A lot of players don't like it when they've got a full spawn coming in on them so frequently, but I like this as I'll always be ready for it. If I'm picking them off one by one there's always the chance that I'll be caught unawares by one sneaking up on me as I spray at my horde. So that's my preference, each player plays different for different reasons. What's your preferred method?
  6. Yeah as Chopper said, to start with you'll want to go with my strategy which Chopper posted here already (the top one); it's safe, consistent and works very well in getting a nice quick PaP with around 40 kills, optimal for chasing that 300 kill game. Once you wanna go into the 320+ region in the future, best to stick with the main area and go with a strategy similar to Chopper's, it's a bit harder but it'll net more kills, and if you're going for 320+ you'll want at least 50 kills before a quick PaP which this type of strategy is suited to. Other than that, practice practice practice!
  7. Great vid as always mate. I'm probably a bit harsh on myself sometimes, but I always restart the game if round 5 comes and I don't have the Bowie/Sickle when I'm playing solo. Just me being a picky-ass :lol:
  8. That's assuming I don't beat it first, I'm still improving at it ;)
  9. You won't survive 3 minutes, your bound to get a double slap within that time. I survived 3:52 without Jugg or PaP just knifing, trying to break the WR for most amount of points before PaPing. I got 8040 points then got downed trying to make a tight squeeze, so never made it to the PaP, could have made about 8500-9k if I hadn't downed So I beat the previous record of 7570, but would it count if I didn't make it to the PaP? I've got a vid of course, haven't uploaded yet though. My highest kill record is now 316 BTW http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/48887 ... 8B90DA61E/ Just LOL at the finish time, what are the chances of that number :lol:
  10. Pretty much that. I was trying to run it with both windows open at first, it's doable but it's just as dangerous as tunnel 11. I was trying the exact same loop but was forever getting blocked as I approached the Quick Revive side, so I figured maybe blocking up the window to delay them spawning might help. It did the trick :)
  11. I've made threads about this on 2 different occasions, asking people their ranking in order of preferance. But my opinions change all the time. Ask me what my fave map is every week, and you'll get a different answer from me each week Although, FIVE is my all time fave, whereas currently I'm really into Moon since discovering my new spawn room strategy.
  12. You're definitely right, it's the perfect combination of novelty, practicality and reliability ;)
  13. Yeah this is a discussion that's taken place several times. Pretty much as you said, a lot of people like the Wunderwaffe for novelty or even nostalgic value, but for practicality the Wunderwaffe can't hold a candle to the Thundergun.
  14. Hey guys, so this here is what I consider to be one of my greatest strategy discoveries so far. Basically, simply by fixing the Quick Revive window after killing each group, the spawns become manageable enough to run the Recieving Bay safely. This is genuinely a great, or better, alternative to running the Biodome - it's a simple and easy loop, it's about twice as fast as running the Biodome and there's no mad dash needed to hack the Excavators, as you're already more-or-less right next to the panel when one goes off as the round starts. This strategy requires basic-intermediate kiting skills. So this video will show you how to run the area safely, as well as how to safely and effectively stop the Excavators and hack Max Ammos from powerups dropped by Gersch Devices at the right time. This strategy works from round 10 upwards and gets easier as the rounds go up and the speed of the spawns increase - the hallmark of a good kiting strategy. The following footage is from a single round 50 game, 0 downs or perks lost by any means, which shows that the Astronaut causes no problems. You'll see all of this in the video anyways. Enjoy kZEOHwPZacw Btw, it says in the video about it seeming that the astro doesn't glitch in this room - I've found this to be not true since then UPDATE: So, recently, Lord-Kipmud created a topic asking what to do if you were to get stuck in the Recieving Bay, both Tunnel Excavators breached and no hacker. This raised a question in my mind; Would the Astronaut remain stuck on the other side of the map if you were to let both Tunnels breach while you were, say, in the Biodome, with the astronaut, then teleport back and stay in the Recieving Bay? I just did a solo run to 50 to test and confirm that he'd remain stuck there, and not die out and respawn in the Recieving Bay in the next round. I kept the bottom door of Tunnel 11 closed, and waited for Tunnel 6 to breach. Round 19, Tunnel 6. I was running in the Biodome until