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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Yeah I think it comes down to preferance, it could seem like wasting ammo but you're getting more kills while they're still weak by not waiting for large groups. A couple of times I managed to squeeze 110+ with 7-8 shots by 2:45 today, but it needs some really quick spawning for that to happen.
  2. Still the spawn on Ascension I'd say, I don't see how godmode would affect the time though, unless you went down without it of course ;)
  3. I don't understand this, the Wave Gun has the same ammo count as the Thundergun and kills a full group of 24 just like the Thundergun does, plus a few extra groups with the Zap Guns. Not to mention the Wave Gun is much less prone to the occasional fail than the Thundergun. As for my rating, (I'm sure I've created this very same thread before ) Guns 1) Wave Gun/Zap Gun - The only weapon you need when playing solo, apart from something to make drops with and kill the astro when he starts spazzing out. 2) Thundergun - Absolute beast, great for any 100+ run. 3) Mustang & Sally - Technically not a wonder weapon, but still something I'd take over the rest. 4) Wunderwaffe - Does infinite damage, shame it doesn't kill more per shot or it'd be so much better. 5) Shrink Gun - It's pretty good and can get you through to the 100+ rounds, but it's range sucks and I hate the idea of either having to run through them or whip out my M&S to clear them all, not the most effective defensive weapon. 6) Scavenger - Ahh, if only this weapon did infinite damage... 7) Winter's Howl - Not as bad as many make it out to be. It''ll still save your ass if it's upgraded even past round 30, and great for clearing groups to get through those early stages. 8) Ray Gun - I went through a stage of not liking this gun because it leaves so many crawlers, but it's great when used in the correct situation e.g. when you're running a small circle round the zombies themselves, crawlers just stay in the middle of your circle and don't cause a problem, and you blast through the rounds nice and quickly. 9) VR-11 - Useful in it's places, especially in co-op, but overall just never appealed to me much because of the low ammo count. Tacticals 1) Gersch Devices - These things are so awesome. Good for reviving teammates, dropping powerups after using Thundergun/Wave Gun, distracting zombies while you hack powerups and quickly teleporting to another area of the map to get closer to a downed teammate on the other side of the map. 2) Matryoshka Dolls - I wish these were on Moon, they'd be a great alternative to dropping powerups on Moon rather than using Gersch Devices and risking the astro glitching out. 3) Monkey Bombs - Good for distracting zombies, which can be a life saver. 4) QEDs - Some great effects, but pure unreliable - as I've always said. never leave things down to luck in this game.
  4. Sensible post Tom. I know for sure I'm guilty of saying 'just practice and you'll get better' in instances like this, but I say that because I mean it. Though maybe it might not work like this for others. When I play and I make mistakes, I try to learn from them. I've learned not to walk back and shoot too much, to cut back rather than trying to make that tricky gap, to sometimes walk slowly rather than running around everywhere so I can see what danger is ahead and give myself time to analyse it. As I say somewhat often, there is probably not much more valuable knowledge than getting a feel for how the zombies will react to the way you move, and that can only come with hours of general gameplay, trial and error. Obviously, if it's something someone is struggling with in particular, I'll always give specific advice where possible ;)
  5. You wanna go to 50 in 60min??? How is that supposed to be possible? I'm guessing he meant, he's busy now but in about an hour, he will attempt to get to round 50. Makes more sense, I mean Ascension takes nearly 2 hours to speed to 50 and that's about as quick as it gets ;)
  6. I think any player who dabbles in the strategy section and says they haven't learned anything from anyone is a liar I sure as hell know I've learned a few tips and tricks from several players on here, Chopper, Eye, Tom and probably more in ways I maybe don't realise.
  7. There are lots of things about this map that make it unrealistic, e.g. you need oxygen to fire a gun. But this game is unrealistic in general, I mean how can you just run in a figure of 8 in a 20ftx20ft area with 20+ zombies chasing you and expect to live in real life? That's where the fun comes from :D
  8. Well said Chopper. I think one of the most valuable pieces of knowledge you can gain to make you a better player is to learn how the zombies react to your own movements. This of course only comes with practice, but soon enough you'll be able to read them like a kids book No worries at all shooter, was just filling you in been a lot of changes and thing going on while you've been gone. I've also done some co-op NML stuff with Tom852 which is floating round the Moon gameplay and strategy forum, including a guide to make getting Jugg for 2 players easy, and a WR for the fastest ever 2 player PaP :d
  9. Good to see you back Shooter, long time no see! Shame you missed the innovation I've also put into helping even the biggest of NML newbies in getting 90 second PaPs with a fair amount of ease, something they'd never previously been able to do using conventional methods, and more recently helping a few people really bump up those kills in the early stages to better their end scores. I've always been ever the NML player since it's release, but at the time we were all working on the Master Zombies Guide and the NML area was already being covered and I was busy covering most of the solo stuff. Either way, Eye and Chopper definitely deserve an honorable mention just as much as myself amongst those that help and inspire people to improve their gameplay, particularly when it comes to NML ;)
  10. Yeah pretty much what Jake said. You don't wanna go for the cheapest PC you can find for gaming as it won't be up to the task. You can build a really decent one for about £400 buying parts off eBay though, though you'd obviously need someone to help you put it all together if you're not knowledgeable about it. If you ever did need help picking parts though, PM me ;)
