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Hey guys, so someone asked me this question the other day and it really interested me as to what the other No Man's Land beasts on the forums think. Would you say you're a better No Man's Land player when you're chillaxing, or when you're on some hype ting? There's a definite answer for me. If I play during the day, I feel really energetic. I feel like I could kite in a shoe box, but sometimes just make wrong moves through pure aggression. If things go wrong, I rage like banshee and could almost put my foot up my cat's arse when it comes in asking me for food (it meows, it doesn't literally ask me). On the flip side, when I play relaxed I play a hell of a lot better. Best time is after my dinner in the evening. I've just sat down, had a nice meal with the family. I'm contented, my stomach is full, I'm completely at ease. Then I get on No Man's Land. I'm not tense or aggressive, my mind is completely clear and I think everything through very quickly. I'm not running around all over the place like I'm on 'roids. I'm just strolling around the place, hopping here there and everywhere and my trains just fall into place (mostly). Then when it comes to shooting, I don't just charge in and fire like I would playing aggressively. I pick the perfect moment to shoot, and do maximum damage as a result. ALL of my 350+ games have been done in the evenings after dinner. I never noticed this pattern until recently, but it's definitely significant. I do genuinely think a relaxed approach will see you playing more consistently and getting higher scores. What are your thoughts on this?
The perk bottle on Moon is just a myth, it doesn't appear anywhere. You can drop a red perk bottle from a QED but you can't hack it. However, it IS true that you can get a certain perk for free if you throw a QED at it's machine. Watch 1:45 in Tom's video:
I'm not too keen on the idea of having to rely on your teammates. If they suck, then the game will go badly. I do love the feel of those kinds of maps though, they feel like the kind of environment a zombies game should be set in. Something industrial and grimy or high-tec... so basically not Shang, Shi No Numa or COTD :lol:
Let's End This: Mule Kick vs Speed Cola vs Double Tap
Superhands replied to perfectlemonade's topic in Classic Maps
If we're talking about classic maps, Mule Kick is useless to me. Before round 30 you don't really need 3 guns, after round 30 you're gonna wanna think about using traps to get all of your kills and you only need a point-builder and a Wunderwaffe for dog rounds. Either a Wunderwaffe or dog-killer for Der Riese. The dog killer is never essential, half a clip of the point-builder followed by a Bowie slash will do the trick. The Wunderwaffe can save your ass in a jam, but a lot of the time it won't do the trick. So neither is essential and it's your choice, as long as one of your guns is a wall gun for point building. -
Round Two: The Redefined Master Zombies Guide?
Superhands replied to Ehjookayted's topic in General Zombies Discussion
This sounds brilliant mate. The great thing is, we both joined these forums at roughly the same time, and were completely unknown. Less than a year later, we've become legends. You are one of the most respected guys on this forum, always inspiring the community as well as putting in the work on big threads, very good player and strategist too. I swanned in, claiming all of these records that didn't mean shit without a rep, and one or two individuals even called bullshit. Now, I may not be as well known as a Mato or Relaxing, but most of those that do recognise me have labelled me as one of the very best in strategy creation and gameplay. We've both found our niches and honed them. With that said, can't wait to work on this guide with you. As you know, when it comes to strategy I'm a master of all trades, jack of none (yes, I mixed that phrase up on purpose). So solo, co-op or No Man's Land or general nuances and tricks, gimme a shout on anything you need ;) -
Just Really Good Memories!!!
Superhands replied to ZombicidalManiac's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Ahhh, I didn't buy Ascension immediately as I was still in the stages of getting good enough at the game round my friend's house to actually buy it myself. But after some debating I bought the map pack at about lunch time, and by the time I'd finished playing that night I was convinced that would be the best £11 I would ever spend. Ever since then, every release day I sit tight and wait for 6pm to roll on so the new map pack is released on Steam, then purchase it instantly. I never thought I'd had an ounce of gamer-nerd in me, but Zombies brings out a whole different side of me :geek: -
Cheers guys With so many different maps to play and different challenges to take on, I won't get bored with this game I don't think. Verruckt 100 is next, and I'd also like an 80 on COTD and 63 on Nacht for new WRs. Also wanna get into some 1st room challenges and I still have 370 kills on No Man's Land to go for. I won't be doing that one for a while yet though, I've overplayed No Man's Land to be honest so I never feel like playing it recently. I know I will at some point soon though. Like with all of the other maps, I always think, "Ah, I haven't played this map in a while, let's get a game going", then by the time I wear that one out there comes another map I haven't played for a while. Nice cycle I've not really got an interest in pushing my co-op records any more, co-op is just for fun for me nowadays. But myself and Tom will probably get some nice scores together in the next game I only have PC mate. I do sometimes do 2 player split-screen with my best mate on his PS3 though which nearly always turns into one of those types of games :lol:
Difficulty of different training spots
Superhands replied to Mr. Jay's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Good thread Jay. I'd say with some as well, it all depends how you run them. For example, the Recieving Bay on Moon - if you just run it as normal, it's really tough. But fix a window closed after killing each group with the Wave Gun, it's nice and easy. Though this can only really be done with 1-2 players. -
