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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Just done some more testing - I think the key is to have 2500 points racked up by the time the 2nd siren sounds, which is easily done if you get a decent spawn, can normally be done with 3 shoot-knife kills after the 1st siren if the spawn is good. If you make that happen then you're halfway home, just make sure all the rest of your pistol shots make contact and that you get the zombies in blast radius of the grenade, then just clear up any survivors to get the points. Also important to get that grenade out as quickly as possible after the 3rd siren, so you have time to knife all of your crawlers to make up the PaP points before more zombies start reaching you. Of course, 2500 is just a recomended amount, you can still get the PaP points from making a little less than the 2500. But if you can get that amount then you're pretty much guaranteed so long as you don't go down and get everything on target.
  2. C'mon guys, what happened to respecting other members? As Turkey said, just be respectful and if he is a troll then he won't come back. I think the title is what did it for most people, mind. But yeah, remeber the Code of Conduct here.
  3. Moon with randoms in general is terrible, but the teleporting thing always gets me pissed. I can handle them blowing out the oxygen in places and going down in the first rounds because they don't know how to use the launchers in the dome. But teleporting to and from is often a pain. Kinda funny sometimes though: xxxxxxxx5exyM4rk69xxxxxxxx needs to be revived IAmTheOneAndOnlyTyrannasaur needs to be revived Plob [RUS] needs to be revived xxxxxxxx5exyM4rk69xxxxxxxx left the game IAmTheOneAndOnlyTyrannasaur left the game There are not enough players to continue :facepalm:
  4. You're right - it's never George that is the problem. If there are problems, that's because the players are causing them e.g. they won't leave him alone, everyone keeps getting stunned cuz he's mad and this of course is dangerous if you've got zombies around you.
  5. Seems some people are struggling with this, I'll try and give some extra tips. It does take a little practice as with any strategy, but once you get used to it you'll get really consistant with it. I got used to it after a couple of hours, and a fair bit of that time was spent devising the strategy in the first place with a bit of trial-and-error . I think it's only really important to get 3 shoot-and-knife kills after the 1st siren, which is easily done in most cases cuz you'll always get a few loose zombies coming up first - if you throw the first grenade out at the beginning this will really help. As for getting all of the zombies within blast radius.. just study what I do pretty closely. Once I've gathered my group I start circling counter-clockwise and shooting. I'm normally out of ammo a few seconds before the 3rd siren goes off. I just carry on circling. When the 3rd siren sounds, I start to cook the grenade just as I walk over the teleporter, cooking it for a couple of seconds and slowly walking towards Juggernog. It's the cooking of the grenade that's the important part, and walking slowly to keep the group close behind. Then I bounce the nade off the wall about a second before it blows up and run over to the other side to avoid the explosion. If done like this then the group will be nice and tight and will run directly over the grenade when it blows up. I'd say that's the only part of timing things right. As long as you do things according to the sirens then a 90 second PaP is almost automatic. I've also done this on my friend's PS3 a few times, wasn't necessarily any harder. In general I've never really noticed more hits on the PS3 than I have on the Xbox or PC. As for spawning, you can make do with 1670 points so you don't need an amazing spawn. As you see at the end I had about 7-8 zombies left which would have made me an extra 1000 points if I'd bothered to knife them all. So really I could have made 5000 points by getting just 5 kills at the start rather than the 13 kills I got at the start here. Not to mention that if it was a bad spawn then I would have had big groups of them dropping off the sides, so could have gotten 5+ kills when throwing out the first grenade which would have gotten me an extra few hundred. If you're getting dogs spawning in then you're not getting to the telepad quick enough. I'd say after the buzzer sounds to signify the teleporter being open, you've got about 8 seconds to finish killing and get to the telepad to stop any dogs coming in. If you don't struggle with the rest of it then you've basically got it nailed, just gotta work on the nade timing.
