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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Lost connection on a real good game on Moon, round 54 and still going strong so was obviously gonna make a nice leaderboard score.
  2. As Tom said, delays due to lag can play a huge part in this. I was playing a game the other day, the delays were pretty bad, I was knifing and getting my kill about half a second later. I was running around NML with no Jugg of course, and I would go down before I even saw myself getting hit :lol:
  3. I see you're new to the forum, welcome and well done for getting stuck in I think this may have been discussed before, not sure if my memory serves me correctly on that though and if it has then obviously that thread 'died' some time ago... but yeah, they may be linked somehow. Like the VR-11, the JGB doesn't actually kill zombies.
  4. Working out is a huge task at first. But once you get into the routine of it, it's not bad at all and actually enjoyable at times. I was pretty skinny about this time last year and just wanted a nice, male model-type body. With hard work I got the body I wanted, made myself happy and I've never stepped foot in a gym, just bought some dumbells and kettlebells. It's worth the hard work too I say, not only does looking good make me feel good, but other people notice too, females in particular obviously Sure it can be boring and sometimes you don't wanna do it. But my mind works like, if I've got a goal in mind then boredom just doesn't come into it because determination to reach the goal takes over. Which I'm guessing is why I'm suited to those long solo runs in zombies :lol:
  5. Very interesting must try this. I'm one for working out regularly as well as an avid gamer so this is right up my street I'd say I feel really crappy during the workout, I feel great afterwards For guys who aren't really into working out and stuff, I'd just recommend making the game a bit more fast-and-furious by doing a speed run in a small area, for example the lobby or alley on Kino, MPL or spawn room on Shangri-La or Tunnel 11 on Moon.
  6. I agree with this. I think the main aim of this thread, if Treyarch take note of it, is because in the last 3 maps it's all been mid-round bosses, would just like to see things mixed up a bit in the next game, maybe alternating between boss rounds on one map and mid-round boss on the next map.
  7. You could say that, but having a mid-round boss plus Boss rounds would be a bit OTT. If you have no preference then I guess there's no point in voting ;)
  8. Well, it's a unanimous vote for the boss rounds so far at 9-0. Let's hope Treyarch are seeing this and taking notes ;)
  9. I've ranked them for both their defensive and offensive capabilities, basically just in the order that I prefer them I think I became a fan of the Lawton from playing solo on FIVE, got me out of so many sticky situations and I've reached round 42 with 0 downs on the same map, because I was using it as a defensive weapon. Also forgot to mention another disadvantage of the M&S which you mentioned, the smoke caused by the shots can be a pain if you've just saved yourself from being trapped, you don't know how many zombies are coming at you or how close they are, so you could once again walk into danger and your health may not have recovered. Still love my M&S though, plenty of positives to it :D
  10. As I said earlier Tom, good going! If it's your one and only 100 run just to prove a point then fair do's. High-round runs can be boring as shyte, but you can't beat the satisfaction of reaching 100. That, and you get bragging rights :lol:
  11. Welcome to the site mate, stay active and keep hitting us with whatever theories you've got ;)
  12. I'd still take the Wave Gun over the Thundergun (or anything else) any day. Sure, the Thundergun has a wider radius - but who needs that when you're gathering your trains nice and tight? As a life saver too, the Thundergun is prone to the occasional fail, whereas I've yet to know of any failing in the Wave Gun. All of this, plus you get the Zap Gun on the side, which when upgraded has 124 shots in total, which has the ability to take out 5 more groups of zombies. I'd take the Thundergun over everything else. For 3rd place... can't decide between Mustang & Sally & Awful Lawton, so they're tied 3rd. Awful Lawton has unquestionably better defensive capabilities (i.e. freeing you if you get trapped), as it's effective at any round. But the M&S is a great group-clearing weapon up to about round 40. I've managed to incorporate the Mustang & Sally into all of my solo strategies on any map that has a PaP, Flopper or no Flopper. Same goes for the Awful Lawton in co-op games if I don't get the life-saving Wonder Weapon. Shrink Ray gets 5th place. Great gun and can safe your life if trapped, just hate the fact that you have to kick all of the zombies afterwards, which can be disastrous if you get red-screened before you free yourself. I tend to use a Mustang & Sally to save my ass up to round 40 on Shangri-La, better mobility and I just feel safer with it. Wunderwaffe in 6th place. It'd be a lot better if it had more ammo as it takes 3 shots to clear a wave. Sure the W@W version of the DG3 did it all in one shot, but it also had the dreaded Juggernog-disabling glitch. Some path-clearing abilities, always worth a try if you think you're facing inevitable death, you can sometimes get away with a red-screen. IMO, overrated weapon. Winter's next, 7th place. I personally think this weapon is a little underrated, it still has pretty good life saving and group-clearing abilities to get you through to round 30. I'd still take the Lawton over it any day though. Scavenger in 8th. Very powerful weapon, but starts becoming a liability in the high rounds. No defensive capabilities whatsoever. 9th place, Ray Gun, or the overRayted Gun as I like to call it. It's a good powerful weapon to get through the earlier rounds quickly, but I normally get rid of it not long after round 30. Last place, VR11. It's a useful tool, especially for 2 good co-operative players, but it's nothing spectacular in most aspects.
