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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. I think it wold be great to see all of the perks on the Classic Maps, after all we have the W@W versions to go play if we want to play them as they originally were.
  2. It's called FIVE because so many people rage-quit by round 5 :lol:
  3. As I said in another thread, I know we had our disagreement but big props to you for this. I know pretty much everything there is to know about how to play this map, it's one of the toughest maps to master and it starts to get incredibly tedious after round 50. Maybe I'll try another serious run one day, but at the moment I have no intention of doing so and I just tend to play this map just for some fun.
  4. Well I know we had our disagreement but props to you for that, I've been to round 68 on FIVE and given up cuz it takes so damn long so I know how tedious it starts to get at round 40-50. I posted my full detailed FIVE solo strategy about a month ago, includes everything from the best way to avoid the dangerous spots in the loop to dealing with the Pentagon Thief. Nothing works better than the Ray Gun & Winter's Howl! Could of course keep an M&S too, definately a viable option since the introduction of Mule Kick to all maps. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=16961&p=153038#p153038
  5. Since Mule Kick has now been added to this map, I've revised and updated this tutorial :)
  6. I definately think the rockets are linked with Moon. I mean, it'd be pretty silly to have a Cosmodrome and the Moon as 2 maps in the same game, but not link them somehow.
  7. Agree with MegaAfroMan, while debate and discussion is encouraged this is not a community for petty arguing and insulting. My opinion of DOA - I've gotten to round 23 solo, admitedly it IS hard but it doesn't have the same excitement that regular zombies has. I know it's supposed to be a seperate game therefore not being like the original zombies, but it's a game that I personally just can't get into. Sure there's strategies etc., but considering I got to round 23 just moving around and spamming the trigger a good strategy is not absolutely essential.
  8. I was the same with COTD, I think it's cuz George was the first mid-round boss and I was like WTF? But then I got used to him and how to deal with him, all of a sudden it became one of my favourite maps. I think all good players know the real effectiveness of an SMG off the wall - most would even say if there's a good point-builder on the wall on-route or in the area that you're running your train, then pick that over any LMG from the box. Like in Der Riese, I buy the Thompson before hitting the box and stick with it 'til the game is over.
  9. I guess I'm pretty lucky to only have experienced the Astronaut + Gersch glitch so far, I'm sure I'll bump into more soon though unless it gets fixed. I've also had that sound glitch, I was hacking a weapon on the box, got distracted by a zombie cuz I thought they were all dead, killed him and went back to hacking, but the weapon disappeared back into the box before I finished and the sound continued to play. It went away after my next hack though.
  10. I agree, I mean I LOVE the fact that you can effectively start round 1 with Juggernog and loads of points, but maybe they should have saved Area 51 for a proper map in the next game and used a different location instead. But of course that's not to say they won't do an Area 51 map in the next game, No Man's Land could have been an appetiser of sorts ;)
  11. Yeah it's more difficult than with the power on of course. But decompressing any area will just make things a LOT harder for you when it comes to hacking the Excavators, so it's worth just keep trying without gravity or doing it before the poweer is on if possible.
  12. You're right it has a LOT to do with luck, whether the spawning is good in the earlier stages and as you said if the grenades do well or not. Even if you're the world's greatest player, you're not gonna get a good run every time. When I'm shooting my M&S, most of the time I tend to use 2 shots to make sure I get kills and for beter spread. What I tend to do is sprint, do a sideways jump and shoot in mid-air, the sideways part helps avoid the dogs that are in your face.
  13. I'm not quite there yet. If I get enough points for M&S, then I'm going to try and make a leaderboard run out of it. Otherwise, in a normal Solo game, I'll use up all my M1911 ammo and both nades, get jugg, and then teleport to the Moon. I usually have 1500-2000 points when I start on the Moon. It's a difficult thing to master. I think the key things are, make at least 1500 before the first siren. Few more knife kills afterwards when it's safe to do so, knife any dogs of course. Then cook and throw a grenade at about the same time as the 2nd siren, making sure they're all bunched up real tight. Now here's the important bit that many people miss, I used to miss too - as soon as the grenade goes off, there will be some crawlers and probably some runners left - knife ALL of them as quickly as you can. They'll all have taken grenade damage so they'll all be 1 hit kills. You could potentially make an extra 1k points here, which will make a HUGE difference between getting the M&S and not being able to get it. After this just keep knifing dogs before the 3rd siren, throw another nade at about the third siren, knife crawlers when safe and use all the M1911 ammo. Should easily make over 5k doing this.