  6. this is what i consider pro. someone who can survive regardless of the circumstances. The first real run I did on call of the dead, I went down at an inopportune time and teammates couldnt revive me. so i had just enough to purchase the mp40. well even though i was basically ineffective against the zombies at those higher rounds, i was able to run a big full map loop to stay alive even w/o jugg while teammates looped the lighthouse and took out most of the zombies. its about being able to adapt, and be able to say " you guys keep doing what you're doing, dont worry about me ill just survive until we have a time where i can go get loaded up again" thats about it. anyone can survive in perfect cirbumstances, but only pros can survive when the cards are stacked against them Very good point. Another thing that I've learned from playing No Man's Land a lot, I'm comfortable running around without Jugg at whatever round. In fact I sometimes play better without Jugg cuz I'm a lot more careful. Though of course a double-hit is sometimes unavoidable so the odd down is inevitable.
  7. True but then it's a guide for getting to high rounds, so it's best to keep things easy Good guide man [brains]
  8. I can honestly say that I've never downed myself with the Mustang & Sally since I've started using them in non-Flopper maps. You only switch to them to take out your train, you have another weapon in hand like a wonder-weapon or Lawton to save yourself with if you get stuck. If you know how to use them properly then, as Chopper said, it's instinctively impossible to down yourself with them. People only down themselves when they use them at the wrong time, which is something that players like Chopper and myself don't ever do.
  9. I'm guessing that was because of Hellhounds? A lot of people tend to panic once they get Hellhounds joining their trains. This is yet another thing that's become easy to me by playing No Man's Land, you learn to handle Hellhounds spawning with zombies. The ones on Der Riese also have a much lower AI than the NML ones too. Not saying they don't cause problems though, Der Riese would be 10x easier if Hellhounds were kept to their own rounds.
  10. That made me laugh quite a bit doggy. Once you have used M&S a lot, especially in NML it becomes almost instinctively impossible to down yourself with them. Completely agree with that. I've managed to sneak the M&S into my regular arsenal on any map that has a PaP. Never used to do so until NML came out, but when you practice NML you get to know how to properly use them without Flopper without causing yourself any danger, and they become no more dangerous than a Ray Gun. As for my votes for best players on here, think I'm gonna quote Chopper as it seems he shares my opinion. Although, I wouldn't class kiting and NML as 2 different skills as they're both basically synonymous with each other ;)
  11. This is a main reason why I prefer the teleporter pad strategy that I've come up with here - dogs won't spawn while you're up there and it's just a lot easier to keep everything under control. I also love the reliability of it, everything you do will be on the mark of a siren - the first siren you should be up on the telepad and have a grenade at the ready to throw out and make an important extra few points. Second siren, stop knifing and start emptying all of your pistol ammo. Third siren, throw your last grenade and knife any survivors. Fourth siren, 90 seconds in and all grenade survivors should have been killed and given you 5000+ points... time to PaP As it's basically the same thing each time it's something you can practice and perfect, as you know exactly what to expect after a while. I've also found it beneficial if you get a really nice spawn of 2k points or more, to not throw out that first grenade and save it for AFTER you've PaP'd. Once you've gathered your horde, use the grenade to make extra points and save yourself a shot or two of M&S ammo, which could make all the difference later on ;)
  12. Terrible habit that will cause you to be hated by many people you play with, knock it on the head ASAP :lol:
  13. I'm not a fan of messing with the format of this game much, I think it's found it's happy medium and any more wold be OTT. Some great ideas here though, I'd like to see an attachment machine so I could use the basically-unlimited Flamethrower again like back in the W@W days ;)
  14. True, most half-decent players can kite. But advanced kiting i.e. running trains in really small areas, escaping dangerous situations by using cutback and drag-outs etc., can only be done by someone that has practiced and practiced and it's this type of person that I'd refer to as a 'pro'. And other things of course like low amounts of downs and high amounts of revives. I believe that high amounts of kills are irrelevant depending on the map. Someone might claim an area that gets a lot of zombies so you might be forced to go somewhere in which you'll get a smaller amount of zombies. A 'pro' is considerate to other players and doesn't go kill-stealing from people, so there's no reason why a huge amount of kills should reflect your level of skill. In fact having a high amount of kills all the time suggests that their teammates went down and the player wasn't skilled enough to go and revive any of them or couldn't be bothered on multiple occasions, so he ended up clutching several rounds on his own hence the high amount of kills. Although sometimes it's not possible to reveive people, especially the case in a 2 player game sometimes.
