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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Thanks to everyone for their posts Sure it's a slight risk, but not big by any means and nothing any good player can't handle. There have been times even at round 60+ where I've had time to run him into the water, depends on how the zombies spawn - you can tell just by looking at the spawn situation whether or not it's safe, if it's not safe just take him out with the VR-11. It's not a problem unless you make it a problem. As for getting the Wunderwaffe - it's definately worth it. Let's do some basic math: Wunderwaffe has 18 shots, and kills 10 per shot. 18 x 10 = 180 At round 50 there are about 11 groups of 24 zombies. 11 x 24 = 264 This means at round 50, you can complete over 2/3 of the round using the Wunderwaffe, and the zombies spawn in so fast that you'd have gotten 2/3 of the round over in a few minutes. Not to mention you'll make a lot of points off it without using ammo, these points of which will go towards the next drop. So overall, you save a LOT of time and a LOT of ammo by getting the Wunderwaffe at 50+ rounds. That's my reason behind getting it every other round when George respawns. This can work very well, however I always avoid doing this at round 50+ as it can cause the famous "G_Spawn" error which has ripped myself and other players off of potentially going to round 100 in a game. This is exactly the set-up I used to my round 68 game actually. Does tend to work pretty well up to round 40-50 but it takes a very long time and each round can take an hour after round 50. Also from a personal perspective, the most common cause of my death is at high rounds when you're spraying with an SMG, very tedious, lacking concentration, and you end up walking too far back and getting stuck somewhere or get screwed over by a new spawner, and of course you don't have time to switch to your save-ass weapon. But hey it's great if people can take parts from my strategy and other parts from people's suggestions and piece together their own strategy, that's what threads like this are all about ;)
  2. Hey peepz, been meaning to do this one for a while for Ehjookayted's Master Zombies Guide which is due to drop sometime soon. ChopperNator posted his co-op guide very recently which was awesome and made me wanna get my one finished, so here it is! My highest so far with this strategy is 73 just recently, was 68 back in August I think but I experimented with different tactics in my game to 73 to find out what works well in speeding the game up without making it dangerous, and I've put that all together here. ========================================= First round: Knife only. Second round: 8 shots to the chest with the pistol, then knife. Knife 2 times when you run out of ammo. Rebuild all the windows at the end of the round. Third round: Keep knifing the zombies until you’ve made 3750 points. If you feel like you’re getting overrun, go ahead and clear the debris to the MPL area. This costs 750, so your new point-target will be 3000. When you go up the stairs, go past the MPL to the end and turn left. Go straight to the end and clear the debris to drop down onto the ship. Then turn left, go to the edge, drop off and clear the debris to the AK74u area. Buy the AK off the wall. Rounds 4 & 5 Use these rounds to point-build with the AK, buying ammo off the wall for it when needed. Try to gather the zombies up into a bunch so you can spray into them and make more points from collateral damage. By the end of round 5 you should have at least 5500 points. Leave a crawler so you can go and turn the power on and buy Juggernog. You can get back to the starting area without spending any points; just go back the way you came, using the stairs to get back to the upper level of the ship. Then where you dropped off after opening the debris, you can drop down to the lower level, where you’ll be able to drop off into the starting area. From here, open the stairs next to the MPL and proceed up to the power room. After the power is on, you can proceed to the PM63 room to open the door to Juggernog. If you’re a confident player then you may instead opt to buy the Sickle this round, as it will yield more points up to round 10. You will need to have 6000 points by the end of this round to open up the route to it and buy it. Open the door to PhD Flopper and go through the lighthouse to get to it that way – At NO point should you open the bottom door of the lighthouse in the AK area – doing this will make running trains in this area much harder for you. All areas in the lighthouse and beyond can be accessed by taking the PhD Flopper route. After opening the PhD Flopper door, go to the upper floor and open the door to the lighthouse, then go to the lowest floor and open the rear door, go down the waterslide and you’ll find the sickle on the left. You can then carry on forwards and drop back down to the AK area. You’ll make enough points in the next round to go get the power on and buy Juggernog, provided you don’t collect any Nukes. Don’t bother getting the Sickle after round 6 – by that time the extra 5000 spent on getting it won’t really be rewarded. Rounds before 10 If you bought the Sickle then continue to use it until the end of round 9. If you didn’t, continue gathering up the zombies and shooting