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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Yeah I also regularly run the Stamin-up loop in later rounds when ammo is getting tight, so I can use the AK. The only problem in this area is the tight squeeze between the generator thingy and the window, as it tends to get blocked a lot. If you get blocked off there just do a cut-back (turn back round and run round the zombies to go the other way). Then if you get blocked at the puddle, do another cut-back. I'd also say always jump over the puddle and shoot at the zombies as they walk though it.
  2. Man, that's disappointing. You got ripped off big-style dude :cry:
  3. Thank goodness us PC users are finally getting Mule Kick in all the maps. Gonna go back and play some of the older maps and see if I can utilise it to bump up some of my records.
  4. For solo, tie between Der Riese and SNN. For co-op, Der Riese.
  5. I'd say yes, I wrote my FIVE strategy as requested for your masters zombies guide and I enjoy sharing my knowledge Next I'm thinking of writing up one of the following: Solo straategy for COTD Co-op strategy for FIVE Co-op strategy for Verruckt
  6. [brains] for you good sir, hopefully this gets a lot of views so people can learn how to play this map properly, it seems like none of the randoms I play with have a clue how to play this map Gonna link this up in my solo guide ;)
  7. Yeah I know that RelaxingEnd loop well, I've done it myself in a co-op game and it's pretty nice once you get used to it. I personally just pick the Claymore loop in solo play because like I mentioned it can be used to effectively eliminate the Astronaut, which can't really be done in other areas. But of course in co-op there's enough looping points for 4 players in the Biodome, one is the open area at the front entrance which you pointed out. There's also a nice area just to the right of that one. Then there's the area just next to the Claymore loop, at the bottom of the runway to the rear entrance. 0StonedShooter0 is currently writing out a co-op strategy for the forum so I'm sure he'll touch on these.
  8. To be honest this map can be a struggle in solo for most players, if you wanna get to a 20+ round on it then grab 3 friends. Here's a basic co-op camping strategy that will get even average players past 20, it requires teamwork and co-operation: As you know, in a 4 player game there will be 2 players on each half of the starting room, seperated by a door that only opens when the power is turned on. So you'll have 2 players on the Juggernog side and 2 players on the Quick Revive side. To start the game, the 2 players on the Quick Revive side will need to open all of the doors on their to get to the power room and turn on the power ASAP. Do NOT open the next dor in the power room. These players will then need to go back and meet the other 2 players once the power is turned on, one of the other 2 players will then open the stairs. As far as opening doors goes, that's it. There's only 2 more doors in the buidling, one next to Double Tap and one in the power room. You should NEVER open the one next to Double Tap, and there's no need to open the other door in the power room. So here's the strategy. All 4 players will camp by the door next to Double Tap. All of the zombies will come from the front and you just shoot them down, similar to camping on the walkway in Der Riese. There's a window to the left of where you'll be camping, one player will guard this window at all times, and the player closest to him will help him out if needed. I'd suggest buying the MP40 off the wall at the camping spot and getting Juggernog before anything else. When you need to get box weapons and other perks, go round the building so you don't have to open the door next to Double Tap. You can still access everything and keeping this door closed will make things a LOT easier for you.
  9. Always appreciated Ehjookayted Yeah I've always been a strategical player and I always take time to experiment with all the different aspects of strategy that each map requires until I feel I've got an altogether solid strategy, only then do I go for a high round to put it to the test. I know a lot of players can't be asked with all of that and just wanna crack on and get straight into the gameplay, which is fair enough and I'm happy to share what I've learned so they can do that.
