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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. That was solo, not co-op. This is for the co-op world record. I know the solo WR for W@W is way over 1000, that will never be the case on Black Ops of course due to the hugely increased number of zombies in the later rounds.
  2. Whoops, unlucky But yeah you really should have told him, or at least left a sticky note on it or something ;)
  3. Far from it actually Such an easy area to run, nice and wide with nothing really to get stuck on.
  4. As a strategical player myself, graphs like this can be very helpful in working out new strategies and stuff for different styles of play. [brains] to BinText & Tom for their work ;)
  5. Wowwow, nice:P But isn't it better to leave the debris to the ship closed? And what circle you run there? I runned from the lighthouse to the ledge they jump off and the back across the debris to the ship. And repeat. But once I got stuck next to that kind of metal/iron plate thing, which you have to walk around, since it can kinda block your way. It is not full to the wall, but it is half off it. Do you run that circle, or other way around? It's better to leave the lighthouse door shut and the debris open if you are playing with 2 people who really know how to kite. I'm preparing a guide for EyeCntSpel's super zombie guide and will have some footage of kiting the various places that are used. Yeah best to leave the doors hut, it's easy to avoid zombies coming down the walkway where the ship once was but it can be tricky avoiding a bunch of zombis coming out of the door. As for what loop to do, just loop the actual Ak area itself, you don't need to go out of the doors and do a big loop like that If you're playing solo then running a loop in this area is really easy, nothing really to get stuck on. If you're playing co-op then 2 people take one half of the area each. The guy who takes the half closest to the door should run counter-clockwise and the other guy should run clockwise, just so if you both meet each other in the middle you'll both be running the same way so you don't run into the other guy's zombies.
  6. Not to knock your efforts in any way, but I've played both the iPhone version and console versions and the console versions are a HELL of a lot harder than the iPhone version, you can camp on the catwalk in Der Riese until well over round 200. Not saying it doesn't take effort and some skill cuz it does, but really it's a different game to the console versions so can't really be considered for these groups.
  7. I think you're right in saying if you suck at it then you can't really give an opinion as to whether it's good or not. I disliked COTD when it first came out cuz I weren't used to havng some guy wandering round in the middle of the game always screwing me over. I hated Shangri La cuz it's a really hard map at first. But after playing both of them a few times and started getting to high rounds, I loved them both. There's not a single map that I don't like because I understand how to play them all properly. I actually LOVE FIVE, I've played it more than any other map besides Der Riese and I know it really well. You can put me in the map with 3 of the world's worst players and I'll keep reviving them and take them to a high round.
  8. I should really say be aware though, the Excavator will still count down and breach while you are in No Man's Land, so make sure you don't spend too much time down there as you won't get any warnings about how long it's got before it breaches.
  9. This means they are the same health as what round you are on and at round 10(Round 5 + 5 sirens) they are 2 hit kills as expected. That's right, exactly what I was getting at but you explained it more fully How does this have anything to do with excavators? I thought this was regardless.. It is of course regardless of whether an Excavator is about to breach or not. My point was; an Excavator will always go off 1-2 rounds after the power is turned on, and if you manage to get the Bowie Knife and open the doors to teleport to NML so you can teleport back and hack the Excavator, you can use it as an opportunity to make some serious points.
  10. Na it can be done, it's not as easy as low gravity but it's not hard, as I said just make sure you're looking up at all times and holding the action button ;)
  11. Hey guys, found out something very interesting, dunno if anyone else also knows about this but it can be incorporated into your early-rounds strategy on Moon. So I started a solo game in my usual fashion, using the high-kills strategy on No Man's Land and starting round 1 on Moon with Jugg, M&S and over 10k. End of round 1 I left one zombie, got all the doors open, power on and Bowie Knife. At the start of Round 3, Excavator Epsilon goes off so I jump in the teleporter before the zombies start coming in. Here's the interesting part. I start knifing some zombies in No man's land with the Bowie Knife - turns out that they have the same health as the zombies of whatever round you're on. Everyone knows that they get 1 round stronger with each siren, so 7 sirens went by before they started taking 2 knifes to kill. So I was running round for about 3 or 4 minutes just knifing all of the zombies, by the time I returned to the Moon I had well over 20k in points. Very nice amount of points for round 3 I think you'll agree! I went back down on round 5 just to test this out, and they were 1 hit kills again until the 5th siren. I guess the first Excavator of the game is a gift rather than a curse...
