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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Pretty much what you said sums it up, except for this: A good tactical player should be able to revive a downed teammate in over 90% of situations, the only situation where they wouldn't be able to being if the downed player is in a place where you can't get to safely. In most cases however, it's just a case of waiting for the teammate's zombies to join your train so you the way is clear for you to reach and revive your teammate. I'd never call a player a truely good player if they consistantly fail to revive other players, no matter how good their round-clutching abilities are.
  2. ...unless you use a good strategy. Also written in my 3-4 player co-op guide for FIVE, the best strategy is to have one person running out in the War Room and the rest camping in the PaP room, of course the War Room runner easing a lot of pressure off of the guys camping. If you have one person watching the doors, this person can use some M&S ammo to help take out the waves in the War Room to help speed the rounds along. The players can then swap window or door watching duties so everyone has their turn at it. Not to mention the Mustang & Sally will make light work of taking out a group coming through the windows if a player gets overrun as their window. If the zombies start coming in, just run over to the other side of the room and blast. Also, if you're the type of players that like to camp in elevators, you can have a 'sacraficial lamb' player who holds on to the M&S. If you get overrun in the elevators this player can blast away with the M&S - sure, he'll go down, but even after going down he'll still be able to shoot it and will have essentially just taken a down to save the rest of his team's lives. So yeah, as I said, well worth having.
  3. Ehjookayted demonstrated what I was talking about - you can still jump for the Bowie Knife with normal gravity. It's a little trickier, but not too much.
  4. Well I also tend to use a few clips of M&S ammo taking out waves of zombies to speed up the rounds. In fact, I tend to go through round 10-20 just gathering up hordes and taking them out with the M&S, of course saving a couple of clips for the thief and using my third gun (wall gun or MG, Ray Gun at later stages) to take out the rest. If you have Mule Kick then it's definately worth having, in fact I'd take the M&S over most of the guns in the box on FIVE because of their sheer wave-clearing ability. Sure, they won't path-clear, but that's why you have an Awful Lawton or Winter's in your second slot. Third slot is always reserved for a general killing/point-building weapon. Similar reasons to why I also use the M&S in solo Der Riese gameplay, great for taking out those annoying clumps of Hellhounds.
  5. I would writ my strategy here but I've already written an in-depth 50+ guide which could get you to 100 if you had the skill and patience. The skill I do have, the patience I don't viewtopic.php?f=62&t=17993
  6. So wait... you're suggesting that buying the Bowie Knife after the power has been turned on decompresses the labs? And the Thundergun stops being a 1-hit kill after a while? Sorry to say this man and no offense meant whatsoever, but either your game is screwed or the person that tells you these things is having a laugh at your expense :lol:
  7. Yeah there's no denying Dead Ops is hard and fun, but it's a completely different game with completely different tactics so I wouldn't count it as a zombies map personally. If there were traps and perks on Nacht that'd make it a lot easier, there's actually enough pretty effective kiting areas for 4 players, but since they're so small it's really though to do with no Jugg.
  8. There you go, progression; that's what it's all about ;)
  9. Or do what I do - have 2 or 3 players with M&S in their arsenal and use it to take out the thief each time. If done properly you can drop Bonfire Sales pretty consistently. These rounds are actually a joke in solo if you have the M&S, as long as you save ammo for it there's no reason why he should ever take your gun. Unless, like me, in the early stages of the game you purposely let him take a gun before you kill him to get a Firesale rather than a Bonfire Sale.
  10. It's possible and can be sped up by getting the Wunderwaffe from George whenever possible... but it'd take way too long and I don't think there's many, if any, people who have the desire to attempt it.
  11. I personally find using anything other than the Zap Guns/Wave Gun a disadvantage in solo play on Moon. If you buy the Bowie Knife ASAP, which I normally do on round 1 after making about 15k points in NML, you can use that to make a ton of points up to the end of round 9. You can then leave a crawler and chase the box around until you get the Wave Gun and Gersch Devices. You then use the Wave Gun to do all of your killing, throw out a Gersch to drop a powerup when you're out of ammo and hack the drop to a Max Ammo. ALWAYS works, even in the 50+ rounds at least one of your Devices will drop a powerup if you've used all of your Wave Gun and Zap Gun ammo. Rinse and repeat The only weapon you need if you get into trouble with the Astronaut is the Mustang & Sally. But wouldn't getting the Bowie knife suck the air out of the.... Oh wait you can just go into the labs before you turn on the power! then you get the bowie knife AND the hacker! Duh me! It's also possible to get it with normal gravity, a little harder but nothing dramatic ;)
  12. Well, no way we were getting to round 60 without such good teamwork on both our parts Most likely could have broken a record if we could have been bothered :lol:
  13. Yeah we were doing the old 'train and merge' trick. My 11 downs were completely unnecessary - 4 downs from controller fail, 1 from typing at the wrong time, 3 messing about once we reached round 60 and one suicide. All in all, only 2 genuine downs from getting stuck/screwing up.