the group with the AK to maximise point gain. Remember to let all of the zombies in and group them up before you start shooting. The image below demonstrates what I've found to be an easy and effective loop: Within these few rounds, you’ll need to buy the following items in order: Quick Revive PhD Flopper Mustang & Sally (PaP the M1911) Mule Kick Make sure to leave a crawler at the end of each round so you can go and buy these items. Rounds 10+ Continue using the AK to kill and make points. You should by now have all of the items listed above. Have the Mustang & Sally in your hands just in case you get stuck, as this can be used to blast your way out of trouble. Leave a crawler at the end of each round to go and hit the random box. You’re aiming to get the Scavenger and the Matryoshka dolls. When you do get the Scavenger, trade it for the AK74u. Then go and replace whatever your third weapon is (not the M&S) with the AK. This may seem like a waste of points, but this is actually done to save points and effort in the future; if you go down, you’ll lose Mule Kick and your third weapon. If this third weapon is your AK, it’s easy to replace again. But there’s no telling how many points it will take to get the Scavenger back. Not to mention the time it takes. When you do have the Scavenger, you’ll still continue to use the AK to kill for now – the Scavenger at this point will be used to kill George. At the end of each round leave crawlers, knife George and lead him to the next area (the one between the AK area and the PM63 room). Sometimes if you kill George in the water, you will not get a perk and Death Machine/Wunderwaffe as George will disappear before he drops them. To take precautions, wait until he’s out of the water, fire 6 Scavenger shots at him in rapid succession and lead him back into the water to cool off. Repeat until he’s dead (will only take a couple of minutes). Repeat this every time George respawns until you have all 8 perks. At these rounds don’t bother taking the Wunderwaffe, just collect the perk bottle. You will of course need to have gotten the achievement for completing the Easter Egg before George will drop the Wunderwaffe in all of your games. If you don’t have this achievement yet, make sure you complete the Easter Egg before killing George in the later rounds. The EE can be done in solo or co-op, instructions for both can be found on the internet. Rounds 20+ You’ll now start using the Scavenger to get all of your kills instead of the AK. Leave a crawler at the end of round 19 to hit the box again. You’re aiming to replace the AK with a VR-11 – nothing else. PaP the VR-11 when you get it (you may have to wait for the PaP machine to appear). If you still don’t have all the perks from George, you’ll be taking a different approach to killing him from now on. As you gather your horde and shoot them with a Scavenger shot, circle them around George so the shot also damages him. Then lead him towards the water in the AK area to cool him off before the zombies spawn in. You can also shoot him with the VR-11 to cool him down when it’s not safe to lead him into the water. At the end of each round, leave a crawler and continue with the first method of killing him. If you run out of Scavenger ammo, try for a Max Ammo by killing the next few groups of zombies with the Matryoshka dolls, PhD Flopping and M&S – save the last clip of M&S ammo for emergencies. If you don’t get a Max Ammo, PaP the Scavenger. It is possible to take out a group of 24 zombies with the Matryoshka dolls. To do so, make sure they’re all grouped, and lead them towards a wall, preparing the dolls before you reach the wall. Keep the zombies close, and release it against the wall so it bounces back at you, then do a u-turn and run round the zombies. They will all be in a tight bunch with the dolls at their feet, which will easily kill all of them. Once you’ve got all of the perks, you can make George go away by shooting him with the upgraded VR-11 when in the water. He won’t drop anything, but it’ll keep him at bay which will make things easier. Rounds 34+ You’ll continue with the same strategy here, but with one difference – the Scavenger, upgraded or not, will now take 2 shots to kill. Simply fire 2 shots in rapid succession at the group instead of 1, and they’ll all be killed. At this point, you’ll want to start killing George again to get the Wunderwaffe in order to save ammo, as well as use George to drop Max Ammos when you’re low on the Scavenger. When you’re down to your last clip of Scavenger ammo, gather a full group of zombies, sprint past George and anger him while the group of zombies run past him. With George mad, you’ll need to do a wide map loop of some sort, basically going away from the AK area and coming back again, with angry George and the zombies on your tail. My chosen loop is through the PhD room and through to the bottom of the lighthouse, then out through the Speed Cola area and back into the AK area. By the time you get back to the AK area, the whole group of zombies will be electrocuted, and with a bunch of electric zombies if you’re due a powerup then they’ll most likely drop a Max Ammo if they’re killed with a weapon that doesn’t normally drop powerups, namely the Scavenger or Wunderwaffe. If you run out of ammo and fail to get a Max Ammo - which shouldn’t really be