  10. Thanks man Yeah No Man's Land is a LOT harder than the Moon itself, it's something that should definately be practiced and if you're good at it then I'd recommend going that route, but as I said if people don't feel comfortable going for mega points in No Man's Land then just get enough for Jugg and follow the tutorial for getting through the early rounds. It's definately down to preferance. Think I better edit the first post to lower the resolution/scale of the picture, it's HUGE :lol:
  11. All of the vids worked fine for me. Interesting but the music sucks tbh.
  12. Hi guys, here's my tutorial for my strategy on Moon. It's gotten me to round 73 so far, gonna go for a WR attempt at some point as that round was a give-up. This strategy could potentially get you to infinite rounds. This strategy can of course be incorporated into co-op games, but I'd recommend reading 0stonedshooter0's detailed co-op guide for doing well on this map http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/posting.php?mode=reply&f=72&t=17661 Starting on No Man’s Land The first and foremost thing you’ll need to do is to watch what perk machine comes up, as it’ll either be Juggernog or Speed Cola. If it’s not Juggernog, restart the game. The reason we do this is, in solo play there is no reason what-so-ever that you shouldn’t be able to get Juggernog before going to the Moon and starting round 1. Ideally, the best thing to do when starting here is the same strategy people use to get a high amount of kills in No Man’s Land, i.e. rack up points, upgrade the M1911 to Mustang & Sally, make more points, buy Juggernog, then get as many kills as possible with the Mustang & Sally. Getting a nice score on NML in order to get the best start on Moon is pretty dependant on PaPing the M1911 in a good time. With that said, here is my take on getting a 90 second PaP on a pretty consistent basis. I’ve tried all of the main tactics and from personal experience this technique is not only a little easier but provides consistent results: To start with, you'll want to make at least 1670 points (9 kills or more) before the 1st siren. As soon as you hear the 1st siren, haul ass to the teleporter pad. Turn and throw a grenade out where the zombies are spawning to get a few extra kills, as you won't need this grenade later. You'll get a few loose zombies coming to the teleporter pad first - double knife them all or shoot them with 5-6 pistol shots before knifing, making sure to have a few zombies lined up for collateral damage and more points. Keep double knifing where safe until a nice group is coming up the stairs. You may possibly get a dog to knife, but most of the time you won't. You'll now want to start emptying all of your pistol ammo into the group, staying on the teleporter pad and gathering them as they come up the stairs, then shooting at safe points. Let the 2nd siren pass you by as you carry on using all of your ammo. At the 3rd siren you'll want to start cooking your first grenade. You'll need to aim the throw so that all crawlers from the grenade are positioned at the top of the stairs. Bouncing the grenade off of one of the front walls next to the stairs ('back-fragging') is a great way to do this. Knife any remaining walkers and crawlers. You might get the odd couple of 2-knife kills but they will mostly require a single knife. As you're on the teleporter pad, any new zombies spawning in will take some time getting to you, so you'll easily have time to knife all of the crawlers and make the money to PaP, most of the time with some to spare. If done right you'll have the points to PaP at around the 4th siren, which more or less marks 90 seconds Here's a video demonstrating the strategy. As you'll see at the end, I still had some crawlers left over which I could have knifed to make about an extra 1000 points, and I still had plenty of time to do so, so you can easily make extra points on top of the PaP points to help towards getting Juggernog quicker if you get a good spawn at the start. XPdgURzcDIM Once you get the Mustang & Sally back out of the PaP, I'd recommend getting back to the telepad again. Saving ammo for later is vital, and this strategy will see you using only about 4 shots to get you Jugg points. Gather a full group at the pad, fire 1 shot into them, run around them and fire another shot when your health recovers. This should take out the whole group. May leave a crawler or 2, which can almost always be single-knifed for a kill. Gather another group and do the same thing. From here, stay on the teleporter pad, as this is the easiest method for getting a high kills record. You’ve been shown how to run the teleporter pad using a crescent-moon style loop and you’ve taken out a wave with the M&S – just keep it up, waiting until you get a full group and shooting one shot into them at