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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. I've had 308 and 309 as some already know: viewtopic.php?f=72&t=19195
  2. Welcome back mate, think we've met before not sure though. And this I still hate you for :twisted: Na just kidding As for changes to the site... strategy has become a huge part of the site thanks to the likes of myself, Ehjookayted, Tom, Chopper and others and even got a strategy and gameplay section pushed in, thanks to Covert for that ;)
  3. This is what I was gonna say, it's pretty easy to survive down there without jugg. If you camp in the narrow gaps next to the pyramid in a way that they only spawn in front of you that makes things easier, in the rounds before 30 anyways. You can still do this if the teleporter is closed, just try not to go down in the first couple of minutes as the teleporter won't open until then. Just don't go down in the labs - from personal experience, it can be mission impossible to revive someone in them.
  4. Congratulations mate, all the best for the future ;)
  5. Welcome to the site, enjoy and get posting Don't worry, we don't accept people 'flaming' other users here on these forums.
  6. No worries mate, these are the 4 main shades that you'll find included in most basic HEX colour charts so I guess they were the most obvious choice for the groups ;)
  7. They're of course just different shades of grey so the hex codes for them will be easy to find on the 'net TAKEO - #CCCCCC NIKOLAI - #999999 DEMPSEY - #666666 RICHTOFEN - #333333
  8. I started running this strategy at round 32 or 33 after a Hellhound round, you can run it exactly the same as long as you do all of the dragging that I'm doing in this video here. After round 40 though it get's easier as they start spawning in a clump. You're right Tom that shooting earlier may save time in the short term, but you'll only be killing about 3 quarters of a wave by doing this so you'll end up wasting a lot of ammo, which means you'll have to recycle the Thundergun more often, which would most likely cost you more time in the long run. You could of course just run the bottom area like Chopper does in his speed runs, which saves time but as he said it's very risky and even a great player like himself lost all of his QRs by round 50, whereas going at a steady pace in the same area I had 0 downs until round 65, and that was from being in the PM63 room hitting the box mid-round... and as I said that down was caused by a lapse of concentration. I think finding the balance between speed and safety is the best way to pick a strategy, and this strategy fits that perfectly I feel.
  9. I think it does. As I said to Way yesterday, glad my Kino run came to an abrupt end because that map actually bores the crap out of me the scenery is so dull and boring. I wouldn't say a nicer looking map makes me play better, but it definitely affects my will to carry on playing.
  10. Hey guys, so I tried this strategy out for the first time yesterday in a casual solo game on Kino... turns out it works very well (0 downs until round 65). I would recommend starting it no earlier than round 30; it's easier to run the stage until then, but this becomes an easy strategy once all of the zombies start spawning in one clump. MTEuE_oTfQI The general idea is, once you get onto the Quick Revive side of the room, you'll want to stay on that side of the room for as long as possible to give all of the zombies time to spawn in so the way is clear when you go back down the opposite stairs... hence why I do a lot of dragging on and at the top of the stairs.
  11. I'd love to see Nacht with perks, PaP and traps. Don't get me wrong I love the challenge of the Black Ops version, but it'd be nice to see a re-release to see how far people can go once given the essentials ;)
  12. Superhands


    Welcome to the forums If you're looking to find some good players make a post in the Teammate Finder section. There are also sections for all sorts of discussions ;)
  13. Congratulations mate I admire your patience, think it took Tom and myself a little less than half that time to reach round 60 and I just couldn't take any more at that point so we ended it there.
  14. shi no numa 78 You've done higher on that map co-op than I've done solo until I do my solo WR run on it soon anyways ;)
  15. I'm doing a run on Kino atm, these stats start to become a little inaccurate at round 50+. Not sure if it was just a generalised formula or tested on Ascension, not sure if there are a different amount of zombies in Ascension compared to Kino.
  16. Thats another reason why I love ascension, you can always get through the rounds fast. Have you tried that pap strategy ever? I got to 80 in about 5 hours doing it solo. I've done about the same time running the spawn room, PaP area and the spawn are both the fastest areas IMO, also maybe the MPL area strategy that MatoMaster used.
  17. I second this I guess the boredom factor can be alleviated by swapping duties each round or also have one player doing the basement-window jumping loop.
