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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. I'd love to see more maps based of locations from zombie movies. Mall from Dawn of the Dead or Theme Park from Zombieland, anyone?
  2. :lol: good post mate. Double hits are infuriating. Thundergun fails I've learned to deal with, shame if it fails on you when you're really relying on it to save you ass though. Though as a PC player, I can't help but think host migration would be a blessing in some cases since we don't get it. It's always the first player in the lobby who is the host, regardless of how piss-poor their connection is.
  3. Yeah I used to use a wired one, until my sis got me a wireless one for xmas but she didn't know I had to have an adapter so I had to get that seperately. I got the black adapter as well.
  4. Yeah for the controller I mean, the receiver is powered by USB as you said.
  5. Correct So it's basically a choice of either getting a charge cable for it to play it wired, or a wireless receiver to play it wirelessly, you only need one of the two. Charge cable is a little cheaper but wireless is more convenient, so long as you keep an eye on the battery level - during my game to 60 on Ascension with Tom, my battery died on me and I downed about 5 times while finding my spare battery :lol:
  6. Don't waste all of that money mate - you already have a wireless Xbox controller yeah? If you do have one, all you'll need to use it with any Windows OS is one of those wireless USB recievers I was telling you about, that's how I use my normal MW3 Xbox 360 controller with my PC http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-PC-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Microsoft-Xbox-360-/320731566787?pt=Video_Games_Accessories&hash=item4aad1752c3 All you do is whack it in a USB port and install the drivers with the disc that comes with it, then connect the controller like you'd connect it to your Xbox.
  7. This. I also don't think it'd be too difficult to implement. I'd like to see something similar to the create-a-skatepark feature seen in the Tony Hawk games, where you make your layout and place your spawn points etc.
  8. I think the highest I've seen is MatoMaster doing 45 on Nacht, obviously no perks involved by default. As for records... let's use the Guinness World Records as an example. Sure, there may be someone out there who can kick up a football more times than the current world record holder. But since it's not been recorded, it's not a record. I'm fully aware that if you claim a WR in zombies without solid proof, you'll get flamed for it - I know that first hand, claiming a WR on Ascension for round 161 with nothing but the last couple of minutes of the game in piss-poor quality before suiciding will not be counted, which is understandable. I will be making some future WR attempts, but I'll be live-streaming them this time and posting the link on these forums and letting people know when I'm playing via some sort of log; if I've had impartial observers watching the game live as it happens, the integrity of it cannot be questioned.
  9. I second all of this. I'd still say Chopper is as good or maybe a better NML player than myself despite the scoreline; a single shot being dead on or slightly off target can be the difference between getting those few extra kills. Eye really knows his stuff too when it comes to NML, only a matter of time until he blows our scores out of the water We're all doing this for personal gratification rather than to out-do others, I know when Chopper beat my 298 with a 306 I was genuinely pleased for him and it made me want to eventually have a go at it.
  10. Thanks guys, you're right I've done the first version of this strategy on my friend's PS3 on a few occasions and the lag can cause problems. I noticed though that it depends on the amount of fast-movers you get after the nade; you saw here that I got about 5-6 of them, you'll normally get about 2-3, which normally doesn't cause a problem even if the lag takes effect ;)
  11. Yeah as I said mate I'm trying, really wanna capture a full game so I can add my 300+ kill strategy to my Solo Zombies Guide.
  12. Hey guys Superhands here, this is basically a modified version of my 90 second PaP strategy that nets a few more kills and points, suited to high-kill games and I've used it in 3 300+ kill games so far. As you'll see here the spawn isn't amazing, but I still manage to get 5700 points in time for a 90-odd second PaP, and I also got 41 kills. 3Z99-bCj500 To start with, you'll want to make at least 1670 points (9 kills or more) before the 1st siren. As soon as you hear the 1st siren, haul ass to the teleporter pad. You'll get a few loose zombies coming to the teleporter pad first - duse about 8 chest shots and a knife to kill them. No more than 10 seconds after the first siren, cook and throw a grenade on the telepad. Finish shoot-knifing until the 2nd siren. Let the 2nd siren pass you by as you carry on using all of your ammo. At the 3rd siren you'll want to start cooking your first grenade. You'll need to aim the throw so that all crawlers from the grenade are positioned at the top of the stairs. Bouncing the grenade off of one of the front walls next to the stairs ('back-fragging') is a great way to do this. Knife any remaining walkers and crawlers. You might get the odd couple of 2-knife kills but they will mostly require a single knife. As you're on the teleporter pad, any new zombies spawning in will take some time getting to you, so you'll easily have time to knife all of the crawlers and make the money to PaP, most of the time with some to spare. If done right you'll have the points to PaP at around the 4th siren, which more or less marks 90 seconds :lol:
  13. I think I may have broken a record earlier - 21 straight Speed Colas :shock: :lol:
  14. Got a clip coming up soon BTW, a modified version of my 90 Second PaP strategy that will net you 40+ kills and more points much more regularly.
  15. Cheers Tom, you're right there the continuous restarting can be infuriating at times but I guess the reason so many like it is because it's a pure test of skill and it's really fast and exciting ;)
  16. So in other words, if they kept the formula simple you'd like to see zombies in the next game? That's sort of my thoughts, I hate them going OTT with things. I guess the game has reached it's happy-medium right now, any more features and stuff would be too much I think.
  17. I'd love it to happen, but considering the length of some zombies games it would cause to many problems so it's not possible.
  18. Managed to bump this up to 309, did some games today and made a couple of 300+ games, glad yesterday's one wasn't a fluke http://steamcommunity.com/id/Superhands ... tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/id/Superhands ... tab=public Been trying to video-cap some games but I guess I'm camera shy, keep getting nervous and screwing it up but I'll keep trying, really wanna get a full length vid of a 300+ game. Wishing I'd tried the back-pool beforehand now, would have made 300 ages ago :lol:
  19. Thanks mate Well I've been after 300 ever since it became the score to beat on NML but I've only been playing it occasionally.
  20. Thanks guys! I was getting a little bored of NML but breaking 300 has given me the itch to keep trying it so hopefully I can get a full 300+ game recorded soon.
  21. No problems bro, thinking of adding a full NML strategy to my solo zombies guide at some point.
  22. Sure thing man, just making the point clear to people that may doubt this ;)
  23. Yeah this is legit, just 24 zombies per round and they can only hit you if you stop moving. Very impressive still.
  24. Well, I mean't stumbling randomly, so that if you're going into a train the zombie might go the other direction if you're closer that way. It would mean people have to find better areas then say by the Flopper lunar lander. Doesn't really sound feasible to me, I mean if you're running a really small train you'll get zombies turning back round anyways, but you run past them and they rejoin the train. Also as far as finding a better area than the PhD lander... I don't think there is a better running area :lol:
  25. I felt the same before I tried it but it's actually easier than running the main area, the fast-running zombies won't be in yet and the spawning is pretty slow so things will be a lot calmer than the later rounds.
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