a time as soon as they’re gathered, waiting for your health to recover between shots. Sure, this tactic doesn’t net as many kills as other areas, but we’re not going for a high kill record here – the objective is to rack up a massive amount of points before going to the Moon, and this strategy will normally net you over 10k and over 200 kills. Once you’re out of ammo on your M&S you’ll want to lead the zombies away so you can teleport to the Moon safely - run out of the pad, do a loop round the place by the PaP machine and sprint back to the teleporter. You’ve now started round 1 on Moon, you have Juggernog, 10k and a Mustang & Sally that will come in good use once you get PhD Flopper and a Max Ammo. Now that’s a good start to a game! If you’re not comfortable doing this and just want to get Juggernog and get to the Moon as soon as possible, then do that. I’ll add some tips for racking up points on the Moon before opening all the areas. Round 1 Just a few tips before we go into the strategy here: Firstly, make sure the Astronaut doesn’t catch you. If he does, you’ll lose your Juggernog, have to teleport to No Man’s Land, Speed Cola will be there because Juggernog was there last time, so then you’ll have to come back to the Moon wait until the teleporter is ready again before you can go back and get Juggernog. Huge pain, so best avoided. Do NOT use ANY type of explosive in the starting area or in the labs (the whole area in which the hacker can be found in). This will decompress the area, which will mean you’ll have to wear your PES in these areas even after the power is on, which will make things hard for you later. So no grenades, launchers etc. Starting area – if you massacred No Man’s Land If you built massive points in No Man’s Land, well done - you have a very simple start ahead of you. In the first round, let all the zombies in and knife all but one of them. You’re now ready to start opening up the route to the Biodome and get a weapon. Don't forget Quick Revive – in solo, if you go down this will automatically revive you. Be aware that you’ll need to buy it again if you go down, and can only buy 3 in total. Starting area – if you have no points First round: knife only. Second round: 8 shots to the chest with the pistol, then knife. Knife 2 times when you run out of ammo. Rebuild all the windows at the end of the round. Third round: You'll start thinking about moving on to the next area now. As of this round, when you move on to the next area will be solely determined by you making a certain amount of points. Keep knifing the zombies at the windows, holding them off until you have 3250 points. At this point, open the door and go through Tunnel 11 (door closest to the M14). Buy the PM63 and open the next door to the Staminup room. Leave one zombie at the end of the round, having made at least 2000 points. Open the next 2 doors, turn the power on and come back to the Staminup room. The reason for doing this is because the low gravity and lack of sound from the zombies will make it a lot harder for you to hold off here. You'll normally do this at the end of round 3. Hold off here until you have 4950 points, buying ammo for the PM63 when needed. You can make more points by walking round the barrels near the Staminup machine to gather up the zombies before shooting into them. Finish the rest of the zombies off when you have the points, leaving a couple of crawlers at the end. If an Excavator goes off during round 4 before you've opened up all the doors, just finish out the round leaving one zombie, go grab the hacker and go back to the starting area via the way you came. Opening up the map So, whichever of the above strategies you used, you’ll now have enough points to start opening up the map and making your way to the Biodome. Whichever tunnel you choose to make your way to the power room is up to you, but you only need to use one of them. You’ll now need to open the rest of the doors to the Biodome. Grab the hacking device when you see it in one of it’s 6 locations in the labs, and hack open any remaining doors. Hacking a door will cost 200 points, a lot cheaper than the 1000 points it would normally cost to open any of the doors in the labs. When you first open the door to the labs, walk through and go up the first staircase. When you go up the second set, turn around to face the first stairs and look up – you’ll see the Bowie Knife on the wall above you. This will need a running jump to buy, just keep looking up and hold the action button as you jump (by default X on Xbox, Square on PS3 or F on PC). Killing with this will be a 1-hit kill up to round 10 and nets 130 points per kill. Just avoid Nukes when possible and you won't lose out on valuable points at this early stage. You can take them at the end of a round when there’s no zombies left, as you’ll make an extra 