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Posts posted by Ehjookayted

  1. Well here we are. In honor of my brother, and in true fashion of the greatest bromance CODZ has ever known, DarkJolteon, better known as Jolteon, also known as hjotl, is retiring from staff. 

    I'm not sure how many words need to be said about Jolteon, or rather, Kieran, but many of you will know him as the friendly, jolly, and amazingly witty moderator.

    But if you haven't been around CODZ for too long, you may not know that Kieran wrote some of the best and brightest theories around here, the stuff of legend. His DARVAS and Parisian Catacombs theory (some of which can be found here) spawned a nearly viral YouTube video. His threads throughout the offseason between Black Ops and Black Ops II earned him fame as a user and would later place him charge of the CODZ YouTube channel.

    But it wasn't just zombies that Kieran excelled at. It was his will and desire to help others. I can't let my undying brotherly love for our electric type Pokemon here cloud my judgment, but ask any user. If you needed someone to talk to, Kieran was there.

    Throughout his time on CODZ as both a user and a moderator, Kieran's role evolved and he never lost his love for this site. 

    One of the oldest tenured members of CODZ at nearly five years time, he has seen it all and become one of the most well-known and respected members of our community. 

    Often times, it's hard to believe that time has flown that fast, that our lives have changed, but maybe that's what makes zombies, and this forum, so great. The game always remains the same. Hundreds of zombies, dozens of weapons, a few tactics, and one goal: survive.

    Kieran has done more than survive the zombie onslaught. He has turned it into something that has altered the very course of his life and mine as well. It seems silly when speaking in such broad terms, but for him, it's the truth. CODZ changed his life. 

    It's only fitting, then, that Kieran managed to change our site more than we changed him. His contributions from way back in 2010 to all the way until 2015 have affected users in many ways, beyond just the game.

    For him, it was never about just theories and strategy or helping give us a kickass reputation for being an Easter Egg hunting machine. It was about the passion for the game, and more importantly, the people who make the game so great. It was about me, it was about you, it was about all of us.

    Now, it's about you, Jolteon. This is your moment. Your story is a great one. One that really matters. And as long as CODZ is around, I hope that what you have done for this site and its users stays with them. For what you've done means something, even for those of us who may not truly understand.

    Your legacy will never die for the site you helped mold stands strong, one nation, under Richtofen, with liberty and zombification for all. 

    Thank you for everything.





  2. Pretty sure I have Dragonborn DLC, bought the GOTY edition for 360. Any clue where that shout is?


    You get the shout from doing the Main Quest of Dragonborn. Have you been to Solstheim yet? You get attacked by Cultists after you visit the Greybeards for the first time, and they drop a letter saying something about Solstheim, and you can then take a ship out of Windhelm to get there and start the main quest. You can return to Skyrim at any point when you get to Solstheim though.

  3. My goal is to tame and ride a dragon eventually...has anyone ever done this?


    I've also been very tempted to play as a Vampire or Werewolf (more than likely the latter) because I've always been intrigued by making a character like that work realistically. Anyone else ever have success with the lycanthropy builds?


    Do you have the Dragonborn DLC Eternal? You can ride dragons with it installed. You learn a cool shout, and it lets you tame dragons. Pretty badass.


    And from what I've seen, vampire builds are really really strong if you synergize everything, covering weaknesses and enhancing strengths. Werewolf builds are pretty straightforward, you just want lots of crowd control, like a fear spell or a mayhem type spell so that when you transform, everyone is really easy to pick off.

  4. Magic is definitely underwhelming on consoles. There are the usual combos and synergies, but there is no "master magician" feel. I'm definitely trying to create that with my latest character. 


    I've found that a great part of Skyrim is the armor choices you can have. By the end of the game, you already hit the armor cap, so you can mix and match armor pretty nicely.


    My favorite armor set is easily Ancient Falmer Armor... That white glow is too good.


    Have you guys seen the Demonhunter build? It's easily one of the most popular Skyrim builds and makes great use of archery without having to cower behind things.

  5. Hahaha ZOTD.


    Eternal, I think it's because Dragons are supposed to see everything. They probably have true vision.


    Anyway, I've always had an issue with Sneak being gamebreaking. Or any skill really. I love PC for that reason, since you can mod it to create a more balanced feel and more strategic combat. Plus, gotta love the graphics.


    If you guys don't mind a short video, here's a look at the graphics I get right now. Watch in HD obviously!


  6. 2.5 years later... Are YOU still playing Skyrim? One of my favorite games ever, I bought the Legendary edition on PC and have it modded quite a bit. Currently playing a Dark Elf mage using the SkyRe mod, which is a complete overhaul of the game as well as a HUGE improvement to magic and perk trees, etc, etc. I can honestly say that this is a game I can see myself playing for a very long time. 5 years in between ES games, with Oblivion to Skyrim, and mods give the game a whole new life. 

  7. I like the PM idea, it's kind of like other forums do it. The way it is now, I don't really mind it. It's there if you want to read it, and it can always be ignored. Wish some of the users who are new to the site could give their feedback on this. Doesn't really give us the best insight if everyone who responds is a regular.

  8. The world's most popular game, over 27 million people play it. It is the pioneer of eSports, and I am obsessed.


    I have spent way too much time and money on it, and I am just about to get into Ranked (which is the thing where you can get better and prove your worth to the world in the ultimate manhood display of a video game). Anyway, my LoL name is Ehjookayted if anyone plays on the North American server.


    Would be happy to duo with people and/or create a CoDz ranked team to smash up the noobs.


    As we say in the League, SEE YA NERDS. 


    A fellow nerd~

  9. The memories are strong with this thread, glad I could have been of help with all of it. I am not sure how much of this is that relevant today in terms of really high rounds, but this guide is the reason CoDz became my home. Thank you all.

  10. Wish I still enjoyed playing zombies to do this, but have fun everyone! I wouldn't mind doing some custom zombies if anyone wants to, but I've kind of veered away from the vanilla selection of maps. Happy 115 day everyone!

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