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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Fair enough, let us know when you reach 50 My weapon choice and usage for Der Riese is as follows: Thompson first of all. No box hits - leave a crawler at round 10 and get the M&S. Then keep hitting the box to get the Wunderwaffe, and Monkeys of course. Rounds 10-20 I run trains in the Bowie area, then take out the whole group with M&S shots. At this stage, it takes 2-4 shots to clear the whole wave. I also use the M&S as my dog killing weapon, surprisingly it makes dealing with mid-round dogs very easy and isn't risky to use if you know what you're doing with it. Any NML player will feel comfortable with this. ALWAYS OHK's dogs so you only need to fire off one shot at a time, hence it not being risky. Round 20+ I run the full-map loop I showed above, and use 2 zaps of the Wunderwaffe to take out 20 zombies at Speed Cola before running back up to Double Tap. Obviously I upgrade the WW when ammo starts getting brass. Sometime after round 30 the ammo for the PaP'd Wunderwaffe will keep running low. This is when I start using the traps with the exact strategy shown above. I always keep a perk slot free up until this point, then buy Mule Kick and have a Thompson as a 3rd gun to point-build on my way to the trap. It's not needed up until after round 30, and would be a waste of points if I were to go down and lose it before then.
  2. Constructive critisisms are only dropped where needed Yeah with most of the maps there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to have 4 decent players running seperate trains without constantly going down.
  3. [brains] great guide man, hopefully this gets a lot of reads as I'm getting pretty annoyed with playng with 4 players on this map and people saying 'OMG how do we all run trains'?
  4. I tend to reload a LOT too, doesn't have to be a problem as you can do a mini-sprint to cancel the reload if you still have ammo in the clip.
  5. Good choice of weapons you have. As far as a strategy, a loop of the map works a lot better than a single-area loop. Here's a vid of the loop I use, I'm doing a shotguns only challenge here so ignore the weapons Lj37xl4_ZAw There's also a link in my sig for co-op Der Riese, worth a read ;)
  6. Thanks man, I actually find that how you loop is not so important, it's much more important to kill the zombies in one area to control the spawning, the best area being the MP40 room if you're going clockwise and probably the Speed Cola room if you're going anti-clockwise. This is done to give time to let the zombies spawn in before you reach any tight sets of stairs etc. so really going clockwise is the better choice in higher rounds, as it allows you to use the trap more effectively.
  7. Very impressive mate, needs 2 very patient player to pull this off.
  8. Well done mate, 66 is impressive on any map. Sure 11 hours is long, but as long as you didn't mind spending the time doing it then the time taken is irrelevant ;)
  9. If you're looking for a good co-op strategy, having someone running a train out in the War Room (middle floor) while the other guys camp in the PaP Room is a very good 40+ co-op strategy. I think that's what I like about it, you're forced to improvise with other weapons at the 30+ rounds.
  10. Actually no, each time it's happened I've been playing on FIVE, both in solo and co-op games, running past the teleporter with a bunch of zombies near it, all of a sudden I just end up in a bunch of them without kinfing or even shooting :?
  11. Mine is rage-quitting in solo. If I go down and lose a quick revive before round 20 I'm like WTF! Quit. I never rage-quit in co-op cuz it's unfair on other people, but in solo there's nobody else but me. It's a bad habit cuz I can usually get back up and get to the perk machines and carry on, never know how the rest of the game is going to go and it's often the games that I've had bad starts on that get me to some of my highest rounds.
  12. Mine is rage-quitting in solo. If I go down and lose a quick revive before round 20 I'm like WTF! Quit. I never rage-quit in co-op cuz it's unfair on other people, but in solo there's nobody else but me. It's a bad habit cuz I can usually get back up and get to the perk machines and carry on, never know how the rest of the game is going to go and it's often the games that I've had bad starts on that get me to some of my highest rounds.
  13. My fave is going up and down the stairs on the stage, make sure you always go counter-clockwise as this eliminates any tight spots ;)
  14. My fave is the stairs on the stage, make sure you always go counter-clockwise as this eliminates any tight spots ;)
  15. I've experienced the teleport-into-a-bunch-of-zombies glitch several times playing on my friends PS3, never experienced it on Xbox or PC. Jugg allows you to take 5 normal zombie hits, 4 giving you a red scree.