400 points for nothing. Use any remaining points to buy PhD Flopper and hack open the rear entrance of the Biodome for access to the teleporter. Do NOT step on any of the launch pads if you don’t have PhD Flopper – missing the landing on the next launch pad will down you without Flopper. Take some time to go and buy Quick Revive at a suitable in the following rounds. As for what other perk to get besides Quick Revive, Jugg and PhD Flopper, I always go with Speed Cola. Besides the quick reloads, it also makes you hack things faster. Mule Kick is not needed as you really don’t need a 3rd weapon until well after round 50. We'll discuss this later. Before Round 10 Pretty simple, just randomly run round the Biodome, using the Bowie Knife to get all of your kills. Once you get a Max Ammo and PhD Flopper you can use the Mustang & Sally to free yourself if trapped. Leave a crawler at the end of round 9 so you can go and start chasing the random box. Keep in mind that you’ll need to get a PES from one of the airlocks before using the box in the power room and Mule Kick area. The only weapon you’re really after is the Wave Gun and either a QED or Gersch Device. Both of the latter 2 are used when you need a Max Ammo for your Wave Gun – we’ll discuss this whole process soon. You could trade out the Mustang & Sally for a Ray Gun if you’d prefer, but keep in mind that either one will only be used for killing the Astronaut and the Mustang & Sally makes a much quicker job of it. Sure it has less ammo, but the only time you’ll need to kill him is when getting a Max Ammo anyway. Again, this process will be discussed soon. Back to the box chasing – if the box is in the Biodome or starting area, you can use the hacker to get more spins on the box for less points. Firstly, use the box as normal. Then, use the hacker to hack the current weapon shown if you don’t want it – this will change the weapon and will cost 600 points. Then, whether you want the next weapon or not, hack it. This will give you 950 points back and the same weapon will appear. Keep in mind that this last hack can also be used in co-op to allow a teammate to take the weapon. Of course, you’ll need to keep another weapon just in case you don’t get the Wave Gun this round. Try and opt for an MG (RPK, HK, Galil etc.) until you get it. Do NOT trade ANY weapon for the Mustang & Sally. When you’re done using the box, either you ran out of points or have the Wave Gun, Mustang & Sally and QED/Gersch Device, make sure you get the hacker back if you don’t have it already. Once you have all of these weapons, there’s not really any need to give the hacker up again. Holding onto the hacker will give you increasing point rewards for such things as completing a round, hacking the Excavator panel and teleporting to No Man’s Land. You also get points in co-op for hacking the PaP machine in No Man’s Land. End-game strategy Once you have the Wave Gun, Mustang & Sally and QED/Gersch Device, you’ll start using the main strategy from now on. You’ll be using the Wave Gun/Zap Gun to do ALL killing of any zombies. Loop point The best place for looping in solo play has to be what I call the ‘Claymore loop’. The basic strategy here is to do a counter-clockwise loop of the rocks on which the Claymores are found. I’ve added a picture below to demonstrate some points I’ll be discussing about this loop: The only time you should sprint is a quick sprint to dodge a zombie. Just walk round at all times otherwise. There are other loops in the map of course, other places in the Biodome and one in the Stamin-up room which can help you get through the rounds really fast, but this is the best loop for solo for many different reasons. This is not only a nice, open and easy loop to do; you can also effectively eliminate any danger of being grabbed by the Astronaut while you’re killing the zombies. Just dodge him as he approaches you after spawning, and as you continue to run round he’ll end up in the green area labelled ‘1’, and will stick there all the while you keep walking round. This is a nice safe area for him to be in as you can just steer wide of the rocks and still be able to dodge oncoming zombies by going over the stairs. There’s also another green area which I like to lead him to labelled ‘2’. It’s even safer to have him here as you’ll dodge any oncoming zombies in this area by steering wide of the rocks anyway. Killing the zombies As already mentioned, you’ll only be killing the zombies with the Wave Gun/Zap Guns. The basic strategy here is to gather all the zombies in and shoot the entire group with the Wave Gun to kill them all in 1 shot. You use the Zap Guns to pick off individual zombies at the end of rounds and to get kills once you’re down to your last clip on the Wave Gun. Have the Wave Gun out at any time that you’re not actually using the Zap