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Everything posted by TroubledTurkey

  1. A Custom Map Design engine~! I have dreamed of having something like this in Zombies. Sure it would be difficult to implement, but not impossible, as long as certain Criterias were put in place, mostly boundries. There would certainly be no Leaderboards available for custom maps, but it would be awsome to create and share maps containing our own challenges and playing styles for survival. It would also DRAMATICALLY INCREASE REPLAY VALUE!! The game would almost never get boring for any die hard zombie player, as something fresh could always be made. Treyarch could even still make money off their own Map Packs by implementing new Utlities, Zombies, Perks, Etc. That can be used in the Custom map creator (basicly using their maps as "Demonstrations" for how all of these new implements will function, as well as advancing storyline.) This would also shut up some of the people who complain about maps being "too hard" or "too easy" because you could just create a map that matches your difficulty level. (Close and tight for harder, Big and open for Easier, etc.) Now I know people who are huge on storyline might not think this is a good idea. I understand. Just dont get all freaky about that opinion, please.
  2. I would call it a plausible theory, if JFK was ever in the Marines. He was a Navy man, and the characters in NDU are all Marines. ^This is my answer to why it WASNT him. Now, the poster said "What if...?" I would think if he was at NDU, he would be dead XD. Besides, I doubt he would have survived the outbreak at Nacht Der Untoten and NOT tell anyone about the existence of Zombies prior to the events of FIVE. Marines also would have a MUCH easier time dealing with Zombies than someone from the Navy. They are trained SOOOO much more intensley than any other branch of the Military. So if the Marines at Nacht Didnt make it (Atleast I dont think they made it) JFK wouldnt have.
  3. Sorry, I am just picky... -You dont NEED the Thundergun. Round 50 without it is still pretty easy, just a little slower. (Can be dramatically sped up by using Flopper Train Spot, and Claymore Train spots, and abusing both traps respectively) -You COULD just keep Jugg Shut the entire game and not have to protect it at all (You might have to go to 15-20ish without it though, but you could end up with it on round 7) -If the above is done, Mule Kick is awsome on Solo. Just dont have any important guns as your 3rd slot. (unless you want to make things interesting) -Once a really high round is achieved, I would just not use Mule Kick at all, without the T-Gun (unless you only had a wall gun as your 3rd weapon, then by all means...) -When I go for high rounds, I go out of my way to keep Jugg shut, and Make Revive Dissapear. AScension is pretty much the easiest map in existence. Bar none. Moon is easy, if you are running the Dome. In the dome its like you dont even have to try. Moon is still more fun though, because its not just circles (unless you want it to be) After reading the Kino comments, I must say it is an easy map as well. Gotta be in the top 3. On Kino, a good strategy I have seen is just looping the map with a wall gun, Occasionally spray for points (stay above 30,000, just for safety) and just hit traps as you go. By the time a loop is done, the traps should be recharged for another use. This is the fastest I have seen for 45+ rounds. (Dont use this if you want a high KIll Count) EDIT: I saw mentioned, the Slow Spawn on Moon, while in the Dome. I have noticed this, and recently realized that less zombies will spawn from those far off windows in the Labs if you start each spawn at the far-back sections of the Dome (Near Flopper, or where the 3 paths converge near there) It may have just been coincidence, but whenever I stayed in these areas, the few straggler zombies never seemed to come, they all appeared pretty close to me (Full horde in 15-20 seconds, pretty much)
  4. Ok, who else has noticed this, with randoms usually. 9 times out of 10, when I find a player that has a high leaderboard score, they will gloat and brag about how superior they are, to the point of arrogance. But then the game starts to get going. Round 10-15 the downs begin, and they just get soooooo mad about it, yelling and screaming about it until you just dont want to play with them anymore. I was brought up to live by (but not only) a simply phylosophy: "Talk is Cheap." I try not to be rude about it, and I dont call them on this until I see exactly how good they really do, but its almost laughable. The arrogant attitude just makes them out to be fools when it suddenly changes to a random rage for getting down. Now to my point: I am starting to think that a lot of these people may have just cheated to get their high leaderboard scores. Brag about it, not expecting to find a GOOD random (Me). And freak out when they are the first to fall, because they arent expecting it. Now after saying all that, I really hope I dont sound "braggy" with this, but I have really only found 2 players in my Zombie career that have done better than me in a game. (I didnt want to say "Better" because just for having more downs, less kills, less revives, and less headshots doesnt necessarily make someone inferior) and one of them is a friend that I play zombies with