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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. If anyone is having a little trouble placing that second nade properly, check this out: viewtopic.php?f=85&t=19872
  2. Another take on my 90 second PaP strategy, some players struggle getting the second grenade on-point so I figured I'd show another way to make sure it hits all of the group with full force. To start with, you'll want to make at least 1670 points (9 kills or more) before the 1st siren. As soon as you hear the 1st siren, haul ass to the teleporter pad. You'll get a few loose zombies coming to the teleporter pad first - duse about 8 chest shots and a knife to kill them. No more than 10 seconds after the first siren, cook and throw a grenade on the telepad. Finish shoot-knifing until the 2nd siren. Let the 2nd siren pass you by as you carry on using all of your ammo. At the 3rd siren you'll want to start cooking your first grenade, method for good placement shown in the video. Knife any remaining walkers and crawlers. You might get the odd couple of 2-knife kills but they will mostly require a single knife. As you're on the teleporter pad, any new zombies spawning in will take some time getting to you, so you'll easily have time to knife all of the crawlers and make the money to PaP, most of the time with some to spare. If done right you'll have the points to PaP at around the 4th siren, which more or less marks 90 seconds. w8r8UJOMTQo
  3. Never heard of 'That's what she said?' That's generally used as a sexual innuendo, doesn't really work in this instance :lol:
  4. Can the questions be gameplay based as well as story based, is is this strictly a guide to the story?
  5. Well I guess the most suitable option would have been a 'yes or no' poll in that case. I'd still answer yes to that, 1-50 and 50-100 require a whole different mindset and lots of experience i.e. skill.
  6. EXACTLY, so while patience obviously plays a huge part, skills are needed! I think if there was a 'both' option in the poll it would get the most votes, or it should do at least. Saying it takes no skill at all is just ridiculous.
  7. From tests I've done (must make a video of this at some point), it's basically when you're due a powerup, a shocked zombie will give you a Max Ammo from a weapon that does not normally drop powerups. As I wrote in my Solo Zombies Survival guide, best way to do this is to gather a train, shoots George to get him mad and lead them from the AK area through Flopper, down the stairs and down the waterslide, then back to the AK area, gather them again and kill with Wunderwaffe or Scavenger.
  8. This all comes under skills, my friend Without this knowledge, you cannot go to round 100.
  9. I don't really care for the novelty aspect of a wonder weapon, I'm much more interested in it's practicality. I want a weapon that does infinite damage at any round and takes out a whole group of 24 instantly, as well as having a decent ammo count. The Thundergun and Wave Gun are perfect examples of this ;)
  10. I just fail to agree with this on any level, and I find it ironic that all of the people who completely disregard the skill required are those that haven't accomplished it themselves. If some people say 'you can go as long as you're patient enough to do so', then surely every single game would end by suiciding, right? This clearly isn't the case, for anyone. Most of the players on here will most likely tell you that their highest round ended because they generally died. As I seem to be repeating, if you haven't experienced a round 100 run you can't comment on how easy or not it is. Some people that I consider to be great players have recently gone for 100, some of them being members here, and they have said they were surprised at how difficult it was. They wouldn't have gotten all that far if it wasn't for their skills and tactical prowess. Of course, some players will tell you it's easy. That's because these guys know what they're doing. I too personally don't find it too difficult these days, but that's because I've played the game a lot and I've honed my skills. But the first time I made 100, I was a pretty average player, and it took me a good 5 attempts to get it right and I almost didn't make it that 5th time, in fact I'd still call it a lucky attempt.
  11. Edited my post again, TheZeratulDT is currently on 167 on Ascension and still going strong ;)
  12. Don't forget the conversations about the nice places and s***holes in different cities, or cats vs. dogs. Although I guess I'd remember those better as I was actually involved in them, I was chatting with my sis while Rob and yourself chatted about Sandra and driving in certain types of weather But back on topic... I'd definitely say for me personally it depends on the map and situation. I'm good at surviving without Juggs, but sometimes it's just impossible to avoid a double slap and I'd like to have it asap. Though, I have sometimes found it more beneficial to run around without Juggs for a little rather than rush for it when it's not really safe, leads to much less downs ;)
  13. This is an idea that has floated about the community a LOT. I'm personally completely against it, it'd take away a lot of strategising around budgetting your ammo. I think the best possible way to get Max Ammos when you need then has already been done by Treyarch - the hacking device on Moon. You can get Max Ammos almost on demand with it, but it takes a little care and strategy to do it without putting yourself in danger. Not to mention it costs 5000 points and you'd need to have "earned" a powerup to do it ("earned" being that powerups are based on points made).
