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FIVE: Super's Trap Strategy v2 - Faster and more fun!
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Five
Haha thanks dude, yeah could can group-kill with the M&S during the earlier stages of course but you're gonna wanna start using traps at some point past round 30 due to ammo constraints. For the rounds up to 30 I'd recommend this strategy if you never saw it, a trained monkey could get to 30+ on this map if it followed the guide :lol: -
Hey guys, so this is a different take on my trap strategy here, combining elements from my strategy and the other strategy. This is suited to players who like to keep things mixed up rather than using the same rinse-and-repeat over and over. Keeps you on your toes as well as being pretty safe. It's a rough average of a minute per spawn, can be up to 90 seconds or can be as quick as 30 seconds. So from the War Room you hop into the teleporter to the Labs once the zombies start spawning in. Make a dash for the teleporter next to the Power Switch, or if you came through that teleporter and need to wait for the 15-20 second cooldown then wait in the Pig Room and exit the room by jumping out of a window where safe. If you get taken to the top floor, dash for the elevator to call it, hang a left and run off to the right to avoid the zombies. Run them through whatever trap is available and sprint for the elevator. If you end up in the War Room, gather a hoard (they'll all come from the teleporter so this will be easy). Then hit them with 1 shot from the Winter's to trigger the spawn-control trick (a group of damaged zombies will mostly come from the teleporter when you use the elevator to go up). Then run to the top elevator, and hang a left as you come out of the elevator to lure zombies before veering off to the right to dodge them. The rest will come from the teleporter. Lead them to an available trap and sprint back to the elevator. Once back in the War Room, hop in the teleporter and repeat! I'd advise you to have the MP5k as your other weapon rather than the M&S at this stage, and let the Thief take it, waiting by the Power Switch to collect your Max Ammo. When the round starts, use that teleporter and see where it takes you to continue the strategy.
I Am Leaving (But Only For A Little While!)
Superhands replied to perfectlemonade's topic in Introductions
We'll see you in about a month then mate, have fun :D -
Definitely something that should be implemented into private games, it'd have no place in random lobbies. There shouldn't be a time limit though, maybe have it so that the action doesn't freeze until all players are at the pause menu, and doesn't unfreeze until everyone exits the pause menu.
Great thread idea [brains] Nacht Der Untoten - Basics Verruckt - Tight Shi No Numa - Slow Der Reise - Definitive Kino Der Toten - Boring "Five" - Unique Ascension - Eeeeeasyyyyy Call of the Dead - Lacking Shangri-La - Unsightly Moon - Awesome
FIVE: The EASY way to get to round 30+ solo (Video Guide)
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Five
Haha nice man just looked that up... so when are you gonna start working on some strategy guides But yeah, this is basically the same strategy I used to get my first ever 50+ game with a round 68 back in April last year, I can't find the video I watched but I saw some guy doing the Mustang & Sally thing at the beginning of every round and I thought, 'Surely you can do that for every group to keep it safe like that?' so I tried it out and it worked very nicely, even for a newbie like me at that point In following games I just just to run the War Room, get a group and shoot and shoot and shoot, people may think that it would be quicker to do that but it's gonna take you 2-3 hours that way, not to mention walking back and shooting when respawners are coming in is one of the biggest killers in this game. The way I normally play it these days is just to gather them in the War Room and group kill them like this, which is much quicker but also riskier... unless, like me, you've played this map so many times you know it like the back of your own hand :lol: -
"So easy, even the drunk could do it!" A 1-30+ strategy guide for beginner-intermediate players, showing you how to get set up easily and making the following rounds a simple task, reaching 30 in 1-2 hours depending on how long you have to spend hitting the box. I spent lots of points on the box in this run here, hitting the box every other round until round 19. And I still reached 30 in about an hour and a half. So probably just over an hour with good luck on the box, which surpised me as the strategy seems slow. We're implementing a tactic called 'auto-train' here, taking advantage of the mechanics of the PaP room to make gathering trains extremely easy. This is not a new tactic and has been used for several purposes since the map was pretty new, but this is the first time I've seen it abused to make it borderline impossible to go down during the earlier rounds. As you see, I had plenty of points for the trap by the time it was time to use them, so there's no need at all to keep wasting time farming points in the early rounds as I've pointed out several times. Enjoy!