the case at this stage if you’re using the George method, but there is a chance - it’s time to put the Scavenger in the box and try to get it back out again. This of course will be much too dangerous in some areas e.g. top of the lighthouse. If the box is in a dangerous location, finish out the round with the AK off the wall (replacing the Scavenger until you get it back from the box again). Be warned, this can take quite a bit of time. You can speed up the process by upgrading the AK if the PaP machine is near-by – you’ll most probably still make some point-gain out of this by the time the round has ended. Leave a crawler at the end of the round and go hit the box then. Be careful when shooting with the AK – zombies spawn out of the ground and can caught you by surprise if they spawn behind you. Rounds 42+ The Scavenger will now take 3 shots to kill. Still continue the strategy as before, but with 3 shots to each group instead of 2. Make sure to stay close to George so all of the shots hit him so you can keep getting the Wunderwaffe to get you through the rounds. At this round the M&S won’t really save you that well any more – swap this for a Crossbow from the box and upgrade it. Have it in your hands when gathering, if you get stuck then jump and shoot a bolt away from the zombies and they’ll chase it and leave you alone for a few seconds. This can also be used if you go down to distract the zombies when you first get up, and get them in a group behind you. You can them lead them to the Juggernog machine and go out of the door at the top of the stairs next to Jugg. Keep using George to try for a Max Ammo when you need one, you should still have a nice success rate with it at this point. Rounds 50+ Congratulations on making it this far… now prepare for a long ride! Sometime about this point, in the late 40s, the zombies will take 4 hits to kill. Every few rounds they will take more and more hits to kill from now on, with the upgraded version of the Scavenger killing with fewer shots than the regular version. If George is around, still continue the same strategy, using the amount of shots needed to kill them with the main aim of killing George to get the Wunderwaffe. If George isn’t around and you’re out of Wunderwaffe ammo, use up any remaining Scavenger ammo and again replace it with the AK to finish out the round, leaving a crawler to go hit the box at the end.
  3. I've got my COTD solo guide coming to the forum VERY soon for you to add to your guide, I briefly discuss using the dolls to take out an entire bunch of 24 zombies when attempting to get a Max Ammo after using all of your Scavenger ammo. Stay tuned!
  4. Very good in-depth guide mate, [brains] to you. The only thing I would make any comment on is about keeping the lighthouse door in the AK area closed. I'd say for solo and 2 players, definately keep it closed. For 3-4 players, if someone is also running a train in the bottom of the lighthouse then keep it open. You shouldn't really have any problems with zombies going in and out of the door, even if one does straggle and decide to go out of the door you'll already have ran past the door by that time and they'll just join your train. With this door open you can also lead George out to the waterslide to cool him off if need be. Opening the door will of course make it a lot cheaper to go get the Sickle and revive teammates too, but if it's a 2 player game then of course keeping the door closed will be the safer option.
  5. Never even noticed. I'm sure you're right, posted in the wrong section.
  6. Thundergun or Wave gun. Used to be Ray Gun when I was a beginner, used to be like YEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! But I've now realised it's only really good in the early rounds, it's still good for camping in high rounds but if you're running trains it just makes crawlers everywhere and gets you killed. Also makes it worse if you don't have PhD Flopper.
  7. Interesting challenge, similar to Stick To Your Guns but with only 1 gun instead of 2. Nice play :)
  8. Yeah that's also my co-op strategy for playing with randoms. In solo though I find it better to teleport to NML, then back and hack it before the round restarts.
  9. Yeah when I saw videos on Youtube of people hacking the excavators and stuff before Moon came to PC & PS3, I was like 'that'd be simple, just have a Lawton as a third gun and you can use it to distract the zombies while you hack'. But when I asked Relaxing about it he said it'd be the perfect way to hack, if only they'd put it on the map. I was disappointed to hear that but it made sense.
  10. :lol: thanks man, I pretty much moved from the tele pad to the side-drop strategy, then once I got good at that I moved on to the far pool strategy. Must admit I had a few red-screen moments on my way to 298 :lol:
  11. You wanna get 5000 points ASAP, upgrade the pistol and get the rest of your kills and Jugg points with that. Here's a fine example: eOuxDdDPdUE
  12. Just 2 more kills on my NML game yesterday and I would have been joining the 300s club. Painful...
  13. Ah, good. Always wanted to NoClip to Area 51 once I've got my weapons and do some round-based No Man's Land gameplay, but the error would have stopped me doing that unless I kept going back to hack the Excavators. Now that it's been fixed I must try it sometime...
