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Everything posted by CLAYMORE

  1. i dont like this one bit, because its kind of , in a way, telling us that our story line is changing, and if they are adding new things to the fly trap, than we would have to look over the whole zombies story from Der riese to Moon, and i hope to GOD that the Amm-o-Matic is not included like it was supposed to, that would kill the map by making it WAY to easy, and i highly doubt they will because if they really wanted to introduce it it would have been introduced already in kino, so those are my thoughts not really a big issue but just a regular post CLAYMORE


  3. Run around in a circle, Gather them allll up, Throw your grenades against the wall, or crates, than turn around every once and a while and start shooting your pistol at the Hord! hope this helped CLAYMORE
  4. Both Takeo and Sam swore the revenge of some sort. Takeo wants to hunt down 935 and Sam wants to kill Richtofen for killing Maxis. When you return to Area 51 zombies still spawn so obviously they all arent dead. Maxis also says that the missiles will reduce not stop his power. Also Aether isnt destroyed. The missiles only busted up the surface of earth. is in the center of the earth, and before you say "NO AETHER IS NOT ON EARTH" i can prove you wrong, you see, Aether is just the name the supposed center of the earth where all intelectual people and scientists go to be with other people like themselves. It's named after Aether which means "the raw essence of the universe", so the location is named Aether because the people that are there consider themselves the greatest people on earth or the "raw essence of the universe". That's why 935 is there and in Shangri-La the two explorers, Brock and Gary, are looking for a way into Aether becuase they think the temple at Shangri-La is the entrance. Obviously there is no such thing in our universe but in the Zombies universe it is. Ascend from Darkness, which is written all over the maps, refers to rising up to a higher place above the normal people by going to Aether. It's ionic due to the fact that in order to reach this higher place the must physically decend the Aether. . Look around Der Riese some writings on the wall say "Return through Aether" i think this was written on the walls, as the remaining 935 members escaped Der Riese, to warn other members. "Ascend from Darkness" which is written everywhere refers to rising up from the normal people to a higher or "brighter" place. Plus we didnt ever figure out who the 5th picture was of in Kino so maybe he's a new guy coming up or somehting. Also it is very possible that the gang with Samantha could go back in time to stop Richtofen at the start and on the Moon loading screen it says "Meanwhile..." meaning at the same time something else was happening so maybe there are other people out there like the Five gang and the celebrities in Call of the Dead. Thats My theory, tell me yours Bye CLAYMORE

    Easter egg story

    Ok I'll sum it up for you guys, Richtofen's grand scheme was to switch bodies with sam and take over all of the zombies and take over Earth using Sam's powers controlling the zombies. As your getting the power of the golden rod Maxis says, "Richtofen I should've never trusted you blah blah blah" and Richtofen replies that Sam is going to die and have world power. Once they switch bodies Maxis contacts you and says please help me minimize Richtofens power and pretty much the crew hack the computer which sends three rockets to the Earth and it is destroyed. Maxis does his troll laugh to Richtofen, meaning now Richtofen has no power since the Earth's population and most zombies are dead, now there are only a few remaining. This leaves a huge cliffhanger in the Nazi zombie storyline making the world all zombies and few survivors kind of like zombieland: Here is the easter egg video & the aftermath can be seen in Area 51: 19t2uX4TrDY By the way se7ins discovered it first not these people, you can hear his friends reading the forum and screaming we are first. n-5gOOLcRME Thanks for reading.
  6. For those of you who dont know what Cryogenic sleep is, it is when you are Frozen, so that you can be de-frosted later on in life, your still alive, you look the same nothing has changed about you, So im pretty sure Richtofen will Put them all to Cryogenic sleep, so that when de-frosted the zombie apocalypse has ended, but the story will continue with the apocalypse not being over and them having to go through the same thing, thats my take -bye CLAYMORE
  7. okay thats just a decoy, and yes it is, and yes you are dumb to think otherwise, and his comment was not rude, SO SHUT UPPP!
  8. i know, thats what led me to think this
  9. Okay so in the new inside xbox trailer at 2:11 you can see a A double Barrel Shotgun, and i see how it looks like the Olympia but i dont exactly think that is the starting room area, i mean it could possibly just be an Olympia which is most likely kuz its shown throughout the whole trailer, but i dont know just a thought Now for the flamethrower, i think that it will either make its way as a new gun, or just a drop, because if you notice, what they are taking from dead ops arcade is the drops, and flamethrower was a drop in Dead ops, so it might work like a death machine drop or just a new gun. Thanks and Bye CLAYMORE
  10. agreed that is clearley the ray gun, you can even see the blue at the end CLAYMORE


    Hahahaha that was pretty funny [brains] just for reading my mind!

