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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Scavenger is a one hit kill till 34, VR11 or Lazarus is never a one hit one kill. Therefore I wouldn't say its stronger than Scavenger. Even ammo wise its almost negligible because only the pap version (Lazarus) gives the explosion which means the un pap'ed is useless. Yeah but what I'm saying is that with one explosion will kill zombies up to round 38. whereas the Scavenger can't do that. But yeah even so, the Lazarus takes 2 shots anyhow so 2 shots from a Scavenger needed at round 34 would still be preferable to using the VR-11. Either way, the VR-11 strategy will be pretty useless past round 38, much to our disappointment :cry:
  2. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys, but this isn't as strong as we'd hoped. Just did another quick-fire game. It's a little stronger than the Scavenger, works until round 38, then it stops being a one hit kill and starts making crawlers just like the Scavenger does. It's also really tough to get a loose one out of the group to target for a double shot, and I had a really tough time managing to kill a full group with it on most attempts as the explosion has a very short range. Props to Yeti for finding this, it was good to hold on to some hope of a round 100 COTD game for a little while ;)
  3. So on my thread about a safe 34+ rounds solo strategy for COTD and a demonstration on how to get Max Ammos from George, a lot of questions were asked about the specifics of doing this. I guess what could serve as a thanks to you guys for helping me reach 1000 [brains] , I've taken it upon myself to find the answers to all of these questions by carrying out rigoruous testing during a solo run to round 58. I've put all of this info into the following video for you guys to get to know everything there is to know (I think): e7KEgCVM_xc
  4. Damn, I wish you posted this the other day - I did a run to 58 to test out all of the nuances of getting Max Ammos from George (uploading a video of my results right now BTW which is gonna help a lot of people), I could have tested how well this works at 50+ in the process. Is it just the PaP'd version of the gun that does this or does the original do it too? Great find either way, this needs to be tested at round 50.
  5. Aight man I added you As for using the controller with PC Black Ops, I use one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Black/dp/B0032A0RBC/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1331580391&sr=8-8 You just plug it into the USB port, install the drivers and the game should recognise the controller.
  6. Yeah I pretty much ignore the box until the end of round 9. I get the Bowie Knife on round 4 and use that until then. I then upgrade the pistol and use that to take out full groups, keep trying the box for the Thunders.
  7. Well, I don't actually play with a mouse/KB, I just got into PC gaming since it was cheaper to buy a graphics card to upgrade my PC than it was to buy a games console. I just use a wireless Xbox controller to play I'd definitely recommend the Rezurrection map pack, Moon is always fun, the classic maps are great and Moon also has the huge bonus that is No Man's Land Ascension is also a fave of mine but Rezurrection provide much more value for your money and all of the maps in it are sweet.
  8. I commented this on Youtube mate, very nice vid. Seems like all of the awesome gameplay/strategy vids often get ignored round here mate, I know the feeling :lol:
  9. On Kino to speed through the early rounds I've always gathered a horde on the stage, then run to the stairs next to the teleporter to get a little distance and fire into my train without getting hurt, works very well ;)
  10. Hehe thanks mate, glad my work could be of help Yeah I do play on PC still, I don't even own an Xbox or PS3 actually but I've gone right off Kino tbh bores the crap out of me, do you have any of the map packs?
  11. There was also a merging strategy that Tom and myself used to get to 60, both at the PhD Lander. Tom would sit at the back with an Awful Lawton in hand in case of emergency, taking on a few zombies. I was running a figure of 8 at the front by the stairs taking on the rest of them, we'd then merge them and I'd blast them with the Thundergun. Sometimes if he had about 1 or 2 he'd just kill them with the Ray Gun. You can also ahve both players use the spawn, one using the little area by QR and the other using the lander area, this would most likely be the quickest strategy there is seeing that the spawn is the quickest area I've used.
