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Bumped both my solo and co-op records up recently, 89 solo & 45 co-op.
Anyone know the solo record for cotd?
Superhands replied to selectyeti89's topic in Call Of The Dead
My highest is 68 just using the AK area strategy, didn't lose a single Quick Revive just killed myself cuz it was taking a long time and I got bored, if there were traps to use or something I would have just seen how far I could go, but after rounds 50+ the rounds take forever just using an upgraded AK74u. -
Random challenges - videos welcomed
Superhands replied to Chopper's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Wow creative challenge, sounds like something I'd enjoy doing Just a question, is re-doing them with the PaP versions an optional bonus or compulsory for the challenge? -
Very nice 2-player strategy, very in-depth and I completely agree that the player that doesn't get the Thundergun should PaP the M1911 to the Mustang & Sally, combined with PhD Flopper these can save your ass and are great for monkey rounds. Just something to add - I'd recommend rather than one person running a loop by the auto-turret, they'd probably be better off running in the launch pad just outside the PaP room instead. Nice wide-open space, a lot less tricky to run and only a few seconds away from the auto-turret run, so the trap strategies you talked about would still work just as well [brains] To you and I'll get on to writing that FIVE strategy for your project real soon :D
You're right in some ways, I mean I've been running trains since W@W before Syndicate even got on Youtube, so it's not like he or anyone else invented it. Guess he just gave it a name that stuck. Though people calling it a "Syndicate rape-train" is just ridiculous Dunno if you meant about Waffles creating the train I was running, but he and pretty most other people were just running a circle. Some other people also run a straight figure-of-8 - the route shown here is basically a revised version of that strategy which I find works a lot better, as you get hit a lot less often. ;)
Random challenges - videos welcomed
Superhands replied to Chopper's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Good to see this thread up, thanks for pointing me to it way ;) -
You're probably right, it's just a name that everyone's familiar with so it makes for obvious titles and stuff. Guess there's other words people know, like looping, kiting etc. but EVERYONE knows the phrase "rape-train" even though it's not really the best phrase to use.
I actually really like Call of the Dead now...
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Call Of The Dead
Well round 39 is something to be proud of on any map In fact, round 30 is like my milestone on any new map I guess, I will play a map to death until reach round 30 or I won't be satisfied. BTW if you're looking to get the Wunderwaffe off George you'll have to kill him with something else, the VR-11 (upgraded) doesn't actually kill George it just makes him go away, so he won't drop a perk or Death Machine/Wunderwaffe. If you're doing the Easter Egg I'd recommend doing the solo version, much quicker to do and there's good tutorials all over Youtube for it, plus doing it solo you don't have to worry about anyone killing crawlers or anything. You'll still get the Wunderwaffe drop every time youkill Romero so no need at all to do the co-op version ;) -
I actually really like Call of the Dead now...
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Call Of The Dead
Yeah I've only really played this map maybe about 10-20 times overall, tried the VR-11 PaP'd, which as you said gets rid of George which I found pretty cool. Think I might incorporate it into my later rounds strategy, in most maps I like to have the Mustang & Sally as a save-my-ass weapon but in COTD it's just not needed, I never ever get stuck or go down in the AK74u area. I do normally use the box at about round 15 to get the Scavenger but once or twice I've gone 40+ with the M&S & AK combo, suiciding at the end. So I'm guessing I'll go with a Ray Gun & AK combo in the early rounds, Ray for taking out George to get all the perks and AK for racking up points. Then after I'm done with all that, trade the Ray Gun & AK for the Scavenger to kill the zombies & VR-11 to get rid of Romero. Then at round 34 when the Scavenger just leaves crawlers everywhere, I'll swap it out to get the AK again. But that said, I do like killing George for the Wunderwaffe, gets the rounds over with really quick and is really nice to use with PhD. Of course I've already been to 50+ rounds on solo and co-op so it's not like my strategy needed revising, always good to better it though ;) -
No problem glad to share my knowledge, I've also gotten to round 32 without using any perks on this route so that goes to show that you don't get hit much if done correctly. On COTD I tend to just run in the AK74u area, mostly just doing a counter-clockwise circle of the full area. Try to keep away from the edges though - with this area if you get blocked off, it's pretty easy to do a U-turn and go back the other way if you keep the zombies away from the edges, which you do by keeping away from the edges yourself. But overall it's a simple area to run in, there's nearly always a gap in the group you can squeeze through. I also like to keep a Mustang & Sally in hand when I'm gathering them up, then that way if you do get stuck just blast off a few rounds and that'll kill all the zombies round you (combined with PhD Flopper of course). This won't work so well in rounds 40+ but still works if you react quickly. But it's really nothing to worry about as it's rare that you get completely stuck in this area. Hope that helps ;)
Never used to be much of a fan of this map. I guess I saw the intro, the zombies coming and carrying George off and making him a zombies, then him just annoying the hell out of you the whole time. I was like "Seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY, why did 3ARC actually think this would be a good idea?" The first 2 days I mostly played solo, did round 34 on the first day (died after dscovering that even the upgraded Scavenger stops 1-hit killing at round 34), and round 68 on the second day. I just remember the whole time wishing George wasn't added to the map. But I've played a few games on it again over the past couple of days and just seem to have grown to like it. Having George around sort of keeps my head in the game. Normally after round 30 I'm just running around on auto-pilot mode, not really paying much attention to what I'm doing but still breezing through the rounds. But with COTD I guess having George around addes the need to concentrate on where you're firing, making sure you don't walk slowly past him or he'll wack you - pretty much just concentrating on not pissing him off. It's also nice to have the OPTIONAL side objective of killing George, if you didn't want to you could just leave him be, if you killed him, he'd be back in a few rounds anyways. But if you do kill him you get greatly rewarded with an extra perk and, if you've done the EE, a Wunderwaffe, which is an awesome weapon to use if you have PhD Flopper. Gotta say now I prefer COTD to Shangri La. I'd take George over the napalm zombie any day, at least George gives you a reward for taking him out and doesn't steal your kills.
