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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Hey guys, been playing a bit of No Man's Land lately, not to go for a higher kill record but rather to perfect my starting strategy. Not sure if I'm the first person to use this strategy, but I've come up with something which gives pretty consistent chances of PaPing the M1911 in about 90 seconds, and will take the need for good luck out of everything that happens after the first siren. I've also included a video to demonstrate the strategy. So to start with, you'll want to make at least 1670 points (9 kills or more) before the 1st siren. As soon as you hear the 1st siren, haul ass to the teleporter pad. Turn and throw a grenade out where the zombies are spawning to get a few extra kills, as you won't need this grenade later. You'll get a few loose zombies coming to the teleporter pad first - double knife them all or shoot them with 5-6 pistol shots before knifing, making sure to have a few zombies lined up for collateral damage and more points. Keep double knifing where safe until a nice group is coming up the stairs. You may possibly get a dog to knife, but most of the time you won't. You'll now want to start emptying all of your pistol ammo into the group, staying on the teleporter pad and gathering them as they come up the stairs, then shooting at safe points. Let the 2nd siren pass you by as you carry on using all of your ammo. At the 3rd siren you'll want to start cooking your first grenade. You'll need to aim the throw so that all crawlers from the grenade are positioned at the top of the stairs. Bouncing the grenade off of one of the front walls next to the stairs ('back-fragging') is a great way to do this. Knife any remaining walkers and crawlers. You might get the odd couple of 2-knife kills but they will mostly require a single knife. As you're on the teleporter pad, any new zombies spawning in will take some time getting to you, so you'll easily have time to knife all of the crawlers and make the money to PaP, most of the time with some to spare. If done right you'll have the points to PaP at around the 4th siren, which more or less marks 90 seconds Here's a video demonstrating the strategy. As you'll see at the end, I still had some crawlers left over which I could have knifed to make about an extra 1000 points, and I still had plenty of time to do so, so you can easily make extra points on top of the PaP points to help towards getting Juggernog quicker if you get a good spawn at the start. XPdgURzcDIM Once you get the Mustang & Sally back out of the PaP, I'd recommend getting back to the telepad again. Saving ammo for later if you're going for a high kill record is vital, and this strategy will see you using just about 4 shots to get you Jugg points. Gather a full group at the pad, fire 1 shot into them, run around them and fire another shot when your health recovers. This should take out the whole group. May leave a crawler or 2, which can almost always be single-knifed for a kill. Gather another group and do the same thing. And that's about it. As I said, takes away the normal need for good luck out of making points for the essentials without sacrificing precious time and ammo. Also a lot easier than using the whole NML area, due to the fact that all of the zombies come from one direction, and those pesky dogs that always screw you over when trying to equip yourself will more or less be taken out of the equation.
  2. With most SMGs and the ballistic knife you get 110 movement speed, as you'll see by Duckcall's charts.
  3. I don't play Zombies for realism. Again, if I wanted a 'realistic' zombie game, I would play Left4Dead or Deadrising. But Zombie trains, having to dodge a zombie blocking your path and then spraying into a big wad, praying for a max ammo or 2x, that is what separates Zombies from the other games. Not the endless rounds. 100% agree. If I was forced to play in a certain way, this game wouldn't appeal to me. I know for a fact there's a lot of people that think this too. Exactly, surviving in multiple ways i.e. having the option of running a small circle, large circle, running-and-gunning or camping. So while it's not ALL about running trains, this game would lose a LOT of popularity if the mechanics were changed. FACT.
  4. Haha, I find that sooo many French people play Five on the PS3. Not knocking it, there usually pretty good. Yeah some of the players who can't or won't communicate/co-operate with you are pretty good players, just the lack of communication can make things go wrong in so many ways.
  5. I see FIVE and Shangri-La are also popular choices. I've never had too many problems with randoms on Shangri, but on FIVE just getting the game going can be such a pain in the ass if people don't co-operate. If we make it that far I get Jugg right away, then try and get either a Winter's Howl or a Crossbow so I can save my own ass if I get in a sticky situation because of someone else. But overall, co-operation is key in games on FIVE, and a lot of randomers simply refuse to co-operate or just don't speak English.
