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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. The current proven WR is 115 by Draculantern. I'm somewhat of a Verruckt expert so I'm gonna go for a WR attempt on the same map when it's a good time to do so.
  2. Well, if it was an underwater map a PES wouldn't be any good either Plus I'm certain that there won't be an underwater map. Why have a QED on the off chance that it will turn into a Gersch Device when I can just have a Gersch Device anyways :lol:
  3. This is true... but the amount of problems that CoD games and their map packs have upon release is ridiculous; these things should be tested more thoroughly before release, it shouldn't be us that are the BETA testers.
  4. Bah, missed it... ah well hopefully I catch you hitting 100 ;)
  5. Well, you'd think so, but everyone said the same thing when Black Ops was in the making, turned out to be just as glitchy as W@W :lol:
  6. I'm a big kiter, but in co-op games it's inevitable that there will be a constant flow in zombies spawning so there's no point in waiting for them all to come in - in fact, you're spiting yourself because you won't be prepared for that one straggling zombie that comes up behind you and traps you while you back up and shoot. By all means run a loop, easily the best way to do well in this game - but have a shooting point in your loop, i.e. a safe point where you always turn back and shoot on each lap. Not only will it keep your train smaller and make things easier for you, but it'll keep the spawns a bit more equal over the map. If the particular loop you're running doesn't have a fairly good safe point, then you should probably find another loop to run.
  7. Yep. Sure a QED can do good things for you., but it can also do bad things. With a Gersch Device, you know what you're getting, and what you're getting is a good thing - a whole wave of zombies taken out, points to go with it and, if you've been using the Wave Gun to do all of your killing, a power-up.
  8. .... You put Mustang and Sally 3 times. In what world would you even be going for a Box in that situation? (Oh and on Moon, the Box is still easy to hack when its in space.) good spot [brains]
  9. Mine I can basically get by playing on Moon anyways. Perk1: JuggerNog Perk2: PhD Flopper Perk3: Staminup/Speed cola for quicker hacking if I have it Perk4: Mule Kick for co-op/Quick Revive for solo Weapon1: Wave Gun Weapon2: Mustang & Sally or Thundergun Weapon3: RPK/HK Knife: Bowie Knife Lethal Grenade: Tomahawk would be nice, standard grenade otherwise Tactical Grenade: Gersch Device LethalEquipment: Claymore TacticalEquipment: Hacker That's why you don't let the Excavators breach or keep spamming the box for weapons you don't really need ;)
  10. Make a quick post on here when you're streaming next mate and I'll pop in if I'm online ;)
  11. This happens to those like me that do take long runs seriously I think the worst thing is round 90-100. I all of a sudden realised how close I was getting which made me pretty nervous. On my first round 100 run I made a mistake on round 92 because I panicked and thought the game was over - I was running my train on the roof where the box starts on Ascension, messed up and got stuck, went to turn around, jerking my stick quick furiously and ended up accidentally clicking it at the same time. So I knifed, and by the time the knife was finished and the Awful Lawton was ready to use again it was too late and I got downed. The zombies were all around me so I got up and shot a bolt just in time and managed to get back to Juggs safely. Don't think I've ever been on the edge of my seat like I was when this was happening. Also my biggest disappointment was on my way to 100 on Der Riese, but 92 was again a cursed round. Was goig really well, only downed once at round 34 cuz of the mid-round dogs screwing me over. Got back up and recovered easily. Then BAM! G_Spawn error as I ran the group through a trap. Gonna go for it again some day but that really hurt :lol:
  12. As someone that's been to round 100, I disagree. I used to have the same opinion before I went for it, trust me round 1-50 and 50-100 are completely different. As I said, constant ammo shortages force you to hit the box mid-round to get the wonder-weapon again, which can always be very dangerous if it's in a bad area. And you do HAVE to have the wonder-weapon at round 60+ as not even the Ray Gun will do a damn thing. Of course you can use the traps too if the map has them, like Verruckt and Der Riese where you basically depend solely on the traps to get through the higher rounds. Either way though, the rounds become painstakingly long, you lose concentration and silly mistakes happen. People that haven't been to round 100 really can't comment on how easy or hard it is, from personal experience it's really not as easy as it seems. On people not going for 100+ because they're on a console... stop making excuses the majority of world records in this game have been done on both PS3 and Xbox, a lot of them being 100+ rounds.
  13. I disagree with this. People hitting the box mid-round at the start of a game is always a game-ender. In later rounds if the box is in a good place then hit it mid-round, but in some situations you'd be a fool to do so, which of course is the right time to leave a crawler. Patience is definately a virtue in this game... though of course there are limits as I've said I used to wait for people to hit the box. Then I played this game where this guy really wanted a ray gun on like round 40 of ascension. I was in a good mood, so I waited, and waited, and then waited some more. By the time he was finished he had spent over 100,000 and still hadn't gotten a ray gun. It took at least half an hour to an hour for him to use all that money. After that game I can't stand crawlers anymore. I've had pretty much the same thing on the same map, I didn't wait that long though I normally give it 5 minutes before I kill it, and I definately won't stand for people leaving crawlers every single round. I find it's best to have a little patience while they get what they want cuz then they won't wanna use the box anymore, so they won't bother leaving crawlers.