  12. I'm currently doing a run to 60 to get some answers. I'm currently on round 27, and I've found some very interesting facts so far. You know how dogs/scientist/monkeys come every 4-5 rounds, 4 or 5 being randomised. It's the exact same with these Max Ammos - I collected one on round 15, then recorded an attempt to drop one on round 19 to show that it's only every 5 rounds - to my surprise, I dropped one. So it is indeed every 4 or 5 rounds. Now here's the best part. I did another test - as I made a mention about in an earlier post, what if I was due this Max Ammo but didn't claim it when it was due? Would it carry over so I could just drop it when I needed it? The answer is... yes it does! As I said, I last dropped one on round 19, so would have been due one at 23 or 24. I didn't try to drop it until round 26, which was a success. EDIT 1: Round 37 now, no downs. The last 2 drops I've tried with normal weapons. Round 31 I used a Matryoshka Doll on my electrified horde, I did indeed drop a Max Ammo. Round 36, shocked horde, 1 Scavenger shot and finished them off with M&S, got a Max Ammo, 2 Instakills and a carpenter. Still more testing to be done on this as the other drops that came on the second attempt means it doesn't quite work exactly the same as a Scevenger/Wunderwaffe kill. Maybe it does work the same but also still allows other powerup drops as a normal weapon is being used. I'll continue using normal weapons to get my 5-roundly Max Ammos to see what results I get. EDIT 2: Just ended the game at round 58. Overall, 1 down at round 43, I was trying out running on the second floor of the light house, it's about twice as fast as most other strategies but it gets pretty dangerous and cased me to go down. I can confirm that you can still drop Max Ammos from George at rounds 50+, round 58 was the last round I dropped one on before ending the game, rounds 54 and 49 previous to this. I used the Mustang & Sally and Matryoshka Dolls to kill the zombies when getting these drops, so it is true that nomal weapons will do the trick as long as the zombies are shocked. As a side note, at round 45 the Scavenger will start to sometimes blow off zombies heads, which will occasionally drop a random powerup - happened to me 3 times between 45-58, dropping a Death Machine, Max Ammo and a Nuke. I'll be making a video about this at some point with the footage I've recoded, but in the meantime all questions have been answered and I'll be updating the OP accordingly ;)
  13. Spawn is one of the easier areas IMO. For a 2 player game I'd always go with one at the spawn and one at Flopper, if you have both the spawn doors open and one player goes down, he can tell his team mate which way the zombies are going and the team mate can go the other way to revive without running into the downed player's horde. For example, the Flopper runner goes down. He watches where his horde runs, and sees they are running towards the auto-turret. So the player reviving can then use the Juggernog stairs to get to his teammate safely.
  14. He actually plays on 3, which shows you don't have to play super-sensitive to be a boss at zombies I play on 4 for the record This pleases me :twisted: :lol:
  15. Yeah no worries mate I'm most likely going for another game today to confirm the answers to these unanswered questions ;)
  16. The same has happened when playing split-screen with my mate on his PS3 - we were hosting, both randoms left and the game still continued with just us. There are still 2 players in the game so the game will continue, though I'm 99% sure it won't count on the leaderboards as the game will be taken offline.
  17. Something else that should be tested, didn't think until just now - say in this instance, I claimed my Max Ammo at 38, so I'll be due another at 43. What if I was to choose not to drop it - would it then carry over to round 44? My guess is that it would, as this is the way drops work - like if you're due a few powerups, but you haven't yet recieved them because you've been using the Thundergun. As soon as you throw a Gersch Device or kill a few of them with an ordinary weapon, you drop multiple powerups in the space of a few seconds. So I'm guessing this Max Ammo would be carried over in the same way. It'd be good to know for definite though.
  18. True but if you watch Mato's 351 using the side drop, he also ended with 348 kills and got the last 3 by knifing. I'm still pretty sure both stategies are just as fast as each other ;)
  19. Yeah there's a little trick, if you knife dogs literally just as they spawn they will die with one knife, no matter what the health Is that just No Man's Land, or does that work on all maps? Interesting question actually, I'll have to try and test this sometime...