  14. COTD is one of the only maps in which I say that Mule Kick is a must. I pretty much point-build up to round 20, hitting the box to get the Scavenger between rounds. Once I have it I leave a crawler at the end of each round, take George away from it and use all the Scavenger ammo to kill him and get a perk. At round 19 I trade out my AK for the VR-11. Then I kill the zombies with a Scavenger shot right next to Romero so it damages him, then calm him down with the VR-11. I continue to use this strategy until I have all the perks, after that I just make him go away with the VR-11 whenever he comes. I always get Mule Kick as 1 of my first 4 perks so I can keep a Mustang & Sally in my hands when gathering my trains, just in case I happen to get stuck so I can blast my way out of trouble. The things I buy in order, starting at round 3 normally, are: Ak74u Jugg Quick Revive PhD Flopper Mustang & Sally Mule Kick Scavenger VR-11 Also another note - when I do get the Scavenger, I trade it for the AK and then replace my 3rd weapon with the AK again. The reason for this is that if I were to go down, I'd lose Mule Kick and my third weapon; if I make that weapon the AK rather than the Scavenger then obviously I'll have less trouble replacing it than I would have replacing the Scavenger ;)
  15. Ammo can be tricky, you sometimes have to end up putting the Scavenger back in the box mid-round and trying for another one. Of course this only works if the box is in a good spot i.e. not at the top of the lighthouse After you've used up the Scavenger and Wunderwaffe you'll have gotten a fair amount of kills and points so you can try taking out the next few waves with the Matryoshka Dolls to see if you can drop a Max Ammo. If all of the above fail then you may find yourself spending quite a bit of time finishing the round with the AK so you can leave 1 zombie and safely use the box if it's in a bad location.
  16. Managed round 76 solo on this map yesterday Finally beat my record of 68, took a different approach to my later-round strategy of spraying with the Ak74fu2 to save lots of time instead spamming all of my Scavenger ammo on the group and damaging George in the process, calming him down with the VR-11, repeating until he died and picking up the Wunderwaffe to take out a large number of zombies. Gonna try and put together a solo guide for Ehj's Masters Guide before he releases it.
  17. Yeah definately, black screen with error message. I'll have to test it again to see if it's been fixed by the patch and take a screenshtot if I get the same error.
  18. So you basically made those points by going back and forth from Moon to No Man's Land? Fair enough if that's your method, but consider I made those points without even leaving No Man's Land and just using the bare minimum of a knife, pistol and grenades, and the 10k+ was made after spending 5000 on PaP'ing the M1911 and 2500 on Juggernog, which of course on No man's Land is a respectable feat in itself Appreciate the [brains] Onesiphorus ;)
  19. That'd actually make me play some multiplayer :lol:
  20. Didn't know that my channel was unavailable, I'll have to change my settings... The vid's not in HD cuz I used Windows Movie Maker I'm just a casual uploader and putting the clips together and outputting it in a smaller file size makes the output and uploading a lot quicker, can take quite a while to upload a 10GB HD video as you'd imagine. Definately, I always have it in my arsenal when playing this map ;)
  21. Hey peepz, just occured to me yesterday that I've never done shotguns only on Der Riese, no idea why as it's always been one of my fave maps. Turned out to be one of the most fun solo games I've ever played for some reason 8-) Here's some random footage I captured, ended up dying 5 rounds later through lack of concentration Lj37xl4_ZAw
  22. Definately the Thompson, on all the classic maps aaprt from SNN I grab it as soon as I see it and keep it for the rest of the game. Great for point-building and killing early on, and just great for point-building later to make points for traps. Also love the upgraded Trench Gun (Gut Shot), always in my arsenal when playing Der Riese.
  23. Are you looking for co-op or solo strategies? Both are played differently so let us know which ;)
  24. Actually I don't think all 3 can be breaching at the same time, the first time I played the map I let the 2 tunnels breach, then as soon as the Biodome breached I got an error saying there were 'no free paths' or something like that. Tried it again just to test it out and the same thing happened. Might have been fixed in the latest patch though saying that, I'll have to test it again...
  25. Yep, if George is caught in the crossfire of the Wunderwaffe this for some reason gives the possibility of dropping a Max Ammo.
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