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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. That's the beauty of this strategy - you don't have to deal with spawners from the ground You'll see what I mean when you see the video. God mode is basically, you can't even get hit, the zombies swing at you and their hand just goes straight through you more or less. If you wanna try it just open the console in W@W and type in god before pressing enter. So yeah, the boredom from playing for 50 rounds without being able to ge hit would drive me insane As for mods and hacks, I've no clue on these, apparently you can hack your rounds and stuff but I'm sure that'd take a lot of knowledge of programming/scripting which I do not have.
  2. Could be worth a try... as I said I'm sure it's an alternative to the between-round bosses, so not sure why they'd stop it from working at round 50 or so, but I'll have to do a run to 60 one day soon just to make sure. I'd just do it legit though, it's easy enough especially once you start using this strategy. No way I'd be able to godmode it to round 60 anyways, I'd already be bored to tears by round 30 :lol:
  3. He only bought QR just to show that, when he went down, he had not used any QRs through out the game as he then bought 2 more of them before the machine disappeared and then downed himself.
  4. Thanks way, well I did some slight testing a while ago but I didn't notice any pattern, it just worked for me every time but I wasn't trying it so often. Tom then tested my theory that it works whenever you're due a drop and found this not to be the case, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. He noticed a pattern and we speculated that it's most likely something that can only occur every 4-5 rounds. I did a quick game to 50 today and recorded this video and confirmed that it is indeed every 5 rounds that it works - every time I tried 5 rounds from the last, success. Just as a final confirmation, I tried on round 42 after having a successful attempt on round 38 and nothing, tried on round 43 and, as you see here, success. I then tried on rounds 47 and 48, round 47 as suspected was unsuccessful whereas 48 was successful, as expected. It may be helpful to make things organised for easy memory, e.g. make sure the first one you drop for example is round 25 or 30 so from then onwards you'll be able to do it on round 35, 40, 45, 50 and so on. I also tested it with the Mustang & Sally at round 33 and got an Instakill and a Death Machine, which was most likely because I was due 2 powerups anyways but I got no Max Ammo. Maybe it increases the chances of a Max Ammo using normal weapons but is still not guaranteed.
  5. A round 43 playthrough showing a super safe solo strategy for the higher rounds on COTD, best to start using it at around 34 as this is when the zombies start spawning in really fast and they take 2 hits from the Scavenger to kill. Skip to 6:35 for a demonstration on how to get Max Ammos from zombies shocked by George - this works with a Scavenger or Wunderwaffe, as well as normal weapons; the Mustang & Sally, Ray Gun & Matryoshka Dolls are ideal for quickly taking out your group. You can only do this every 4-5 rounds after the last, e.g. my last shocked-zombies Max Ammo was round 38, so I could not do this again until round 43. I guess this is supposed to be some sort of replacement for dogs/scientist/monkeys. Like the boss rounds on previous maps, sometimes you'll be due it 4 rounds after the last, sometimes 5 - it's randomised. If you do not claim the Max Ammo at the round you are due it, no problem - it will carry over to the following rounds until you are ready to make it drop! Fim7DUk75QQ This strategy is probably about the same speed as generally running the AK area by the time you've waited for the slow stragglers you get when running the area, not to mention it's a lot safer and more organised.
  6. A vid Tom and myself put on Youtube, both aquiring Juggernog in 57 seconds and arriving at Moon 5 seconds later with a 1:02 teleport time. hmaJ5HgIge8 Tom is the top player, I'm at the bottom. Kind of a funny ending here, we're both on the teleporter and all of the zombies seem to be ignoring Tom and and going for me, I just manage to stop myself from getting down by using him as a human shield :lol:
  7. It appears I missed this post, congrats man this is pretty crazy ;)
  8. I agree with that; as I've made known for quite some time, FIVE always has been and always will be a personal fave of mine and I've helped a fair amount of people improve at it through my strategy guides; I'd say on a scale, I'm better at FIVE than I am most other maps. The thing is, it's not difficult to use the traps in the 40+ rounds, it's just slow as hell and boring as crap, so an OHK wonder weapon would make the map a lot more enjoyable.
