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About rkdbeats307

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  1. I've done the Call of the Dead, is that good enough?
  2. I heard that you need it, but is the rumor true?
  3. Shi no Numa delivered us with four all new badass characters to play as. Tank, the All-American war hero, Nikolai, the typical Russian badass, Takeo, the imperial army soldier and Richtofen, the brutal doctor. So who is the greatest?
  4. Shi no Numa delivered us with four all new badass characters to play as. Tank, the All-American war hero, Nikolai, the typical Russian badass, Takeo, the imperial army soldier and Richtofen, the brutal doctor. So who is the greatest?
  5. Most off us already know that Black Ops 2 will be Treyarch's next Call of Duty game, but this question makes me nervous: Will there be zombies in Black Ops? I am nervous because I will be very sad if there isn't zombies in Black Ops 2, because for one, I bought all the map packs just for zombies, and secondly, who would buy Black Ops 2 anyways if zombies wasn't in it? We should at least be able to import the maps we got in Black Ops to Black Ops 2 zombies. And if zombies is in Black Ops 2, I will be expecting a lot new features.
  6. I believe the zombies have the wholes in their stomach because a Dr. must have tried to do experimental surgery on their lungs, trying to let them go on the moons surface without helmets, but now that they are zombies, helmets or lungs are not needed.
  7. I'm proud I got to 31!
  8. I just am so mad that there is no solo easter egg
  9. Most people view the VR-11 as just some crappy weapon that just sends George away for a while, and barely does anything else except turns zombies back into humans. Well that is why it is so important. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, the VR-11 could save lives. Most people do not recognize it as a great weapon, in my opinion, the most efficient weapon.
  10. rkdbeats307

    After Moon?

    Moon is going to be the last zombie map in Black Ops, so where are they going to go after Black Ops? World War II again? I'm pretty sure they got that covered, and I'm pretty sure they aren't going to do Call of Duty: Civil War (haha). Black Ops 2 or a new Zombies game is the only place I see them going. What do you think?
  11. Round 31 on solo.
  12. Last night when I was playing it, I was hitting a few gongs. After hearing the ring that goes on after you hit one, I thought to myself, "maybe you have to hit all of them with a certain sound in a certain amount of time before the ring goes away." Has anyone tried it yet.
  13. Treyarch really were slacking if they didn't make a solo version of the easter egg, but I think they did make a solo version. Has anyone figured it out yet?
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