then, the same astronaut from round 2. After 6 breached, I teleported and went back to the Recieving Bay, ran my usual Recieving Bay strategy until round 50... with the same astronaut trapped in the power room since round 19! Lord-Kipmud, thanks for bringing this topic up. I've been looking for a fair way to take the astronaut out of action as it'd make the Recieving Bay strategy so much easier. Okay, so if you went down you'd have to regather your group, hack the windows shut, kill the group and hack tunnel 6 so you can go back through it to the teleporter. But, you can rebuy Quick Revive, teleport, then run the dome for a while until Tunnel 6 breaches again, then teleport back to the spawn and continue as before. Also, running this strategy past 35, no need to 'spin the wonder weapon', the chances of someone who's practiced the strategy going down are pretty small. So, running the dome and waiting for Tunnel 6 to breach again is not so bad, rather than the risk of the astro glitching out on me when I use a Gersch Device in a high round, if this happens and he's got really high health, this can ruin the game using this particular strategy anyway. Round 99-100 footage, showing how to quicken up the loop a bit at rounds 30+ and how to shut out the astro: 7AnMFQqXkBk
  15. Yeah I'm one of the strategy guys on the forum, as well as posting probably a bit too much general chat Isn't Relaxing from Finland? Which is in Europe though as is the UK, so there will always be connection problems :roll:
  16. Nice work bud, Ascension is the only map that I've ever been bothered to go any further than 60 co-op on, there really should be an option to pause the game in co-op games.
  17. Well done mate, yeah as Chopper said I've seen this strategy used a bit recently, certainly seems to do the job quickly, might have to try it solo at some point.
  18. But am I right in thinking that you can't get a 4th QR from the monkeys? I'm about 90% sure that's been confirmed. The thing with my strategy is that I treat Ascension like a speed run. Round 10, I start running in the spawn, gathering up groups and taking them out with the M&S. Round 19 I leave a crawler and hit the box, to get the Thundergun and start using that at 20+. This strategy is not only easy but will get you to round 50 in about 2 hours. I pretty much just speed through the groups with the Thundergun, and at the high rounds when I need to recycle I just finish the round out with the traps, letting one zombie through the trap each time so I can safely hit the box at the end of the round.
  19. Well, as far as I'm aware, double-shooting a single zombie will always make it explode. But the explosion will stop killing zombies at round 38 as I've tested.
  20. It's a very good strategy that's similar to what I'd use when going for the 'all perks from the monkeys' challenge', but to be honest most perks are not necessary enough to go to such drastic lengths to defend them - only Jugg, PhD and QR are essential for me. Especially since the PaP is pretty essential for getting to the high rounds, and I also like to have my M&S for horde-killing and from 10-20 (or a little further if I don't get the Thundergun during my round 19 box whoring session). I always keep the bottom Jugg door closed so I can run the nice spawn strategy, safe and fast. I have the top door open and the door above that to the power closed, so the monkeys can only go one way to Jugg, so I can sit in the doorway next to the MP5k and defend both the Jugg and PhD machines without even moving. I also stack a bunch of Claymores around the QR machine so I can hear any monkeys trying to get to it to buy some time, and turn on the auto-turret and trap nearest Staminup to provide even more protection. So I normally only end up having to defend the QR machine from one monkey, if any. Any other perks are just a bonus drop from the monkeys, if those machines are attacked I'll only go defend them if I'm certain that it's safe to leave the main machines unguarded. I also don't like getting 5 perks, for the simple reason that in a couple of games, I've lost Jugg and still had 4 perks left so I've had to play without Juggs until the next monkey round. I've survived both occasions actually, but it's not something I'd like to risk for the sake of an extra perk that I don't really need.
  21. I was thinking of making a thread for No Man's Land challenges actually, I've got a vid of one I did that I've yet to upload. You have to buy Jugg FIRST, then PaP, then teleport in the quickest time possible.
  22. Yeah I made a little annotation in the vid to let people know I also dropped on 54, it's pretty important information really ;)
  23. Thanks way, I got one at 54 as well but I just somehow forgot to press record So yeah, no matter what, you're guaranteed every 5 rounds ;)
  24. Try refreshing the page mate might fix it, working fine here ;)
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