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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Really glad I helped you BBD, as long as my vid helped a few people then it's a success, means a lot more to me than 1000s of views but no sort of feedback from people that have actually tried the strategy. If you're looking to get into the 200s I'd recommend sticking with the teleporter strategy, so easy to horde there, no hellhounds all the while you stay up there and you have the perfect overview of any spawning.
  2. Well done mate really pleased for you Was that with the side-drop strategy?
  3. We were just talking about this a little the other day actually, in a lobby with your friends all disagreeing about which map to play a random map option would be handy.
  4. Must add though that I see no benefit in running a crescent moon on the PhD Lander on Ascension, if you look at the Ascension section of the Solo Zombies Guide I explain how just running an hourglass shape (pic included) is one of the easiest loops you can do ;)
  5. Great work Tom As Tom basically said, running a crescent moon is just a glorified figure-of-8, you just drag at the corners of one side and run round the horde, then do the same thing on the other side. So it's pretty much just cutback, drag, cutback, drag and so on. I apply this technique here in the Power and Bowie Knife rooms on Der Riese to gather up my hordes: Lj37xl4_ZAw If you watch any videos of the teleporter strategy on NML you'll see the same technique being used. Fine example: elOsVMpkWjg
  6. The lobby as also a great area for the 2nd player as Chopper pointed out. Also, if you keep the top door closed at all times this will make things much easier for that player. That top door never needs to be opened anyways, you can access all of the other areas by going the other way round the map ;)
  7. In those long games, sometimes you just have to find a way to keep things interesting For me it's like 'I'm getting really lax, maybe I should go run a shoe-box train to get the adrenaline going' Then of course if I go down my teammates are probably thinking 'wtf is he doing there anyways?'
  8. Well, I don't smoke anything so I can't comment on that. When I've been drinking I turn into a terrible player. But I think this comes from being too relaxed. At one point, Tom and I had a conversation about how you sometimes play like crap when playing with good friends that are good players, because you're just relaxing, having a laugh and you know your teammates will revive you if you go down so you generally don't care. You get the same feeling when drunk even if you're playing with randoms or solo, though in these cases you probably won't get revived When I'm sober and I'm either playing solo, with randoms or someone that I've recently added as a friend and they don't really know how well I can play, I'm an awesome player. I'm aware, I'm careful and I hardly make mistakes, and because of this I rarely go down. But when I'm too relaxed the mistakes creep in over and over again.
  9. I think for practicing general kiting, watch loads of NML vids to see how the techniques are performed, then practice loads of NML too. I know I've said this on several threads, but becoming an efficient No Man's Land player will turn you from a good kiter to one of epic proportions Also what Chopper was saying about reviving - I think, unless you're doing a 'train and merge' strategy then you and your teammate should keep a little distance between your trains. Not a lot, but enough to give you space to let your downed teammates train come to you so you can go revive with the coast clear Good example on Kino, have one player running the stage and the other running a loop in the MP40 room. I'd recommend the MP40 room guy having the Thundergun because of the tight spot at the top of the Stakeout stairs; most of the time, this gap can be freed by backing up and 'dragging' the zombies out of it, but from time to time it's not possible to do that so best to have a good path-clearing weapon. Easy loop otherwise.
  10. This is the ONLY reason I've ever bought any Black Ops DLC I can honestly say I've played the DLC multiplayer maps less than 5 times altogether.
  11. So we all got into this game somehow. Maybe you were introduced to it by a friend, thought CoD looked awesome from TV ads and found zombies through generally playing CoD, or you read good reviews or stumbled upon videos of zombies on the internet. Mine is pretty standard, introduced to it by a friend. We played a little Call of Duty, I wasn't really into it. Then on the main menu on W@W, I noticed there was a zombies mode. I quizzed my friend about it and he said he was gonna show me it at some point, but let's play it now. At the time he had NDU and Der Riese, we only played Der Riese at first. First few attempts, I thought it was alright, nothing amazing. But that said, we'd only reached level 10. As we played it more and more and became more and more skilled, we started to become hooked on it. We'd regularly reach the 30s and 40s and we learned the basics of running trains. Then the release of Black Ops came. We'd played a little Kino but thought it was pretty dull and boring, so we started playing FIVE really often with players online. Things in Black Ops zombies seemed so much more hectic and it was pretty thrilling to play; I just fell in love with it. That's pretty much when I looked at getting the game myself. I didn't have a current gen games console at the time as I wasn't much of a gamer at this point. The cheapest option was just to get a good graphics card to put in my PC so I could run it. This was a pretty annoying experience; the first card I got wasn't quite good enough (an 8600GS, I assumed it would be good due to it having 1GB memory). Then the second one I got was faulty and had to be returned, so I still had Black Ops and W@W both sitting there, installed and waiting to be played. Third time lucky, picked up a GTX 460, put it in, cranked the graphics up to the max and got to zombie slaying. At the time, I was a terrible solo player, but I kept playing and playing solo on FIVE and W@W Der Riese, soon enough I was reaching round 30+ every single time I played. My friend was pretty amazed! Before, I'd had no intention of buying any map packs, the W@W ones were free on PC. I started reaching the 50+ rounds in solo on several maps however (100 on Kino by this point), I was hooked on the game enough that I decided it was time to buy the newly released Ascension. So that's my story. What's yours?
