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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. If you're looping the map like I am here, I find it helpful to stay up on the ledge for as long as possible - fixing the windows in the same area will help you here. By the time you drop down, all the zombies will have already spawned in and drop down behind you. Then you just gather them up, then take out the whole wave. At round 9 I upgrade my M1911 to the Mustang & Sally, using this to take out full waves of zombies between round 10 and 20. Between 20 and 30 I gather my group, run them past Speed cola and use a couple of zaps to take out 20 of them before running through the Thompson room and back up to the ledge. At round 30+ I use the Thompson Room (Warehouse) trap in the exact way you're seeing in the video above, but spraying with the Thompson to point-build rather than using the Shotgun. I also use the Mustang & Sally to take out dogs, prone to leaving crawlers but takes them out with one shot and doesn't require precise aiming due to it's wide radius. This comes in handy in the higher rounds when you get 5 dogs on your ass - just turn around, shoot one shot into them and they're all gone.
  2. SMGs get my vote. Great for building points and getting through the early rounds, and you can almost always pick one thats on-route or at least real close to your running area. Sure they don't do much damage past the 30+ rounds, but by that point the ammo on any Rifle, MG and even the Ray Gun starts to run out every round or 2 anyways, so at that point I'm normally opting for a wonder weapon and traps to take out the waves, still keeping hold of my SMG to make points for the trap.
  3. 1. Sara - COTD - Picked up a Death Machine 2. Never heard this one 3. Michael Rooker - COTD - Scavenger shot - The actual quote is You're gonna blowww..... Now! Hahahahahahaha!
  4. NICE! If there's any thread that needed stickying on this forum it's this one, congrats to everyone involved Another great addition to the NML section would be when MatoMaster releases his 351 kills video which was done using the side-drop strategy, I guess this proves it is a little better than the back-pool.
  5. Yeah sounds good to me man Probably better if we write our own ones each first, and then sorta mash the best bits of them together for the ultimate strategy ;)
  6. I believe my Shangri La and SNN strategies to be solid, could write them up for you if you want mate.
  7. Depends really, if you do it on a map without Flopper then it could be considered a challenge, though maybe to M&S enthusiasts like yourself and I it might be a little overpowered.
  8. Just had a quick go at the telepad strategy now actually, couple of failed attempts then a 296. Getting about 90 kills by 2:45 seems to be the secret behind it, I got my Jugg points by that time but got 86 kills, 4 more and I would have had it.
  9. Agree with this. You'll always find any good player trying to get the M&S by round 10 or ASAP after that on any map with Flopper. I've also managed to incorporate it into my strategy on Der Riese and FIVE even though they don't have Flopper, without risking downing myself with them. This of course is something you learn by playing No Man's Land ;)
  10. Huge congrats man, [brains] as I said in my other thread, been working on a 300+ strategy on the teleporter pad which is gonna be tough but definately doable if you time everything perfectly, you accomplishing this makes me wanna go nail that :lol:
  11. I personally find using anything other than the Zap Guns/Wave Gun a disadvantage in solo play on Moon. If you buy the Bowie Knife ASAP, which I normally do on round 1 after making about 15k points in NML, you can use that to make a ton of points up to the end of round 9. You can then leave a crawler and chase the box around until you get the Wave Gun and Gersch Devices. You then use the Wave Gun to do all of your killing, throw out a Gersch to drop a powerup when you're out of ammo and hack the drop to a Max Ammo. ALWAYS works, even in the 50+ rounds at least one of your Devices will drop a powerup if you've used all of your Wave Gun and Zap Gun ammo. Rinse and repeat The only weapon you need if you get into trouble with the Astronaut is the Mustang & Sally.
  12. Good to see you broke 300 kills! Still haven't gotten round to attempting to break my own kill record yet but definately will do at some point. I've actually been working on a 300+ kill tactic for the teleporter-pad strategy, everything has to be intricately timed but I think I could possibly be the 2nd person in the world to hit 300 kills or more using the telepad strategy, MatoMaster being the first and only as far as I know (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). As for how many kills I get before the PaP... I'd say I average about 35, depending on the spawn and also on the first grenade. Most I've gotten is 41. If I'm going for a larger amount I find it beneficial to save the first grenade, shoot-knife a few zombies while gathering them, then start cooking a grenade about 9-10 second after the first siren has gone off and throw it into the pack, netting me somewhere between 5-10 kills. Then just carry on the strategy as normal. As long as you get the grenade out no later than that then everything still falls nicely into place. I normally average about 85 kills by the time I've gotten Jugg with 4 M&S bullets, more depending on the spawn, a 2k+ point spawn netting around 90.
  13. All of the above ideas, with the exception of Zachjh's, are terrible I'd say go with challenges, be it weapon specific, perk specific or something quirky. Always fun to do and watch.
  14. A good zombies player could read this, go try it and have success. However, guides should generally be aimed at the inexperienced and I think this is a bit too vague for that. Maybe point out things about the route you should take, like the most dangerous spots in the loop and how to avoid getting trapped in them and stuff like that. Using the traps at round 15 a waste of points, especially since you're using the PaP'd M16 which will mow the zombies down easily. If you're out of ammo, just wait and collect it on the next loop, you'll still have your train behind you ready to kill. Just some constructive critisism which I hope helps Really study the map and get a feel for it so you know what works and what doesn't, then make a strategy about it Hope to see more strategies from you in the future.
