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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Too many glitches in this game, in theory they shoudln't be able to sell a game with so many things wrong with it as it's basically unfinished and these things should have been discovered in testing, but they get away with it somehow. Still getting g_spawn errors in random places. Though it was just to do with stacks of claymores/betties, but I've had the error on 42 on verruckt without even buying betties. So I thought it was something to do with high rounds, until just the other day I got the same error on round 10 on Shangri-La. Still get the Astronaut + Gersch glitch too. They've started working on the next game now so I doubt these glitches and erros will be getting fixed.
  2. Tbh, I doubt anything will get fixed now that they've started working on their next game. The PC servers have gone to shit this week, everyone's been complaining about lag.
  3. Na they definately haven't been fixed. Like the Astronaut + Gersch glitch on Moon was supposedly fixed but I still got it just 2 days ago numerous times.
  4. Never heard of this before, but I like it My first games were on Der Riese with my best pal, didn't know what the hell I was doing, just standing there like an idiot when I should have been moving around to avoid getting hit. He taught me the basics but pretty much only knew camping. I thought it was an awesome game so I started watching videos of it on youtube and was introduced to the idea of kiting by watching people running round the pillars on Nacht. So once I got used to the feel of the game and started improving, when my friend went down I would always bail out and start running trains. At first he would call me a nutcase but he soon noticed that, a lot of the time, I was staying alive. After that I would always go round to his house when I knew he would be busy doing his college assignments so I could hop on his PS3 and practice some solo then shortly after Black Ops came out I got into the game so much that I upgraded my PC a little and bought W@W and Black Ops myself. I know but many many many peolpe do not have comuputer or phone to go on the forum If they're playing online they must have an internet connection, so you'd assume they'd also have a computer or laptop Besides, if like us when we were newbies these players want to improve their play then they'll most likely look online for tips and probably stumble upon this site. Of course, if you're playing with these people try and give them a little advice. If they ignore it, obviously they're not willing to learn so don't waste your time trying to help them.
  5. WOW. Chrome weapons look so badass. The only other way to get a chrome weapon is to upgrade a wall weapon on Der Riese of course because the chrome camo was used in W@W. They really should have carried it over to Black Ops. Anyways back on topic. I was playing a solo game on COTD just the other day. Didn't do the EE but strange things happened. George didn't make any fast-runner zombies until round 29, which is unusual as he normally starts doing it when the normal runners come in at round 6. Also I bought my first Quick Revive at round 16. Then on round 43 I went down for the first time, expecting to be revived, but the Game Over screen came up i.e. my QR didn't work :? This one has also happened to me on Ascension on 2 occasions. I dunno if your strange glitches were EE related or not, definately looks like it though. Too many weird things happen in this game...
  6. I think people messing with my trains in any way is the most annoying thing in this game for me Especially when they make crawlers everywhere, possibly the most dangerous thing as they always catch you unaware and you often get stuck on them and can't just walk round them like you can do with normal zombies.
  7. Looking forward to seeing it I've also been a victim of a shots going missing in my 298 run, would have broke 300 if it weren't for that :x
  8. Oh, I am so guilty of that one lol. I open all doors I see, whenever I have the points, regardles (unless specifically directed otherwise) Unless its someone on FIVE trying to tell me to keep a door in the labs shut. Cuz that just isnt gonna happen. Well, if you keep a door/barricade closed when instructed to do so then it's never a problem. Just hate it when you ask people to keep something closed for the sake of good strategy and they completely ignore you, even after you explain WHY you want to keep it closed, for example the upper floor in the War Room on FIVE - 4 players and only 4 windows makes things very easy, plus MP5/PM63 ammo on tap. I normally say stay here until the end of round 9 and leave a crawler to go get the power on, use the box, get perks etc. but some people don't feel like they can survive past round 5 without using the box 'Lackeys' are annoying - they die out, they spectate you, then stck up your ass and try to run your train with you which of course doesn't work too well, so I let them go down, take the zombies away, then come back for them and warn them to go somewhere else. If they still stick around then I'll let them die out upon their next down. I guess 'copycat failures' are the same thing. The braggers are always annoying, always the types to call people 'noobs' sometimes it's warranted but it's pointless at the same time. As for bragging, never a good thing to do. If you're having a bad day play-wise then you'll justy make yourself look disillusioned Crawler whores... leaving crawlers is sensible, but within limits. The ones that leave crawlers every single round while they chase the box and spam it for the Ray Gun or whatever make me leave a game, I don't wanna spend 6 hours getting to round 30 when it can easily be done in about half that time. But on the other hand it's definately a wise move to leave crawlers when it comes to getting the power on and getting perks/weapons at the start of a game, sometimes a dumb move to do these sorts of things mid-round depending on the map. It's always the guys at the start of the game who spam the box or go for perks mid-round that end up going down and dieing out cuz I can't get to them. Once you've got some sort of defensive weapon, then you can do things like this mid-round, again depending on the map and the location of the box too.
