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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Yeah the astro + gersch glitch has been one that has infuriated players since the map's release. There was some rumour going around that this will only ever happen if you kill one of them and is replaced by another, but I've personally found this to be rubbish - in solo games I've never even shot a single bullet or knifed it, yet the glitch still happens, same in 2 player games with Tom. I've found a way to make him stand still, and this is to use one of the launch pads, launch around a bit and he'll get confused and do the other glitch in which he stands still and fist-pumps. He'll stay like this until you use the launchers, hit him or come into contact with him, then he'll go back into the other glitch. Now it's a little unsporting to keep him in the fist-pump glitch as he's effectively disabled, but maybe it's fair to get him into this glitch so he can stand still just while you kill him to counteract the other glitch. As for glitches being patched... the developers are well into the production of the next game now, so there will be no further Black Ops patches unfortunately.
  2. It's a nice idea, but the current gen consoles couldn't handle it. I mean look at the lag you sometimes get on the PS3 when you shoot into a horde of zombies with some sort of automatic - with more players in the game, this would only become worse.
  3. Hey guys, so a lot of people struggle to get through the first 10 rounds in solo play so I figured I'd create a little strategy guide to point-whore and get the Bowie on round 4 or 5, show you how to deal with the first couple of Pentagon Thief rounds and a general before-round-10 strategy. I'll then demonstrate the strategy I've been using for a while to run the laboratory/basement safely and effectively, a strategy which has multiple benefits and is a great alternative to running the War Room; unbeatable for staying out of the way if your teammates are running around like headless chickens in other areas We'll begin with the starting strategy, I've written a round-by-round explanation of what's going on in the video and the video will follow: Rounds 1-10 strategy Round 1 - Just knife Round 2 - Double knife the first 3 zombies, then 8 shots to the chest and a knife for the rest. This will ensure dropping a powerup at the end of the round that can be used in round 3. Make sure to let the last zombie in so he can drop something - you may choose to go for a headshot on this zombie to make sure you don't accidentally collect the drop. Ideally, this drop will be a Max Ammo or x2. A Carpenter or Nuke will also give a few extra points for doing nothing between rounds. Instakills also make things a little easier if you're out of ammo. Round 3 - If you have ammo, 8 shots to the chest and knife. If not, 3 knifes. They'll most likely start pouring in this round - use the whole area to keep on the move. Fix all windows at the end of the round. Round 4 - Same strategy as round 3 here. When the zombies start pouring in, open the door and elevator for an escape route. Use the area near the elevator to keep slashing the zombies, sticking to one side of the room like I am in the video so you can run round them for more space. Save 6750 points before leaving this area to make your way to the Bowie Knife. First Thief round - Let him take your gun, then chase him down and kill him with the Bowie Knife. Use the Firesale to try and get a nice gun, but KEEP YOUR PISTOL. Rounds before 10 - Use the Mule Kick area in the War Room to knife the zombies, also shooting your pistol ammo into groups before knifing them to gain huge points. Buy Juggernog when you can afford it. Upgrade your pistol when you can afford it in preparation of the next Pentagon Thief round. Open the 2 War Room barricades next, then start circling the whole area, knifing zombies as you pass by them. Second Thief round - Let the thief take your other gun i.e. NOT the Mustang & Sally. Then get a little distance between yourself and him and take him out with the M&S. Collect and use your Firesale We do not want to kill the thief before he takes our other gun here - doing this will drop a Bonfire Sale that decreases the price of a PaP to 1000 points; very useful for later, but until you have your ideal weapon set-up, a regular Firesale is much more valuable. dQftIBD1czE Laboratories/Basement running strategy This is a strategy I've been using for a while, works well in solo and very well in co-op. It's a nice easy strategy, you just need to practice the window jumping part a little to get used to it - you basically press jump and press crouch immediately afterwards just before you reach the window. Jumping through the windows using the route shown allows you to avoid all of the dangerous spots in the area, and you can also use the teleporters as a sub-route. I think the main selling point of this strategy is the freely-available AK74u ammo, which is en-route in this loop. In the video I also show safe shooting points in which you can turn and spray at your horde. I'd recommend not shooting as a full spawn is coming in, but if you use the correct shooting points a few zombies respawning shouldn't cause you any problems. So basically don't shoot at the start of a round or after a Nuke, any other time works fine. I'd recommend shooting the gas crawlers at the higher rounds - not only do they have lower health than the zombies, but the gas explosion also does a lot of damage to any nearby zombies too. There's also a little bonus of an alternate and extremely easy Pentagon Thief strategy at the start of the video, basically creating a Claymore stack out of the zombies' way just next to Juggernog. Since his health maxes out at about round 30, this will work at any round. gq_ZQK4L82s Be sure to check my full FIVE strategy guide HERE
  4. I had no idea about the health charts to be honest, in solo he just seemed to take the same amount of M&S shots at round 50 as he does round 30, and still dies from a stack of 8 Claymores at round 50 too.
  5. I still love FIVE, but can't disagree with these negatives. Apart from the thief though - his health peters out at about round 30, you can still kill him pretty easily even at round 40 or 50.