all the time. And it seems like the ones that DO brag about high scores end up being the worst possible team-mates. Although, maybe its me. But I dont really see how. I always revive, only occasionally go down (And recover from it very well, without anger) and stay out of my teammates way whenever requested, and stay beside them whenever requested. Perhaps these people are having an "off" day, but still, the arrogance and jerkyness is uncalled for on any day. Lately when I play with randoms with high scores, or any random that brags about how great they are, I tell them that Talk is cheap, and they should SHOW me how good they are, if they really are. I try not to say anything about my scores or skill before a game, until someone sees me doing good, or asks me how I am getting so many kills or something. How often does this happen to any of you in random games? It seems to be happening a LOT lately (But I dont play random games often, so it may just be my luck) Side Note: TALK IS CHEAP! If you feel the same way about my "bragging" as I was just complaining about, I am willing to play a game with anyone (With XBox) to show that I am not trying to brag. This side note is just an extra precaution to avoid Flame. ( I need to work on my topic titles X_X. Anyone else think I complain too much here? Little things like this just make me angry sometimes)
  5. A few ideas I had about a "rank up system" I would put in an EXP Bonus for Kills/Rounds, as opposed to EXP for rounds. If they decided to bring back Traps, it would keep people from getting EXP Per Round for abusing them, because they wouldnt count for kills. This would kinda balance out the EXP gain for people who play to decent rounds and dont have the time to go for "Super high Rounds" and the people who have 20+hours of free time to run circles and Trap Spam. Downs/Revives for EXP would probobly be bad for Solo players, unless Solo grants no EXP at all. I mean why should a solo player be awarded less EXP just because they cant revive anyone? Downs/Kills maybe. Getting 1000 kills with 0 downs would be an achievement in Co-Op and solo, well worth EXP, if there were a system. Rounds/Time. Bonus EXP For getting to Round 20-30 in a short amount of time. This would really lower people's desire for Crawlers, which would be awsome.
  6. I enjoy Multiplayer.I would like to see it return. But I would be dissapointed if they didnt seperate Zombie maps from Multiplayer maps in DLC. I loved the Zombie maps in black ops, but the multiplayer maps made me feel like I wasted my money.
  7. I always thought of Takeo as the main "Hero". Nikolai always seemed to hazy (Drunk) and dim. Dempsey is just a meat head, not really the hero type. Richtofen is a villian, obviousley. Takeo is honorable, strong minded, and is the one farthest gone in regaining his memories. He doesnt get enough credit. Sure he is not the funniest character, but I kinda disliked the whole "funny" aspect in zombies. Sure its nice to hear a funny quote every know and then, but still. I like the crazyness aspect, but they went a tad far trying to be too funny. I agree with the survival thing. It really wasnt what I was expecting. I didnt like that you had to unlock weapons and perks by leveling up. I didnt feel the need to play it that much, so I didnt unlock that much, and in turn didnt get the full Survival experience. I like the idea of OPTIONAL Rank related Handicaps. Like, if getting to Round 50 becomes a breeze, throw in a twist that makes it harder on you, without changing the way you play. Example1: Bullet Damage DIVIDER. Pretty much would make your bullets a % weaker. Example2: 1Shot Wonder Weapons have 50% damage, taking 2 shots to kill a horde. Example3: Increased Power up drop multiplier, for selected player only. If the Handicapped person kills a Zombie, it only give half of the "Team Points" needed for a power up drop. Example4: Traps Cost 2-4 times as much/Require more passes to instantly kill. Example5: (UNLIKELY) Exponent based health increase. unlikely due to health being round 100 status around Round 30. I KNOW some of you are going to dislike this idea I just threw out, but it would be interesting. And as I said, Optional.
  8. i do not like the idea, unless you have to actually achieve something to level up. I mean any idiot could just play to round 5 a million times and be a super high level, and completely suck at the game. Just saying. To have a legit level up system, it would take a lot of thinking to avoid stuff like that.
  9. I always did a Claymore Pit. NO need for Mustang and Sally, Absolutely no gun lost, the round will only take like 5 seconds. I can see where people WILL disagree with this. I only do it because I run the Basement, probobly one of the only places where you can actually have a Claymore pit. JUst letting him take the gun and get away is the Lazy way of dealing with a thief round. Run him down and Kill: Slowest, possibly hardest way. Claymore Pit: In my experience the fastest+easiest way. Mustang and Sally: The easiest, but not fastest way. Takes up a Gun Slot if you dont want M&S. Ray Gun/Winter's Howl: Same as above. Slightly slower. Let him go: Very easy, but lazy. No effort at all. But to each their own. Its all perference really. With Mule Kick, I like to have 3 box guns until I run out of ammo for all 3, so I try not to lose any of them.