  13. Hehe thanks man, well just follow my guides and practice and you'll be hitting the 50s soon ;)
  14. Thanks mate good stuff, no idea when I'll be doing it as of yet, just when I get a week in which things are slow and I've got plenty of spare time :lol:
  15. Aight thanks guys, looks like 108 is the round to beat. I'll most likely aim for the magic 115, maybe further if I reach that round and feel like going further. Not quite sure when I'm going for it but it should be sometime soon, I'll make sure to set up a livestream and let all you guys know when I'm currently streaming.
  16. So I'm planning a run to 100 on the Black Ops version of Shi No Numa at some point soon. If I reach 100 then I may feel inclined to carry on and try to break the current world record, but I have no idea what it is. Anyone know? Again, Black Ops version, I know the W@W version's record is over 2000 due to the 24-zombies-per-round thing, but the Black Ops version is of course a completely different story. I'm guessing it's somewhere between 100-150. If I feel like I could break a WR because the run is going well, which I'm sure it will as I have a solid strategy, I'll try and set up a livestream so people can vouch for me - in the past (round 161 on Ascension) I've been accused by a few big-name YT commentators/record holders and their followers of cheating/glitching/hacking/lying because I couldn't livestream it or record any significant footage, as my PC sucked at the time and wouldn't have been able to handle much more than the game itself. As I've said before, anyone that's played with me or knows anything about me as a player knows I'm a legitimate high-rounds player, and if I can use this run as a chance to put a cap on any nay-saying then I'll gladly take that chance. I guess I'm becoming an increasingly respected player, and I'd hate for that reputation to be tarnished when it needn't be so I'd welcome the chance to 'clear my name' as a legitimate player and record holder. Anyways, back on topic, if anyone know the current SNN Black Ops WR I'd appreciate the heads up. Thanks! :D
  17. So I'm planning a run to 100 on the Black Ops version of Shi No Numa at some point soon. If I reach 100 then I may feel inclined to carry on and try to break the current world record, but I have no idea what it is. Anyone know? Again, Black Ops version, I know the W@W version's record is over 2000 due to the 24-zombies-per-round thing, but the Black Ops version is of course a completely different story. I'm guessing it's somewhere between 100-150. If I feel like I could break a WR because the run is going well, which I'm sure it will as I have a solid strategy, I'll try and set up a livestream so people can vouch for me - in the past (round 161 on Ascension) I've been accused by a few big-name YT commentators/record holders and their followers of cheating/glitching/hacking/lying because I couldn't livestream it or record any significant footage, as my PC sucked at the time and wouldn't have been able to handle much more than the game itself. As I've said before, anyone that's played with me or knows anything about me as a player knows I'm a legitimate high-rounds player, and if I can use this run as a chance to put a cap on any nay-saying then I'll gladly take that chance. I guess I'm becoming an increasingly respected player, and I'd hate for that reputation to be tarnished when it needn't be so I'd welcome the chance to 'clear my name' as a legitimate player and record holder. Anyways, back on topic, if anyone know the current SNN Black Ops WR I'd appreciate the heads up. Thanks! :D
  18. Yeah go for it man, I can't see it having anything other than a positive impact on the forums ;)
  19. I think it's a given that 99% of the users here want zombies in the next game Rather than changing the gameplay aspect of things I'm more looking forward to the new maps and weapons and to see how the story develops. I think the gameplay itself has reached a happy medium and they shouldn't keep adding loads of new complex features, these kinds of games are best kept simple ;)
  20. Hey guys, Superhands here with another solo strategy guide for you all, this time for the Black Ops version of Shi No Numa. Easily a 50+ or even round 100+ strategy here, as I mention in the guide getting to round 30 can be the hardest part, from then onwards you'll start using the traps and things just get nice and easy and you can go real far. I've had a couple of half-hearted high round attempts on the Black Ops version of this map, going way over round 50 on both occasions before eventually giving up the game. Gonna attempt a RTR 100 myself at some point. Enjoy! ============================================================== Starting area Round 1 – knife only. Round 2 – 8 shots to the chest with the pistol, then knife. Knife 2 times when you run out of ammo. Rebuild all the windows at the end of the round. Round 3 – Keep knifing the zombies at the windows, holding them off for as long as possible. When they start to pile in, open the gate (NOT clear the debris to go down the stairs). Proceed down to the Thompson, buy it and wait for the zombies. When safe, it’s much more beneficial points-wise to