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Everything posted by CLAYMORE

  1. Yeah exactly, that makes sense. And i love that idea, it fits in with my cinematic hopes for zombies. It would make it more entertaining in my opinion.
  2. I would llove to see Zombies have the ability to tackle you like dogs do in campaign, it would make it more cinematic and i think hats what zombies needs. This attack wouldn't kill you, it would just make your screen red, like if you were hit multiple times, if that makes sense. They could only so this after round 20 when ALL zombies are sprinting.
  3. hahaha im sorry but no. No connection whatsoever. They made Five before they even knew Nuketown would be such a big success. so nuketown 2025 wasnt even a thought.
  4. So I see alot of people trying to go deep into this tweet by DV, but i think we should be focusing on the guy who actually makes zombies happen. Jimmy Zielinski has been tweeting some weird ass things that I for one cant make out. But maybe someone on here hopefully can. But it might not even be anything. Its most likely nothing significant, but eh, itd be nice to know. https://twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy
  5. Haha well point is, i think we can ALL agree there will not be any type of "world" in zombies, it would make dlc pointless.
  6. although thats true, there are some obvious things that dont even need to be speculated. I honestly think he put that out because he needed to upload something. Not to flame him or anything but this theory is yes, very dumb.
  7. Im sorry but i have to post this, in a recent video by LMB he said that this picture was a zombies screenshot. But i am here to prove that it is clearly not. Remember at E3 when they played the trailer on that massive tv? well within that trailer, you see that this supposed "Mystery Man" Is Clearly David Mason. So this is obvious proof this is a campaign screenshot, and another thing, if it was zombies, why would anyone be in that pose? I posted this because i like this guys channel and i want him to have accurate info. And i want to end this theory or idea that this is zombies. and i know LMB and alot of other directors look at these forums so yeah, hopefully your reading this bro.
  8. I was just reading a post about her and someone said it could be 1 of 3 people. and its kinda annoying to see people think it has to be sophia or sam, like really it could be anyone for all we know it could be tanks 4 year old, so lets all be juuust a little open minded. imo i highly doubt its samantha, or sophia. Sophia asnt mentioned as the killing type and sam is in richtofens body. for all we know this lady might not even be a new character, she could just be the cover of a poster.
  9. woah wtf haha that exact thing happened to me last night
  10. Do you think they would implement challenges in zombies, similar to those in multiplayer? But rather then gaining XP, you would earn points, sounds cheesy but its just a thought, knowing that zombies will be on the mulitplayer engine, it just seems possible. bleeeeeeeeeeh.
  11. ill change the title. Sorry i didn't know you reported on this topic. i Dont KNOW its zombies, im just pretty sure that it'll be campaign, or maybe a mix like last time. And i Dont think its silly to assume it was recent. Its just a common reaction if you ask me.
  12. Although you could be right about what trailer hes talking about, i dont think it was one we have already seen, you shouldn't think too much into it. But yeah i know the saw thing was just a quick idea.
  13. Berlin wall, in black ops multiplayer, was a map outside of kino. Unless that area is Berlin then it is not outside of kino.
  14. On Sgtfrankwoods' new video he mentioned they were shooting the trailer that "we would seee in two weeks". Its most likely NOT zombies because Woods is in it, unless he was in zombies for some reason. But just a quick note, during the video he shows a weapon supply and within that he pulls out a weird looking green "toy gun" and says "only god knows what that is". It may not be a wonder weapon like i would think because it kinda looks like a cutting saw. Watch the damn video yourselves http://youtu.be/Q4EUy06U4Aw
  15. This is VERY Unlikely, its just a quick thought that is probably no where near the real answer but these Two just look similar, or have that same 'Bad-ass chick' theme that i see. Oh and this girl is from the Video game 'WET' . And in that video game, there are Cymbal monkeys hidden...just throwin it out there lol
  16. But Richthofen has noticeably dark hair
  17. So i feel like everyone has forgot about the guy in the zombie labs. The on that shot the wave gun, remember? It would make a lot of sense if he was to replace Richthofen, i mean, he IS on the Ascension Poster. I dunno, just seems very likely
  18. Im not sure if any of you saw this, but you will very soon, but there is a picture of Micheal Rooker in the studios of Treyarch. So Does this mean hes going to be in it? i doubt he'd be in anything BUT zombies, so maybe they decided to continue their story haha
  19. So lets compare these two pictures Look at the picture above. It looks alot like the buildings to the left on the art picture right? :)
  20. So i was looking at the leaked picture of the supposedly new zombie map (the one with the girl holding a shotgun in a destroyed city), and i just thought that maybe its in Manhattan and it refers to the "Manhattan down" letters scrambled in Kino. Or Maybe it was referring to mw3. But it just connects pretty well ya know? Swag.
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