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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. I did a topic about my Der Riese solo strategy a while ago, it's gotten me to round 60 on the W@W version before I killed myself. Same strategy for Black Ops, haven't got it on Black Ops just yet but should be easier on Black Ops cuz the zombies are easier to run past without getting stuck. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14483 About Shi No Numa, I've done round 625 before killing myself. It's not a glitch, it's just on the W@W all of the zombie maps except Der Riese only spawn 24 zombies per round in solo play. As the other guy mentioned, the Wunderwaffe kills 10 zombies per shot, which means only 3 shots are needed to complete a round. The basic strategy is just to start each round in the centre hut where the box is first situated, then when the zombies spawn run out to the Comm Room area and do the loop (it helps to already get some of the zombies behind you when you start looping). After round 35 every round is pretty much the same if you have the WW, all the zombies spawn in one clump and when you run out into the Comm Room area they'll all come in behind you - zap, zap, zap, round over!
  2. Yeah the Space Race trophy is so easy to get in solo, just buy the MPL at round 3 and rack up the points in the spawning room, you'll normally make about 10k before you even get to round 7.
  3. Yeah man it works better than running round the pillars in the HELP room actually Here's a video, if you skip to 5:10 you can see the strategy in action. Gf_go9rhg-Q 5:37 demonstrates the point I was making about the runner having the Thundergun. In the video he got blocked off and had to back through the door where the other guys were, if he had the Thundergun he could have just blasted them away and he could have carried on without disturbing anyone else.
  4. I've always used the Thundergun to fight the monkeys so I never noticed the change in difficulty. As for what spot to run at, the PhD platform is always my first choice in solo as I could just go forever without any real effort. But there's always at least one person who wants that area in co-op and won't leave it no matter what, so naturally I go find somewhere else to run. I used to like the starting room but there's always some jackass that constantly feels the need to fly the lander there and fuck up my trains, so I gave up on that area. The room at the PaP is a nice area to run, but again I always get disturbed there for some reason. Same with the area next to it. So my fave spot for co-op has to be the junkyard or staminup area depending on ammo. In the earlier rounds, I stick with the junkyard, pretty much just running a train round the lander and only using the rest of the area if the left side of the lander gets blocked, which happens fairly often. Pretty easy to do. In the later rounds when I start struggling for ammo I start running trains in the staminup area. The reason I pick this area is cuz the AK74u is there. By that time I have tons of points so I upgrade the AK and I can keep buying ammo for it. It's an unorthodox area cuz of how tight it is but if you're a good player it shouldn't be a problem. It's a small loop with one part of it always getting blocked, but if you just do the "double U-turn" move to avoid it it's no issue. If you can rape-train in this area without finding it hard then that's a good proof of skills.
  5. I've got a much better strategy for 4 players that can get a group of good players to 40+. Firstly, NEVER open the stairs, just the HELP door. I know you may want to open the stairs to sit at the grenade camping spot, but don't - you'll only make it harder for yourself later. The following strategy becomes effective at round 10 anyways, when all the zombies start running. 3 guys camp in the HELP room, if you don't open the stairs that means everyone has one window each, easy to handle even at high rounds as there won't be that many zombies entering the HELP room. Then one guy has the first room to himself, this guy MUST be good at running rape-trains as he'll be using a train strategy. He'll just run in a circle, counter-clockwise, round the 4 pillars closest to the HELP door (anyone who plays solo on this map will most likely be familiar with this strategy already). This guy will get the majority of the zombies chasing him which makes it easier for the other 3 guys to contain the HELP room. If he's good at running rape trains then he'll have no problem with this. Any zombies chasing him won't enter the help room, as long as the other guys stay away from the door. It helps if the rape-train guy has the Thundergun if you're playing the Black Ops version, not only just in case he gets stuck but also cuz he can blast away the whole group with one shot, as they'll be bunched up nice and tight. If someone else gets the Thundergun in the box, leave it in the box as the rape-train guy will need it more than anyone else. I would say "hope that helped" but if you're a group of good players just looking for the right strategy then I know this will help Just another tip when you're using this strategy - the 3 guys in the HELP room should NEVER enter the first room while the other guy is running his train. The zombies will spread everywhere, he'll lose control of them and he'll most probably go down or have to blast his way out of trouble with the Thundergun.
  6. Yeah you also tend to get stuck on the zombies in W@W which doesn't happen in Black Ops. After I've bought everything I need and have a good amount of points, normally between rounds 20-30, I start using the traps anyways so the increased amount of zombies won't be a problem. I use the Thompson or Flamethrower to build points as I loop round the map anyways which more than covers the cost of the trap on each loop, even if I buy Thompson ammo on each loop.
  7. Yes that's been clarified, thanks for letting us know again :roll: But yeah the record currently stands at 89 on the Black Ops version, so I'm gonna wait 'til Rezurrection is released for PC next month and go for round 100+. Black Ops zombies is, in my experience, far easy for soloing than W@W zombies because of the way zombies act, so it's definately something I'll be able to do.
  8. Yeah most probably, either way I think it's become apparent that when you take damage when you're already down you'll die instantly... but like I've said the napalm zombie explosion is one of the rare instances in which you'd actually take damage after going down.
