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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Well apparently I have to spread some rep points to other users before giving to you again so some other time ;)
  2. Very good video man, got to be the most informative zombies strategies video I've seen. Every zombie player should take the time to learn this stuff if you wanna get good at zombies. You might watch it all and think 'shit, how am I supposed to learn all of that stuff?' - watch the video, take it all in. Soon enough you'll find yourself incorporating it into your games, soon after that you'll be doing all of it intuitively. [brains]
  3. Hey guys, another step-by-step guide for you here, this one for 3-4 players on FIVE. This has gotten me to round 45 with 3 players, and that was quite a while ago when I still had a lot to learn about how to play this game so I'm sure I'll improve on that score sometime. Enjoy! ======================================== Starting area Stay in the starting room until round 3 or 4, just using your pistol and knife. When you get overrun, open the door and buy the MPL. Open the elevator ASAP as an escape route if everyone gets overrun. You’ll want to hold of up here for as long as you can, going down to the next floor when you feel like you’re getting overrun. It’s in the whole team’s interest to always have the player with the most points opening the next door. Next floor Once you get down to the next floor, leave the barricade closed – the upper floor makes an ideal camping spot for 4 players as there are 4 windows. It’s also pretty easy to hold off with 3 players here. Everyone should buy the MP5K off of the wall with the exception of one player who should buy the PM63 instead. Obviously this player will guard the window closest to the PM63’s location. I’d recommend one or two players keeping hold of their M1911 with the purpose of upgrading it to the Mustang & Sally, for use in the Pentagon Thief rounds and for taking out big bunches of zombies later in the game. It’s best for the players at the windows close to the locations of the guns on the walls to be the ones to do this, as they won’t need to rely on the MPL as a back-up weapon mid-round being that buyable ammo for the MP5K/PM63 is pretty much right next to them. It’s ideal to stay here until the end of round 9, leaving a crawler at the end of the round to go and turn on the power, use the box and buy perks. Of course, if you do get overrun at any time, you may need to open the barricade and move down to the next floor. If you do have to do this, camp on the elevator side of the room, keeping the elevator closed unless overrun to effectively disable the elevator window and make things easier. Preparing for the next round So, it’s the end of round 9 and (hopefully) you have a crawler. Time to start spending some points! As mentioned, have the guy with the most points open the door every time to make sure everyone has a few goes on the box and people can afford perks. You’ll of course need to open the elevator, go down and look through the windows in each of the rooms to see which room the random box is in. Turn on the power switch while you’re down there. I’ll clear up the basic strategy now as this will affect each player’s priorities in perks and weapons; you’ll have one player running a loop in the War Room, while the rest of the players will camp in the PaP room. The ‘runner’ will need to prioritise getting Juggernog and opening the barricades in the War Room, as having a good weapon when running loops is not absolutely essential especially in the early stages. An SMG will do the job for the runner for now. The rest of the players can feel free to spam the box and get Juggernog in the coming rounds; it’s more important for them to be able to hold off the zombies from coming in the PaP room windows than it is to be able to get hit a few times extra. As for what weapons to be aiming for, these are the best choices: For the runner Ray Gun HK/RPK Winter’s Howl Awful Lawton Stakeout For the campers Ray Gun HK/RPK Mustang & Sally Awful Lawton Spaz-12 HS10 Python Following rounds/end-game strategy You’ll now start the main strategy, with one player running a loop outside in the War Room and the other 2-3 players camping in the PaP room. Obviously, the guy with the most skills in running loops/trains/kiting should be the one do to this. The runner will get the majority of the zombies going for him (about 80-90% most of the time, sometimes more), so it should be easy for the PaP room guys to defend. I won’t go into detail on running the loop in this guide; for a detailed guide on doing this with all the tips you need, please refer to my FIVE solo guide HERE. Just be aware though that, since the players in the room will also be killing zombies, they will be constantly spawning. I point out the best place to shoot in the solo guide, which is just as you pass the elevator on your right, turning and shooting at the bottom of the stairs. This should help you avoid getting trapped by zombies coming out of the windows. At NO point should any other player walk out into the War Room while the runner is doing his loop – this can cause the zombies to spread everywhere which will make things dangerous for the both of you. In a 4 player game, it’s ideal to have 2 players watching a window each in the room and have one player in the hallway of the room, shooting the runner’s horde of zombies as they pass by the room. It’s important for this player to stand at the very back of the hallway, far away from the doors, to stop the zombies turning round and coming into the room. Another important thing; do NOT shoot the horde with the Ray Gun as they pass – this has the potential to make crawlers, particularly at higher rounds. Leaving crawlers in that particular area can spell danger for the runner, so best avoided. To speed the rounds along, you can take out the entire horde with the Mustang & Sally. Make sure you do take them all out and don’t leave any crawlers though. The Awful Lawton can also be very useful here if you get overrun. It’s a good idea to have the door-watcher have an Awful Lawton in their arsenal, using it to shoot a bolt out of the room when overrun to lure the zombies out of the room. It’s really best to communicate when playing this map, especially when it comes to doing this. Tell the runner what you’re about to do so he knows what to expect. It’s best for him to stand close to the group of zombies gathering around the bolt, so when it blows up they’ll chase him rather than turning back round and coming into the room. Monkey bombs can also be used for the same purpose, these are preferable when possible as they last longer and allow everyone to prepare, but the Lawton is quicker to prepare initially and so more suitable if you need to get the zombies away very quickly. If one of the guys in the room goes down, one of the other guys in the room should try and revive them without using a monkey or bolt when possible; it’s best to avoid distracting the runner’s train whenever possible. Quick Revive will help you do this. Of course, you will almost always need to use a distraction if the runner goes down. Try when possible to throw the monkey or bolt outside of the PaP room. ======================================== And that’s about it. There’s no real strategy for the Pentagon Thief rounds – just get everyone on the top floor of the War Room and have the guys with the M&S just blast him away as soon as he appears. If done properly, he should never take anyone’s guns.