  16. Truth, NML makes everything seem easier Was just thinking today as well that I've improved a LOT since the last time I played W@W Verruckt, so that may also be why I found it tough in the past.
  17. I'd say the only map Mule Kick is worth the hassle on is COTD. For me the motst common cause is those moments when you get hit 5 times in the space of a few milliseconds and you're sitting there like WTF?! If I get hit too many times and I get a red screen I normally manage to clutch it, but if you don't see the red screen coming it's hard to avoid.
  18. I think the zombies mode should just be kept simple. I like the idea of a campaign etc. but the rest of it is OTT for me.
  19. Thanks man, well I've just put up my written strategy guide so feel free to give it a read before you play viewtopic.php?f=59&t=18158
  20. You've missed the point I was getting at, or just skipped it I know, I tend to waffle a bit and I'd be the first to admit that my posts are sometimes very long. Let me explain a little clearer: Of course, I'm not suggesting I came up wih this loop, it's an obvious loop and people have been using it since W@W. Everyone uses this same loop, yet you don't often see people getting to high solo rounds on this map. Why? Because their strategy fails them. An important thing to remember; a loop is a part of a strategy, it's not the strategy. A HUGE part of the strategy on this map is choosing when to kill. A lot of people tend to shoot at the bottom or top of each set of stairs or each corner. Then of course zombies spawn in front of them, they get blocked and they die. As Tom said, it's nothing to do when uneven spawning. You just don't see the zombies spawning on one half of the map in my video because I don't kill any zombies in those areas. I'm in the MP40/STG area when I kill the group and I'm there when they spawn in. I don't stop, therefore by the time the zombies are spawned in they're already behind me. Any that I do encounter in front of me is always just the 1 zombie and always in wide areas, and even on the tight stairs it's simple to slip past the 1 zombie. So the basic strategy is, do the well-known loop in a clockwise direction, kill the zombies however the hell you want, but they must be killed in the MP40 room. Do it like this and you should never be in a dangerous situation at whatever round.
  21. Thanks bud I'm gonna be doing my usual round-by-round written guide for this map real soon, this is an easy 30+ map if you have the right strategy so I'm gonna make it my job to get that strategy out there 8-)
  22. Hey guys, not here to be arrogant, brag or boast, just sharing my knowledge as usual So, in the past I've rated Verruckt as one of the hardest maps. However, that decision was made based on my experiences from the W@W version - the constant sticking on zombies, the sprinters and the way the zombies behaved made it a really tough map. But today, I sat down and had my first actual solo game on the Black Ops version - SO MUCH EASIER! Just quit on 33 cuz I didn't plan for a long game; In the 32 rounds beforehand, 0 downs, don't even think I got hit more than once so this map could easily be done without Juggernog if played correctly. When I purposely downed and revived upon killing myself, I did a couple of perk-runs to see how it was which turned out to be simple, just look for a gap in the zombies as you're reviving and run through it before they react. As for the tight stairs etc. - getting trapped on these can be completely avoided if you time your kills correctly; this meaning only kill zombies in the MP40 room. This of course is done automatically in the later rounds as you use the trap there. I've devised a solid strategy in one single game, which is a rarity in zombies normally but this map is really simple. I'll definately be making a write-up of it as well as the demoing it in video below. Pretty much used the same basic strategy from round 10, started using the traps at round 26. Effectively the game doesn't get any harder as the rounds go up, so I can definately feel a round 100 attempt coming in the future. All of that said, it can be a tough map. But if you use the correct strategy, it becomes maybe as easy as Ascension. lRN_BQOowlY
  23. To be fair Mule Kick on this map is not really essential, just depends on whether you wanna hold onto a Crossbow or Wunderwaffe for safety. A Gut Shot will OHK dogs at any round, as will a Ray Gun, so that's also down to preferance.
  24. Thanks man You're right about the tighter loop als being an option, it'd probably work pretty nicely is someone was running in the Thompson room but from personal experience if the rest of the guys are in the back areas then you'll get a LOT of zombies at the spawn.
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