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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Awesome stuff Tom, I'm guessing our 2 player NML antics helped you get used to making points on the telepad too ;)
  2. Thomspon, such an awesome gun, does some nice damage, gains huge points and low amount of recoil. AK comes a close 2nd.
  3. An excellent point indeed Tom. The great part about this guide is that it is everything you need to know, the fundamentals. Substance rooted in numbers with their immediate effect on the gameplay, and while Mr. Perfect Lemonade, does throw in some of his own, well-researched meaning, it is basically up to us whether or not to use the strategy guide to our advantage. I do love seeing a good debate however. 8-) Yeah well said Tom. As I mentioned, how a person plays is their choice, I've played a lot of No Man's Land so I feel comfortable running around with the bare essentials, and it's because of this that I can often rack up about 8k by the end of round 4. But if you feel unsafe, maybe take things a little slower. I just didn't understand why lemonade's words about not taking instakills and death machines were being questioned when they make so much sense.
  4. This is just what I was saying when you play badly with your friends because you know you'll get revived, especially after the EE is done as you don't really care if you go down. I guess if you say to some people 'Yeah, got to round 50, 11 downs' they'd say 'Huh, 11 downs? Sounds like you got dragged'. 'Well, they had the same amount of downs as me, so I guess we dragged each other'. Point being there, you can play like crap with your friends and still go to whatever round because you all know how to revive each other, regardless of how badly you're playing this knowledge doesn't go away. Whereas with randoms, you're forced to play well or you won't last. Not to mention there's the competition between downs, whereas playing with friends I could care less if I had 1 down or 10.
  5. Well, I feel I'll just be repeating myself here, if you wanna do it your way then fine, all about preferance, but I personally always end up getting all of the doors open at the end of round 4 and getting my blade - game pretty much set up right there. You can't do that by getting instakills and death machines, believe me I've tried and it's borderline impossible, any good player would tell you this. With that said, stick to what feels comfortable for you. Just wrapping this up here as it's beginning to turn into spam and drawing attention away from the original post, which would be very sad indeed. Just in reply to Tom here - fair point about preferance in play styles, but the whole point of what we were talking about was what makes more points, taking death machines and instakills or not, and you know as well as I do that taking them will most likely lead to you making less points in the first 3-4 rounds. As a preferance though, if I've only just made enough points in round 6 to buy the Bowie, when I could have made bought it in round 4 and make a few extra thousand by that time doing it my way, then I'd feel a little disappointed. Very similar to you wanting to restart our Moon game yesterday because we didn't point-whore enough on NML The point is, setting the game up as early as possible is always a good way to go. Go with whatever you feel most comfortable with though ;)
  6. It's definately not small thinking, it's called maximising point gain in the first stages which is something I'd know as well as anyone as I usually get all of the areas open and get my beloved Bowie/Sickle before round 5 even starts. The thing is, why would I want to get 140 for one knife on round 2 or 3 when I could let some in, line them up and make loads of points from collateral damage from the pistol before knifing them? Maybe take it on round 4 when you get overrun, but in general I'd avoid it as it will just cost you points. Sure, a death machine will save you ammo which you can use later - but that defeats the point. It's in the first few rounds that it's really important to maximise your point gain so you can start setting the game up as early as round 4 or 5. If you're taking death machines, as I said you would have saved ammo for later but I'd rather have used that ammo now so I can afford to go but the Bowie Knife on round 4 and use it to make massive point-gain in the following rounds. Not to mention there's a high chance of dropping a Max Ammo in these early stages, if it's dropped very early on then great, more ammo and I'd be glad I used my other ammo already. If I don't get one, oh well, it'd be a bonus but it's not essential.
  7. Great stuff as usual mate. Yes. Also another thing you'll notice if you watch closely and something I've learned from personal experience; when you cut back, don't cut into the zombies too much i.e. try not to brush to close to them. I know this sounds like common sense, but a lot of people make their cut backs a little too extreme, they turn into it too much and they get hit. If you need to make a sharp cutback, make sure to do a little drag out first to make some extra room, as Chopper also demonstrates well here. This is one of the keys to advanced kiting and escaping danger.