Hey guys, so as many of you will have experienced with the last 3 maps, and most likely future zombie maps, Treyarch implemented a system to accomodate their large-scale maps in which, if you get too far ahead of your hoard, they will instantly respawn in the area you're currently in. Here is something that I've found and tested recently that cancels this effect... It stemmed from my strategy for reaching round 115 on FIVE, in which I'd damage all of my zombies before using the elevator so they'd come through the teleporter rather than respawning through the windows. I found this out by accident - I thought they were coming from the teleporter on the top floor as I reached it because I got them onto the top floor of the War Room before using the elevator. A few times I didn't use any ammo though and soon realised that when I didn't shoot, they respawned through the windows and put me in danger. But when I shot them before using the elevator, they come through the teleporter and left me in a safe position to use the traps. So the general rule is this; any zombies that have taken any amount damage no matter how small, will not respawn if you're far away from them. Any zombies that haven't been damaged at all will respawn on you. This means that if you gather a hoard without shooting them, then run across the map, they'll respawn all over you. Whereas if you shoot the entire hoard with a weak gun (a wall gun is great) then you can run across the map freely and none will respawn on you, exactly like older maps like Ascension. This is the exact reason why crawlers never respawn when they're far away from you - they've taken damage. One of the best examples of a situation where new-area respawning causes a problem, and in which we're going to put this knowledge to use as an example, is hacking an Excavator before running a suicide-dash back to the Biodome on Moon. Anyone who has played solo running the Biodome has experienced this one - you teleport as soon as you hear the warning, teleport back, hack the Excavator to stop it and make a mad dash back to the Biodome. Anyone who has done this knows how dangerous it is and often requires a Wave Gun shot to clear your path at the top of the labs. With this respawn-cancelling knowledge, it no longer needs to be dangerous. Let's look at 2 ways in which this can be utilised to make hacking the Excavator before returning to the Biodome a safe task. Example 1 involves teleporting to and from No Man's Land, then gathering a group in the Recieving Bay before using the trick. This may sound dangerous, but see the video: What we do here is hack both of the windows closed before any zombies spawn. You'll have 2 groups gather up behind the windows and both pour out. We wait over by the Quick Revive machine, and move when the zombies get close. By the time we approach the other side of the room near the Excavator Omicron panel, the zombies are all in. We then shoot all of them with the MP5k to damage them, then make our way across the map without a disturbance as shown in-video. Simple! If you don't like the look of gathering the zombies in the Recieving Bay, no problem. There's an alternate method we can use. With example 2, we gather a hoard in the Biodome before damaging them with our MP5k. We can then safely make our way to the Recieving Bay with plenty of time to hack the panel before the zombies arrive: Here I gather the group in the Recieving Bay. If you wish though you can go through the opposite Tunnel that you used to get to the Recieving Bay. I couldn't do that here as I'd locked the Astronaut in Tunnel 11 to keep him out of the way (tutorial on how to do that HERE). But as you see, gathering the group here is no problem. Let's take a look at running cross-map without using this trick to remind ourselves of how much easier it is as opposed to now using it: So there you have it, this annoying effect can be cancelled. You can also use it for other things, for example making a dash across the map to rebuy perks after going down. Always bear it in mind, you never know where this could be useful! Full video version here
Yup. Some players like to spray and spray and spray with some sort of MG, then have 500k points that they're never gonna use. Such a waste of time...
What's the Most EPIC thing you have Done?
Superhands replied to 5and5's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Haha nice stuff there Riley, props to way for surviving all of that without Jugg after getting revived too :shock: In general, getting 361 kills with 0 red screens is my most epic thing. As for general epic moments... Wish I'd recorded it. I'd been playing with Tom & 2 randoms on Moon. I had the hacker and people started going down everywhere on the map. The only one with Jugg, it was my job to go revive, made loads of outdoor revives without a PES and was just going back-and-forth across the map reviving these 2 randoms because they wouldn't regroup. -
All Current World Records For Black Ops & W@W Nazi Zombies
Superhands replied to Shooter's topic in Black Ops
I should probably add my new solo world record on Shi No Numa here, round 115: -
Yup. Big blade first and foremost. Then Jugg. Then Mustang & Sally with PhD if the map has it. Then any points I get after that go on raping the box mid-round. As for randoms making the box their first priority... really depends on where the box is. For example on Moon, even if it starts in the power room, that means I'm only one door away from the Bowie. Though in a map like Kino, if the box starts in the PM63 room then I always go by the old phase, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". May as well spam the box myself, after all what happens if I save all of my points? "Super, you have lots of points please open all of the doors to the power so I can buy Jugg".
All depends, if you're on a console you'll want a capture card or a PVR. If you're on PC you can use recording software. Yeah man W@W version is a piss-take haha, only 24 zombies a round in solo so you can get to 100 in less than 2 hours.