  6. Ascension. As much as I love a good challenge and spend hours upon hours learning everything about how to play the hard maps, there's nothing better than a fun, chill game and Ascension is perfect for that. Also there's very little dependancy on random players to keep yourself alive and get the weapons you want to get from the PaP. There are a lot of doors of course, but you'll soon find box spammers wanting to open these doors when the box moves So yeah, overall a fun and just awesome map, Ascension is my recommendation.
  7. Some really good points here about other maps too. Kino and FIVE, people just have no clue how to play and they just run around the map like headless chickens, running into big groups of zombies (my train for example) going down over and over again. The thing with FIVE is though that you can get the PaP room open and get the team to camp in there, they just might be co-operative enough to do that, especially if they generally don't know what they're doing and you tell them it's a safe strategy. I just leave them in there while I run a train outside. You might get the guy that wants to come out of the room... run your train into him to down him and let him know it was a bad move But with Kino, you can't tell them to go and run in a certain place because they don't know how, and you can't get them to camp anywhere since they insist on opening every single damn door so they can go the quick way to the box. I've always been quite lucky with Shangri-La when it comes to getting people to PaP. Maybe have something to do with me saying 'think I might leave the game then...' when people refuse to do it :lol:
  8. COTD and Moon are easily the worst maps for playing with randoms in my opinion, their lack of knowledge or simple ignorance constantly putting you in danger. On Call of the Dead, you have the guys that constantly attack George mid-round with inadequate weapons, i.e. they're wasting their time and ammo and, because George's yelling stuns you, they put other players, especially those running running small-area trains, in danger. On Moon, you have the guys that blow out the windows in the Receiving Bay and the Labs even after you tell them not to throw grenades before the round even starts and tell them why. You also have the guys that wanna play Rambo and try and point-whore on NML, which never seems to work for them and they go down, which potentially ruins the game before it's even started. And of course with both maps you face the same old problems that these people cause on every map you play. What do you think is worse to play on with randoms, COTD or Moon? I'll also add other maps to the poll in case your opinion differs. I personally think Moon; you can't really stop them from screwing things up on Moon, but at least on COTD you can grab the VR-11 as a Mule Kick, PaP it and just make George go away whenever he reappears... still a pain in the ass though as you seem to have to do it every time you play the map. Not to mentioned I've been raged at several times for doing it I'm a fan of getting free perks off of Romero, but at the end of a round with a crawler lurking around, not right in the middle of a round. If they ain't gonna do it properly then I'll put a stop to it ;)
  9. COTD and Moon are easily the worst maps for playing with randoms in my opinion, their lack of knowledge or simple ignorance constantly putting you in danger. On Call of the Dead, you have the guys that constantly attack George mid-round with inadequate weapons, i.e. they're wasting their time and ammo and, because George's yelling stuns you, they put other players, especially those running running small-area trains, in danger. On Moon, you have the guys that blow out the windows in the Receiving Bay and the Labs even after you tell them not to throw grenades before the round even starts and tell them why. You also have the guys that wanna play Rambo and try and point-whore on NML, which never seems to work for them and they go down, which potentially ruins the game before it's even started. And of course with both maps you face the same old problems that these people cause on every map you play. What do you think is worse to play on with randoms, COTD or Moon? I'll also add other maps to the poll in case your opinion differs. I personally think Moon; you can't really stop them from screwing things up on Moon, but at least on COTD you can grab the VR-11 as a Mule Kick, PaP it and just make George go away whenever he reappears... still a pain in the ass though as you seem to have to do it every time you play the map. Not to mentioned I've been raged at several times for doing it I'm a fan of getting free perks off of Romero, but at the end of a round with a crawler lurking around, not right in the middle of a round. If they ain't gonna do it properly then I'll put a stop to it ;)
