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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Apparently the double-barrel has a longer range and the sawed-off has more spread, but during play the difference isn't really noticeable. I've noticed I tend to take less hits when I'm using the sawed-off though. Also, although not helpful, the sound the sawed-off makes sounds cooler than the double-barrel 8-)
  2. Ah ok When you're done with this challenge I'd also recommend Bombs Away (launchers only) on Ascension, mega fun Mustang & Sally on monkeys is stupid-easy though :lol:
  3. I always switch it to x2 in the early rounds, or Max Ammo if I need it. Of course if a max Ammo comes up and the situation is right then I'll attempt to get a free perk (M&S comes in handy for this).
  4. I wouldn't say BEST maps as all the maps are great, but my 3 fave's are Der Riese, FIVE and Ascension. Der Riese being top, always has been a fave of mine since W@W. Ascension is just great for chillaxing when I've had a stressful day at work, same for Der Riese too really. FIVE, I just love cuz it's the first map that really got me into zombies to the point that I actually bought the game myself rather than only playing round my friend's house. I've played this map as much as any other, maybe more, and I know it so well that it's one of the easiest maps for me while most other players find it one of the hardest.
  5. You'll always be welcomed to the forum if you're a new member, even if you're posts just said "Hi." so yeah, welcome to the site, jump in on some discussions ;)
  6. Just a tip; so many people tell you to keep the upper door of the starting room closed. But contrary to this, it's much easier to open both doors of the starting room, but keep the door just above Jugg closed. Then sit by Quick revive, the only way to Juggernog is through the lower door next to Quick Revive and you'll be able to guard that door as you guard QR. Much easier Also, on a shotguns only challenge, for dealing with the monkeys there is only one gun for the job: Spaz-24. Powerful shots, wide spread, , 24 shots in the chamber and reloads really fast, and of course it's auto-fire so you can hold the trigger down until the monkey is dead :)
  7. Thanks bud Might actually remake a Der Riese solo strategy vid, my strategy has changed quite a bit for the Black Ops version. Still the same basic loop but with a lot more zig-zagging and cut-backs, also my weapon choice is very different.
  8. This is pretty much the exact strategy I use when playing Verruckt, provided I'm playing with co-operative team-mates of course Well written Fatal, [brains] to you.
  9. Hey CoDZ, this won't be my usual in-depth, from scratch strategy, as most people know the basics of this map already. However, camping on this map doesn't work so well as it did in the W@W version and splitting up and running trains has proven for most to be the best strategy for 30+ rounds. In this guide I'll mainly be showing good train-running/kiting spots and how to run them, and how someone running in one area will affect another area for better strategising. As you'll notice, there are 5 spots that I'll point out here so it's easily possible for up to 4 players to run seperate trains. The white lines in each image show the main route, while the grey lines show a sub-route in case the main route gets blocked. You'd typically split up and start running these areas at about round 10 - everyone camping in the power-switch room will work very well before you decide to split up. Start area This is a simple area to run. There are no good wall weapons you can use on-route, but the M1A1 Carbine is on the wall just outside of the running area, which is a respectable gun when upgraded as it becomes auto-fire and does a good amount of damage. The problem though is that is doesn't hold much ammo, and will cost 4500 to replenish the upgraded gun. Note that as you go up the stairs that lead to the door, you may need to jump over some zombies at the drop-off. You can use a 'cut-back' at the Kar89k area if you get blocked off on your way to the stairs (turn around and run around the zombies in a cresent-moon shape, then turn back, run back around them and continue your loop). Thompson room This room can be tricky to run in later rounds, but with some practice it becomes easier. The Thompson on the wall on-route is an added bonus that makes this area very considerable. As shown you can use the stairs as a sub-route if the front area gets blocked up. You can also go around by the furnace for an alternative route. A cut-back by the Thompson also works well if you're blocked off by a bunch of zombies coming from the stairs. This is the area that's most affected by where your team-mates are. If your team-mates are in the power room or the start area then you'll get a moderate amount of zombies coming here. If you're playing a 2 player game and the other player is running the STG train, you'll get a LOT of zombies here. Power-switch area Another simple area and one that seems to be one of the most popular. Most people tend to run in a circle shape, but I find the way shown above much safer, and a circle shape can be used as a sub-route. There's no wall weapons on-route, but the FG42 on the wall just outside in the Speed Cola area is a nice option. Bowie Knife area This is an area that any experienced No Man's Land player will feel comfortable with, basically run in a figure of 8 but it's very important to 'drag' the zombies at the corners closest to the power-switch area. It may seem like a tight area but it's very effective and not very hard, and becomes even easier when someone is running in the STG room. I wouldn't recommend running this if someone is running their loop in the power-switch room as this can cause problems for both of you, but as mentioned I'd definately recommend it if someone is in the STG room. There are no good wall weapons near-by, although due to what I've mentioned there shouldn't be anyone in the power-switch room if you're running this area, so the FG42 is a possible choice. An STG is a better choice, but this depends on if someone is in the STG room or not. STG room This is an easy area to run in co-op, as you'll get a smaller amount of zombies than anyone else. The STG is on the wall in this room, and ammo can be bought while using the sub-route shown. You can also go up the large stairs and drop off the balcony if the main area is blocked off. Just make sure you don't drop into the Bowie area if someone is running it! Weapon choices Mule kick would definately be recommended on this map. There's 3 main groups of weapons that you'd ideally choose from: Main killing/point-building weapon This will be the main weapons that you'll be killing the zombies with and gaining points. Recommended: RPK/HK Ray Gun (beware of crawlers in the smaller areas) STG-44 Thompson FG42 M1A1 carbine upgraded Dog killing weapon This is mainly used for taking out Hellhounds when they spawn with zombies after the 3rd dog round, also used during the dog rounds. Recommended: Ray Gun Mustang & Sally Gut Shot (PaP'd Trench Gun) Any other upgraded shotgun Emergency weapon This will be used to free yourself in you're in trouble, either while going to revive or running your train as normal. Always have this weapon in hand when you're not shooting the zombies e.g. when you're gathering them or on your way to revive. Recommended: Wunderwaffe Awful Lawton (PaP'd Crossbow) Reviving a downed team-mate There should be 1 designated player to revive another player, dependant on which areas people are running. Basically, whoever is closest to the downed player will revive them. So the Thompson and start room players will revive each other and the power-switch/Bowie area and STG room players will revive each other. Of course in a 3 players game, the player in the middle of both players' rooms will be responsible for reviving both. There may be occasions where more than 1 player goes down, in which case the next closest player will revive both of them. When someone goes down, all players should stop killing immediately where possible. The players closest to the downed team-mate should have their emergency weapons in-hand; the downed player's group will be coming to join you shortly. The idea is to let the group of zombies join your train so you can go and revive your team-mate without getting blocked off. Ideally, once your team-mate is revived you should accompany them to the Juggernog machine via a route that won't require you to run through someone else's room and disturb their train (this can be very dangerous for all players and is best avoided at all times.) Quick Revive will always help in reviving your team-mates.