Gun, as it can be used to free yourself if you get trapped. The reason we only use these guns is this – all powerup drops are based on points earned. The amount of points needed to drop a powerup will increase per round. Now, here’s the genius part and where the hacker really comes into use – the Wave Gun/Zap Guns drop no powerups at all. Even past round 50, the amount of points you earn from killing with these guns (using all but the last clip of all the ammo on both guns) and hacker bonuses will be enough to drop a powerup, so you’ll be due a powerup by the time you’re down to your last clip on both the Wave Gun and the Zap Gun. So, you’re down to your last clip on both versions of the gun and you need a Max Ammo. The hacker can be used to change any drop to a Max Ammo at a cost of 5000 points – this won’t hurt considering the amount of point’s that you’ll have made so far and will make with all the ammo you’re about to get. So now all you need o do is drop a powerup, change it to a Max Ammo to fill up the Wave Gun/Zap Guns and you can carry on killing. But the Wave Gun/Zap Gun doesn’t drop powerups. This is a VERY GOOD thing – this means you can use all but the last clips of the Wave Gun and Zap Guns as mentioned, and you won’t drop the powerup you’re due until you need it, and when you do get it you can make certain that it’s a Max Ammo. So effectively you’ll have infinite ammo on the gun until some point after round 50 – I’ve used this strategy up to round 73 and I got a drop every single time I attempted to get one, of course using all 3 of my Gersch devices at some points. Getting a Max Ammo when you need it So how do you get a drop if the Wave gun/Zap Guns don’t kill? Simple – you use another weapon. This is where the Mustang & Sally and QED/Gersch Device come into play. There’s a few different ways to handle this, I’ll list my favourite to least favourite: Mustang & Sally – killing the last zombie This one requires a bit of luck but is easily the best way of getting the drop, as it won’t require you to kill the Astronaut zombie – the Astronaut zombie is best left alone because another Astronaut with more health than the last will replace him very soon. This method as I said requires luck, as you need to be at the end of the round when you’re down to your last clips on the Wave Gun/Zap Guns. You can of course use some of the ammo from your last clips if you’re certain you’re near the end of the round. You’ll basically pick off the last zombies with the Zap Guns, leaving just one of them. Lead this one away from the Astronaut, so you don’t kill him and he doesn’t disturb you when you’re trying to hack the powerup. Once he’s a good distance away from the Astronaut, use the Mustang & Sally to kill him and get your drop, then hack this to a Max Ammo and prepare for the next round. Mustang & Sally – killing the group of zombies Basically the same thing as above, but done if you need a Max Ammo mid-round. Gather up all of the zombies and unload on the whole group to kill them all. Hack any drops to a Max Ammo if there’s not one already. Note that this method will start to become uneffective at round 50+. Gersch Device This method will most likely need you to kill the Astronaut due to a glitch (maybe intentional) in which the Astronaut looks as though he’s going to get sucked into the Gersch Device, but doesn’t and instead moves round the map very quickly in the same way that he was moving when being sucked towards the Gersch Device. You’ll need to kill him with the Mustang & Sally if this does happen. The preparation for this is simple – gather the zombies as normal, then throw a Gersch Device when they’re all in. This will kill all of the zombies and drop a powerup, or multiple powerups. Throw another Gersch Device while you hack your powerup to a Max, just to ensure that you'll be safe while hacking it even with the glitched Astronaut around. Kill the Astronaut if need be, preferably before you take the powerup if possible so youcan replenish your M&S ammo afterwards. QED I don’t like this method at all, as it won’t always work and can have disastrous consequences e.g. losing a perk, being teleported to another part of the map, losing a large amount of points etc. To do it, gather up the zombies; lead them away from the Astronaut so not to kill him, then sprint ahead of them and throw a QED. With a little luck it will simulate the same explosive-wave type thing that occurs when you kill the Astronaut, which will kill all zombies in it’s radius. It’s definitely worth mentioning that you shouldn’t go for a Max Ammo for the Wave Gun if it’s not upgraded. If you need ammo for the non-upgraded version, go to the teleporter via the rear entrance to the Biodome and upgrade it. We’ll talk about getting back to the Biodome from the starting area shortly, when we discuss hacking