  4. Duno why I didn't add that in actually, M&S is always my choice of weapon for dog-killing. Adding it now I prefer the Thompson room to the STG room, dunno whether it's just personal choice but I find it easier to run. So yeah, one in the Thompson room and one in the power room, each gathering up a group and using their own trap or the Wunderwaffe.
  5. Had a funny glitch playing on FIVE with a friend yesterday. We were on round 38, we were just rounding up groups, then I was shooting an Awful Lawton bolt into the centre of the War Room to lead them all there before we killed the group with a few Mustang & Sally shots each. At one point, it looked like one of the zombies ran up one of the other one's back and stood on top of the teleporter, then stayed there for a few minutes just shaking his head until he died out. Not a game-changing glitch by any means, amusing enough though :lol:
  6. Here's a video by Swask that demonstrates how well the screen shake can work: IdrbZaJe-fo
  7. Sprint-jump + screen-shake can be very effective.
  8. I'll add you next time I play man You're right if you wanna play a serious game get some good players, shame I only have a few good players on my friends list But yeah, I always go into games with randoms expecting the worst, sometimes I get even worse than expected. These being the reasons why I play solo so much :mrgreen:
  9. This is possibly THE most annoying thing about playing with randoms. They don't how how to properly run trains, they think it's okay to blast your train with grenades and launchers, and they think it's okay to run right through your path when you're running a pretty large train in a small area. It's not okay, the zombies stop and spread everywhere and if you don't have a save-ass weapon you get screwed over. Also experienced another 'expert' yesterday in a 2 player game on Ascension. I only speak English and a basic Spanish and he only spoke French and only knew how to say open, kill and no kill... clear communication barrier. Yet he still managed to constantly tell me what to do. Telling me to open every single damn door for no apparent reason. Kept telling me to hit the box every round even though I said no, as I was saving to get the M&S ASAP. He seemed like a good player at first. But then round 20 came and all of a sudden he started going down a LOT, which of course shouldn't have been happening seeing as he had the Thundergun. So each time I revived him I said 'no kill' so we could keep the train alive so they didn't start spawning all over him when he went for Juggernog. He ignored me and blasted the train away every single time, putting us both in danger. So he of course kept going down, I kept saying 'no kill' and he did the same thing. On my last revive I said 'no kill or no revive' and he still killed the group. So I didn't revive him after his 10th down in 2 rounds... as you guessed, rage-quit on instant of death.
  10. May just do this at some point. The basics of it though are this: You get hit less because of the way the zombies react to your jump, either because they think you're changing direction so they pause for a second, of you're out of reach of their swipe. This of course won't stop you getting hit every time, but in many cases it makes a big difference. As far as jumping through gaps goes... I've noticed on several occasions that when I've sprint-jumped through a gap, you seem to get stuck for a split second like you normally would, then you sort of get shunted through the gap in mid-air. Again, it's not absolutely guaranteed to work and shouldn't be used to squeeze through gaps rather than avoiding them where possible, but as a last resort it can really save your ass. I'd definitely say the best map for trying this out would be at the MPL loop in Shangri-La. I didn't think it could make so much difference until I tried and practiced it.
  11. Sprint-jumping is perhaps the most under-rated manouvre there is. There's been plenty of occasions where I should never have been able to squeeze through a gap, but because I've sprinted and jumped through it I've gotten through easily, often without even taking a hit. As you said, you don't need to know all these moves to be a good player, but you'll go down a hell of a lot less if you do learn them and they can often get you out of certain-death situations.