shoot a little with the Thompson before knifing for the kill, as you’ll get the hit markers from the shots plus 130 points for the knife kill. At round 3, shoot 2 shots into the chest before knifing. Round 4 – Camp in the doorway leading to the entrance to the Comm Room (near the Thompson). Use the same shoot-knife strategy, at this round shooting 3 shots into the chest before knifing. Leave a slow walker at the end of the round as you should now have enough points to open some doors and hopefully find and get Juggernog, provided you didn’t collect any Nukes. If you have less than 4250 points, wait until the next round. Firstly, open the door to the Comm Room area and the hut in the Comm Room. With a little luck, Juggernog will appear. If it doesn’t, start opening the huts in other areas with your remaining points until you find it. Don’t bother buying any other perk, your priority is to find the location of Juggernog and buy it as soon as possible. Before Round 10 At these early rounds, it’s best to do a full, counter-clockwise loop around the whole Comm Room area. It’s real simple at this stage due to the slow spawning of the zombies. Just use the wooden walkways to loop round, and hop through the water parts so you don’t get slowed down too much. Wait until you have a full group of zombies before you start spraying into them with the Thompson. At the end of each round, leave a crawler so you can go and open more doors to find Juggernog if need be. Buy it once you’ve found it and be on the look out for Quick Revive next, buying it after Juggernog when you find it. After you’ve gotten these 2 perks, hold off on the perk buying for now and focus on getting some nice guns from the box. You’re aiming to get the Wunderwaffe and the Ray Gun from the box. Monkeys are also helpful if you go down, but not essential and should be left until later if you get the other 2 weapon first. After you’ve gotten the Ray Gun and Wunderwaffe, go ahead and buy Speed Cola and Double Tap. So, to re-iterate, these are the things you should be buying in order from the start of the game: Thompson Juggernog Quick Revive Wunderwaffe & Ray Gun Double Tap Speed Cola Monkeys Rounds 10-30 You’ll now switch up the strategy here, opting to run a small clockwise circle just outside of the entrance to the Comm Room area. See the image for demonstration: The grey line shows a small cutback you can make if your loop gets blocked off. If you have to do this, make sure to get back to running clockwise when it's safe to do so. Running this circle is actually a bit safer than running a full loop of the Comm Room, mainly due to the tight squeeze you often face when coming out of the small hut and heading towards the front entrance during the full area loop. Running a small circle also enables you to gather the zombies a lot faster. I’ve found that a clockwise circle works a lot better than a counter-clockwise circle – the way the zombies spawn permits you to run a smaller circle going clockwise, you don’t have to jump in the water as much so you won’t be slowed down as much as you would running counter-clockwise. You also just seem to run into fewer clumps of zombies and it’s easier to make a cut-back if you do. Once you’ve gathered in a full group, start shooting them. Once you have the Wunderwaffe, you can start using it to take out some groups to speed up the rounds. Make yourself an allowance of 4 Wunderwaffe shots per round to balance it across the rounds, using your other weapon to finish out the round once you’ve used your 4 shots. Using the Thompson to finish out the rounds is fine for now but you’ll preferably want a Ray Gun to finish the rounds between rounds 20-30. I personally prefer to keep running my small circle while shooting the zombies, but once they’re gathered you can loop round the whole Comm Room area with your train, turning before stopping to shoot at them. Go with whichever you find easiest; just make sure to return to your small-circle running when the zombies start respawning. Hellhound rounds Not any real strategy here as these rounds are generally easy. Just use the whole Comm Room to keep on the move. Round 30+ You’ll be switching up your strategy again, now to use the Flogger trap to get all of your kills. We start using the trap at round 30 not only because the rounds start to take a long time using your weapons, but because the zombies start spawning in really fast, and it’s easier to widen your loop when this happens. This for me is where things take a turn. Between rounds 10-30, running the small circle mentioned earlier gets increasingly difficult. Now all of a sudden, using this strategy, the game becomes a lot easier and you can afford to relax. You’ll no longer need the Ray Gun; trade it out for the Thompson, which you’ll be using to point-build for the traps from now on. You’ll be looping about a quarter of the map to gather the zombies and wait for the trap to recharge before each use. You’ll be going from the Flogger, straight forwards into the hut, then out to the Comm Room, straight ahead through the small hut, past the Comm Room doors and to the edge of the walkway. By the time you’ve done this, all the zombies should have spawned