  11. Very amusing post There are plenty of funny moments in these games, particluarly if you grab a friend, get into a game with some randoms and 'troll' the crap out of them Example, playing Nacht with Tom and 2 randoms:
  12. I for one would love to see the Classic Maps properly updated, and I say this as someone who started playing zombies on W@W and has lots of fond memories of playing it. As has been said, the W@W versions are still there for you to go and play. Can't find a decent game? That's what the Teammate Finder section is for. I just don't see what the problem of a re-release with the new perks and PaP would do, it'd give the maps a whole new dimension. Even if they were to release 2 versions so there's something for everybody, that'd be awesome. Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms with having to rely on traps to get through the really high rounds or run around without Jugg on Nacht, both are very fun. But I'd jump at the chance to play Nacht with a PaP, perks and traps in proper Black Ops style, the map would be so much more playable. Let's not have disagreements about sign-offs guys, it's been a done thing on forums everywhere and always will be. No offense to anyone when I say this, you know I love you guys :D
  13. Thanks bud I got to 102 kills with just 5 M&S shots just before 2:45... then I though I'd go for glory and fire off 2 more, which netted me a grand total of... 3 more kills But that actually helped add 3 more to my kill total, those 2 shots wouldn't have mattered in the end as the zombies I had would have been too strong. So I guess that proves that often it can be better to use shots earlier rather than saving them for later ;)
  14. I say this was luck at the time, but I now know it was forced by a different approach to starting the game. I've realised what approach I took and it seriously improves my chances of getting higher scores. Even used this strategy to squeeze 305 kills out of the teleporter strategy (video HERE, which I'm sure I could improve on if I got some faster spawns. 340+ coming soon, I can feel it ;)
  15. I'd say, go with your own advice there bud Believe me, once upon a time, I was one of the worst zombies players there was. I just stood there, shooting them and hoping they would die before I would, doesn't work so good. Then I saw YouTube videos of people kiting, looked fun. Struggled with it for ages, but after lots of practice, I just kept improving. I'm sure about 90% of your fave zombie slayers will tell you a very similar story. Keep at it and the improvement will come, practice makes perfect ;)
  16. Cheers bud, yeah probably could have squeezed a few more, pretty sure I could get 310+ out of this ;)
  17. Cheers guys, hopefully the general high kill record is next I know exactly what needs to be done to get me there, gonna be tough but doable. Yeah between PaP and jugg everything has to be quick quick quick, stick 'n' move ;)
  18. Yeah exactly that mate, I think my shot placement has been improving dramatically as of late so that helps a lot, but sometimes dogs just jump in the way unexpectedly and absorb all of the impact, if that happens a few times a game you're gonna lose about 20 off your kill total. Did you see that 305 kill teleporter strategy vid I put up? It was a tough cookie to crack, as you know I wanted to do it some time ago, but since I've improved my starting strategy I'm sure it's now something I could pull of consistently, there are no dogs up there obviously so I can fully rely on myself to make the shots count without hoping the mutts don't screw it up.
  19. They do cap about 5 minutes into the game I think, at the end of the game the zombies are taking 2 clips to kill and the dogs only take a few shots ;)
  20. Brilliant mate, a great addition to the project I think I've got my strategy down to WR level now, as you said it's the way they spawn that's gonna make or break the game and i'm just waiting for those rapid spawns in the first 3 minutes to give me that mega start.
  21. Thanks man, yeah definitely the side drop and back pool are always gonna be a more efficient strategy for getting high amounts of kills, most 300 players tend to struggle getting much more than 280 kills out of the telepad. Just felt like pushing some boundaries with the telepad strategy, been wanting to do this for quite some time but only recently figured out the key to getting really good starts to set up these sorts of games.
  22. Hey guys, so I on my No Man's Land High Kill Analysis thread that I would go for 300+ kills using the teleporter strategy on No Man's Land, to confirm the effectiveness of quickly killing small groups to get up to 100 kills after a 90 second PaP (using no more than 8 shots). Highest amount of kills ever gained using the telepad strategy, previously 300 by MatoMaster21. This is something I've been trying to achieve for quite a while, the main thing that was needed was a little improvement in my PaP-to-Jugg strategy. From personal experience, getting 300 kills on the telepad is just as difficult as getting about 330-340 using the back pool or side drop. lQMkXHWJFF0
  23. Na of course not mate, I know full well you didn't mean any disrespect whatsoever, hence my jokey reply ;)
  24. You wouldn't be referring to this by any chance, would you? hwVF7Hie2Ek Just that old thing with No Man's Land, the game is so fast paced you feel like your health should regenerate quicker, this isn't the first time it's happened and I'm certain it won't be the last Not quite a 'bad day at the office' though, about an hour later I scored 305 kills using the telepad strategy, which beats the previous world record for that particular strategy, 300 kills set by MatoMaster Video of the full game HERE (yes, I actually managed one of my best No Man's Land games during a recording session, shocking...). As for my worst gameplay... a recent one that comes to mind, a casual game with Tom on Ascension, he goes down messing around with some small-area kiting, zombies just keep coming and coming. I'm sitting there like 'it's OK, I have time'. I think I have time, I then get there for the revive, just as I go to press the revive button he dies. Letting a teammate die unnecesarily is always a total fail.
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