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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Currently 101 by Sithbas, set just this week.
  2. Yeah apparently so, could be legit but there's just no concrete proof that it's real so can't be considered a world record. Not to mention the fact that it was sent in anonymously so nobody's claiming this as a record anyways.
  3. Well, here's the Black Ops solo world records and the YouTube username of the person that holds it, someone please correct if wrong: Nacht Der Untoten: 45 - MatoMaster21 Verruckt: 115 - ZombieOpsGaming Shi No Numa: 108 - cjgarof/TheJimbogobo Der Riese: 133 - cjgarof Kino Der Toten: 133 - TheZeratulDT FIVE: 101 - CertifiedZombies Ascension: 171 - TheZeratulDT COTD: 78 - swask2 Shangri La: 145 - ZombieOpsGaming Moon: 158 - TheZeratulDT No Man's Land: 356 kills - IlSteveIl
  4. Flopper makes me laugh, sounds kinda... pervy :lol:
  5. I quite liked the Eminem on FIVE, it was a bit of a novelty map and the lyrics went pretty well, just fun bouncing around the pentagon to a bit of hip hop :lol:
  6. Just found this thread on google why it was never posted on I don't know.
  7. I loved the feeling of Der Riese more than anything. An abandoned creepy nazi research factory now overrun by zombies, what's not to love?
  8. Dempsey just used to be annoying, but he's become more sarcastic and less aggressive as time has gone by which has made him funnier. Nikolai started out very funny but the same old vodka and wife jokes are getting very old. Takeo has gotten very slightly funnier since his early days. Richtofen just seems to get more and more warped and still has funny lines. My vote goes to Richtofen.
  9. You can pretty much always stick to one route if only you are running down there. 2 people running it though is just too much of a pain in the ass, things are much easier in a 2 player game if one takes the War Room and the other takes the Labs.
  10. My constructive critisism: It sort of works but the thing is, this is all common sense to be honest mate. I thought of all this kind of stuff the first time I played solo on FIVE, but because I was inexperienced and had no real tips, I barely made it past round 8. I know I've basically said this same thing on another guide you wrote a while ago, but this guide is written in the same way so I feel the need to say it again: a guide needs to be just that - pointing out and advising on the things that people find difficult. It needs to be structured and more informative, it's much too vague for a beginner to comprehend. I also wouldn't use a shotgun as a path clearer. Not only because it starts to become uneffective at rounds 10+, but also because you're a lot better off just learning to dodge zombies. You should only rely on a path-clearing weapon when there is no alternative. Sure, there's tight squeezes on this map, but if you back up and let zombies through them then the gap becomes unblocked. Hope my constructive critisism helps, if you need something to refer to for writing your own FIVE guide check the FIVE section here: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=19165&p=175774#p175774 Just take a little more time on your posts, give them a nice structure and people will really enjoy them Look forward to more posts from you soon.
  11. As Chopper said, I love FIVE, one of my personal faves and always has been. The only downfall for me is the placement of the traps; it doesn't really make the higher rounds difficult, but it makes them incredibly slow. Still planning a run to 100 on it at some point in the year, but it's pretty low on the list due to the time it'd take. That said though, I've been devising a trap strategy that'd make using the traps just as quick as it'd be on any other map. Still a lot of creases to iron out before I'd call it a feasibly safe high rounds strategy and I may decide in the end that it just won't work well enough, but it's definitely not off of the cards, I believe it can be done if a set route is adhered to.
  12. Good to see you doing well Dougie Which strategy did you go with in the end?
  13. Because it's not like Superhands makes everything in zombies look embarrassingly easy of coarse I do try ;)
  14. That's most likely your problem then mate. Running big circles means slower gathering and looser groups, looser groups of course meaning that your M&S bullets won't be hitting as many zombies. The teleporter pad stratgy would be much more effective and a little easier since you won't have any Hellhounds on you all the while you're up there. You're most likely used to the teleporter strategy already if you've been running it without Juggs. Just remember to gather your group up there and keep checking to see if zombies are still coming. As soon as they stop coming, get rid of the whole group. You can afford 2 M&S shots at a time here, just shoot and move of at a 90 degree angle to avoid getting hit afterwards.
  15. Yeah I've been doing this one for a while if I'm playing with randoms and they're all running round like headless chickens in the War Room it's pretty safe. Can't go far wrong if you also have a safe weapon in hand like the Winter's or Awful Lawton. Window-jumping takes about 5 minutes to completely master, just a case of getting the timing right for jumping and crouching almost at the same time.
  16. I definitely mentioned PVRs too I'm sure but yeah you're wise to get more opinions on it, I'm no expert on cap. cards as I don't even need to use them ;)
  17. I think the same; I quite like all of the songs up to and, definitely including, Ascension. But I'm not at all keen on the last 3 maps' EE songs.
  18. It could be this, but if you can't get over 250 kills it's most likely that you need to get rid of your groups quicker, especially in the early stages while they're still weak so you save more ammo for later. As soon as you see you have a full group, get rid of them as quickly as it's safe to do so. Even sticking with the teleporter strategy, 250+ kills isn't difficult to do consistantly with some practice.
  19. Now that's a first post [brains] I always like to get the same amount when starting a solo game but I like to get a 15k start from wreaking havoc on NML, which of course wouldn't work so well in co-op. Either way, getting such a huge amount of points by the end of round 9 and leaving a crawler is a sure-fire way to fully prepare for the rest of the game.
  20. Yeah it can be done quicker using the main area, but with this tactic as long as you get a decent spawn you're pretty much guaranteed a 90 second PaP, so long as you don't die of course which isn't too hard ;)
  21. Well, I more meant that we play better on SL because it's quite fiendishly designed, so it makes you stay alert which in turn means less mistakes, but I'd for sure say what you said too If you like the environment you're more likely to enjoy the game and stay positive - getting frustrated makes people play badly :lol:
  22. I have to disagree with this mate. As mentioned in my written Moon strategy, all you need to do is just throw a Gersch Device when you've used all of your Wave Gun + Zap Gun ammo - you'll have made up enough points to drop a powerup from at least one of your Gersches, at any given round. I mean look at Ascension - even after round 100 using nothing but the Thundergun to get kills, when you're out of ammo on that you kill the next few waves with Gersches and normally drop something, useful or not. And that being with the 300 point cap on a shot of Thundergun ammo. It's also a great idea to keep hold of the M&S - as you won't need to be killing with anything other than the Wave Gun, there's no pointin having anything else, and the Mustang & Sally is the single most effective weapon for taking out the Astronaut when he's glitching out because of a Gersch Device.
  23. You can use a Dazzle DVC, it costs about half as much as a PVR but obviously a little lesser in quality, it's not bad at all though and it's a good way to get started I'm sure I told you this via PM a while ago Some PVRs can record straight to an external hard drive though, which is really handy if you don't have a PC that's good enough to handle recording the HD footage through the PVR.
  24. Welcome to the forums Yeah I think everyone understands the 'upper class' British accent that is donned by the likes of the Harry Potter cast for example. But there's so many other regional accents that other nations just cannot understand :lol:
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