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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Changing the mechanics of the zombies would lose this game a lot of popularity It's not like he means changing the whole freakin game to do it. All treyarch needs to do it vary it up, sorta like ascension where the zombies stumbled. I guess, but the stumbling zombies in Ascension actually made things easier - if one blocked you off all you'd need to do is point your reticle at him and he'd move out of the way :lol:
  2. As soon as I got my M&S this time I made straight for the back pool and made my Jugg points there. You can make nice tight groups there and I saved a couple of shots by using less shots to take out the groups in the early stages. And it's those 2 shots that made the difference between 298 kills and 308 kills at the end of the game ;)
  3. 3 things I'd like to see, all realistic: 1) Solo leaderboards 2) A 'Time Played' segment on the leaderboards 3) Ability to pause in co-op. If one player hits the pause button it would just bring the menu up as normal. But, if ALL players hit the pause button, the game would pause until ALL players unpaused again. Changing the mechanics of the zombies would lose this game a lot of popularity. People love running zombie-trains, that's a fact. If people are forced to camp, they'll stop playing.
  4. Yeah, got 41 kills off it I think and PaP at about 92 seconds, so nothing spectacular. When I realised I was on for 300+ I got SO nervous then I had 298 kills, was hoping a couple of zombies died from my last 2 shots... I shot them and could barely look as I brought up the score. Then I was like '308 s*@#!!!' I think as long as it's before 100 seconds and you've got about 40 kills then you've gotten off to a pretty good start. Obviously you can get much better results than this and the better the start the more kills your likely to get.
  5. Thanks Afro I think the only secret, as I said on another thread, is to get 90 kills by the time you've got Jugg, and you'll need that to have happened before the 3:00 mark. Then just gatehr up full groups and kill them quickly ;)
  6. If you're going for high kills, definitely wanna get PaP first or you'll have to spend ages knifing for 5000 points after buying Jugg, won't get much more than 100 kills like that I think to have any chance of getting over 300 kills you need at least 90 kills by the time you get Jugg.
  7. Cheers mate I'm sure you will, if you're not getting results from the side-drop then stick with the back pool, works a lot better for me. Gonna try and get a full 300+ game recorded at some point soon now that I know I can pull it off, wasn't even that great of a start to be honest so I know this score can be improved.
  8. It's up: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=19195 So happy right now :D
  9. Hey guys, so was playing a little NML today, as usual the side-drop strategy wasn't quite getting the desired result, just doesn't seem to be for me... so I decided to have a little go at the back-pool strategy to see if it would work any better for me. Little did I know what was to come! Wish I'd recorded the full game but I was only just properly trying the back pool area for the first time in months. After I had 280+ kills and a full clip I realised I should have a chance at 300+ so I started recording. This is the last minute and a half of the game: Nt08VcUV1Og EDIT: Managed to bump this up to 309, did some games today and made a couple of 300+ games, glad yesterday's one wasn't a fluke http://steamcommunity.com/id/Superhands ... tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/id/Superhands ... tab=public Been trying to video-cap some full games but I guess I'm camera shy, keep getting nervous and screwing it up but I'll keep trying, really wanna get a full length vid of a 300+ game. Wishing I'd tried the back-pool beforehand now, would have made 300 ages ago :lol:
  10. After this topic I felt like playing a little NML again, as usual I was getting no luck from the side-drop strategy that I normally use. Attempted the back pool strategy for the first time in ages - 308 kills!!! I managed to video-cap the last minute and a half which I'll upload to YT very shortly; had no idea what was to come when I started the game, sorta realised after 280 kills with a full clip left that I may possibly break 300 kills, and I ended up doing so :D
  11. I still hate them it's ok during round cuz you'll be in the dome, but when it comes to hacking the Excavators you have to pass through the labs on your way back and you get a bunch of the little shytes on your tail. I mean, they're easily manageable, just annoying.
  12. The current highest kill count is 351 but MatoMaster21. Chopper as he said has done 306. I'll be going for 300 again at some point but I've gotten bored of NML atm so I'm gonna take a bit of a break from it.