  15. Ah well, good run mate! I actually never get Speed Cola on this map when playing solo, I always go with Jugg, QR, PhD and Staminup. Even when I defend the machiens against the monkeys and I get a free perk, I don't take it - just creates problems later on and getting the extra perk can do more harm than good.
  16. Wow, TMI bro. :'| Anyone that can masterbate and play zombies at the same time is incredibly talented. Though to do both at the same time would be pretty warped...
  17. I for one think it's a bad idea to start messing with the format. People love zombies mode because of the way it is, if Treyarch starting screwing about with everything it would, quite rightly, piss people off. A lot of the fun of playing co-op zombies is getting together with friends and having a laugh for hours on end, a nice relaxing game. The whole point of playing a normal game on solo is to do things in your own time and get to a ridiculously high round. If you want more of a challenge and want the games to go quicker, you can do so by doing a speed-run. Camp or run trains in an area where the zombies come in super fast, this will make things harder and more exciting and the rounds will go by quicker.
  18. Thanks Tom I think this whole strategy stemmed from the fact that most players find it easier to run the teleporter area than the main area, myself included mainly due to there being no pain-in-the-ass dogs. I tried the usual 'horde, grenade, horde, grenade strategy there but of course that was too slow. After experimenting with the timing of the grenades and the amount of shots before each one, I realised that I was making a lot more points quicker by shooting more shots before the first grenade. This would of course apply to the main area, the problem being that you'll get a lot of crawlers and it's vital to knife a lot of them to make up the points, which wouldn't be possible in the main area as you'd have dogs spawning on you as soon as the grenade went off. So I then started using the first grenade to get a few extra kills before the hording on the telepad started and I found myself getting a 90 scond PaP about 8 times out of 10 if I got a good spawn and 9 or more kills before the 1st siren.
  19. Woud definately make a nice early xmas present I'll definately look forward to it, everyone make sure you get your BBCodes and stuff in ;)
  20. I can see it working, but camping on the catwalk in the STG room works a lot better than camping in the Trench Gun room - not only do you only have to watch the front of you, there's also a drop-off on either side of you in case you need to bail out when overrun. I also wouldn't rely on the same strategy for playing both solo and co-op on this map, on Black Ops zombies in general you don't wanna be camping on solo when you don't need to be, running a loop of some sort is the key to high rounds in solo. Same for co-op really, but unlike solo, camping is still a viable option in a co-op game. I also see no benefit in staying in the first room past round 3 in solo play, much better off getting out of the first room when overrun on round 3 and clearing up with the Thompson before moving down to the power-switch area. This will pretty much guarantee you getting Jugg by the end of round 4. Only other suggestion is that it'd probably be easier to understand if the steps were round-based, moving on at a certain round/when you have a certain amount of points is always a good thing to include in your strategy to make it more reliable. Hope I could be of help, not trying to knock your effort in any way, just some friendly advice from my personal experiences from a map that I know like the back of my own hand a pretty well written guide overall, nice work [brains]
  21. I hope you realize that the Hardest Zombies Map was purely subjective and therefore isn't going to make everyone satisfied. However, I did try to weigh in every possible option. Basically, Verruckt has no wonder weapon to save you. Thank you for your opinion, however; it's interesting to see how other people play. All the zombie maps can be made easy if you know what you're doing. I write these guides thinking about every type of player not just the ones who can figure out strategies like yourself. Thanks though. Well this of course was a list of the Black Ops maps, camping in solo on the Black Ops won't work for long, definately not up to round 30. Must say IMO though Verruckt is one of the easier maps, you just need a good strategy and Verruckt is made easy.... but then, like FIVE, most people find it hard and it always will be rightly considered as one of the hardest maps because of the map's tough layout. Very good thread man some of the best guides out there all in one thread, [brains] I've also put up a very reliable, quick and pretty starting strategy for No Man's Land which guarantees a 90 second PaP on most attempts, with video and written instructions. Would make a nice accompaniment to Eye's awesome NML guide viewtopic.php?f=72&t=18642
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