    Hangar 18

    this doesnt really matter anymore, because all of this information was supposedly found 2 days after rezurrection was announced, be advised this IS NOT ME! i found this link on COD forums http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9StvKlw ... ideo_title
  13. Who was holding it, i didnt really see anything
  14. He is collecting the things to complete Nikola Tesla's Death Ray. There is video proof found here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaxD_4n3KMg If you pause at 7:54 it shows a small document titled "Death Ray Machine Described" The Death ray from info from the video states that it can end all wars in the world. What I Think Richtofen is doing is he is collecting the bits to complete the Death-Ray, he's going to go back in time, because he has realised what the effect of the zombies has had on the world and is going to use the Death-Ray on all traces of Element 115 to completely wipe it off the face of the Earth to stop the zombie outbreak and to finish the war completely. Also, I find it weird how Nikola Tesla died in the year 1943.... CLAYMORE


    on my Ipod: Dont have self esteem issues think whatever you want about my posts i really dont care i still feel the question was a obvious no and flame me i really dont mind, it just makes me smile and you guys act like im the only one that does that, im just speaking my mind, that doesnt mean everyone has to come in my post and flame, i mean feel free, be MY GUEST but everyones wondering why i have this attitude its because everyone makes me like this. CLAYMORE
  16. i am the first one to post the link, not LiamFTWinter, just saying, not flaming, and i posted all of this too... :roll:
  17. Okay so before i am officaily gone i need to do this ! Okay so straight away you can see the wave gun in action it seems to work like the VR11 killing one zombie at a time We can also see that the guy is playing on the screen its level 1 and right away you can see space suits, and heres THE HUGE thing, Area 51! yes Area 51 is in this map it is going to be like verruckt two people on the moon, and two people on Area 51, Okay and how do we go to one another, TELEPORTERS! they are back, you can notice them in some of the video, it might have the same aspect of linking them to get to pack a punch like in kino and Der riese! Okay we get a quick glimpse of the new perk not in action but the machine itself, the logo seems to be like the overkill perk in WaW and cod 4 Weapons, we see the wave gun expand the zombie and blows him up, and we also see an Akimbo wonder weapon, it seems to work somewhat like the WunderWaffe DG-2 from what we can see, but as of now it could be anything, and than we have a wonder weapon that Resembled almost a BAR type look and feel, it shoots purple balls or mist kinda like the VR11, but if you notice when it hit the zombie, Blood just shot out of him, maybe it like, crushes his guts, thus, Squeezing the blood out of him, and at the end we can see dempsey with a claymore so no special D-Pad explosive from what it seems, THE QED, absolutely no footage of it whatsoever that kind of disappointed me because thats the biggest question "WHAT THE HELL DOES IT DO". Okay now when we see richtofen jumping super high you can kind of see a jungle theme behind him so that leads me to believe that the cosmic silverback will make an appearance nova 6 crawlers, COME ON! i honestly dont like them i mean maybe if the space suits help you not get blind im disappointed Okay so my proof of Area 51 is that one guy spawns in the spacesuit area, when the other guy is outside on some desert like are, which is Area 51 (nevada) okay now this is weird, at the end we see what seems to be a very BUFF nova 6 crawler in chains or just being tortured or something, and we see a new logo, Its VERY VERY Similar to the 935 Logo, maybe they evolved and thats where black ops 2 comes in! Comic page seems like it has tons of Information you can see the thunder gun,pack a punch, speedy cola, some sort of glasses, EVERYTHING that i think was made by group 935, and you can kind of see a wrinkle on the right page but it looks like the last page Well thats all guys i AM SUPER SUPER PUMPED ITS UN BELIVABLE WE ARE THIS FAR INTO ZOMBIES! Thanks and Bye CLAYMORE


    Hello everyone i just wanted to say i will not be using this website for a little bit, this may be a SHEER JOY for most of you as of right now due to my plummeting reputation, but i enjoy giving my take on things and will enjoy coming back when i get the chance. and for new comers enjoy this site and read the code of conduct before you do anything stupid. Well its been CLAYMORE and im out.
  19. I Am overwhelmed by how many people are talking about the new perk, We get it, if you think it holds three guns please dont post it, we already know the theory, i know that people have a right to do so, but for what, they are not gaining anything, No brains or respect whatsoever, this is not a rant it is more like asking a favor, now this is my take on the whole thing okay so lets look at it this way, we dont really know if the perk will give us "Thrice" the fun or whatever, because if you read it it says You get the new Wave Gun, QED, and a new perk, it is very possible that the perk is thrice as fun, but it is also possible that they are just telling us that we are getting 3 new things, the Wave Gun, The QED, and a new perk the perk could be for literally anything i mean its the moon it could be for gravity or something unexpected like Deadshot Daquire! Please correct me if im wrong about anything, maybe Treyarch said that the perk will indeed give us thrice the fun Well thats it, [brains] if it was a good post and a :twisted: if it wasnt Thankks CLAYMORE _____________________________________________________ Ill be back soon.. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15383


    This was a useless post
  21. "Now you see him, now you don't" refers to when a player uses a teleporter.. ??? Doubt that, but it makes perfect sense
  22. When your up that high, which im almost 100% sure you havent, every round is almost 45 minutes, so it is pretty early, and im not gonna argue kuz im pretty sure your highest is 25. And for everyone else he didnt flop, he was at stammin up
  23. Although you make a good point, you do have to realize all of the conspiracies of all of this being samanthas dream, but with it being a comic book it would somewhat make sense that this is all a story. But dont get me wrong i am not backing this idea up i highly doubt that it is just a comic, but just the face that they would include that there makes me think :geek:
  24. No it's not an actual comic book. proof?
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