  12. No problem man As I wrote in the guide though I like to get the power on at the end of the round 3, just because the zombies are easier to predict and therefore control, so having the power on when camping in the PM63 room at the start will be a lot easier. Also as I said there's really no need to use the box before the end of round 9, just follow all the steps in the first part of the guide and you'll be able to get the Bowie Knife by the end of round 5 at the latest, then you can run round the Biodome up until the end of round 9 making tons of points just using the Bowie Knife. Then of course the Bowie stops being a 1-hit kill at round 10, hence the reason we leave a few crawlers at the end of this round and go for the box in an attempt to get the Wave Gun. It's not a problem if you don't get it this round, just make points in the next round with whatever you have and try again. I've noticed that you tend to get the Wave Gun in the box a lot more often than say, the Thundergun.
  13. Nice As written in my strategy I don't ever really go for the box until the end of round 9 as I have the Bowie Knife to do all of my killing, by that time I've normally got tons of points and always end up getting the Wave Gun. I'd still recommend keeping the M1911 to upgrade it to the Mustang & Sally though, once you have the Wave Gun there really is no need for a point builder such as the RPK with this strategy and the M&S is the best for killing the Astronaut if needed. As you mentioned in the early stages the PM63 will take care of the Astronaut should you get caught by him, I tend to kill him with it whenever I see him before I get to the Biodome just to be safe ;)
  14. Interesting, I was experimenting with some loops in Verruckt the other day and this was one of them. The thing about this map is all of the areas are really small and it starts to get really tough in the 30+ rounds when the zombies come through the windows in clumps. I'd say this is the hardest map to run trains in even though Nacht has no perks. If you run trains properly in Nacht you don't really get hit so you can go for quite a long time, I could run trains in Nacht all day if I had Juggernog. It's a lot tougher to do so in Verruckt, you get hit a lot.
  15. It really doesn't matter if you get Juggernog and go to No Man's Land with 0 points, just stick to the strategy and you should be able to get the Bowie Knife at the end of round 4. I think the main thing is just to make sure you've built 3250 points before leaving the first room - it's easy to hold of in the first room just knifing until then if you have Juggernog. If you drop a double points in the first 2 round then you can most likely leave before the 3rd round even starts. I would strongly suggest practicing NML though, it's a great way to build up the points before going to the Moon. Even if you buy Juggernog first, you can still gather them up on the teleporter pad before leading them out and getting some kills with any remaining grenades and ammo.
  16. I actually used to go through Tunnel 6 and use the MPL to make points too. But I tried the Tunnel 11 and PM63 strategy and it seems to work a lot better. Normally with the MPL I was getting the right amount of points to go to the Biodome at the end of round 5, but with the PM63 strategy I'm always able to go at the end of round 4. Also you've got more space to work with in the PM63 room and once you've gotten the power on (normally at the end of round 3) it's really easy to bunch them all up to make plenty of points in round 4. Not only this but it's much easier to survive in the Staminup room than it is to survive in the MPL room or Tunnel 6 Thanks man Good question actually and something I should add to the guide. You don't turn the power on until round 3, so even if the Excavator goes off at the start of round 4 you should have time to finish out the round, leave a zombie and go grab the hacker before running back to the start to hack it. At this point you normally have the points to go open all of the doors and get the Bowie Knife, but concentrate on getting the hacker and hacking the Excavator first, then do all of that when the Excavator is stopped. As I just mentioned as a part of this strategy you get the Bowie Knife on your way to the Biodome, typically at round 4. If the Excavator goes off after you've gotten the Bowie Knife and you're in the Biodome, then just use the same strategy you'd use in later rounds. It's actually easier before round 10 because the zombies spawn in really slowly, so you can pretty much always run back to the Biodome after hacking without the zombies spawning all over you.
  17. That'd be in the junkyard (lander room, very nice area to run btw) but we're talking about the actual Staminup/AK74u room here ;)
  18. Also forgot to mention, looks like the other day's patch fixed the Astronaut + Gersch Device issue. Instead of getting sucked towards it then coming at you full speed, he just walks towards it at normal speed, then acts normally again when it's gone.
  19. Reached round 73 with my strategy today, I can confirm that even at round 73 the Wave Gun + hacker bonuses produce enough points to warrant a drop, so you can continue shooting the zombies with nothing but the Wave Gun/Zap Guns and still get a drop from the Gersch Device when thrown after you're down to your last clips on the Wave/Zap gun even past round 70 :D
  20. 254 kills so far just using the teleporter pad strategy. Gonna aim for higher at somepoint though using the side-drop strategy, which I use a lot to get a good start on the Moon.
  21. Na all of these kinds of achievement have to be done in one match, I'm also unsure of whether you have to kick them after shrinking them.
  22. Yeah we discussed this earlier in this thread. If the box was to spawn in the Biodome, hack all 3 other locations before using the box and it will stay there for about 50 turns.
  23. Interesting, well as mentioned a PC patch was released yesterday so I'm gonna have to test it out to see if it's fixed.
  24. I know that feeling hence the reason I'm predominantly a solo player.
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