  14. Yeah, definitely agree with that. Mustang & Sally do take up a lot of ammo to clear out gaps past 40 though. But if you combine M&S, good teammates who can communicate well, and the self-down with Ray Gun & Sally, you're in good shape. Past 50, the only guarantee (even though it can occasionally fail), after all the maps, is the Thundergun. And the Wave Gun of course! Which I prefer to the Thundergun, as you said it will occasionally fail and I've yet to experience a fail from the Wave Gun. The Thundergun is still a close second for best weapon for saving myself though. Anyways great post, in depth and discriptive as usual, sure it's long but if people want to learn everything about how tp play this game then you're gonna wanna read long posts like this.
  15. Very good guide and should help a lot of people, No Man's Land is something that should be practiced in both solo and co-op as it's essential to decide when you're going to get Juggernog and work your strategy around that. Also helps a LOT if you can build some nice points before going to the Moon. When playing Moon solo I always play No Man's Land as if I'm going for a high-kill record, but rather than killing myself when I run out of M&S ammo I hop on the teleporter and go to the moon with 10k+ points, Juggernog and an M&S that will come back in use when the next Max Ammo drops. Couldn't ask for a much better start to a zombies game then what you can make from No Man's Land!
  16. Correct, but it kicks so much ass with Flopper I made an option for those that prefer it to any WW, hence it saying "better than any WW" I prefer it to every WW besides the Thundergun and the Wave Gun. Up until about round 40 anyways...
  17. I think the Thundergun is pretty much like everything else in this game, you're not too keen on it until you learn about it. I still don't like the Wonderwaffe in W@W because of the Juggernog glitch, but with that glitch not present in Black Ops it's a pretty awesome weapon.
  18. Good point and this is also my take on it, but there's sometimes you throw a Gerscg and he'll start doing the fast moonwalk so you have to take him out quickly. For the majority of the game though I like to loop round the rocks where the claymores are, if you get him there then as long as you keep moving he'll basically stick to the rocks and you can just leave him there.
  19. Yeah it's old news, but thanks for the contribution for those that don't already know. Some people can be very rude, please don't let them discourage you from posting anything in the future that you think people may not know.
  20. It's one of the best, but definately not THE best. Not even that many ways to play it, especially compared to most other maps. Out of interest, what maps have you and haven't you played?
  21. Yeah like Chopper said, best to trade out the AK and rebuy it as a 3rd gun in case you go down, as it'd be the easiest to get back. You could use the AK itself to rack up the extra 5000 for the upgrade ;)
  22. Of course I'll have to wait until Mule Kick is added to all the maps on PC, think they're making us wait until the next patch :facepalm:
  23. Yeah just tested on Moon too and it's definately true, tried it in all 3 possible causes of losing it (going down, cosomnaut taking it and getting a refund via hacking). Definately a more useful perk than I thought then! As I said I'll most probably always have a wall weapon in my arsenal so if I always make that the 3rd weapon then losing it won't really be a problem.
  24. FIVE is a small map in comparison to a lot of others. Okay so there's 3 floors, but they're all real small. There's only 3 rooms in the labs (lower floor) and the box will be in either one of them, if not there then in a really easy-to-find location on the middle or top floor. Just watch the screens next to the box and you'll find the box no problem. I think the only people who say FIVE sucks just don't understand it. I used to think COTD sucked, but once I got used to George being around and how to deal with him I really started to like it. I LOVE FIVE!
  25. MW3 doesn't have zombies, therefore I won't be buying it. Roll on next Treyarch game...
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