  10. Thats a cool theory. I always just assumed the Perk Machines were just placed there by Sam, as she has control over most other aspects of Zombies. Like the Box, and the streangth/Speed of the Zombies (Many quotes from Richt/Sam reference the control over the Box, and a few quotes from Sam reference the control over Zombie streangth) Just throwing my own theory out there. Edit: Another thing: The Perk machines were obviousley not always there, as in the "Flashback" room of Verruckt in Kino Der Toten shows a water cooler in place of Juggernog. Not that its really relivent, but it supports my theory.
  11. I really started working out for preparation. I want to be in top physical condition when I join the army. Which I technically have achieved. I am in the BEST shape of my life, and I am ready for Bootcamp to make me even better. It worries me a lot, weather or not I am capable, but I am told its more of a mental thing (not saying its not physical, but its about determination) And I work out alone usually, because like you said, most people I see in the gym are jackholes (9/10) I just ignor them and do my own thing. Oh, and with the controller thing, I suggest pacing a little. Your arms WILL start to 'scream'. Keeping em up through an entire game takes a lot of thinking and rethinking those tempting "I cant do this anymore" moments.... and as I was writing this, I realized that MIGHT be a good tip for Boot.... NOt sure though. Been told that thinking too hard is bad there.
  12. I thought the exact same way when I was your age (15, right? Dont wanna give a lecture or nothing, I am just saying this) But after a while life just kinda smacks you in the face, and all the things that were fun before change. To me, nothing beats the accomplished feeling you get from a strenuous workout. Life is hard, and when people really start to come into their own it takes a lot of "doing hard things" to make all those hard parts of life just a little bit easier. Fun is important, but as age goes up, Fun goes down. Its just how it is. I still do fun things (And after doing it for a long time, Working out has become fun) I used to loathe the thought of having to do a lot of work as I got older, but I came to accept it. There are ways to deal with it, create a balance. This is my way. I started working out for the wrong reasons. I wanted to make the hard parts of life easier, so I wouldnt have to work as hard. But now my drive has never been stronger, and I enjoy the hard parts of life because they are not as bad as they seem in your head. Ok, back to what the Topic was about: I tried this again, and like most things, it was not as hard the second time. PLayed Ascension, arms up, got to 30, Hour and 10 minutes this time (Spent more time Box nabbing). I like this workout. Its hard, but kinda worth it (I usually never work out my shoulders. My arms feel so light now lol)
  13. Perhaps, but the EE is called Richtofen's Grand Scheme, which is what you get after the completion of Cryogenic Slumber Party. The second half of the EE isn't Richtofen Perhaps Laziness wasnt the best word, but the models were definately re-used. Though even if they were, They could have just fit in to the intended timeline described in the theory here. (Just feeding my habit of pointing out the obvious lol)
  14. I really like this theory you have. [brains] (First I have ever given, might I add) JUst oooone thing.... This could easily be due to laziness. The MP models of the zombies in Area 51 are the same as the MP zombies in FIVE. 3Arc could have (and probobly did) just re-used the models from FIVE for the American MP zombies in Area 51.
  15. Sorry for the Double Post. Thought I would share my daily workout regimen (SP?) -*Pushups: 100 a day. 10 sets of 10, or 5 sets of 20. -*Sit ups: 200. 20 for every 10, or 40 for every 20 pushups. -*Squat Thrusts: 50 a day. 5 for every 10 pushups. -Pull Ups: I try to do 10 a day. I have no Pullup bar, so I only do this when I go to the Gym -*Stationary Bike: 2 hours a day MINIMUM. More if I feel bored. I play PS2 while I do this. (Rayman Revolution FTW) -*1 full hour of running a day. -Currently itegrating Shoulder workouts for any time I play CoD Zombies. -1 Hour of Gym time on Monday-Thursday -*Arm Curls: 30 a day. 3 sets of 10. For arm muscle definition. -Not part of a workout, but I allow myself 4 full Cigarettes a day. I use TarBlockers though (Filters that fit over regular Cig filters. Keeps Cigarettes from murdering my lungs.) -*Calf Workouts: I dont walk anywhere unless I walk on my toes. I have beastly calfs. This has been so my entire life though. its habit now. -*2 pitchers of Tea a day. Not important, but I love iced tea. Anything with a "*" by it is something I do not let myself go to sleep without doing. Just thought I would share.