  13. Some of these are great ideas, others I disagree with. A map creator would be good, I guess something like the create-a-park from Tony Hawk games where you place everything from scratch, including spawn points. I don't like the idea of the leaderboards showing how many times you were the last surviving player, I think leaving people to die all the time is not something that should be credited. Also, I don't think the graphics could be realistically improved - there are issues with framerate lag on the consoles at times as it is, any graphical improvements would most likely cause problems. Overall though good ideas :)
  14. Sure it's not the most interesting map, but if you're looking for a nice easy map then go with Ascension, everything is just so simple. Stick with my Ascension guide from my Solo Zombies Survival Guide and you'll reach 50+ no problem ;)
  15. I dunno, if used to want a zombies game but logically it wouldn't be such a good idea. I do however think they should be putting more emphasis on zombies due to it's popularity; mainly by doing less multiplayer maps and more zombie maps in the map packs, and doing cutscenes and stuff at the beginning of each map to help the story side of things.
  16. Very good points there Tom, would give some [brains] but it appears I've given you too many I think it's simple to tell what was meant to be and what's a genuine glitch in programming. For example, 2 Rays; the developers are smart, they would know full well that being able to hack box weapons to become available for your friends would enable them to have 2 Ray Guns, one of course upgraded. But if they wanted you to be able to take 2 hackers or whatever, they would have let you do it. If you're playing split-screen with a friend where no leaderboards are involved and you're not planning on making a claim of a legitimate high round, then by all means use glitches if you must, no harm done. But if you're getting it on the leaderboards or claiming a round record then avoid the glitches, or it doesn't count. Also personally, if I'd used a glitch or anything during a high round run, it'd be diminished and I wouldn't be satisfied so I wouldn't count it anyways, no matter how small the glitch is or even if it was somehow accidental.
  17. All of this is true, but I think that's what makes this game so playable, none of us are playing for realism. I mean, if there were zombies in real life you're not gonna be able to take 24 of them into a 20ft x 20ft room and run around in a figure of 8 without expecting to die :lol:
  18. This^. I'm not sure how possible this is, but I would really like to see support for glitches post round 100. Having my game video go black on round 130 on Ascension put me off zombies for quite a while, and if you want to keep your audience retention up across all ends of the spectrum, whether people be "vets" or "noobs", I think this would be a great way of doing it. A few other things I'd like to point out that I think are important: - Never, ever give zombies access to ranged attacks e.g. guns. Survival mode is god-awful. - The original formula is the winning formula - QR, Sleight, D. Tap + Jugg should take precedence over any other map additions. - LEADERBOARD SUPPORT FOR HIGHER ROUNDS. Up to 200 is all we need. 99 isn't enough! - Separate solo leaderboards would be amazing. Pretty much all of this except for the perks, I see no harm in being able to pick and choose between perks, can also make for interesting challenges or just generally mixing things up. As long as they don't go OTT with the game in general then I'll be happy with the game, I think the game has reached it's happy medium in regards to terms of complexity. I'm sure Treyarch will make some easy maps as well as some hard maps to appeal to all kinds of players, as they've done with the last 2 games.
  19. Definitely gonna use these stats for my current project. Props for pointing it out to us and of course DuckCall pulling through with stats again, I'll be sure to credit him.
  20. Umm... this I also think they need to bring traps back. Just nice to have a little variety in your strategy, didn't really like the fact that there will most likely never be a 100+ round run done on COTD because you just can't realistically kill zombies at round 80 or whatever due to there being no trap or no wonder weapon with infinite damage. I mean you could do it, but I don't think anyone has the desire to do so because of how long it would take.
  21. Funny we were talking about Moon being glitchy, had a game with a couple of randoms yesterday. We went down to NML, somehow they both went down on the telepad while I was PaPing. I took the horde and ran up onto the telepad without being hit, they were both on the teleporter so I jumped on and we started teleporting. Then one hellhound comes and hits me once, and I go down even though I had Juggernog :?
  22. Yeah I've only done it a few times with my friend on PS3 split-screen, we basically just counted down from 3 and pressed. There's a slight delay in microphones I believe so it'd be pretty difficult to pull off playing online.
  23. If I owned a Turtlebeach and mine got chewed up by a dog, I'd sell the dog to buy a new one Just kidding, welcome to the forum man and get posting ;)
  24. I knew about the double hacker thing, this is definitely the first I've heard of duping a weapon though. Will be pretty amazing if you can get some proof of it working, a Wave Gun for each player would be pretty amazing.
  25. I've had that one, we just did the EE, got all the weapons we wanted and went down to PaP them with the intentions of never returning. Then we get back and the round didn't restart. It was the first time I'd had it but one of my team mates, which just happened to be fellow CoDz'er Tom, said it'd happened to him before and we'd just have to end the game as there was no way of getting the round back. Although the 54 lag-out was a server problem rather than map-specific.
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