I've just always noticed that you seem to get a lot more drops on CoTD as you do on any other map anyways.
It's PaP by round 8 I think, if you dd it by round 5 then hats off to you for that!
Firstly, how the fuck? If it was glitching it doesn't count, and pretty much nobody does round 99 co-op legitimately so please explain... Secondly, if you did get to round 99, then why not just do 1 round extra to make it round 100?
Does anyone know the Der Riese SOLO world record?
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
Well, getting to round 100+ is not something you're gonna be able to do in one day, you'll need to leave the game paused overnight and continue it when you can. It can take days or even about a week depending on how many hours you spend per day. When I did my 100+ runs on Kino & Ascension they took me over a week each to do each game, roughly around 40 hours of play time altogether. -
I've heard a few people say the Thundergun has failed on them at one point, it's never happened to me personally. Either way it does normally work, don't forget it has to be at close range to kill.
Does anyone know the Der Riese SOLO world record?
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
I see, well here's the vid for ya I dunno if Yote watched it when he was tired or whatever Ciq1hcFFwG4 -
Does anyone know the Der Riese SOLO world record?
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
Yeah maybe so, who knows. I don't think 104 is the world record for W@W Der Riese, that looks like a teleporter round-skip glitch on the 104 video as the door to the bowie knife room isn't even open. The highest legit I've seen is on Black Ops by Basedow, round 89. -
Does anyone know the Der Riese SOLO world record?
Superhands replied to Superhands's topic in Classic Maps
Wow nice man, you also hold the Kino world record right? I recognise the name off youtube hehe. -
My strategy exactly after I've got the points for it, it's a LOT more effective than wasting points on teleporters. Teleporters aren't even necessary to survive, whereas traps can be used at later rounds to kill all the zombies quicker and save ammo. I use the Flamethrower to rack up the points, so even when I use the traps on every loop round the map I'm still gradually building points even though I don't need them.
Best to go with no perks. No point in buying Quick Revive, if you go down then it's still early rounds so may as well start over. This is my reasoning behind not bothering to buy Quick Revive straight away like most players do. The extra 500 points that you waste on Quick Revive could make all the difference. 2500 for Jugg will make a HUGE difference. Besides it's pretty easy to go with no perks on Ascension solo anyways ;)
Ah no worries at least you'll be prepared If everyone else goes down then stick with the same spawn running strategy, I use the same strategy in solo and it got me to round 66 so it's easily done. Especially with the Thundergun, as long as you have it out when you're gathering the zombies just stay alert you can't go wrong :D
Na everyone should be fine, like I said most of the zombies go for the runner in the spawn room anyways and the Thundergun can be used to take the big clump of them out in one shot, even after round 40 a Ray Gun should last the window guys for at least 1 round. You're right it's tough without Juggernog, but if anyone does go down (particularly the spawn runner), OR if the window guys get overpowered at any time then have someone throw a monkey if possible. Preferably throw it in the spawn room as far away from the door if possible, that way the remaining zombies will come towards the runner in a group and he can take them so they don't disturb the window guys.
I've been using almost the same strategy for a few months now but I always run it by myself, just as a way to seperate myself from the group as they always seem to just run aimlessly around the middle or camp in the top elevator. All I really do different is start each round at that shooting point before teleporter 3, reason being that starting here is the best way to avoid that tough spot between the bowie knife room and the pig room. Any time I start in the pig room, by the time I jump out of the bowie room there's a few zombies in the corridor and I have to end up walking right into the teleporter, which always has the potential to work out badly. It's pretty simple to do you just have to practice the window-jumping part, which is tricky at first but with a little practice it becomes easy. Do NOT dolphin dive, just walk towards the window, jump when you reach it and quickly press crouch. Then, when you drop out the other side of the window, press crouch again to stand up. Don't forget to hold forward throughout the entire thing or you'll most likely get stuck.
Yeah it can be quite tricky at times, helps if people have monkeys just in case. But when the zombies are breaking in you can quickly keep replacing boards on the window to delay the break in while you're reloading, just be careful that you don't get a double-hit.
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