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Everything posted by Hydrorez

  1. As you can see at the end of the trailer, an imagine saying "ZCODL" is shown but the way it's positioned may be "Call of Duty: Zombies Live!" And, the split second pictures of the nova gas crawlers at the end of the preview look WAY to real to be from the game... So, maybe, JUST maybe, they are making a film based on zombies!?
  2. OMFG! That looks epic! Shame I have to wait so long for it (PS3)... :(
  3. The Bowie is an absolute beast, it can get you so many points! It pays for itself within a round or two and it gives you the best possible start to a game.
  4. Funny thing is, he has done both of those guns! V0hluxmOw3s _s0-aM0d2hU
  5. -TpIHILNfDM Real life Thundergun - MADE OF LEGO! How awesome? (This isn't my video!)
  6. This is the aim, 4 perks, sickle, AK and M&S by 10. The difference you can make just by moving your crosshairs up a little bit to the zombies head is amazing... "Herp derp, why would I want to shoot them in the head when I can waste ammo and get like 50 less points per kill?" Oh and the box can wait, especially in Solo, because wall guns are incredibly effective until like Round 20, and then you pack-a-punch them and you don't even need to hit the box until 35+... In short, wall guns + headshots are the way to go in zombies.
  7. So, everyones moaning that the old WaW maps have been ruined and they aren't really new because they only have Black Ops guns. However, 3arc stated the way people who already own the classic maps will get the Rezurrection map pack for free is by re-downloading the classic maps when 3arc have updated them. That means the updated map pack will have the new map Moon and the soundtracks and stuff, but, this also leaves the possibility that maybe... JUUUST maybe, they have actually added some other stuff to them for the release to everyone and not just people with the Hardened/Prestige editions?
  8. Hydrorez

    Moon song?

    How do you guys hate this song? Sure, you might want an Elena song but this song is fairly good and enjoyable to listen to...
  9. 3x the amount of damage would annoy me simply because that would make zombies too easy. I would like something we don't expect and I believe 3arc will deliver.
  10. I came into this thread expecting "ZOMG NEW TRAILER IS OUT, WATCH IT" and now I'm incredibly disappointed. :(
  11. So, you're playing Five. The lights are dimmed and an alarm rings throughout the map. Then, before you can even do anything, some crazy man is charging at you and stealing your gun. I'm sure a lot of you have been in this situation and learning how to deal with the Pentagon Thief easily is a massive part of making this map enjoyable. I have compiled a list of 4 easy ways to defeat the Pentagon Thief. Enjoy! (If you want to use these strategies in Multiplayer, you can, but you'll have to adapt the strategy and try and get your teammates to do the same as you.) Strategy #1 - Mustang & Sally The M1911 is a weak pistol that most people get rid of as soon as they can, but if you hold onto it for long enough, you can upgrade it and it turns into dual wielding grenade launchers! These things are the absolute number 1 in Pentagon Thief DESTRUCTION! Position yourself a safe distance away from the teleporter and the moment the thief comes out... BLAST HIM. He should be dead within a second or two! Strategy #2 - Ray Gun + Claymore (NOTE: The Claymores are not needed but will help.) For this strategy, you need a Ray Gun and preferably some claymores. Make sure you are in the War Room/the middle floor as the round starts. Be up on the higher level and lay one claymores down on the catwalk and another just behind it. Position yourself at the end of the catwalk you placed the claymores on. Once the thief hits the first claymore, start spraying your Ray Gun at him. Do not aim down sights, just shoot as much as you can and he should die fairly easily. Strategy #3 - Winter's Howl + Claymore This strategy is the same as #2, but you must use the Winter's Howl instead. The Thief should die pretty quickly. The great factor about this strategy is the Winter's Howl as great range so you can be a lot further away from the Thief when you start shooting. Strategy #4 - The gun strategy This strategy works best with two decent guns. For example, an MP5K and a Python. Lay your claymores (if you have) down like you would in the previous strategies, and as the Thief starts running at you unload your Python into him (or whatever your "bad" gun is). When he steals that weapon and teleports you to basement levels, use your MP5K or better gun (preferably it should be automatic) to kill him. Rather than chase him through the teleporters, try and predict where he will run to (use the red number trail to guess) and cut him off. Remember, you do a LOT more damage shooting his front than his back.
  12. I tend to have Juggernaut by the end of Round 4 using this strategy. Round 1 - Knife! Don't shoot 6 bullets into the zombies unless the zombies are lined up so you can get collateral damage. Round 2 - Still knife! 5 pistol shots to the chest and a knife clean up zombies on this round and preferably you want to be out of pistol ammo by the end of this round. Round 3 - By the M14, and shoot them twice before you knife. This round should be incredibly easy! If there is a big crowd so you can't knife, just headshot them but try to make the most of your knife. Round 4 - 3 shots with the M14 and then a knife! Use the space you have in the starting area to your advantage and leave 1 zombie at the end of round. Head straight up to the power, turn it on, and buy your way to Juggernaut. You should have enough to buy Juggernaut if you followed this strategy! I end up being on Round 10 with a 74u, Mustang & Sally, Jugg/PhD/Speed Cola/Quick Revive, Sickle and still money left over.
  13. I always thought it would be a possibility for them to release map packs during MW3 but I don't think Activision would allow them to as everyone would be saving money for MW3 map packs. In any case, they now have a year to start developing Black Ops 2 (or the equivalent to that) and with a full zombies map pack they have FINALLY realized how important zombies is now and we should get some EPIC zombies in 2012 with the next 3arc game. Here's to a future full of zombie slaying!
  14. Hydrorez