  12. Okay my bad, that thread must have gone under some time ago :lol:
  13. So I stumbled across this video on Youtube by accident. The CCCP reference, the shape that is similar to the front end of the Thundergun, and the general action of it... surely this must have been inspiration for the person(s) at Treyarch who designed the Thundergun? KH3lqTNHtZM
  14. Just click the little green thumb in the right hand corner of a post and you'll give brains ;)
  15. I think the title is a little modest mate Very well written and includes easily the best guide to running trains I've ever seen. [brains]
  16. Your strategy has already improved my play and although no good games yet, I've been the one owning the screen. Just need to find others to stay up. Seriously though? 622 on SNN? Good stuff man Yeah 625 on SNN is my highest, of course it was the W@W version when only 24 zombies would spawn per round in solo so you'd just gather them up, 3 Wunderwaffe shots and the round was over. The world record round is well over 2000 But yeah with the classic maps all of the records you see in my sig are the W@W versions unless stated, I beat my W@W Verruckt and Der Riese records on Black Ops but I'm pretty sure I won't beat 66 on Nacht due to the highly increased difficulty, and I'm sure as hell that nobody in the world will reach 625 on the Black Ops version of SNN without some sort of glitch or hack :lol:
  17. Great post, very interesting read [brains] We've all encountered these kinds of players at some point. I especially hate the 'expert' type guys. You see their leaderboard scores in the lobby before the game starts, normally a pertty average - fairly good score, so you wouldn't really expect them to be shelling out orders to everyone. But then they start telling you what weapon to take from the box, what weapon to upgrade and when to use it. I remember one game on Der Riese I got called a noob for upgrading to the Mustang & Sally because the map doesn't have PhD Flopper. Yet by the end of the game I had considerably less downs than the guy in question. Then I ran out of ammo for all of my guns so I started using my Wunderwaffe to gather and kill groups of zombies. Once again, the same guy called me a noob, even though by this time I'd revived the very same guy over 10 times. Everyone plays differently, if the way they play isn't making things difficult for anyone and they don't keep going down then what's the problem? Ah yeah, and he also called me a noob for getting amongst the zombies and running a train in the bowie knife room, so the rest of them camping on the catwalk didn't get overrun. I also hate the guys in the same category that feel the need to repeat their command 3 times. "Throw a monkey, throw a monkey, throw a monkey!" "Ummm... I heard you the first time, I heard you the first time, I heard you the first time!"
  18. Haven't bought the game and don't intend on doing so, but played survival mode round my mates yesterday and it was pretty good fun. It doesn't touch zombies of course, but it's still good.
  19. The reason a lot of people get to high rounds on this map is because of the Thundergun. If you do get blocked by those 2-3 zombies like you said, use the Thundergun to blast them out of the way. Wasting a shot is a much better option that wasting a Quick Revive ;)
  20. Have a look in the Kino forums, I'm sure ChopperNator did a co-op guide for Kino.
  21. Yeah pretty mcuh whtat Rissole said, if he's hanging around for a while and you then hit him he'll start running. I actually don't mind this happening, at least this way I can get him to join my trains rather than him just hovering around the place getting in the way.
  22. It's things like this that put me off of playing multiplayer, therefore I won't even be buying MW3.
  23. I've still gotta do 50+ solo on Nacht on Black Ops, I did 66 on W@W but that was way easier than the Black Ops version. The same strategy still works but it's just a lot easier to not get hit on the W@W version. I'm obviously never gonna beat my Shi No W@W record on Black Ops, but I've done 57 on BO so that's done. Thinking of putting together an ebook with my solo guides on all of the Black Ops maps sometime soon. The Book of Superhands: Your 1-man-army guide to round 50 and beyond. Personally I've never counted DOA, it's definately a fun and challenging game but for me it's not a zombies map, it's just a completely different game.
  24. Same for me really, never gave the M&S a thought on maps without Flopper until I got used to using it on NML, it's a really powerful weapon if used effectively. I know some people would disagree with my decision to start taking out waves wih the M&S at round 10, but using this strategy I usually end up with well over 50k by the time it comes to using the traps, assuming it doesn't take forever to get the Wunderwaffe of course FIVE is a tough one definately, takes a fair bit of practice to get to the 40+ rounds. See what tips you can pick out of my FIVE guide mate, I'm sure a lot of it you'd already have gathered from general zombies experience but there's definately some things in there that I only could have learned from playing the map a LOT. Mule kick is actually a big help in this map, I updated the guide when it got added to all maps to incorporate the M&S into the guide. I swear I'll find any excuse to use that gun on any map :lol:
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