  9. Hey guys, something happened during a co-op game on Shangri-La yesterday which I've never heard of before so I figured I'd see if it's happened to anyone else on here. Pretty simple, I went down near a napalm zombie, when he was right next to me someone ran past him and he exploded - and I died out instantly even though I'd only been down for about 10 seconds. I'm guessing that if you're downed and you take damage then you'll die out, but of course it's a rare occurance that you take damage when you're down as nothing actually attacks you. Obviously the explosion from the napalm damaged me and therefore killed me.
  10. Yeah I know now that it's not a record there's some guy on youtube that did round 89 on the Black Ops version. Is there really a solo leaderboard though? First I've ever heard of it :lol:
  11. Very true lol, well like the other guy said someone did round 89 but on the Black Ops version, I guess I may hold a record on the W@W version but I'm also guessing that doesn't count . Well that gives me something else to look forward to when I can finally get the classic maps in September - 3 Revives available for use, easier-to-control zombies and, though not confirmed, I'm pretty sure you can take one or two more hits on Black Ops than you can in W@W. Round 100 challenge it is then!
  12. No worries man good spot thanks I noticed that's the Black Ops version he's playing so he must have already used all his Quick Revive's by that point, gonna have to try and beat that record when I get the Black Ops versions of the maps next month ;)
  13. Hey guys, finally beat my highest Der Riese solo record of 56, getting to round 60 and suiciding. As far as I can see this is a world record, it looks as though I sort of held a record with the round 56 run as well but I never kept the videos. Here's a montage of my round 60 run on the World at War version of Der Riese, which I'm guessing is harder for solo than the Black Ops version as the Quick Revive perk does nothing in W@W solo: h8NpGFWVbGE
  14. That'd work for co-op but there's no leaderboards for solo so I can't do that.
  15. Hey guys, reached round 60 on my own yesterday on Der Riese (W@W version), beating my record of 56. Just occured to me that I might be a world record holder.. of course I'll need evidence, I recorded all of the gameplay and made a montage of it, uploading it to youtube as I write this so I'll post it on the forum when it's ready. So yeah if someone could lemme know if it's a record or not I'll change the video title accordingly. Of course a record has to be proven for it to count, meaning someone that has video proof on youtube or something, not someone that just claims to have done it. Cheers!
  16. There's some people that think it's the starting area, others that think it's the PaP area, and other ideas. They've covered up the round number so they don't give ANYTHING away.
  17. Yeah it's a strange glitch that happens most of the time when you kill him with a perk enabled. Juts stick with it, the sound will stop playing when the next thief round is over.
  18. I never got the "it sucks cuz it's too hard" thing. Granted it is hard, but not impossibly hard by any means. It's the first map that I had a really good 4 player game on so I have fond memories of it, so I think that's why I like it so much. I only ever played split-screen on the W@W maps beforehand cuz I didn't own it myself at the time so just used to play it at a friend's, I thought it was pretty awesomebut never got really into it. But when I played a 4 player game on FIVE with the same friend when Black Ops first came ut, we got to round 26 and I was just like "WOW.". So yeah like I said that's why I love FIVE.
  19. My highest solo round is 161 on this map, if you need some proof let me know and I'll have to try and find the pic I saved, hope I still have it lol.
  20. EVERYONE has been wrong in their suggestions so far - not trying to be condescending or patronising, it was a mystery to me the first time it happened to me. But there's a definitive answer to this problem which I found by messing about with cheats in the PC version: In Ascension and other later maps (so CotD, Shangri La, as well as Moon and future maps), Treyarch implemented a way to stop people using NoClip and other out-of-map glitches, and this way was to instantly kill them off (which is when the laughing sound occurs). I messed about with the noclip cheat on the Pc version, and it turns out that whenever you go outside the playable area of the map, this happens. Even if you go to an area that is currently locked. So, when you flopped down the stairs you must have done so at a slight angle and hovered about the non-playable area just at the edge of the map, which would have made this thing happen.
  21. Tried this yesterday on Ascension, got to round 34 solo. Just used the same strategy as I always do but was just more cautious.
  22. I see someone's taking care of business as I've finally been added to the Richtofen group, appreciate whoever it was!
  23. Doesn't even go on the disc it goes on the Hard Drive on all consoles lol. But yeah this is NOT the last map, they definately said "season finale" which basically means the end of this chapter. Much like the end of W@W. Treyarch knows zombies is a huge moneymaker and they're smart enough to carry it on. Especially if the sale of this all-zombies map pack goes well.
  24. Yeah I've noticed it seems to be most audible close to the furnace, I've noclipped around the place but found nothing.
  25. For those of you that are looking for the best way to run a rape-train on Ascension, this is pretty much what you've been looking for. It's really easy, and you don't even need to be completely focused 100% of the time once you get used to the route, as it's very rare that you'll get trapped. eeCCb12Hubw Works in co-op too, as long as there's nobody else in the area to mess up the train. Really annoying when you're tryna run a train on a map like Ascension, where there's tons of other places on the map, and some idiot wants to come and run with you :x
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