the Excavators. As I mentioned earlier, drops are point-based and the amount of points required rises a little each round. Eventually at a ridiculously high round, you’ll stop being guaranteed a drop. I’d then recommend replacing the Mustang & Sally with the MP5k, as the M&S will be useless at this stage anyway. I’d also recommend upgrading the MP5k and hacking it’s position on the wall so that the ammo will only cost 500 instead of 4500 (the only point in doing this is the upgraded version has more ammo). The MP5K can then be used to build some extra points before going for the next drop to ensure getting it. Hacking the Excavators To people that don’t know how to properly deal with this, it’s a huge pain and often results in death. It needn’t be this way however, as it’s a pretty simple task, and one that’s definitely worth doing, as having no air in the Biodome will mean you’ll have to wear a PES and therefore won’t be able to hack any drops. Which of course means you’ll have to keep the tunnel you’re using protected from Excavators as well, not only so you can make your way through the tunnel without it being blocked by the Excavator but to ensure there’s still air in the tunnel to make travelling through it without a PES safe. There are 3 Excavators in total: Pi - Breaches Tunnel 6 Omicron - Breaches Tunnel 11 Epsilon - Breaches the Biodome There’s always one that you can ignore – the one to the tunnel you’re not using. If you use Tunnel 11 to get to and from the Biodome (the one closest to the M14 from the starting area), then you can ignore Excavator Pi as this will breach Tunnel 6, which you’re not using so won’t matter. If you use Tunnel 6, you can ignore Excavator Omicron. To hack the Excavators Stop killing any zombies immediately. Keep gathering them until they’re all in, then sprint to the rear entrance of the Biodome. To avoid stepping on the launch pad in front of the door, go to the left of it and jump over it. Hop in the teleporter and go to No Man’s Land – keep running around until the teleporter is available again (a buzzer will sound). Teleport back to the starting area and hack the Excavator as quickly as possible. The panel for Omicron will be on your right as you first look. Epsilon will be in the far left corner, and Pi will be on the left of the door next to Epsilon. As soon as you’ve hacked it, make your way back to the Biodome via whatever tunnel you chose. Keep in mind that the area just outside the starting area and the power room will always be decompressed, but you can make your way through both without needing a PES. You have about 14 seconds before you suffocate, which is usually more than enough time to make it safely through the power room. Always have the Wave Gun out when making your way back to the Biodome, and don’t hesitate to use it if you get blocked off. This is another reason we don’t kill the Astronaut when possible. If when you leave the Biodome he’s in the spot that you normally keep him in when looping and killing. Then by the time you get back he won’t even be close to the front entrance when you come through it. If you’ve killed him beforehand and he’s lurking about somewhere, you’ll most likely encounter him on your way back to the Biodome, which of course can create huge problems. Once you’ve made it back to the Biodome, you’ll have some phaser-zombies (Nova 6 crawlers that teleport) following you. It might seem pretty dangerous having them teleporting back and forth, but it’s really no bother as they’re pretty easily avoided and you can use the Wave Gun if you do get stuck. Just continue your gathering loop as before and kill them all with the Wave Gun as usual. What to do if you lose Juggernog As handy as it is to be able to get Juggernog before the game, having it in No Man’s Land and alternating with Speed Cola can be a problem. If you do lose it, either by the Astronaut taking it (which should never really happen if he’s dealt with in the ways we discussed earlier) or by going down, hop back in the teleporter to go back to No Man’s Land as soon as you can without taking too much risk. Use the Wave Gun to protect yourself if need be. If Juggernog was down there last time then Speed Cola will be there this time. Even if you know Speed Cola is down there it’s still worth going down, as you’ll need to get that out of the way so you can go down again when the teleporter is active so you can re-buy Juggernog. You’ll then of course have to make it back to No Man’s Land with no Juggernog, which can be very tricky so make sure you put the Wave Gun to good use. Also make sure to buy Quick Revive when you arrive back in the starting room Once you get back to the Biodome it’s not too tricky to survive without Juggernog for a bit, doing the ‘Claymore loop’ you rarely take more than one hit while you walk round if you’re cautious.