  14. I voted for 'depends'. Although pretty much all of my highest rounds come from solo play, I'd generally say co-op is easier. With 2 great players in co-op, there's not much limit to how far they can go, because 2 good players with a good strategy can work together to revive eac other each time one goes down. Also, looking at it from an inexperienced player's perspective, or rather my own perspective when I first got into playing this game; my friend and I could regularly get into the 25+ rounds on any map, both of an equal skill-level. But when we played solo, neither of us could get past round 10. Regardless of what people say, reaching high rounds on solo takes an incredible amount of skill, more so than co-op in many cases.
  15. Hey guys, so what with Treyarch now producing the next game and the zombies team openly admitting that they look at these forums for ideas and inspiration, I thought I'd try and get some opinions that could possibly do a little shaping on the maps that will come with the game. So the question: Do you prefer the bosses that come every 4-5 rounds (Hellhounds, Space Monkeys, Pentagon Thief), or mid-round bosses (George, Napalm zombie, Cosmonaut)? I personally prefer the boss rounds - to me, the mid-round bosses added nothing positive apart from being able to get stuff from George. With boss rounds, I felt that it broke up the gameplay a little so every round wasn't the same therefore high-round runs being less tedious. Not to mention I liked the sense of strategising my ammo around boss rounds rather than just trusting to luck on Max Ammos etc. (with the exception of Moon of course).
  16. Hey guys, so what with Treyarch now producing the next game and the zombies team openly admitting that they look at these forums for ideas and inspiration, I thought I'd try and get some opinions that could possibly do a little shaping on the maps that will come with the game. So the question: Do you prefer the bosses that come every 4-5 rounds (Hellhounds, Space Monkeys, Pentagon Thief), or mid-round bosses (George, Napalm zombie, Cosmonaut)? I personally prefer the boss rounds - to me, the mid-round bosses added nothing positive apart from being able to get stuff from George. With boss rounds, I felt that it broke up the gameplay a little so every round wasn't the same therefore high-round runs being less tedious. Not to mention I liked the sense of strategising my ammo around boss rounds rather than just trusting to luck on Max Ammos etc. (with the exception of Moon of course).
  17. The recharge time varies from map to map, but for each individual trap the recharge time is exactly the same each time. With Ascension in particular, it depends on whether you get a quick or slow spawn i.e. you may get quite a few zombies spawning at the furthest away spawn points from your location so it'll take more time to gather them, therefore it'll seem like the trap recharged sooner than last time.
  18. As Chopper basically said, practice makes perfect. Even the best players in the world stuggle with NML off the bat, I sure as hell know I did. I'd recommend just picking up tactics by watching the NML videos here on the forums and from other Youtubers, then putting it into practice. You'll find yourself getting better and better at it and as a result a lot better at zombies in general ;)
  19. Ah well unlucky man, always the cause of my downs is getting hit a ton of times unexpectadly and sitting there thinking WTF?!
  20. I just never saw the benefit in point-building up to round 30 or whatever. I normally just point-build up to about round 20, then start rounding them up and blasting them with the Thundergun. At that stage you'll never run out of ammo for it because of the dog rounds. You'll still have a lot of points by the 40+ rounds, and you can point-build with an SMG before using the traps anyways. Going for such hugh rounds takes a hell of a long time anyways, I wouldn't want to drag it out for any longer than necessary :lol:
  21. The Flinger doesn't kill zombies, just makes them respawn, so you wouldn't get anywhere Challenge I find fun: Name: When life gives you lemons... Challange: Not allowed to buy any weapons off the wall or from the box, or get them from QEDs. This includes Bowie Knife/Sickle. Can PaP the M1911. Map: Any (one without Flopper for more of a challenge).
  22. Thanks mate To be fair though I've done a LOT of long, high-round runs in the past year and I've only ever had a DirectX error twice. As far as the machine over-heating and turning off, that will never happen with a PC so I'd still rather stick with it as opposed to a console. Of course all consoles including the PC get that annoying G_Spawn error, which I though was linked with Claymores/Betties but I've had it a few times on games where I didn't even buy any :lol:
  23. Me and Eye discussed working on SNN and Shangri La earlier in the thread ;)
  24. Absolute beast of a weapon, but not relevant in this topic :lol:
  25. My thoughts exactly, same thing happened to me on Der Riese at round 92. G_Spawn error...
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