I go the Thompson way. I camp in the thompson room until around 20 then I run. I keep the thompson the entire game, usually pap'd at round 15 or so. I usually have the most kills and points since everyone else is usually standing on the catwalk. So teleporting and buying 4500 worth of ammo is no big deal. Especially since you can easily make that much and more with an upgraded thompson and your secondary weapon. The thompson is a beast and is one of the best guns for this map. After 30 you have to have the ray or the waffle as the secondary. After 40 you need your best running shoes. After 50, get a crawler take a piss drink a big glass of something ice cold, wipe all the sweat off your hands and controller take a deep breath, knife that eff'ing crawler and well, GAME ON ZOM-BITCHES!