HELL. YES. Proud of you dude COngrats to Eye and J for their new scores too, glad you reached your goal J ;)
Nice idea, but I don't think it's worth implementing. These sorts of situations can be avoided by using a bit of sense i.e. don't revive when there are zombies everywhere ;)
[REDEFINED] World's Best Zombie Slayer?
Superhands replied to Ehjookayted's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I love this thread and I'm disappointed that it hasn't gotten much of a response... but I think there are more categories that make up the world's greatest. Here are some what I'd consider: Kiting skills Someone who never ceases to wow us with their crazy screen-shaking and sporadic yet effective running patterns. Results A player has achieved a lot in the game, world records, high round scores in solo and co-op, No Man's Land etc. Versatility I guess this may come under results, maybe not though. I think our Triple Crown members are a good example of this, someone that excels in all fields (Solo, Co-op & No Man's Land). Of course as was being discussed in regards to what should quantify entry into the club, a co-op specialist could say, "Anything below 70 is not enough", but that's kinda like me saying, "I can pull of a 330+ kill game on No Man's Land any day of the week, so the minimal requirement should be 330 kills" which would be ridiculous. Although obviously, someone that scores ridiculously high scores in all categories would be considered as the best in this field. Knowledge Someone who has studied spawns and zone mechanics in order to come up with new and innovative strategies, as well as knowing how zombies work and being able to read them like a children's book. Influence Someone who masses of players look up to learn from and generally gain a love of the game from being inspired by this player. -
All Current World Records For Black Ops & W@W Nazi Zombies
Superhands replied to Shooter's topic in Black Ops
Thanks shooter, you're doing an awesome job with this thread :D -
[REDEFINED] World's Best Zombie Slayer?
Superhands replied to Ehjookayted's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Eye talking sense as usual [brains] Of course Yeti, of it was just a 100 with 0 downs then I'd get what you're saying. But my achievements go far beyond that dude, you know that full well... Anyways, apologies to everyone involved, if I've come across as a prick I didn't mean to, anyone who knows me knows that I hate to brag - I only ever bring up my accomplishments when I feel like I'm being cut short for all of my effort. Let's get this thread back on topic, get your lists in guys ;) -
Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record*
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
Haha no worries dude I knew what you meant Yeah Der Riese is closest to Black ops, but you can still kill the zombies with an MG at round 60 without using all of your ammo, that aint happening on Black Ops ;) -
All Current World Records For Black Ops & W@W Nazi Zombies
Superhands replied to Shooter's topic in Black Ops
Sure everyone knows about this one by now, but I'll post it anyways: Still planning on turning this into a 100 at some point, though the way this game was going it'd taken me 15+ hours to get to 80 thanks to terrible luck on the box for most of the game. If I'd got to 90 in that time, I'd have been fired up to go to 100, but taking that long to get to 80 and having spend over 1/3 of my time hitting the box, I really didn't wanna play the map anymore so I suicided and swore I'd never play the map again :lol: -
Just added my Nacht round 80, it's not a 100 but it's a lot more prestigious than my other runs!
I take a lot of unnecessary risks in co-op games. But not the kind of co-p games where we're trying to break a record, just the fun games. I always have this attitude, "Running in safe areas is no fun, let's run this little shoe-box train instead to keep things exciting" :lol:
Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record*
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
That's funny, everyone else says I made it look easy This tactic wouldn't work on W@W due to zone-machanics being non-existant unlike Black Ops. Though there are different tactics to use for the W@W version, and as long as you don't stop moving you won't get hit, it was the first map so the zombies are dumb as shit. Also there are only 24 zombies per round, and any weapon will kill them at whatever round. Honestly, even if I did round 2000 on the W@W version, I couldn't compare it to the Black Ops version, there's so much difference in difficulty. -
Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record*
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
Thanks mate I've been pondering about this map actually, the reason it was so tedious was because of the bad luck I was getting with the box the whole game. If I was to keep getting lucky with the box I could beat this in a day, then bite the bullet for the next day like I did with this run and maybe get a 90 or 100. I'm not gonna rush into it though, just one day soon I'll feel like playing it again, I'll see if I can keep the run going for a couple of days and see where I end up. Plus, hitting 90 would get me fired up for 100 ;) -
Moon: No Doors Opened Solo, Round 37 *World Record*
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Moon
Hehe, yeah for sure mate, maybe PM me on here to lemme know when you wanna play, we'll have a catch-up and murk some zombs ;) -
Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record*
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
As for streaming... I need to upgrade my internet haha. Tried before but it lagged to the point that it was unwatchable. But may have upgraded by the time BO2 comes along ;) -
Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record*
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
Thanks guys I'll be honest, once you get to round 30 it gets quite easy. You obviously need to keep focused, but in general avoiding a double slap isn't too hard in those high rounds if you're using a good strategy. Hardest thing for me, was dealing with having to hit the box every, single damn round. Seriously, I spent almost as much time hitting the box as I did playing through the rounds. I got to a point where I was like, ffs I really, really don't wanna play this map anymore. I'm sure I could have gone to 100, but it would have cost me my sanity :lol: -
[REDEFINED] World's Best Zombie Slayer?