Pretty much what Chopper said about using knowledge of the AI to manipulate the zombies' paths. Hanging a left before running off to the right (AKA juking) is a tactic I employ very often. Also anyone who watches my NML vids knows I'm a huge fan of the sprint-jump and it's something I've pretty much perfected, if you time it right you can avoid several hits, and you seem to get squeezed out of tight gaps. Also a specialty of mine is the '3 cutbacks and a drag when trapped in a small area' thing. The amount of times I've had someone watching me when I've somehow been forced to go into a really tight dead end, like the PaP room doorway on FIVE or the tight back corner on No Man's Land. A bunch of zombies coming at me with seemingly nowhere to go. "You're f***ed" the spectator (normally a friend or sibling) would say. 3 very sharp cutbacks and a little drag out and I've formed a tight group out of all of those zombies blocking my way, the coast is clear and I make it out barely taking a hit, leaving the spectator in shock.
Then you hope that the nade lands in one of the safe-spots Or just be careful not to hit the wrong button, I manage it so I'm sure others can ;)
Another useful thread mate Steam: PM me, I only really add those that I talk to regularly since co-op is just about the fun for me these days. Playing time: I'm self-employed with a varying work schedule and sporadic social life, so no definite times. Mic: Yes 60+ on all maps! W@W maps Nacht: 66 solo, 46 co-op, 34 solo on Black Ops Verruckt: 41 solo, 51 co-op, 88 solo on Black Ops SNN: 625 solo, 52 co-op, 115 solo WR on Black Ops Der Riese: 60 solo, 44 co-op, 100 solo on Black Ops Black Ops maps Kino: 100 solo, 45 co-op FIVE: 115 solo WR, 45 co-op Ascension: 161 solo, 60 co-op COTD: 76 solo, 51 co-op Shangri-La: 100 solo, 45 co-op Moon: 100 solo, 66 co-op NML: 361 kills, legit world #2 (former #1) 330 kills with telepad strategy About me as a player: Good team player, also considered by many to be one of the world's greatest players in terms of general solo zombies and No Man's Land. Several world records currently held. Also specialise in inventing new and innovative strategies.
The Type 100 is my fave. Only problem is, it's only on Der Riese and it's position makes it not worthwhile. So with that in mind, I choose either the Thompson or AK74u. Though really, I choose any SMG based on it's location. Not that I buy wall guns much these days, only to point-whore for traps in the high rounds. I prefer to grab a bowie/sickle as early as possible, then go for power-weapons to group-kill in solo or quickly soften up zombies for slashing in co-op.
Thanks a lot guys Yeah it's just over a minute per spawn, round about 1:30 with CJs strategy, I don't think he knows the double-switch trick or didn't know it at the time. So in this case the double-switch trick is a blessing. Thanks man, I'm actually a massive fan of Shi No Numa, really like the scenery for some reason. It's 100 on Shang that I found painful, just hate the feel of it.
Cheers way ;)
Brilliant work mate [brains] a lot of people say Tunnel 11 is too dangerous to run but it doesn't have to be. For co-op though I'm a lot further inclined to my spawn strategy, you can do the EE then let both diggers breach to lock the Astro on the other side of the map, then teleport and start the strategy
Hey guys, so my world record run is now complete, with a round 115 suicide! 0 downs before that point, pretty safe strategy here albeit a bit slow. I cut down this video a bit to keep it under half an hour, but most of round 99 is still shown (among others). Although this is slow, it's the fastest safe-strategy there is I believe. There are other strategies that are safer but VERY slow, this is a happy-medium which is always best suited for 100+ runs. I used a faster strategy between 40 and 60 as shown in the video, but it's risky so I decided to slow things down a bit in the high rounds. 0:00 Low rounds tactics 2:44 High rounds tactics 3:53 Round 99 playthrough 23:20 Round 115 suicide
Attempting CotD R100 Solo, possibly R115
Superhands replied to Rissole25's topic in Call Of The Dead
This thread with video explains everything about getting Ammos from George: viewtopic.php?t=20361 Also shows a nice safe strategy for the 30+ rounds. Probably also worth mentioning; the Matryoshka Dolls stop being insta-kill at round 70 or so, I'm guessing they won't do shit in the 90s. -
Attempting CotD R100 Solo, possibly R115
Superhands replied to Rissole25's topic in Call Of The Dead
Fair play for wanting to go for it mate, but it's so painful and I don't think it'd feasible as pointed out. Past round 70 ammo budgetting is just absolutely ridiculous. Also you can only get a Max Ammo drop from a Wunderwaffe/Scavenger every 4-5 rounds as tested and confirmed by myself. It won't drop any other powerups apart from Max Ammos either. -
Yeah Riley that part is pretty safe. The only bit that's a huge pain in the arse is when the Flogger stops spinning, sometimes you can just walk straight through and other times you get massive clumps of them there which means you have to gather a full group in the Flogger area which can be risky too. So I stopped using the strategy at about round 60 and slowed it down. I wanted to keep my 0 downs track record intact Cheers guys. BTW, paused on ROUND 109 as I write this, new WR Took just over 2 hours from 105-109, with a dog round at 107.
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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