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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Also, I've tried hacking the red perk bottle and cosmonaut, it is impossible to hack either ;)
  2. Yeah Tom has done it, I've seen a screenshot with him having 5 perks on solo, you basically just throw the QED at the machine of the perk you want and if you're lucky you may get the perk, very small chance though 2% at most. Skip to 1:45 here to see him getting Mule Kick & PhD Flopper from QEDs: QTrTZ9ZeCGk
  3. :lol: How the hell did I, a correct-section Nazi and UOTM, make such a silly mistake :?: Mods, while you are moving this thread, please strip me of my UOTM title and add a point of discussion to the staff meeting about maybe banning me from posting in the future. Prime example here people, make sure you look properly before posting. Well, if we get a 2 man PaP video out I'll get it in the correct section next time Anyways guys, drop some thoughts on how well this strategy works for you guys and what you think of it in general ;)
  4. Hi guys, so I devised a strategy here that was more or less derived from my 90 second PaP strategy for solo, modified for 2 players getting Jugg before going to Moon. I collaborated with my partner in crime and fellow CoDz user Tom852 to come up with this split-screen perspective video for you guys; credit goes to him for video editing and commentary. It's a nice consistent strategy, not too difficult... Tom explains everything in-video so I should stop waffling on here and just let you watch non63oOevAg As Tom points out, the last clip shows an alternative strategy we tried out and found that it was inconsistent mainly due to dogs screwing you over frequently, whereas with the teleporter strategy dogs are eliminated and we actually managed to capture those 3 takes within 20 minutes ;)
  5. You're writing a guide to help people play zombies, this sentence doesn't inspire too much confidence :? I'm not trying to put you off in any way btw, just do some research to help the guide mate Honestly, I find that insulting. I know what I'm talking about, I know strategies. I just needed him to tell me what he means by that. "Cut back". I can't be expected to know every colloquialism. Vocabulary. Words. That was what I was asking for. That's like saying because I absolutely refuse to use the word "train" in Zombies context means I'm not inspiring confidence to people who ask for help. I've been working on this guide for a very long time before I even joined this site. The "lingo" isn't going to be hip with me. EDIT: Educated, I appreciate the help, but I can't just rip off your guide. Sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean it as an insult so maybe what I said was a little harsh... I just thought the term was common knowledge, particularly among these forums. Not saying you don't know your stuff either and I for one am looking forward to the end result of your project ;)
  6. As I just mentioned, I really like the Moon EE as do many other people, so they should continue making them like this. Also I think the radios and stuff are necessary for plot developments etc. Music EEs are good to have, albeit I've not liked any of the songs that came after Ascension.
  7. DuckCall's stats are indeed incorrect, I discovered this when I was carrying out a zombie count on a solo game on Kino up until round 85. I'd like to test these formulas, but are these just for 4 players or any? Just having a little bit of difficulty making head-and-tail of it - if they would work for solo, what formula would I use to work out how many zombies should be on round 80?
  8. It was actually confirmed at the CoD XP event that there are no changes and there never will be when a fan asked the zombies rew about it. It was apparently just a last minute thing, nothing more than a bit of fun... especially while you wait for your teammates to run around, chasing the box for the Ray Gun and fixing every single window on the map :lol:
  9. This. People weren't happy about it which is obviously why Treyarch decided to give a reward for doing the EE in the next few maps. I still think the Moon EE is the best by far. The COTD one is a little short and silly although the reward is good. Doing the Shangri La EE 4 times so everyone can have infinite perks is ridiculous, takes far too long. But I think they got it just right with Moon, good length, entertaining steps and results from them and the best reward yet.
  10. Max Wave Gun/Porter's x2 Zap Gun, best weapon ever IMO. Zeuscannon, a close second. Mustang & Sally comes 3rd, absolute beast of a pistol and no other weapon gets quite the upgrade that the M1911 gets upon getting it back out of the PaP.
  11. Yeah I've done a few of those challenges myself on my YT channel, beaten boysta out so far but no doubt he'll have another go soon and better my scores ;)
  12. I know that name haha, good to see you here mate As I mentioned there's a gameplay/strategies section that I think you'd feel at home in ;)
  13. I guess that's the thing, the first versions of these maps are shockingly glitchy, and without being able to use the patches you'll of course still experience it. I've had this one on a solo game that was going perfectly. Round 24, PaP'ing the Wave Gun, everything looked pretty clear. As soon as the cage opened, it felt like I blinked and got surrounded while my eyes were closed for a millisecond, I literally couldn't believe it Luckily though in this instance Jugg was at the teleporter and I had tons of points, so it was an easy recovery.