Superhands replied to Ehjookayted's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Appreciate the kind words Jay, thanks pal ;) -
So here it is ladies and gentlemen, after about 15-16 hours I finally got sick to death of having to recycle the Thundergun each round, so I killed myself on round 80. This isn't all that difficult once you hit round 30 as long as you keep your focus. Vzual Venom's strategy works very nicely at that point and you can start using my strategy at round 40 to speed things up a bit and still keep it safe (take note of the spawn-control tactic found and used in the 70+ rounds of this video, this makes all of the zombies spawn in the first room so they're more compacted as you reach the Thompson room - this would be safe to use at round 40 whereas my previous strategy was a little risky until round 50). I was considering going for a round 80 on COTD... not now XD In the higher rounds I mostly only had to hit the box once per round on this map and that still pushed me to my limit, I'd have to hit it about 20 times per round once I got to the 70s on COTD. No thanks... Did round 73 on COTD last year, but I had a lot more patience with this game then. I was actually willing to sit there and use Flopper and the AK to slowly get through the rounds 5:34 Completely unprepared for this Thundergun fail - you almost got me, Treyarch Time to revamp my Nacht strategy in the Complete Solo Zombies Survival Guide I think ;)
[REDEFINED] World's Best Zombie Slayer?
Superhands replied to Ehjookayted's topic in General Zombies Discussion
I think we need another 2 categories: Consistency and knowledge. Consistency for example, what Chopper and way have said about Relaxing, consistent high acores in co-op etc, that would come under consistency and I guess record-breaking and boundary-pushing scores like mine on maps like No Man's Land, FIVE and very recently Nacht would come under results. Knowledge speaks for itself. It's one thing to use someone else's strategy to achieve high rounds and scores, it's another to come up with something innovative to path the way for other players, as well as yourself, to do better. Aside from strategy and knowledge of spawns, this would also describe a player's ability to 'read' the zombies and make quick decisions based on experience, like Chopper was saying about the way Steve and myself approach the game. EDIT: Sorry to keep using myself as an example guys, anyone new here reading this thread must think I'm a right arrogant prick :lol: -
[REDEFINED] World's Best Zombie Slayer?
Superhands replied to Ehjookayted's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Very interesting thread mate Skill This is a bit of an unclear one I think. I guess if you were to ask knowledgeable players who they think are the most skilled players, a lot of them have/would have said me or Steve due to our No Man's Land scores and stuff. But if we're talking, who when you're watching their videos makes you say, "WTF?! How is that possible???" with crazy screen shakes and multiple cutbacks, then: Dodging & manouvering skills That'll be aLvaR1to and Chopper. If you're watching those 2 guys in action and a bad situation comes up, it's f***ing incredible to watch them wriggle their way out of it. Though I guess, as has been said many times by others, you could say we make the game look easy, these skills are something myself and Steve lack in comparison to Chopper or aLvaR1to, maybe due to playing on lower sensitivities, but even if we were used to higher sensitivities we probably couldn't pull off some of the stuff that those guys do So on that basis, my vote goes to: aLvaR1to and Chopper Results I really hate to be an arrogant prick and vote for myself... but I suppose I have to. For the past 2-3 months I've put so much time and effort into achieving my goals in this game and achieved more records in the past 3 months that what most have in the past year. Thing is, this hasn't been done in a competitive way - it's all for personal gratification. And I'm far from done yet Influence I'm going with Relaxing. Out of all of the well-known zombies YouTubers who focus on solid gameplay rather than commentary, he inpires many. I still believe him to be one of the pioneers of No Man's Land. Matomaster is a close second, but Relaxing is a fair bit more popular. So, my vote goes to: TheRelaxingEnd C'mon guys, get some proper lists in :!:
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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