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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. If they keep the concept of Equipment in Zombies (Hacker, PES, etc.) I would like to see the Flamethrower (Considering it is like it is in WaW) as Equipment. Unlikely to happen. It would probobly be a weapon attatchment, or modified to not be an "unlimited Ammo" weapon, which was the biggest reason I liked it anyway. Yeah it's pretty annoying, not only do they take out the unlimited flamethrower but they also eventually do away with traps. At least there are means of getting regular Max Ammo's though so it's not so bad.
  2. I find myself repeating all of JFK's lines... For me it's less repeating them, more saying them as he's saying them :lol:
  3. Yeah Sithbas may not have absolute rock-solid proof, but watch some of his videos, see the way he plays and you'll know he's perfectly capable Well, I guess I'd say it's not exactly sorted out as I've been told he still bad-mouths me behind my back on people's live-streams and stuff... but I'm not fussed to be honest with you, can't be friends with everyone.
  4. I actually completely disagree with this, it's a really easy area to run. Nice and wide open and all of the zombs come from one direction. The rear pool area is a hell of a lot harder.
  5. Yeah even if you come out of the blue and post footage of a few rounds on your way to a WR, it could maybe still be questionable. Like I said, in my instance I was completely unknown. But nowadays I've proven myself to be a legit player, I've played with people and put out videos which prove my skills, as well as guides and topics that prove my vast knowledge of strategies and more. Even so, in any future record attempts I do I'll make sure I provide significant evidence so it cannot be questioned.
  6. We dunno where Shooter is, he's just vanished from the forums. I'm sure he's okay probably just a busy person nowadays.
  7. I dunno, I've tried this out and I'm still not a fan of it because of how easy it makes the game. Even in solo, if you know how to properly hold down a window then the zombies are never gonna get in; just keep repairing the boards, shooting a little and repeating, ridiculously easy. Even if they do somehow get in, all that's needed is a simple figure-of-8 loop to keep them under control which is also really easy.
  8. Obviously camping in the early rounds works best, then splitting up and taking your own different areas is the key to high rounds. Try not keep the areas pretty close together; if you're playing Moon, your team are in the dome and you're at the spawn and you go down, chances are you'll die out. I'd also recommend a small area loop over a wider map loop any day - not only does it make gathering and taking out zombies quicker so the rounds go quicker, but it allows your teammates to use a solid revive strategy if everyone is always in the same place when they go down.
  9. True say Tom. As I said, some footage every 10 rounds or so should suffice to show you're playing the game properly. I'd still make it a full round's worth though, I'm sure not many people would watch the whole length of every video but it's just more proof. Also make sure to show the current scoreboard each round to make sure there's no round-skipping hacks/glitches or anything like that involved. Showing just the last round isn't enough proof evidently, I didn't really think of it at the time I did it but someone pointed out that the last 160 rounds could have been glitched, I mean I don't see anyone having the patience to be in an invincibility glitch of some sort for 50+ hours but it's a valid point. I think I'll have to resort to posting clips of rounds for any record attempts, I've tested out some streaming and it's just not working for me, my game starts to lag and the framerate on the stream is unviewable probably because my upload speed sucks :lol:
  10. Yeah that's the thing mate, I'm speaking from other people's perspectives as well as my own. When I put out 5 minutes of footage from the end of my 161 run, which was the highest anyone had done at the time, nobody would count it as I'd just came out of nowhere, didn't have any other footage and didn't livestream it etc. Apparently for something to be considered valid it has to be round-by-round footage, not like every single round but maybe every 10 rounds or so once you get to a certain point in the game. So unfortunately, because a WR is a pretty big thing, people do have to nit-pick, I've learned that the hard way. But yeah, also as I said if it's anonymous then nobody's claiming a WR anyways :lol:
  11. As everyone has said, forget the past. You've came and apologised, as long as you follow the code of conduct all will be good Also we've personally been friendly with each other so yeah ;)
  12. I think the 'mechanics' of the game is what we're talking about here, the gameplay would include maps and weapons. But yeah, I voted Black Ops, the way you get stuck on zombies is really annoying and it makes knifing really dangerous. You can still kite though I dunno where people get the idea that you can't, you just have to be more cautious so that you don't brush too close. Sprint-jumping often helps you avoid getting stuck to the zombies.
  13. Blowing them up doesn'y amuse me, but watching them step on Claymores during high rounds is amusing... the way they stagger to their feet as if they've just woken up from a K.O. :lol:
  14. Good stuff As also mentioned in my guide, a good tip for 'getting back in the game' after a long break is to gather a train before you pause and leave it, then when you come back to it just run around with your train and practice cutbacks and stuff to get warmed up again.
  15. It'd be great for a player to see their statistics, but I don't think other players should be able to see them and I certainly don't think players should be ranked by them. I can just imagine it now... "OMG n00b I've got more headshots that you!" or "OMG you've been to round 50 and you only had 1 down HAXXX!"
  16. Yeah I agree with Chopper, running a train in a shoe box is pretty simple, but consistently gathering trains in such areas isn't really gonna work.
  17. Welcome to the site, there's many different sections for different things, seems like you'd be at home in the fairly new gameplay & strategies section amongst others Stay active and keep posting :D
  18. Well, Speed Cola costs 3000 points, and with less and less people using camping strategies it more and more becomes a perk that people overlook. Maybe if the perk was updated so you switched weapons faster and weapons were brought back up quicker after knifing or sprinting, then it'd be worth the price. I just don't see how this perk can cost more than Juggernog right now :lol:
  19. Yeah no more perks please, too many already :lol:
  20. Well, more like they run off leaving you in the teleporter so they die and you have to go and try to pick them back up :lol:
  21. Well, this game is all about progression, well done mate Make sure to check out my solo giode linked in my signature if you really wanna push that score up, you might find some tips that'll make things that little bit easier that can result in an extra 20+ rounds on your record ;)
  22. Not strictly true, the current Kino WR is 133 and there have been a few records held before it that were above 115 As for getting to 99 co-op... I've come to realise that with 2 great players in co-op with an efficient strategy, the round you can get to is more or less limitless. If you're both playing well but you happen to go down, your teammate will be there to pick you back up 99% of the time. It's all about whether you can be bothered to play for 20 hours straight to get to round 99.
  23. Aight well I've never seen higher than that so I'll add that in, if anyone else finds something higher and legitimate please add No worries mate, most of these people I either talk to or know people that talk to them so I'm always kept up to date on these things I know relaxing did that round on co-op, if anyone has a solo video of him doing it then please show, can't seem to find it myself.
  24. Yeah it's a very similar strategy to what I used to get to 68 about 9 months ago and what I wrote up in my FIVE strategy, pretty sure my writings inspired this strategy somewhat as I only really saw people going for really high rounds on FIVE after I put my strategy guide out ;)
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