in, you’ll wait for them to reach you before sprinting back past the Comm Room doors and through the way you came back to the Flogger. You’ll then turn it on, sit on the other side of the Flogger and wait for the zombies arrive, shooting them with the Thompson as they approach it to make some points. May sound confusing but it’s simple and easy, here’s a sequence of images to illustrate the loop step-by-step, with written instructions underneath each image explaining it: Walk from the Flogger straight ahead into the huts. Walk through the back huts and out through to the Comm Room area. As you walk out into the Comm Room area, walk into the area shown by the circle, and stop to wait for the zombies to get close. This helps to gather them up a bit. Proceed to the small hut. As you come out of the small hut, stop in the circled area shown to wait for them to reach you again. Then go off to the left, back onto the wooden walkways and to the Comm Room door. Stop in the circled area just outside the Comm Room door, waiting again. Then move off to the left down the walkway. Continue walking forwards to the circled area and stop again. Once they reach you, walk off to the right and across the water. Once you’re back on dry land, start sprinting across and past the Comm Room door all the way to the other end. As you start sprinting, switch from the Wunderwaffe to the Thompson for better mobility. Sprinting past the Comm Room door and all the way to the end. Carry on sprinting through the small hut and all the way to the Flogger, buying Thompson ammo from the wall as you pass if need be. Turn on the Flogger as soon as you reach it and crouch underneath it, on the back side of it a little to let the zombies actually run through it as they try to get to you. To make points for the trap, spray them with a few clips of Thompson ammo as they run towards you/the trap. After the Flogger has killed the group, repeat! The reason we sprint back to the Flogger from the Comm Room is to get it spinning well before they get there; you don’t want it to be spinning for long after its taken out the group, reason being that if you take out new spawners with it as you continue your next loop then they’ll start spawning in on you when they should almost all have spawned in by the time you’re walking through the Comm Room. Have the Wunderwaffe in hand as you run, as this can be used to clear your path if you get blocked, which should rarely happen, but best to take precautions. You’ll keep using this exact same strategy for the rest of the game and you’ll notice the difficulty won’t really increase, apart from the length of the rounds getting longer and longer. As mentioned, you should hardly need to use the Wunderwaffe so you can use this to get through the Hellhound rounds. As I mentioned earlier, it’s rounding up the zombies like this before trapping them that is the easy part. It’s getting to this point that can be a little tough, but once you’ve made it to round 30 then you’ve set yourself up to go a lot further.
  21. In general I prefer the HK, after all any sort of MG is only for point-building and the HK has more ammo. Would still prefer an SMG off the wall though unless we're camping, which is rarely the case.
  22. But that's in an ideal situation. If me and a buddy are doing great, and he goes down, I have a fair chance of being able to revive him. However, things aren't always ideal. If something went wrong and we are winging it until we can get back to our places, it may be a little more difficult to revive. But also consider that you may not have room nor supplies to lead the horde far away enough. Also, if a player dies is a no-no zone, that is, a place I never go to by myself, much less to try to revive someone, I'm not going to risk the game on getting them out of a place they shouldn't have been in the first place. Disregard for reviving teammates entirely is bad, of course. I just think that reviving should not be factored into a pro player. A pro player might have to let you die, but, if he is a pro, he will help you get back on your feet the next Round. Fair point, it's just that you said the best players often have to leave people to die, which I disagreed with. Though I'd also say the situation doesn't always have to be ideal for a player to revive. Even in no-go areas, as long as I have some sort of way out after reviving, either by some sort of save-ass weapon or tactical grenade, then most of the time I'll make the revive and do it safely. Of course I'm not saying that you have to be this good at reviving to be considered a 'pro' but some people needlessly let people die which to me can't be considered a great player. Albeit I must admit I sometimes let randoms die if they keep going down when they have something like the Thundergun or Wave Gun, just for the simple reason that it's such a powerful tool being wasted in the wrong hands :lol:
  23. It seemed annoying at first, but it's somewhat useful as it identifies when the PaP machine is gonna appear somewhere. They won't remove it now anyways, being that they've now started working on the next game they won't be patching Black Ops anymore.
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