  9. Another type of player I encountered today and have done in the past; the door opener. The type that opens every door in sight at the start of the game. I was playing Ascension when I bumped into this guy today so that was pretty lucky, not necessarily a dangerous thing and more of a positive thing. But in the past I've encountered them on maps like FIVE in which it's best to keep barricades closed until certain rounds to make for safe camping places.
  10. You're right really, I mean a good point-builder to start with is vital but after you've got everything you need and a good amount of points to come back if you down/die, then you don't need a point-builder any more. I'd definately add a Mustang & Sally to that list of weapons though, of course mainly on maps with Flopper for defensive purposes as a substitute for Thundergun etc. but I still like to keep one on FIVE and Der Riese for quick disposal of the Pentagon Thief and Hellhounds spawning with zombies, as well as taking out whole groups of zombies from a little distance.
  11. Of course it is man, don't need my permission and more strategies posted on here means people can work differet parts of different strategies into one that works best for them You could teleport to the start room to revive someone there if you're at the STG, really depends on the amount of point you have. It's pretty simple to take on their horde before going to revive them so it's not strictly necessary. If you choose to use the teleporter though then make sure their horde is close to the STG room first, just to make sure the starting room is clear of any zombies so you can revive. You can then both go up the stairs through the lab area so he can re-buy Jugg, then wait for the zombies to reach you before dropping off the ledge to safely go back to your own areas.
  12. If everyone is running trains in the Biodome, the best ways are definately as follows. Stop killing any zombies immediately. Gather them all in. Then: Solo: Go the teleporter, teleport to NML then back to the starting area, hack and get out of there before the round restarts - it's always safe to dash back to the Biodome, especially if you have a Wave Gun in hand. Co-op: Head for the front entrance of the Biodome, merging your train with another person's and letting them take all of the zombies (this requires communication). Then go back, hack the panel and head back to the Biodome. If your team-mates don't kill any of the zombies, then you won't get ambushed throughout the whole process.
  13. I'm a firm believer of 'everyone split up and run your own trains'. Makes it easier for everyone and if you go down you've got nobody to blame but yourself... or lag.
  14. If you just showed them that you got the wonder weapon from the box, wouldn't that stop them from keep spamming the box? Problem solved If they wanna piss away all of their points on the box then that's their choice, as long as we get the necessary doors and PaP open first then it doesn't affect me. If they spend all of their points instead of opening doors then fine - the box will soon move to another area and they'll want to open the door to get to that area. If I realise that I'm playing with players like this, even though I have the most points normally I'll always refuse to open a door 'cuz I opened the last one' or something like that.
  15. Us PC players experience this too much Not being racist by any stretch, it's just that the lack of communication makes for bad games. It shocks me that people still do not know how to play this map properly yet. Almost every time I play, I immediately warn players to not throw grenades in the first room, but I always get ignored. I can always still manage to hack with no air in the starting room, but it makes trickier and is best avoided. Thought that'd have been common knowledge by now.
  16. I did also try out a full map loop before writing this guide to see how well it work work. Short answer - it doesn't. Not unless you plan on using all of your Thundergun ammo each round just to path-clear on your way round the map, cuz you'll need to :lol:
  17. To get back on topic... I don't even own MW3 and I'm already bored of it. I play with my friend on PS3 about twice a week for an hour or 2, so glad I didn't go out and buy it as I would have wasted my money. Not saying it's a bad game by any stretch, it's more the fact that I find multiplayer boring and mindnumbing. Survival mode seemed like something fresh fresh at first but soon that became the same old typical 'point and shoot, point and shoot, point and shoot' shooter gameplay. Roll on next 3ARC/zombies game!
