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Everything posted by Rissole25

  1. I've noticed the voice seems to activate when a Margwa spawns or is around at times. Since the gun is basically made from a Margwa, I reckon we have to use the Margwa to upgrade it somehow.
  2. It's a shame it doesn't carry through the loading screens. It just cuts off abruptly. Would also be great if we could access them and Dead Ops 2 without having to go to our Safehouse and access the Data Vault. Gets really annoying.
  3. Oh yeah definitely. Like Tombstone would be so much better on Die Rise because you have enough time to get to nearly everywhere on the map if you spawn up top and your Tombstone is downstairs. In TranZit not so much if you spawn in a completely different area. And Who's Who would be way better on TranZit because you would spawn nearby your body, and the areas are more open! Definitely not suitable in Die Rises dodgy spawns and closed areas.
  4. One time when Who's Who activated I spawned half way down the slide and because it was slow and half way, I of course did not reach the ledge. It's what finally made me hate Who's Who on that map.
  5. @Chopper I've encountered this as well and I'm fairly certain it's a glitch because my character stopped making quotes completely, although I didn't realise it made Margwa's stop spawning. That is if we're speaking of the same glitch (involving the WW).
  6. Hey dude, that's just the Mule Kick perk song. I've worked on the perk songs a lot and I would recognise the tune anywhere haha. Speaking of Mule Kick, very weird how they added the bottle as part of the items lying in the Fly Trap.
  7. So now all we need now is the upgraded Apothicon Servant? Sweet.
  8. Not a nom, but I just wanted to say I love how long the previous UOTM list has gotten. I remember looking at it years ago and thinking "this will be a long list someday".
  9. I thought it was always blue? Kinda like how the swords are always yellow/gold.
  10. Regarding the gumball not working, it might be because we have to "upgrade" it, not PaP. Like the Staves, we upgrade them but never PaP them. It's the same thing I know, but could be a reason why it doesn't upgrade.
  11. Apparently the Wunderwaffe is glitched to not do damage at all if you're other gun has Dead Wire as it's special ammo. Not sure if you would've had that, but just a possible explanation.
  12. I don't know if the green light is real or fake, but I couldn't replicate the results. I shot each clock multiple times with the KN, the PaP'd KN (Anointed Avenger), did it again than activated the teleporter and shot the main clock, than all of that with the DG-2, than DG-3. I even checked Theatre Mode after, and nothing. That is just selfish. I understand if your the first to discover it, I get it. But we are a community that works together. It is sad that it has devolved into which Youtuber can do it first for the views. And if it's fake, that's even worse. The fact it only happened in Theatre but not normal gameplay is just fishy to me. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/3tw432/the_green_light_easter_egg_in_the_giant_was_faked/ Looks like it was fake.
  13. Being a fan of Final Fantasy, I think I don't really expect or hate much from any maps. I take each one as it's own entry that has it's own pros and cons. So ultimately, I see my experience with BO3 Zombies as this. If I want an easy "classic" type map, where I can really play without much thought, I'll give The Giant ago. If I want something complex, thought provoking, that keeps on my guard all the time, it'll be Shadows of Evil. I just don't see complex as bad or annoying as some people (NOT anyone here!). I just see it as a trait of the map. I will say though. Shadows probably shouldn't have been the default map. I think it should've been a later DLC map, probably the 2nd one actually.
  14. I thought the Drakon was pretty OP Tac lol. It's kinda funny, I've like switched game modes in all Black Ops entries. In BO1 it was mainly TD and S&D, BO2 was Dom and Dem, and BO3 has been Hardcore KC and Dom.
  15. I think you're right. Or the memories of the O4 are merging into the NO4. Have you noticed they have the exact same quotes from Der Riese in there? Not straight ripped from there, but obviously rerecorded. They're in the same style, or personality as they said it. NO4 Rich seems more sane-ish, but those quotes just make it seem like O4 Rich. I know Nikolai has a quote for Jug I believe, he says (and I'm paraphrasing) "Ugh, this makes me feel like old self", which I'm guessing drunk.
  16. Apparently it wasn't popular. Which surprised me, I thought a lot of people liked it.
  17. Zombies is just great now. I love the camo unlocking and attachments and shit, literally everyone will have a unique gun/camo combo, especially with the Paint Shop. The Gobblegum is amazing and I'm glad it wasn't restricted to SoE and will be in all maps. The mechanic changes are interesting and spice things up. Monkeys aren't exactly safe now, 3 hits without Jug, Zombies more aggressive. And despite the negative impression Shadows seems to be getting now, I still love it and consider it in my Top 3 with CotD and Buried. Soundtrack and atmosphere are top notch.
  18. @DeathBringerZen Wasn't a dig at ya man or anyone here, but the general opinion from Youtube and Reddit. Not about the egg itself, but people just want simple Ascension/Der Riese style maps. The opinion was there when Origins came out, but never as much as now. Because lets face it, Shadows of Evil is anything but simple.
  19. It's kind of funny isn't it. Everyone (not literally everyone) wanted the Campaign team to take over, saying Mob and Origins were so much better than the rest (right in some aspects). They wanted Jimmy out. And now it seems like everyone is denouncing them and this map and want the old Zombies team back. I won't lie, it definitely has flaws (don't get me started on the fact you can literally see the edge of the water down by the docks). But I just thought it was something worth pointing out.
  20. Pretty nice. I'm just curious, are high round runs with the upgraded Wonder Weapon legal? As far as I heard, the way to upgrade it hasn't been found, and the way people have been doing it was a glitch.
  21. Cloud confirmed for Smash HYPE!

    1. Tattoo247


      For sure, he's ganna show those other sword users what's up!

  22. Note: I wrote none of this, but found this post on reddit. This honestly explained so much stuff and has things make so much sense now. It has made me appreciate the campaign so much more now. https://www.reddit.com/r/blackops3/comments/3shl7v/spoilerscampaign_explained_two_storylines/ by /u/ChinaTercel
  23. Finally PaP'd in SoE! Now I get what people mean with the giant Cthulu monster haha

    1. way2g00d


      Good job on PaP. I know its not an easy feat, especially in solo, it is a pain. 

    2. Rissole25


      It's weird, you do it once, and it just seems so much easier to do everytime now.

  24. Seen a picture of a guy supposedly on 5th Prestige. That's insane. Actually, I've heard there are 9 Prestiges. Which makes sense if we have 35 levels per prestige. Even Treyarch put these little nods into the leveling system.
  25. How does one get the pods to "cook"? Do they change every round?
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