    Parting Gifts

    I don't know why I ever expected this but I had always had an idea that maybe, along with this 4th map pack, 3arc would give something free to community. I had an idea for what it could be... They could take the maps everyone has (Kino/Five) and add all the perks to them, and maybe wonder weapons from the other maps as well. Then they could give that a free DLC just as a parting gift... Of course, 3arc being 3arc and Activision being Activi$ion, I never expected free stuff but surely this wouldn't require much effort and would be a nice gesture to the community. Thoughts?
  15. I can only recall them saying it was "designed" around a 2-player system. Doesn't completely rule out the possibility for 4 people but makes it unlikely at best.
  16. I highly doubt this. I mean, surely you can get an upgraded wall weapon for unlimited ammo. And, most people, no matter how good at zombies, die from being swarmed at one point or another... In any case, I wanted a perk called "Insurance" which costs 4000 and when you're downed, the only perk you lose is the Insurance perk, so you get to keep your other perks.
  17. Hydrorez

    Moon song?

    I posted this song on another forum! Here's what I gather... Two Down knew about this map (Moon) ages ago, they released this song on the 22nd April... It has lyrics that completely make sense and in all honesty, the song is beast. I hope it is the easter egg song!
  18. They won't drop zombies. It's way too big now... I'm sure there will be a new storyline for zombies in Black Ops 2.
  19. I hate animal cruelty with a passion, even in a video game. I usually rush to the basement and kill him as quick as I can just to end his misery. Poor pig... At least I ended it quickly for him...
  20. "the climax to the Zombies saga" That's a quote from the COD website itself, so, I'm assuming the final map will have the foursome we all know and love.
  21. I'd say the WaW Der Riese is better, but considering this new map pack is coming out, you may as well get the BO version. If you can buy both, then do it. I mean, the Flamethrower upgraded is amazing and the Wunderwaffe is better in WaW (although it can remove your Jugg for 5-10 seconds, whereas in BO that doesn't happen).
  22. This is awesome, I've been reading through the zombie files and there is a lot of stuff I haven't seen before...
  23. In Der Riese, I would always recommend a Thompson and after Round 18 or so, get it upgraded. One of the best wall weapons in the whole game, but upgraded it's amazing and you'll never run out of ammo. Pair it with like a Ray Gun and you have an awesome weapon set!
  24. Good post. Have some [brains]
  25. This has happened to me once and I was completely unsure of what even happened. I didn't think of it being Sam, I just heard the evil laugh type thing and then it was gone. I killed him with the upgraded Ray Gun, so... maybe there's a link between killing George with explosives? Although, it may be a small chance because I've killed him with a Ray Gun before and I've got the perk.
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