  12. Or just hack the one that has the flashing light on it, easier to pick out ;)
  13. Yeah as I said not trying to flame at all and it's great that you post your ideas, just saw no positive in this secondary random box. I guess what way said about having it in a safe position may be a good idea though, just still don't like the idea of getting the upgraded version straight away if you're recycling a wonder-weapon in the middle of a high round. It could still be nice to have a fall-back for safety though. I'd like to apologise for this; didn't feel like it as I wrote it, but reading it back that looks pretty harsh. I'm normally one for reading back my comments to make sure they'll come across respectfully, so this kind of post is out-of-character for me.
  14. I don't see the point in this idea. Why pay 5950 points when I might get a piece of crap, when I could just pay 950 points then spend the extra 5000 if I get something good? It makes so sense Not to mention that this would be against good strategical play, in most cases you'd use the weapon in it's non-upgraded form until the ammo runs out, then upgrade it. Not trying to flame or anything, just my 2 cents... thanks for posting ;)
  15. This is most likely why I like QR the way it is, I've done both of these 8-)
  16. As Tom said, normally depends on if I'm running a small train or not. For me it also largely depends on what weapon I'm using; when playing solo on most maps I won't need it, I never really bother with 'farming' and instead tend to get the Sickle/Bowie on round 4 or 5, use that up until round 10, using the Mustang & Sally to take out my hordes from then onwards, then wonder-weapon or Ray Gun from 20 onwards. Some may say this isn't points-effective, but in most cases you'll end up with about 50k by round 30.
  17. As Eye said, you're only doing more harm by killing zombies if you're down anyway, they'll just respawn on you as you try and get to the Juggernog machine. But yeah, like I said, I think it'd be too overpowered if it were changed, the whole challenge of solo is that you have no teammates to rely on ;)
  18. I see this thread is pretty old, but... One guy in the HELP room, one guy in the spawn, both running seperate trains. Keep both sets of stairs closed at all times to keep things manageable, particularly in the HELP room.
  19. I think having friendly fire would pretty much ruin random lobbies. Richochet fire, I guess wouldn't be so bad if you were protected from it by Flopper. I'd still rather it be left out though, I know it'd make it more realistic but who plays zombies for the realism :lol:
  20. Wunderwaffe is pretty fun, but in terms of how good a weapon it is the Thundergun wins in every category.
  21. I think it's fine the way it is tbh, you should be fine if you have some sort of weapon for protection if the situation is bad i.e. the Wave Gun on Moon.
  22. So this is basically just a modified version of my 90 Second PaP strategy, buying Juggernog and saving up points rather than saving 5000 for a PaP. You'll be buying Juggernog very early on when things are easiest, so this strategy becomes significantly easier than going for a PaP. 74SpZZCcQTE To start with, you'll want to make at least 1670 points (9 kills or more) before the 1st siren. As soon as you hear the 1st siren, haul ass to the teleporter pad. You'll get a few loose zombies coming to the teleporter pad first - duse about 8 chest shots and a knife to kill them. No more than 10 seconds after the first siren, cook and throw a grenade on the telepad. Finish shoot-knifing until the 2nd siren. You should be able to buy Juggernog by this point. Let the 2nd siren pass you by as you carry on using all of your ammo. At the 3rd siren you'll want to start cooking your first grenade. You'll need to aim the throw so that all crawlers from the grenade are positioned at the top of the stairs. Bouncing the grenade off of one of the front walls next to the stairs ('back-fragging') is a great way to do this. Knife any remaining walkers and crawlers. You might get the odd couple of 2-knife kills but they will mostly require a single knife. As you're on the teleporter pad, any new zombies spawning in will take some time getting to you, so you'll easily have time to knife all of the crawlers and make lots of extra points.
  23. Welcome to the site mate, make sure to check out the gameplay and strategies section and you'll find all sorts of useful guidance From personal experience I think the key to high rounds in co-op is just 2 players with a solid strategy, if you have that then you can pretty much go until you're bored to death. If you're lookig for someone to do that with you may find the teammate finder section of use ;)
  24. I'd just love to be able to punch zombies around the face :lol:
  25. All I'm gonna say is stick with NML mate, IMO you handle the spawns better than anyone else out there at the moment, and I do mean anyone. Wouldn't be surprised if you broke the WR for kills at some point.
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