  10. Attemp1 was to count the number of zombies. Yet to publish my findings. First Revive was stolen by monkey on round 20+ Second one immediately disappeared by monkey back to back after it stole stamin up(Bug) Third was was used, I went down at 91 (got stuck by lander) I died shooting/spraying a fast runner with rpk while trying to hit the box at the end of round 94. Attemp2 was to do a time Attack to round 100 was abruptly ended due to several distractions. My ISP cut down my upload speed and I was not able to stream properly. But due to some viewer request I started streaming and died because of lack of focus on game. Was out of t-gun ammo and died trying to hit the box (Power room) in the mid game. Third attempt.. First revive was used when I went down at 30+ ...Day 1 to 57 in 5-6 hours. ...Day 2 to 84 in 6-7 hours. (was busy setting up dual stream and chatting with friends on skype so took my time with breaks but no downs and some good luck with t-gun until rd 84 took about an hour to get back) Tom, I wasn't sure if any one was reading this. Here is the report I admire your determination mate Had 2 failed run to 100 in the past, one on Shangri La, losing my first QR at round 34 just by getting hit too many times too quickly, then lost the second one at 89 for the same reason, got back up and got knocked straight back down again. Went for it on Der Riese in September, lost a QR on 80 something I think cuz of dogs, got back up and recovered easily. Then at round 92 I got a G-Spawn error, man that hurt... Been meaning to retry both runs at some point but haven't got round to it. Still planning a round 100 run on Verruckt and Moon at some point.
  11. His first 2 attempts didn't quite go right I'm guessing, he's on 80 something now I think.
  12. I respect you as a player but not this opinion mate. It's not at all necessary but can help in a few ways - Kiting an area without a easy wall gun - Mule Kick allows 2 guns on top of your wonder/M&S/Ray. Having an RPK and HK means even round 35 or so can be completed with just the ammo from those guns. My new tactic, always is to have M&S in any map I can. If I then get a wonder weapon I will get Mule Kick to give me a point scoring wall gun. I won't trade the M&S as it's too useful in later rounds when trying to make crawlers or get ammo after mass spam of wonder weapon. My thoughts exactly. Having Muley on some maps means you can keep a weapon especially for dealing with certain types of zombies/bosses. I always keep an M&S anyways, but on certain maps all I'll need is an M&S and a wall gun, so Mule Kick won't be necessary, but on maps like COTD and FIVE Mule Kick helps tremendously. On COTD I like to have a VR-11 for getting rid of George each round after I have all the perks, and Muley allows me to also have my M&S and Scavenger or AK. On FIVE, I keep an M&S for the thief and for taking out full waves to speed up the game, as well as a save-ass weapon and a main killing weapon (MG, Stakeout or Ray Gun). Anyways, back on topic... it's always the 3rd weapon you buy that you'll lose if you lose Mule Kick. If you have 2 weapons, buy Mule Kick then pick up a wall gun and never let it go. That'll ensure that you don't lose your other 2 weapons. You could of course replace the wall gun with another gun, but I'd recommend getting a wall gun first just so you know which is your 3rd slot and don't replace the wall gun until you get the gun that you wanna replace it with.
  13. Sounds good, only problem is you'd get people rage quitting because they've gone down, not got revived and lost their super-powerful weapon. Dunno if anyone disagrees with me, but I think a teammate dying out should just mean a loss of points for the whole team rather than the person dying losing their weapons, would stop a lot of rage-quits when playing with randoms.
  14. Think I would too if I was actally playing with some really good players, just seems like it's okay for me to have gone down once since everyone else has gone down over 5 times :lol:
  15. Some people say solo is ridiculously easy and you should try that in co-op. Others say the opposite. Just depends on opinion I guess. I guess 1 good solo player vs 2 good players in co-op is about the same.