  15. Nice, it's here! THE best zombies guide there will ever be most likely, if you can't improve by reading through this then I don't know how else you can. [brains] Great working on this with you, I contributed a large amount but forgot to credit myself in anything here's everything I contributed: Nacht Der Untoten solo guide Verruckt solo guide Der Riese co-op guide FIVE solo guide FIVE co-op guide COTD solo guide Moon solo guide And of course my 90 second PaP guide which was credited by Eye ;)
  16. Possible, haven't tested it in any way though so really can't be sure.
  17. Either way, I guess I'd rather deal with DirectX error than the chance of a red-ring and screwed console, like Tom said the game will just shut down and that'll be it. Of course consoles can survive a red ring but I'd rather not leave that to chance and just stick with my PC. This is only the 2nd time this has happened to me ever anyways. I've had quite a few g_spawn errors though which seem to be somewhat common on high rounds on all the systems. Yeah it is, just embedded it here ;)
  18. I think it's round-based, when I play solo on Moon I pretty much never kill the Astronaut, maybe the first time I throw a Gersch he'll be fine but 2nd time he'll start glitching out.
  19. Scavenger is a 1-hit kill up to round 34, it then becomes a 2 hit kill. Then at 43 it starts taking 3 shots to clear the wave. Then at 50 something it takes 4 and rapidly increases from there. I always make sure George is in radius of the Scavenger blasts at the 50+ rounds so it damages him, eventually killing him as I'm almost out of Scavenger ammo to get the Wunderwaffe. Still takes a long time so I couldn't ever see myself going for 100 on it. I got accused of being a faker for my round 161 on Ascension even though I put out a video of what was obviously totally legit gameplay, won't namedrop but a well-known YT commentator sparked that and his subs followed. At the end of the day though I just do it for personal satisfaction, not for anyone else, so it's irrelevant really.
  20. I'm still convinced it was Treyarch's game design that was the fault, I don't ever get this crap with other games, including World at War, but this sort of thing has happened numerous times while playing Black Ops I was pretty pissed when it happened but, as usual, after about 5 seconds I was just like 'ah well, 88 and I know I could have gone a lot further so I'm still happy with it'. But I'll definately be going for 100 on it at some point. Don't know when that'll be cuz there's still a few other maps I wanna try for 100 on. Der Riese definately, got a g_spawn error on round 92 on my last atempt. Moon is easy so definately considering it. FIVE, went to round 68 on that about half a year ago before killing myself because of how long it takes, I've become a much better player since then and I've developed a really solid strategy for it so definately a possibility. Shi No Numa (Black Ops version of course) and Shangri La are definate possibilites, played them before just for fun and gotten to the 60+ rounds on both with most of my Quick Revives left before giving it up. Wouldn't wanna try COTD, could probably do it but it'd just take too damn long due to the lack of traps or infinitely-powerful wonder weapon. And Kino and Ascension I've already done. So between now and the next Treyarch game I'm gonna be going on a rampage of 100 plus attempts not saying I'll ake them all but I'll give it a good go 8-)
  21. I always found it really helpful when you think you're approaching the end of a round, to turn the traps on a little late so you end up letting a couple of zombies through without the trap killing them. This way you're guaranteed to have at most a small group, which of course is easy to kite even in the hardest of areas.
  22. Decided to go for a run to round 100 on this map, as I knew had a solid strategy down so I'd been meaning to do it. I'd been using the traps to do all of my killing for about 50 rounds previous to this. Then I get a random DirectX error when I use the trap at the end here. I don't get this sort of thing with other games, so I'm blaming this one on 3ARC isuxXFkxx2k Was pretty pissed when it happened, but I enjoyed the run. Only had one down at round 44, had 3 zombies left at the end of the round and was just walig backwards and shooting them, backed myself into a corner accidentally and couldn't react quick enough. Got back up and recovered easily though. Overall I'd still say this is one of the easier maps for solo play IMO, will most likely go for another 100+ run and maybe WR attempt at some point . Click the link in my signature if you're interested in learning my strategy ;)
  23. Yeah definately, if you can wait until the end of a round and save a zombie then it'll make things a lot easier.
  24. Great job man, must have hurt to get cut short of 100. I got cut short of a run to 100 on Verruckt last night, getting to round 88 before getting Treyarched (random DirectX error when I used a trap even though I'd been using it for the past 50 or so rounds), video to follow soon. Actually, hitting the box mid-round is pretty much the only cause of my downs when soloing Ascension. If I used the traps over and over and never used the Thundergun therefore never needing to spin the box, I could go on forever. That said, I've had a fair bit of experience using the box mid-round in every area. The most difficult of the 3 are both roof areas and the Mule Kick room as you mentioned. The Power room is not actually hard, you just need to make sure you get all of the zombies in a really tight group before you start running a train there, which can be done by shooting a Lawton bolt at the door as they come through it to make them crowd round it. Then to run a train there youpretty much abuse the fact that the zombies always cling to the inner walls when running around a corner, you just tuck yourself in the inner corner, then as they run round the corner you run round them. Hope that makes sense. In the Mule Kick room, you just run up the stairs, hit to box, then drop out of the hole in the wall and repeat.
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