  20. Have you checked your specs against the game's requirements Mega?
  21. Well this is just Juggernog in under a minute here, but Tom and myself also managed a 2 man PaP in just over 3 minutes which is a completely untouched WR. Vid here viewtopic.php?f=85&t=20186
  22. Yeah there's a little trick, if you knife dogs literally just as they spawn they will die with one knife, no matter what the health ;)
  23. Yeah definitely man, pretty much the examples I used earlier like the spawn in Ascension - easy to run from round 10 using a wider loop, then at round 35 you start using a smaller loop because you no longer need to drag it out to accommodate slower spawning, and you're taking out full spawns at 25 seconds a time and hardly taking a hit whilst doing so. The lobby on Kino, pretty tough in the early stages, but a joke to run at rounds 40+. And of course the loop-and-trap strategies of the classic maps, a little long but you can't go far wrong (nice little rhyme there). Well, unless you get mutts on Der Riese anyways, always there to throw a spanner in the works I've personally completely gone off point-whoring with wall guns/MGs past round 10 unless it's for traps. I mean, prime example in my video here: look at my points total even though I never even touched a wall gun. I point-whored with the pistol, got the Sickle on round 4, used that until the end of round 9, crawler, box, nothing great, ran out of points, horded and M&S-killed until round 13, box again, Scavenger, used that from then onwards. I've come to realise that I used to waste hours and hours spraying and spraying and spraying, eventually ending up with loads of points that I'm never gonna use. It's probably wise to point-whore until you get the ideal weapon set-up, after that I like to go with horde, kill, repeat. Also eliminates the mistakes you normally make from walking backwards and shooting ;)
  24. Good stuff lemonade, I've played a total of about 6-7 solo games on COTD and I literally just started using this today, as I said in the search of a consistently easy strategy. The AK area is easy in general, but just sometimes certain situations arise that make things tough and I don't like to trust to luck in a strategy where possible.
  25. Thanks for the feedback guys, yeah way I wanted to give my solo guide project an update soon anyways so this will fit in nicely In my ongoing search for the perfect strategy for each map, for the 35+ rounds when they all start spawning in a clump, I've always tried to find a strategy that allows you to control the full-group spawning so it's consistent i.e. more or less the same every single time; if you play it like this then when you inevitably go into auto-pilot during a long game, you can afford to do so. Good exampes are the spawn on Ascension, the lobby on Kino, and the full-map-loop-and-trap strategies on Verruckt, SNN and Der Riese if dogs don't spawn. On COTD, with the AK area, as has been pointed out you get them spawning out of the ground in different places each time and you get caught unaware occasionally, which can sometimes be disastrous. Kiting in the lighthouse, another popular strategy, is a little risky-without-benefits for my liking as well as the spawning being a little inconsistent. All of the other areas are a combination of these 2. I knew from running the lighthouse in previous games that they will almost all spawn inside the lighthouse if you're in there. So I figured, why not try a strategy similar to my SNN flogger strategy, starting in one area to get them to spawn there and then run out into a different area to more or less have them all run out after me, almost nothing can go wrong if this type of strategy is performed correctly. I firstly tried killing the group on the second floor of the lighthouse, waiitng a few seconds and running down and out of the door to the AK area - it worked quite well but killing them on the second floor always held the risk of hitting George. So I tried killing on the third floor and running down, didn't quite work, had to unblock my path with the M&S at the lowest set of stairs in the 2 times I tried it; not safe enough, not good enough. I then figured that I could drop off the top and they should all follow down the stairs - bingo! This is true, been planning to test this properly at some point since our discussion about it and today I just felt in the mood for a little COTD But yeah, like I said it seems like an exact science that was more or less put in place to replace the boss rounds, so I'm not quite sure why it'd change at round 50... but it's always good to test these things ;)
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