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Everything posted by perfectlemonade

  1. Every time I see these bots, I will post this in the thread. It's on.
  2. Stick around for a week more or so. All your questions will be answered then. MUHAHAHAHA
  3. I don't know how to say this without sounding like an arrogant douchebag, but I often set out for games looking for 100+. I rarely ever achieve them and I wind up dying in the mid 70's, and I usually want to return to that map to try 100 again. That's like, the big goal for me. I just get so bored by the 70s and I usually die. Oh well.
  4. It was OHK on round 73 (when I died). I think it's safe to say that it's Insta Kill. Also, the Vitriolic Withering is Insta Kill ONLY if it direct impacts a zombie.
  5. Semtex was introduced in Call of the Dead, I believe...
  6. SEMTEX!!!!
  7. Oh God... we've already done this on Tranzit. :lol:
  8. I'll look back at the footage, but I'm pretty sure it was 35 when I got my first hitmarker. Edit: You're right. It is 34. My bad.
  9. Did...did you knife all the way to round 35...? ...or did you just test each round...? Lol I just tested at the start of each round. I got my first hitmarker on round 35.
  10. It's starts being two hits on 35. If this was an Insta Kill weapon... oh I'd have the best strategy for the map if it was. Oh well.
  12. You have to get fuel, which spawns at the same place as the parts do, but you don't have to solve all those lame purgatory puzzles to get there. ;)
  13. I like it. I love it when Treyarch spices up our relationship.
  14. See if you can figure out how to get the Pop goes the Weasel achievement. That should answer your question. ;)
  15. I'm holding onto hope that when you finish the EE there will be this huge room you can unlock with Semtex, Bowie, and Knuckles. If only. :lol:
  16. And, just as we suspected, Purgatory Mode = Who's Who.
  17. For reals?? I have a relatively slow internet speed and mine was done in 1 1/2 hours! I can't even IMAGINE 5!! Yeah 5 hours for a 1 GB download (and some change) is like HughesNet during a hurricane. I feel your pain though, bro! I've had some pretty shitty connection in the past as well.
  18. I'd probably cry tears of joy if this were true. She's been my celebrity crush since I was eleven. Those talents, and THOSE EYES.
  19. DONT YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT MY SALLIES. I'll come at you like a spider monkey! :lol:
  20. There are multiple trailer shots, some of which stemming from the Behind the Scenes look at MotD, showing players shooting an M1911. I won't link it—just rewatch the trailers. Also, Sallies are 10x more fun without Flopper. They go from "oh shit" guns to high mobility, high reward, and high skill requirement guns.
  21. This is the supposed "perk". I think someone just went into Steve's recent games and photoshopped it in, because who would call Steve a fake? NO ONE. Because he's the GOAT Video: hxdgf0lJEmM
  22. You say there may be no quick revive? Blasphemy! Stone him! NEIN! SHE'S MINE! MINE!
  23. I'll probably skip school because yolo. I would like to get that 4-man medal in the process. I can record, as always. I'm not much for easter eggs, but if I need to help anyone out tomorrow with it, I'll try to tag along. I have a tradition of getting my bearings via solo first though, so I'll probably be ready to play at around noon EST GAH! 2 more days! So excited!
  24. So, basically, you're saying this is a replacement for Who's Who? I'm down.
  25. Yup. This team also made Der Riese. Need I say more? Where'd they say that a different team is working on it? It's awesome they went to the Der Riese staff. So the "real" team could produce DLC's 2 and 3.
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