  18. 34 on Seatown, 2 players with my bud on his PS3. Juggernauts + Flashbangs = LOL
  19. thanks guys, can't wait for this big guide of yours to come out when it's finished :D
  20. I've had 3 of them in the past month. One of them today in a solo game on Verruckt, going really well, on round 42, just run a group of zombies through the trap and BOOM error. I don't know what causes it, there was speculation that it was caused by laying down too many Claymores/Betties, but I didn't even buy Bouncing Betties in this particular game yet I still got the damn error. Either way, it's becoming really frustrating, always seems to be when I'm on a high round in a so-far perfect game. :x
  21. I've had 3 of them in the past month. One of them today in a solo game on Verruckt, going really well, on round 42, just run a group of zombies through the trap and BOOM error. I don't know what causes it, there was speculation that it was caused by laying down too many Claymores/Betties, but I didn't even buy Bouncing Betties in this particular game yet I still got the damn error. Either way, it's becoming really frustrating, always seems to be when I'm on a high round in a so-far perfect game. :x
  22. I think this should go in the teammate finder section mate ;)
  23. Great guide [brains] yeah like way said, the only thing that's missing is some sort of diagram for the flogger area is it can be pretty tricky to players new to the map.
  24. Hey guys, another solo guide for you here, made for Eye's Master Zombies Guide. Pretty short and basic guide as there's nothing really to aim for except for getting weapons and choosing a loop, which of course I'll help you with here. Gotten me to round 23 so far, needs major concentration at all times. This also works extremely well on the W@W version in which I reached round 66, but being that it was the first ever zombies map the AI of the zombies is considerably lower than that of those on the Black ops version of the map. Starting area First round – Knife only. Second round – 8 shots to the chest with the pistol, then knife. Knife 2 times when you run out of ammo. Rebuild all the windows at the end of the round. Third round – Keep knifing the zombies at the windows, holding them off for as long as possible. When they start to pile in, open the stairs (NOT the HELP door), go along, and open the 2nd set, down to the HELP room and buy the Thompson. Finish out the round by camping in the HELP room. Before Round 10 In this map, all of the areas are small and tight and it’s risky to start running trains before round 10, as the walkers in the group will straggle and you’ll probably run into them and get stuck. You’ll be camping up by the grenade spot until then. Leave a crawler at the end of each round to use the random box. As for what weapons to aim for: Thundergun LMG Thompson Obviously you’ll need Mule Kick to have all 3 of them. Once you start running trains/kiting, I’d advise you to carry the Thundergun at all times while gathering a group just in case you get blocked off in any way. I wouldn’t recommend using the Ray Gun on this map while running trains – making crawlers will most likely spell death. Rounds 10+/end-game strategy You’ll now start using the main strategy, which will apply to the rest of the game. This will basically consist of running trains in the spawn room, next to the HELP door (this is why I advised you to keep it closed earlier). It’s a loop I’ve been using since the W@W version of Nacht and I’ve found this to be the easiest/safest loop to pull off. Here’s a rough image to show the loop, using the 'wonky figure-8' strategy that's becoming increasingly popular for use in small areas: I’d recommend sprinting on the cut-backs and using a dragging technique when leading the zombies around the pillars. As usual, make sure you gather all of the zombies in before you shoot any of them. It's best to only shoot before you loop round the pillar nearest the window. Remember, always have your Thundergun in hand when looping in case of emergency, and never hesitate to use it. You may also need to start uing the Thundergun to take out waves in the 30+ rounds as using other guns will start taking too long to complete rounds. You can lead the zombies into the HELP room (via the stairs of course) to buy more Thompson ammo or to 'spin the Thundergun' (put it back in the box to get it again to effectively replenish it's ammo). Simply lead them down the stairs into the HELP room and wait next to the Thompson until the zombies reach you, then move left and down the other side of the pillars towards the box. You can then keep doing this clockwise-loop, hitting the box each time round. And that's about it... as I said, not much to aim for in this map apart from trying not to get hit more than once at a time due to the lack of perks! Best of luck with this map, if it had Juggernog it'd make it a pretty easy map as this is a pretty easy loop to pull off. Just the fact that there's no perks that make it damn hard!
  25. I can't believe I forgot to mention this But yeah, the runner will always get the majority of the zombies, the PaP room guys will have a pretty easy job well into the 30s.
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