  14. As Tom and myself have discussed, the zombies seem to spawn from all the way up to the tunnels, hence why it's so slow. You can however speed things up by using the launchers - when you're launched into the air, the zombies go into sprint mode, which will obviously get them to you faster. Still gonna be slow though. I'd also recommend getting the Bowie over Juggernog if it's available, no matter what your skill level. If you're a new player, running around with Jugg but no defensive weapon in the early rounds is actually more dangerous than having the Bowie but no Jugg, at least you can easily defend yourself with the Bowie knife, until you get 20 kills with it so you can afford Juggs. Not to mention the point gain Also, just trying to be helpful with this: You're writing a guide to help people play zombies, this sentence doesn't inspire too much confidence :? I'm not trying to put you off in any way btw, just do some research to help the guide mate ;)
  15. Great post mate, ultimately you'll always be better off going for the Bowie as opposed to an SMG, particularly later in the game as you'll have opened all of the main doors early on. As you know I personally don't buy the M14 as I prefer to just knife, but as seen in some of my NML videos knifing happens to be one of my specialties so for most people the M14 is highly recommended for 'point-whoring'. Just a thought... maybe make a very similar thread to this in the general gameplay discussion section, and outline how much you need to save up on each map before making your way to the Bowie and buying it ;)
  16. There you see my screwed up leaderboard score from running round for an hour with infinite ammo (give pistol then PaP it for more ammo) when I first got the map pack had no idea there was even a NML leaderboard at the time :shock: Anyways, well done mate keep improving that score ;)
  17. Good to see you back mate. great post as always. NML always brings up interesting discussions. As for the 90 second PaP, I guess it's down to preferance. I like the teleporter pad as it's pretty simple, and the results are consistant to the point that, as long as you don't down, you're almost guaranteed a 90 second PaP. But with the main area, you can get better results. Tom and myself are working on an instructional video of this with a strategy that I came up with that produces constistant results. Well rather, it's recorded already we got 3 good takes in the space of about 20 mins, Tom has the job of editing and commentating it ;)
  18. Yeah it'd be cool if there was a way to get Flopper from the get-go, problem is though that by the time you've no-clipped, got the power on, bought it and gone back, you're gonna lose a bunch of spawns anyways so it'd defeat the point I guess.
  19. Not for me thanks, the whole point of getting some wonder weapons is for defensive purposes Wouldn't any self-damage just be negated by Flopper anyways? The only reason it seemed to be more powerful is because the zombies had much lower health in W@W. You could still kill them with an MG at round 100 But yeah, with the Ray Gun the stats show that both versions do 1000 damage per shot ;)
  20. This I definitely agree with. You lose a few spawns by not being able to shoot more than twice at a time to get more respawners in quicker. It'd take about 6 seconds to take out a horde with 6 shots without Flopper, but with it you could fire off those 6 shots in less than a second.
  21. I always used to go for LMGs, but I've sort of figured that you may as well stick with wall guns just until you can get some power weapons so you can just horde, kill and repeat, you still make a nice point-cushion to recover with anyways. Here's my choice of weapons and perks for solo, pretty much the same for co-op: Nacht: Thundergun, Ray Gun, Thompson Verruckt: Winter's Howl, Ray Gun; get rid of the Winter's for Thompson at 30+ to start using traps - Jugg, QR, DT, SPeed Shi No Numa: Wunderwaffe, Ray Gun; trade Ray for Thompson at 30+ for traps - Jugg, QR, Speed, DT Der Riese: Wunderwaffe, Ray Gun, Thompson - Jugg, QR, Mule, DT Kino: Thundergun, Ray Gun - Jugg, DT, QR, Speed FIVE: Mustang & Sally, Awful Lawton (or Winter's up until about 30 if I get it), Ray Gun - Jugg, Speed, QR, Mule Ascension: Thundergun, Mustang & Sally (or one of those + Ray Gun for co-op), Gersch Devices - Jugg, QR, Staminup, PhD COTD: M&S, Scavenger, VR-11 for 1-2 players or Ray Gun for 3-4 - Jugg, QR, PhD, Mule Shangri La: Shrink Gun, M&S, Ray Gun for co-op - Jugg, QR, PhD, Staminup Moon: Wave Gun, M&S, Ray Gun for co-op, Gersch Devices - Jugg, QR, PhD, Speed
  22. There's no way anyone would remember all of this and I'm sure a lot of it would be misunderstood but entertaining post none-the-less This one sounds more to me like the signal that randoms use to say "PLEEEEEEEASE THIS IS MY FAVE WINDOW, SO MOVE!!!!!" So glad we have a type-chat option on PC 8-)
  23. I'm pretty sure the DG-3 only killed 20 per shot ;)
  24. I still fail to understand why there has ever even been a Thundergun vs Wunderwaffe argument. Thundergun wins at saving your ass in a tough situation. Thundergun wins at higher potential amount of kills. Thundergun wins at not damaging you. Thundergun wins at not even having to aim. Wunderwaffe wins at range, but when you're gathering trains nice and tight so you can take out groups with a wonderweapon, who needs range? Don't get me wrong, the Wunderwaffe is an awesome weapon and I'd take it over most box weapons, but it's low on the list in the greatest wonder weapons for me. I'm pretty sure most people that like it only really like it for novelty/nostalgic value.
  25. I think that was the most annoying thing for me when you're running the main area, you're tryna knife up crawlers and you've got dogs spawning all over you, and dogs generally screwing you over when gathering. I guess that's why I prefer this strategy, I can get a PaP with it about 8 attempts out of 10.
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