  14. Not trying to be an asshole in any way, but I don't understand when people say this. You can pause the game and come back to it when you have the time; any round 100+ games I've done have been dragged out over about a week, playing for a few hours a day. It's more than that as you well know Super. To get to 100 is an incredible acheivement on any map, and truly not many could do it. Many however think they can. Let's take the easiest map, Ascension. Yes the flopper is an easy place to run but everyone who has ever played has gone down there at some point. To play in one place, for 20+ hours limited to 4 mistakes is no cakewalk. I think people do not give enough credit for how hard this is. In theory it would be easy, in practise only a select few have the ability to get that high. Concentration is an issue, being on your game all the time is an issue, thundergun fails.... I don't mean to have a go at anyone but the flippancy I see towards this truly does irritate me. Absolutely right, a lot of people say they could easily do 100+ if they had the time but there's pause so that's no excuse. So they should try it, then they'd realise how hard it is. The constant ammo shortage at the 50+ rounds is a pain in the ass, you either have to hit the box mid-round which is probably the only cause of my downs in long games on Ascension... or you could choose to use the traps, which is so long and tedious that mistakes tend to creep in.
  15. Not trying to be an asshole in any way, but I don't understand when people say this. You can pause the game and come back to it when you have the time; any round 100+ games I've done have been dragged out over about a week, playing for a few hours a day.
  16. As you said, keeping crawlers is wise but any more than a few minutes and I kill it. I disagree with this. People hitting the box mid-round at the start of a game is always a game-ender. In later rounds if the box is in a good place then hit it mid-round, but in some situations you'd be a fool to do so, which of course is the right time to leave a crawler. Patience is definately a virtue in this game... though of course there are limits as I've said The amount of time it takes though is phenomenal. I remember being on COTD level 49 and my partner had died. I had PAP AK and M&S. I played for 40 minutes and killed around 160 zombies in that time before quitting. It was 8:30am and I was completely beat! . I agree. A 'newb' always goes for the wonderweapon as they sort of depend on it. A mid-level player often shuns a wonderweapon because 'they don't need it'. I high-level player doesn't depend on a wonderweapon by any means, but realises that, in most cases, it's a powerful tool and will always take it whenever given it.
  17. Another one I've done - there was a guy in the game that was hurling verbal at everyone for no reason, childish stuff. So I waited until he was up close to a window, then ran up behind him and blocked him in so he got downed Of course he started name-calling, I told him things like this would keep happening to him if he continued mouthing off. This solved the problem too. Shame it takes drastic measures to get people to stop their annoying behaviour :roll:
  18. We all get into games with randoms that do things that put you and other players at risk, be it making crawlers in your trains or running through them and confusing them, opening doors too early on or breaking the windows in the recieving bay or labs on Moon. You politely ask them to stop doing what they're doing... but of course the advice is ignored and they do the same things over and over and give you a tough time. As humans, being ignored naturally makes us angry and sometimes you just wanna teach these people a mean-spirited lesson. So, what stroke of evil genius have you carried out upon an ignorant player? Mine was actually to 2 players on FIVE. They were camping in the lower elevator while I was running a train in the War Room. They kept throwing Monkey Bombs and grenades at my train, making crawlers and confusing them. I kindly asked them to stop - they didn't listen. I asked them again slightly more aggressively - again, I was ignored. So with that, I gathered a sizeable train, shot an Awful Lawton bolt into the elevator where the 2 players were as I passed, then watched as the whole hoarde trapped them in the elevator and downed them both as soon as they bolt blew up. I revived them both, and they seemed to have gotten my point as they no longer threw anything. :D
  19. Sounds fun man but I'm on call at work all this week so there's no telling how many or little hours I'll get to be doing any long runs this week. Don't think I could take another 166 rounds on Ascension anyways I've completely rinsed that map. Yeah fair enough that people ask for proof, just some of them call me a liar when I can't provide it and can be very harsh. The last 5 mins of the 161 video got labelled as fake by Yote and his army of subscribers without good reason too :lol:
  20. Must say too, very glad someone reached 166. As I said, I did 161, which was higher than anyone else had done but at the time that I did it I had a budget gaming PC and I couldn't record, because recording while gaming would make the game lag to the point that it was unplayable. I recorded the last 5 minutes of the game before commiting suicide and uploaded it to YT. But because I had no viable proof, I've been called a liar (or things along those lines) by several big-name zombies youtubers and their subscribers. But yeah, now that somebody's beaten it perhaps I won't asked to prove it over and over and be called a liar over and over because I have no footage. Now that I have a real decent Pc I guess any future WR attempts will have to be livestreamed so people can vouch for me ;)
  21. I'd say go for it but maybe in a smaller time-frame. I've done 2 100+ games on Ascension using the normal PhD lander strategy, which is pretty slow compared to other areas but I still hit 100 in a little less than 20 hours on both games. The MPL strategy by MatoMaster and the PaP strategy shown here by Slayermanee look like ways to speed up the game and I think you could go for a 15 hour challenge As for getting to 166... 161 took me a little less than 70 hours using the PhD area. So a little more than 70 hours for 166 if you're using the same area.
  22. For the more experienced zombie players, yes, the difficulty does tend to peter-out at about round 35. But there's been so many occasions where I've dragged a random past round 30 and they can't handle the heat because the zombies don't die so quick. So really it's not much easier than Survival, the really good players can reach 50+ in both rounds but those that are still learning will have a tough time reaching those stages. The thing about Survival mode though, if we're talking about variety, is you're forced to camp to get to the higher rounds. In zombies you have the option to camp, run a full map loop, run a small area train or run and gun. Plus, if you're running, you have a variety of weapons to choose from that you can still get the job done with. In Survival you don't really get that choice, you have to pick somethng powerful if you wanna get far. So really zombies offers a lot more variety IMO.
  23. Don't own the game myself and only played with my friend on his PS3, made it to 34 on Seatown.
  24. Very interesting guide mate, lobby is definately the way to go for speed runs. [brains] I prefer speed runs on Moon for the same reason, obviously though you can always make it a Max Ammo. Staminup room in Tunnel 11 is great for doing this, you can normally reach 50 in about 3 hours.
  25. I prefer rusty kettles... Survival mode is fun at first but quickly gets repetitive and boring, zombies doesn't.
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