  16. My list from hard to easy, I've colour coded them, red being tough, yellow being moderate and green being easy. The yellow ones aren't particularly in order, couldn't really decide on a definate order to put them in: Nacht - Only hard because of the lack of perks, some pretty nice kiting areas all over the map and this would be in the middle somewhere if it had perks. Shangri-La - Despite reaching some high rounds on this map, just hate the fact that all of the areas are so tight. Shi No Numa - Pretty easy, nicely placed traps and some nice kiting spots. COTD - Still pretty easy IMO, having George around and the lack of traps is why I put it here. Verruckt - A tight map but once you get to know the map and have a good strategy down it becomes a lot easier, particularly in solo. FIVE - One of the easier maps IMO, probably because I know it so well. Similar to Verruckt, hard at first but becomes easy with practice. Der Riese - The only thing that stops Der Riese from being within the 3 easiest is mid-round dogs, they're a real pain in the ass and pretty much the only cause of my downs. Traps and wall weapons are so well positioned. Kino - Plenty of loops to pick from varying in difficulty and speed, having the Thundergun in hand makes things extra safe. Traps also nicely positioned. Moon - Slightly trickier than Ascension because of the extra challenges thrown in, but overall very easy and being able to get a Max Ammo basically on demand makes solo play even easier. Ascension - Very rarely go down on this map, always disappointed with myself if I go down more than once in a 30+ co-op game .
  17. Thundergun is capped at 300 points max per shot, I remember doing my first 100+ run on Ascension thinking 'why the hell are my points going up so slowly?', so I checked the amount of points I was getting per wave and it was only 300.
  18. Of course, it would have been more beneficial to save the shot for a full group. But having a dog on your ass makes things difficult. Depends on preference I guess. If you're going for a high kill record though then best save the shot.
  19. Speed runs are becoming increasingly opular at the moment - all of the maps have been out for a while, people still want to reach the high rounds but they don't wanna do it doing the same old easy-but-slow strategy, they want the game to be fast and furious for added entertainment and quick results. Very well thought out guide here, potential speed-run areas should definately be studied to see what spawn point is the furthest away from the player to ensure the zombies will always reach you very quickly. Keeping certain doors closed in certain areas can eliminate comparitively far-away spawn points, as illustrated in the second diagram.
  20. But don't the zombies spawn in quicker if you are in the bigger area? As in, you'll group the zombies up quicker if you are circling around the side drop area? I think my strategy for what I do inbetween PAP to getting Jugg needs fine tuning so I appreciate any wisdom you guys have to offer. I've experimented with both ways, they do spawn a little quicker in the main area but I always find that I use less shots at the teleporter area to get the 2500 points, probably because of the lessened amount of dogs so you can make a really tight group. Saving ammo for later of course is vital and this makes up for the little bit of time lost.
  21. It in general sounds awesome, bringing a much-needed horror element to zombies. It will never be done and shouldn't be done however because of the sensitive nature of the whole thing, could potentially offend a LOT of people.
  22. No matter how good you are, it's always good to have a save-ass weapon that can get you out of a certain-death situation. A wonder-weapon is the first choice in most cases, but if you're playing with greedy box spenders then chances are someone else will get it (and probably still keep going down because they don't know how to use it properly, such a waste...). But of course, there are alternatives on most maps. If the map has a PaP and PhD Flopper, I'll always go for the Mustang and Sally. If it has a PaP but no Flopper, I'll go for a Crossbow and upgrade it ASAP. There are quite a lot of players, normally mid-level in terms of skill, who are always like 'I don't need any sort of save-ass weapon, I'm good.' I guess it's a macho thing... but then I could also do the macho thing and gloat at round 30 when I have between 0-2 downs and they have over 10 :lol:
  23. Depends if you want to mate, I personally don't see it necessary as we all know it's gonna be great and are eagerly awaiting it already ;)
  24. Nice man great video. If you're going for a high kill record getting Jugg quickly after the PaP without using any more than 5 M&S shots is also essential. A lot of people tend to run around the whole area when making their Jugg points but, like you showed here, I always prefer to haul ass to the telepad ASAP, makes things so much easier and quicker.
  25. It takes a little less than 1 minute from the time the next horde start spawning in to the time that you've looped the map and ran them through the trap. Which is a bit longer than hording and traping but you save time by never having to spin the wonder weapon on the box. My highest so far is 62 which took around 3 1/2 - 4 hours, which isn't too long really.
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