  9. IMO, neither stat always tells the right tale. With kills, it's becoming somewhat common in the high rounds to use a merge and kill strategy, i.e. 2 players will gather a train each, then run and join them together and one player will kill them with a wonderweapon. One player will end up having all of the kills, but doesn't necessarily mean that player did more work than the other player. Downs can also be misleading. Example, a game on Ascension I did with Tom to round 60, I had 11 downs. On the scoreboard, doesn't look so good. However in reality, 5 of those came from my controller battery dieing on me and me not being prepared for it. 3 of them came from messing about at the end of the game cuz I knew we were quitting. 1 came from a suicide at the end. So only 2 genuine downs, both because I was running a difficult train that gave me most of the zombies because I had the Thundergun, 2 downs is pretty respectful considering I was running this difficult train for a few hours and both those downs were because of Thundergun fails when I needed it most It's of course good to have a low amount of downs and it never looks good to have 5+ downs on the scoreboard, but often between yourself and your teammates, some of these don't even get counted.
  10. This I disagree with entirely, there are more than enough kiting spots in Shi No Numa for 4 players to split up and run their own trains, always the most effective way of getting to the 30+ rounds. Refer to this video for a guide by Tom on how to run them: 9bkJOhJGb_o For Verruckt, pretty much what Ant said:
  11. Just imagine how much easier FIVE would be with a OHKO weapon. I'm pretty sure they made it only do a certain amount of damage so they could go along with the Pentagon Thief idea... why didn't they just do what they did with the Wave Gun and make it ineffective against the boss character?
  12. There's a new NML kill WR that I only just found, 354 kills by IlSteveIl just over a week ago: V3lPU1NS6S8 Interestingly, this was done with the back pool strategy, so I guess the back pool and side drop are just as fast as each other.
  13. One thing I would like to see - bring back traps!
  14. I installed all the patchs above then I installed the junkyard map. I can see the map in the mods menu but when I try to launch it the screen go's black then back to the waw menu. Do you have any idea whats causing this to happen? Yeah what you'd do in this case is find it in the mods menu and launch it. When taken to the main menu, click the key to open the console and type devmap nazi_zombie_junkyard then click enter and the map will load ;)
  15. Great find mate, this will surely come in handy at some point.
  16. I swear by this strategy in solo play By the way... can't believe I noticed that this should be in the Gameplay & Strategies section before Tom did... c'mon mate, you're slacking ;)
  17. I've never bothered with health charts etc, just shoot until dead works fine But his health definitely maxes out at around round 30.
  18. Why does my ad blocker not block this? :geek: You WILL read my thread!!! :twisted:
  19. I completely agree, I'm dreading the day they start to go OTT with things. I think the game has found it's happy medium in terms of features.
  20. Have a little look at the FIVE section in my guide project linked in my description mate, there you'll find my choice of weapons, when I buy them and how I like to use them Although, personally on solo I rarely buy wall weapons on FIVE, just Bowie til 10 before I hit the box, I also sometimes use the M&S to gather up and take out hordes to get through the rounds quicker between 10-30. Running the lab strat with the AK could be a nice strategy for point-whoring at round 10+ though ;)
  21. No worries but yeah the gersch glitch is really common and, as annoying as it is, I think most players have learned how to deal with it in some way or another.
  22. YES Thanks for the feedback mate, in co-op games I actually find running the labs just as easy as running the War Room, but that's most likely because I'm well practiced in both areas ;)
  23. Yeah, in co-op though 2 players blasting with the M&S will always do the trick As for anyone that doesn't like FIVE because of the difficulty, you may be interested in these little strategy vids I came up with: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=20228&p=190796#p190796
  24. Thanks mate, let's hope so, I worked hard on this and it's been pretty much ignored so far. Not an unfamiliar feeling it must be said :lol:
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