  8. I hope you don't think I'm picking on you mate but I seem to be disagreeing with a lot of your posts when it comes to strategy but my thoughts concerning the starting rounds: Instakills - dont bother taking them in rounds 2 or 3, you'll make less points. Without that instakill, you'll need more hits on the zombies before you knife them, and hit markers mean points. Death machines - a kill from a death machine gains less points than a knife. Don't bother with it. Hitting the box - don't waste points hitting the box, prioritise perks and more important things first. As mentioned, the whole point in the early rounds is to point-build, a wall gun does that just fine or a Bowie Knife/Sickle better than anything. Also, you're relying on luck when you hit the box. And with this game, if you're relying on luck then you're just hoping the game will go well - don't leave things to chance and you'll find yourself getting good games a lot more regularly. What if you get a couple of launchers? Then you've just wasted points and you're stuck up slack alley, you should have saved those points to spend on more important things, the kinds of things you wanna get as soon as possible (Juggs, important doors open etc.) Once you've got the essentials, any points you make will be surplus and you can start spending these on getting nice weapons. Hope this helps ;)
  9. This is probably why they call the Ray Gun a wonder weapon, just leaves you wondering how the hell it works... I think the main reason I shoot at the feet apart from the splash damage is to make crawlers for knifing ;)
  10. Glad I could contribute a small part to this awesome post. What I like about your guides is that they're very entertaining as well as informative. On the subject of points; when a lot of people think of early rounds, in solo in particular, they think "No Juggernog and no good weapons, just wanna ge these round over as soon as possible". But, with the zombies' health so low, that the pistol and knife do damage and the zombies' slow walking speed, this is an ample opportunity to make a nice amount of points to set up a good game. You're shooting yourself in the foot (unless you have PhD Flopper) by taking Nukes and buying shotguns, sometimes even taking instakills. Richtofen!
  11. This are all great ideas mate. There are some of us on here that from time to time upload strategy and tutorial vids on our YT pages, we could then submit those vids to whoever will be in charge of adding the intro so they can download it from YT and add the intro. Maybe give said person access to the YT channel so they can upload it.
  12. It can be a little tricky at first. But, once you get used to it you'll be flying. Tom and I were taking the absolute piss with this last night. We wanted our Juggs and some nice points to get a good start on Moon before a 50+ game, many of the attempts were succesful but we kept restarting until we both started round 1 with Juggs and well over 1k each.
  13. Well... when I was first installing the game, I was thinking 'PC gamers are hardcore, I bet even the randoms kick so much as at this game'... but, as it turns out, they're just the same as you'd find on any other console I think what annoys me most is, even thought everyone has the option to type chat, so many of them downright refuse to communicate and co-operate.
  14. I guess I meant, not with high rounds but with performance in general. There are games when we only get to round 20, I go down and everyone else follows. But throughout the game I made a ton of crazy revives and got out of loads of bad situations etc. If I'm going for high rounds or just a generally awesome fun game, I'll always hit my friends up.
  15. I don't think it has anything to do with being in a private match, the only time I've ever completed the EEs on any map was in a private match. I still have the golden rod on Moon every time I play as Richtofen with randoms though.
  16. This is something I've always got into a discussion about with my Steam friends. Some of us tend to play better when we're with our friends, we feel like we can enjoy things more and we play better as a result. Whilst with others of us, we relax too much when playing with friends which makes us play badly. Which one of these describes you? I personally play a lot better with randoms. If I'm playing with friends, as I said I just relax too much sometimes, not only because I'm just having fun but also because I know I'll almost certainly get revived. If I'm playing with randoms, I don't wanna go down because I know there's a chance that I'll die out. There's also the fact that I wanna play well, I don't wanna look like a bad player. With my friends, they've seen how I can play, I need to prove nothing to them, and as I said my friends will most likely revive me so going down doesn't matter so much, especially if I have the points to recover.
  17. Pretty much everything that Chopper said, I would'a said. All I can say is just practice, watch NML vids on YouTube, practice, watch vids, practice... you get the idea ;)
  18. No need to apologise mate, as I said it was me that was probably out of line there ;)
  19. Welcome to the forums Nice idea, but each CoD is always set in a certain are so there are always weapons from a certain time.
  20. Ah yeah just noticed the dates. Does make you wonder how these threads get revived sometimes :lol:
  21. There is a way to do this on pc to directly load whatever round you wish. I heard of someone doing it. Yeah apparently there is a way to hack rounds on PC and even the consoles... I would do it for you but I have no knowhow of the technical wizardy involved in hacking I'm afriad.
  22. I think his game reset at 171. So he is the new champ. That's correct Well he was the champ at round 167 anyways, but I'm pretty sure he would have stuck with it and gone for round 200 if he could. I really admire that guy's spirit and determination.
  23. Yeah this is why I said in the OP, that hypothetically both perks are about the same distance from each other, basically just to see which perk players would rather do without for a bit if they have the M&S.
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