  10. Another great write-up mate, would give you [brains] but I've given you to many apparently Just wish more players could read these guides so that playing with randoms would be more enjoyable :roll:
  11. It was him glitching that made the zombies act weird ;)
  12. Also, I'd say NOT using the PaP'd m1911 is NML is a waste, you're throwing away a valuable point-making opportunity by not using it there. If you've managed to PaP it then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to start round 1 with Juggs and over 10k, which of course is setting yourself up for a very nice start Then of course you can knife all the zombies but one, open all the doors to the Biodome, get the Bowie Knife and rack up a ton of points with that so you can hit the box at the end of round 9. You shouldn't need it in the early rounds on Moon anyways, and either way you're very likely to get a Max Ammo within the first 5 rounds.
  13. This! A lot of people when they're still fairly new to NML but good enough to be able to PaP the M1911, take the gun out of the machine and start blasting a bunch of shots and trying to build up the 2500 points really quickly. You'd actually get the points quicker if you gathered a whole horde of zombies first and shot 2 rounds into the whole bunch. This'd mean gathering 2 seperate hordes, but again this is quicker and more ammo-efficent than picking off small groups. As far as PaP times, my fastest is about 85 seconds. As Chopper also said, with practice you can PaP in about 90 seconds pretty consistently. The main thing between success and failure in doing this is well-timed grenade throwing. You'd typically start preparing your first grenade at the second alarm.
  14. I think the only thing bad or ugly about this map is the annoying glitches that get you screwed over. I thought they were all fixed but just yesterday the Astronaut + Gersch Device happened to me again. There's been a patch released, why the hell has it not been properly fixed?! Other than that, all these extra things like the Nova 6 phasers Astronaut zombie, Excavators and windows being blown out mean you have to play strategically and co-operate. Chances are you won't get to a high round on this map playing with randoms unless all of them are good, co-operative players. One bad and selfish player can ruin the game.
  15. I love the Tokyo & Rose for some reason. I'd use it a lot more if it were put in better places on each much, just such a fun gun.
  16. There are 4 good train-running spots in the Biodome. One is the "claymore loop", my personal favourite; the same one that S1ippery Jim showed but I personally like to run the other way round, as you have the option to go over the stairs if the gap gets a little blocked. The area at the back of the Biodome is also good. I personally like to use the bottom part next to the claymore loop, which wider and easier. Another is the area in front of the front entrance. Then for the last one, the area just next to the front entrance area, which is best run using banana/cresent moon shapes, which any No Man's Land player will feel comfortable with.
  17. That's not a glitch, that happens when you're not signed into your account/you're offline, as it was added as a patch and the patches won't be present if you're offline.. I've experienced the sound glitch a few times, with and without the helmet. Very irritating :x
  18. It's hard to form an opinion as to whether this is done with God Mode or not. I mean sure there's ome times where you'd think he should definately have been hit, but we all have those moments where you're like "Oh shit I'm goin' down" and you actually manage to squeeze through without taking a hit. Must be said though no hits taken throughout the whole video is maybe a bit much.
  19. There's no need to start over - once you've completed the EE George will drop the WW every time you kill him.
  20. Yep, PC is definately the most reliable system, designed to be left on 24/7. If you're gonna choose between and Xbox and PS3 I'd look at other things rather than how reliable it is, both are prone to faults and neither is more prone than the other.
  21. Yeah it's been there since W@W, a lot of people tend to ask me where the hell I got a BAR from when we're playing co-op on Verruckt :lol:
  22. Yeah it does, you only have to do it once to get the achievement and it'll appear in all games after that. It doesn't swap for a weapon, it's sorta like having the Death Machine - once you have it you can't swap to any other weapon until it runs out. Rather than lasting for 30 seconds though it lasts until the ammo runs out. It can be replenished by a Max Ammo but it can't be PaP'd.
  23. Very nice work Tom, [brains] to you I tested this about a month ago, shot him with about 150 shots of Wunderwaffe ammo and it seems to do no damage what-so-ever.
  24. A friend and I got to round 45 doing a full-map loop. Not together of course, this would not work as the map is far too tight. But the map is pretty big at the same time, and if you keep half a map's width away from each otehr then it will work. Also make sure you both have an M&S + PhD Flopper to protect yourself if you get blocked.
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