  6. That last nade that Tom threw yeah, it wasn't significant as we'd already gotten the points, so he just threw it randomly and it caught the back of the train Hope you enjoyed the vid Must say I'm surprised and a little disappointed in the lack of interest in this thread. Tom, maybe if you spruce up the title a little to something like No Man's Land 2 Player PaP World Record, people may have a look mate ;)
  7. Yeah I was pretty surprised to see it took them all out, the nade was way over in the corner :shock:
  8. Thanks mate, I look forward to seeing your attempt Looking at it, if we'd been left just a few more crawlers after Tom's nade at 2:22 we'd be looking at a time of about 160 seconds. Maybe next time ;)
  9. That counter is awesome This is definitely a 2 player PaP speed world record by the way As Tom mentioned, we'll also try getting a strategy guide out to you guys at some point. Hopefully we'll also get Juggs after the PaP - with this attempt we were pretty much solely concentrated on getting the PaP, went for Jugg afterwards on a whim, and got as close as it's possible to us both getting it but fell so slightly short with a bit of discussion on the strategy there we should be able to achieve 2 Juggs after the PaPs no problem. I think the reason we managed this so fast, is teamwork. You can have one player do a 90 second PaP and leave the other player to knife away at the higher-zombies, but this will take over 10 minutes in most cases. As you see in the video, we we're working together and got our 5k within 2 seconds of each other.
  10. I was actually thinking of doing a video showing how to run the labs, I sometimes run the pig room for fun but using the wole lab area is just awesome and is just as viable a strategy as the War Room in either solo or co-op. Having the AK on route is a beautiful touch too ;)
  11. Good stuff Chopper glad to hear I could be of help This is actually the old version, since it's been bought back up I think replace it with the new and improved version from my Complete Solo Zombies Guide.
  12. I'm not too fussed about the format, all I can say is, more zombies maps and less multiplayer. Zombies is becoming more and more popular and Treyarch would most likely sell more map packs by putting a little more in for the zombies fans, the multiplayer fans can't really complain about recieving 3 maps per DLC if only 2 zombie maps are included.
  13. The thing is, you'd normally hear it even if it spawned pretty far away, but I didn't even get that, just seems to have dropped nothing on all occasions.
  14. I prefer the feel of the Thompson and the sight, better ROF and a little more ammo, Thompson gets my vote.
  15. If it does happen then it almost definitely won't happen in the next game, since it's Black Ops 2 and the guns will be from the same era.
  16. I'm pretty sure the DG-3 only killed 20 per shot Sorry, it killed 24. Hmm, must just be the PC version then...
  17. So this is a glitch I've experienced about 5 times now. It's basically, the last of the monkeys are attacking a perk machine. You kill them, and they still take your perk as they die. But that's not the most annoying part. Whenever this has happend, I've also not recieved my Max Ammo, which can be a pain in the ass at the best of times. Has anyone else experienced this before?
  18. I see the 3rd hit mark hadn't completely disappeared before you recieved the 4th one, so it looks as though you'd been red-screened without the red-screen if that makes sense. I've experienced this a number of times actually, particularly when there are hellhounds around for some reason :?
  19. Yeah even when you've mastered NML, you'll still only get amzing games from time to time. Even if you've got the skills, you'll still rely on luck with the spawns and stuff for things to go right from start to finish. A lot of this luck has to be forced of course, there's no way an inexperienced player is getting a 300 kill game off of pure luck.
  20. You don't have to pay for the DLCs on the PC version of W@W, you just need to install patches v1.1-v1.7, link to download the patches here: http://www.customcod.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;cat=21 You basically just download them and instal them in order from 1-7, the DLC maps will be installed with the patches ;)
  21. Good stuff way I personally find that, as long as your nade goes off after that third siren and not before it, you'll always get a bunch of crawlers even if the nade is dead centre. Though just before the siren, you'll most likely kill them all.
  22. The pig room on FIVE isn't really a difficult area in my eyes, just a simple circle and you have the option of either an easy cutback or going between the tables. There are also windows to jump out of for an escape route. That said though, in co-op games on FIVE I usually just run the whole labs using the window-jumping strategy, you can always stick to a definite loop and the AK is en-route. Not to mention you can just keep shooting the nova 6 crawlers, takes less shots to kill them and their gas kills the zombies. You'll get less kills on the leaderboards by doing this of course, but I don't normally care about what's on the leaderboard unless I wanna look like a badass while playing with randoms. I personally love the Bowie Knife area on Der Riese, it's a really small train to run and they're coming from all directions, but with good technique it's not too hard and gets them into a nice tight group, very useful if you're using the Wunderwaffe and M&S to take out groups. Other than that, all my faves have already been mentioned.
  23. Great stuff mate. Overall very well played, I think the only thing that stopped you from getting over the 300 line here is the part between getting your PaP and going to the back pool - if you'd taken that group out instead of leading them to the back pool, you would have had respawners coming in as you made your way to the back. It's very important to take the groups out as quickly as you can in the early stages; they'll be weaker which means less ammo wasted, which will be saved for later and 2 shots can mean the difference between 290 and 300 kills.
  24. Pretty much the same as my Black Ops strategy, but obviously a different choices of weapons, Ray Gun and Flamethrower being the choice instead: viewtopic.php?f=86&t=18410 Obviously the W@W version is so much easier than the Black Ops version - only 24 zombs a round in solo play and the Nacht zombies don't swipe you as you run past them, so you'll only really die if you get stuck/stop moving.
  25. What strategy did you go with after the PaP, the side-drop, telepad or back-pool?
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