  13. You're right about the Zap Gun not being able to save your ass if you get surrounded. The Wave Gun however is unbeatable in that aspect. Must say though you always have a very interesting choice in weapons ;)
  14. That's exacty what the other one said :?
  15. So we have 2 Dr Richtofens on the forum now? I had no idea the MTDs could also make clones :o
  16. Yeah Xbox definately gets put first because Microsoft own it. Know what puzzles me though? The PC version of the game is for Windows, also microsoft owned, yet Treyarch shit on us even more so than the PS3 users! Shit, we haven't even got word on when we're getting Mule Kick put into all the maps like the consoles have. I'm guessing they're waiting to put it into a patch, but we've had no confirmation what-so-ever about if and when it's happening.
  17. COTD, round 68 solo with M&S and AK74u. Der Riese, round 92 solo with Thompson and upgraded Trench Gun. Ascension, round 41 2 players with M&S and varying MGs.
  18. there is a cross bow! i hear people say this but i had it You sure you weren't dreaming? Just messin', but seriously I'm a PC player, I looked in the game files to see the weapon files for Moon and the Crossbow isn't even there.
  19. Yeah, all 3 can be drilling at the same time. Good thinking by Treyarch really, would be so simple to just let one of the tunnels get breached so the other one and the Biodome would never be touched.
  20. Yeah that pretty much sums up what I said about doing it in co-op, you give someone else all of your zombies and they run trains without killing any until you've hacked it and come back. Seems to work better with 2 players but it works in a 4 player game too. If it's a 2 player game, have the person who does not have the hacker running their train in the open area at the front entrance of the Biodome, and the person with the hacker running somewhere else of their choice. So if you're the hacker guy, then when all the zombies are in slowly lead your train towards him while he loops, then when you get close and you see him running in your direction, run up to him, run with him for a second, then run straight out of the door. If done correctly he'll take all of the zombies, leaving you to go and hack.
  21. My point exactly - there's some people saying that they prefer the original maps because with the Black Ops ones "it's just not the same". The whole point of the classic map pack was that they were supposed to be 'revamped' versions of the original maps, i.e. remade to fit in with the Black Ops style of play, and it would make sense to add the new perks in there so they would do just that. If people do still prefer the originals then surely they'll go play them, so making changes to the Black Ops versions shouldn't really hurt.
  22. So how did you kill after round 60 without using the Wunderwaffe? Flopping doesn't do a damn thing at that round.
  23. Yeah it does make some real nice points, of course you'l need a PES to use the box in the power room and Mule Kick areas, but any other time I have the hacker equiped, therefore never letting go of it once I've got my ideal weapon set-up. Really depends on whether you're playing solo or co-op. For solo, teleport to Area 51, then back to the Receiving Bay. Hack it as quickly as you possibly can, then run for it. You'll want to have out a powerful weapon for clearing a path if you get blocked, the Wave Gun preferably. For co-op, have everyone stop shooting as soon as the first warning goes off, and let all of the zombies in. Once they're all in, you run past someone elses train and merge your train with theirs. This needs good timing, basically you'll need to be running in the same direction they're running and run with them for a second or 2, then carry on running towards the front entrance and the other guy should take your train. From here you just run to hack the panel on your own. Nobody should kill any zombies while you're gone, otherwise they'll start spawning on you which of course will make things harder for you. Have a good weapon out just in case, if you have the Wave Gun then that, if not then the Ray Gun is good as well as the upgraded Spas or HS10.
  24. Nice congrats man! Yeah you're right that's probably the easier way, if any came in the 2 windows near the elevator I just used to lead them away from the elevator before sprinting back down and hopping in. It always worked but I guess it could go wrong.
  25. It's never really been a problem to me. They start running as fast as the zombies in the higher rounds anyways so they tend to join the train. If you just watch where you're walking you shouldn't really get stuck on them.
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