  18. So I've made this thread once or twice before, but people's opinions change as time goes on. I know mine has completely. List yours from 1-12, 1 being fave and 12 being least fave. 1. FIVE - First map that really got me into zombies, many hate it but I love everything about it and I've recently gotten back into playing it, definitely a specialty of mine 2. Der Riese - First zombies map I ever played, just awesome and the dogs spawning with zombies keeps things exciting 3. Ascension - Awesome layout, choice of camping or kiting, great for a chill high-round game 4. Shi No Numa - Good layout, suitable for all types of strategy and just fun to play, another specialty of mine and a solo WR attempt to come in the future 5. No Man's Land - A real test of skills, the only map you can play for 10 minutes and think 'Damn I did good!' 6. COTD - A map that I used to hate until I sat down and learned how to play it, a map that requires real strategy 7. Moon - Just an awesome layout, the first map where I really liked the new twists immediately. Used to be higher-ranked for me but I guess I've played it a little too much 8. Verruckt - Used to dislike this map... not great for co-op but I love a solo game on it, I'd consider it once of my specialites and gonna attempt a WR run at some point 9. Nacht Der Untoten - Only for the hardcore, can't afford any lapse of concentration with this map 10. Shangri-La - Like this map, just not as good as the others for me though 11. Kino Der Toten - Used to like this... until all of the other maps started coming out and I realised how boring it is 12. DOA - Just not my thing - played it, got pretty far, didn't really enjoy it
  19. Unlucky mate, annoying when a game is going perfectly and something stops it abruptly. As for tips... click the pic in my signature to be linked to my Solo Zombies Survival Guide, then scroll to the COTD section where I give my complete strategy for getting to rounds 50 and above. General hint: Use the Scavenger to get all of your kills, then get a Max Ammo from George ;)
  20. no it wasn't, I just typo'd Shi No Numa as Shangri La ;)
  21. I have also conquered it round wise, 87, 83, 89, and 92. That doesnt mean im gonna stop going to high rounds though. I NEED 99 on this map!!!!! Fair point. I also enjoy a solo speed-run to 100 on this map, seeing if you can do it in 1 day is a good challenge. You always win the challenge is the good part :lol:
  22. Still haven't done the Ascension EE myself actually, maybe something to do in the future with Tom and co. Apart from that, I mainly just do challenges on it. I've done 161 solo and 60 co-op before giving up, so I've completely conquered it round-wise, not much else to do now.
  23. So I was in a game with Tom on Shangri La the other day, first time playing it in quite some time, and I mentioned that this map taught me that walking round and just sprinting when dodging zombies is much better than what I used to do beforehand - too much sprinting Got me thinking of an idea for this topic, so tell us what you've learned from playing each individual map: Kino Der Toten My first round 100 game, taught me how to handle really long games that stretch out for more than a day, as well as the importance of gathering in full trains before killing them in solo play. FIVE This map taught me a LOT. I played this map over and over when I first got the game, mostly ignoring Kino. I was a terrible solo player, rarely passing round 10 but this map taught me how to dodge zombies and the importance of running circles in solo and I soon hit my first 50+ solo game. Ascension I was already a half decent player when this map came out, but playing it turned me into a good player. I learned how to 'kite' rather than just 'run circles', learning cut-backs and drag-outs which really lowered the amount of downs in every game I played This map also taught me how to effectively and consistantly revive my team-mates. Call of the Dead I think this map taught a lot of us the usefulness of the Mustang & Sally combined with Flopper. Ascension had Flopper too of course, but you never really saw anyone PaPing their M1911 until COTD came out. Also taught me how to get way past 50 without using traps or depending on a Max Ammo every 4-5 rounds. Shangri La As I mentioned at the start of this post, this map taught me to just walk and sprint only at suitable times rather than constantly sprinting. Not only do you take less hits, but you can also survey a situation to decide on the best course of action rather than simply running into danger. Moon/NML Moon made it feel like the rounds went faster on other maps No Man's Land... this taught me a LOT. It turned me from a good player into a great one. It taught me how to almost control the zombies' every move by reading their reactions to my movements like a book. It also taught me how to use the Mustang & Sally effectively even in maps without Flopper. Nacht Der Untoten This map taught me that I can be really lazy when I've got Juggernog But it also taught me how to survive without Juggernog, so the occasional down in co-op no longer lead to a few subsequent downs on my way to the Jugg machine. Verruckt This map taught me how to effectively run full-map loops, and that when doing this it's best to pick certain points in the loop to kill your group so you can handle the next spawn. Also that completely relying on traps can be a damn good last resort. Shi No Numa Wouldn't say I learned anything from the Black Ops version. However, on the W@W version, due to the 24-zombies-per-round spawning in solo play, I learned the effectiveness of using a 'rinse and repeat' type strategy. Der Riese The W@W version of this map helped me even further with running full map loops. The Black Ops version also aided my kiting abilites and taught me how to kite in really small areas. So, there's where all of my zombies skills come from. Post your experiences so far, and those still learning take note of what you can learn from playing each map ;)
  24. I remember my friend and I used to do this on split-screen, just for fun. It'd be interesting if you added a poll to this to see if people consider it a glitch or not. By standard definitions this is not a glitch as such, I guess it's not too different from keeping the Bowie Knife door closed to stop them coming behind you. On the other hand though, it's unsporting to gain an unfair advantage from a flaw in the game's programming. I mean, with this particular flaw you can have someone keep repairing the 1 window and the zombies would never, ever make it in. This means you could make it to 30+ in solo just camping, no kiting whatsoever, without even upgrading, which would be almost impossible when played under normal conditions in any area, but it's really simple when abusing this flaw. Not to mention the mid-round Hellhounds don't spawn at any time while you're doing this.
  25. I couldn't care less about the multiplayer tbh :lol:
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