  14. [brains] Well done mate I also like to stick to the spawn in Ascension, quick as hell and easy too, you can easily reach 50 in 2 hours.
  15. This coming from someone that I believe to be someone that knows a LOT about how to play this game. Although, I know full well that Chopper has the skills required to do it ;)
  16. I think what people ignore when they say 'going to 50 and 100 are basically the same, you just need patience' is this: Sure, while everything is going smoothly, the game is easy to a decent player. But what happens when things get dangerous or things go wrong? A decent player may or may not be able to take control of the situation. A highly skilled player will take control of the situation 90% of the time. In other words, it takes a highly skilled player to recover consistantly each time something goes wrong. I've said it before and I'll say it again - if you haven't been to round 100, you can't claim that you can do it. Due to the boredom factor that can creep in, mistakes will happen if you don't pay attention. As I just said, if you don't have the skills to recover when things do go wrong, you can't continue. Also, you don't run out of ammo at round 50. In the 70+ rounds, you have to recycle your wonderweapon pretty frequently. That alone takes good tactics and skill to do safely - I know from personal experience that if you half-ass it, you will pay dearly. So, as much as it's about patience, you can't do it without skill. Round 50 and round 100 aren't the same thing by any stretch. Also another thing to prove my point from a co-op perspective: Tom, you know that yourself and I could go to round 72 if we wanted, but as you said it's a bit tedious to do the whole thing in one go, as you'd know from when we went to 60 on Ascension together before giving up. The only reason we could do this is because we're both skilled players. If one goes down, we have the skills to revive that player every time and see to it that they recover. Without those skills, we wouldn't be able to do it.
  17. Yeah for the spawns if it works definitely stick with it, but I also meant as a general high kill strategy, if you just horde full groups before you shoot you'll get over 200 kills easily As for using that first nade later rather than earlier... I was messing about with this idea about a week ago, wasn't quite working at the time because of timings and stuff, but then this strategy had to be figured out before it worked too so I'm pretty sure I could do yet another alternative with different nade timings. I had to stop working on it because I've been ill this week, but I'll have another go this week. It's just good to get a few different takes on the same kinda strategy so people can use whatever little nuances work best for them ;)
  18. Na it's in the Gameplay & Strategies section so all is good But yeah, I think with COTD it depends where the other players are. In some situations it can be impossible to get to Juggs without running into some sort of trouble.
  19. Hi there, welcome to the forums That's an interesting point actually... I know there might be compatibility issues on consoles, but if you were to buy, say, a US version of the game for your PC you should be able to run that no problem. For example, a few years ago I bought Scarface for PC, the UK version had so many issues so I picked up the US version off of an eBay seller from the US who offered international shipping and it ran perfectly. Maybe a solution for guys in Germany that wanna play the game the way it's supposed to be played ;)
  20. I guess the only reason I'd choose is because it'd affect the choice of weapons in zombies. So in that sense I guess I'd rather there be a W@W 2... but BO 2 has already been confirmed anyways :P
  21. Tom and myself had a discussion about this on a game of COTD this week; it was actually Tom suggested it'd make a good discussion topic but I see it hasn't been created yet so I figured I'd make it to get some discussion going. When people get revived, often the first thing they do is rush for Juggernog. On the newer maps with PhD Flopper, on many occasions these people will have a Mustang & Sally in hand as a path clearer. But of course, if they've gone down they will no longer have PhD Flopper so they can't clear a path on the way to Juggs if need be. If they bought PhD first, it's not out of the question to run around without Juggernog until it's safe to go and get it, or they could make a rush for it safe in the knowledge that they could clear a path if needed. On the other hand, if you get a double slap you'll go down again and will just have wasted 2k points for nothing. We are of course here ignoring the fact that one perk may be in easier reach; let's just assume both perks are of equidistant reach What do you think is the wisest perk to rush for first? I personally think it depends on your ability to survive without Juggernog, so with that said it'll be interesting to see people's reasoning for their choice of perk to get back first.
  22. Same I've just never had luck with the side-drop but the back pool works nicely for me.
  23. I've neve really thought of doing this before, but I think I may start doing this. It's frustrating waiting for it to go off when you wanna do the EE, you get to 30 and it still hasn't gone off and I just wanna quit. If we got to do the EE early on though it'd give me the incentive to go for 50+, so any restarts would be worth it.
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