  16. Discipline. If you dont like working out, you will never have fun working out. Its just how it is. Sometimes you can get "instant" results. Pushing yourself really hard gets you pumped (your muscles get "permaflexed" for a few hours. its what "Pumped" means) But you cant expect to increase muscle mass for atleast a few weeks. Muscle memory developes, giving an "illusion" of getting stronger, but it makes the results take a little longer. Now Zombies is one of those things thats just "going through the motions" for me. I liked how it was harder to focuss while doing this, its a nice twist. IF you want to try this, I would start at a "set round" time, not an entire game, unless you know how to motivate yourself. I was asking myself a few times "Why the hell am I doing this?" but I just cast the thought aside and replaced it with "Why the F not. Its not THAT bad." And it wasnt MEANT to be fun. It was meant to be work, while doing something thats usually fun.
  17. Thats how I usually play anyway. You just gave me an idea though. Trying that (Small area runs) alongside the shoulder workout. The only reason it actually got hard is because you are trying to focuss on the game, while at the same time all you can think about is putting your arms down XD. I left a crawler a few times to use the Box during said game, but after using it a few times ya just start thinking "F it, I'm just gonna start the damn round already..."
  18. Ok, I just reread the posts I made, and I made this seems a LOT worse than it really is. I was really more trying to describe that "worked out" feeling. I mean, you are gonna feel pretty crappy after doing ANY single workout tactic for an hour straight without rest. But its an "accomplished" crappy feeling lol If that makes sense.
  19. I still have to take my physical. I am 100% positive I will pass that though. Its a great shoulder workout though. This was really the only way I could figure out how to integrate Zombies into a workout (besides the stationary Bike But thats in my workout room, with my PS2, not my XBox) Just thought some of you might wanna try it. Its just intense. (Please take no offense at this next comment) But most people who play video games a lot arent really "Workout" people, but some are, so I thought I'd share. EDIT: I felt like I was gonna drop the controller a few times, but I didnt want it to slam into my head. My fingers started to fall asleep a little.
  20. Got some info on Bootcamp for the army. First day, you have to hold you're civilian pack over your head for 3 hours, so this got me thinking about practicing holding things over my head for long periods of time. I thought why not make this into a training excercise while I play zombies.... So I played Ascension... I got to 30.. Took an hour and 5 minutes... I held my controller over my head the ENTIRE time! I did NOT stop for anything. Not to scratch an itch, not to use the bathroom.... And believe me when I say it is HARD. Not just hard on my shoulders, but hard in the game! The first MINUTE was easy, just kinda painful. The next 10 were EXCRUCIATING! AFter that, my arms went numb and all I could feel was a tingly warmness. I started losing orientation and my thought process began to fade, but man was the game intense! I have never had that much trouble with Ascension before, and I was doing the very easy Flopper Train. You just lose all focuss. You can still operate pretty decently in the game, but you slip up, a LOT. I believe this is a good way to add a little physical challenge to the game. I can barely even type this message right now, my shoulders are screaming so badly! But I am going to start playing every game like this (regardless of how stupid it may look) Every aspect of my life has been doubling as a workout lately. Ohhh..... My arms are still shaking.....
  21. Got some info on Bootcamp for the army. First day, you have to hold you're civilian pack over your head for 3 hours, so this got me thinking about practicing holding things over my head for long periods of time. I thought why not make this into a training excercise while I play zombies.... So I played Ascension... I got to 30.. Took an hour and 5 minutes... I held my controller over my head the ENTIRE time! I did NOT stop for anything. Not to scratch an itch, not to use the bathroom.... And believe me when I say it is HARD. Not just hard on my shoulders, but hard in the game! The first MINUTE was easy, just kinda painful. The next 10 were EXCRUCIATING! AFter that, my arms went numb and all I could feel was a tingly warmness. I started losing orientation and my thought process began to fade, but man was the game intense! I have never had that much trouble with Ascension before, and I was doing the very easy Flopper Train. You just lose all focuss. You can still operate pretty decently in the game, but you slip up, a LOT. I believe this is a good way to add a little physical challenge to the game. I can barely even type this message right now, my shoulders are screaming so badly! But I am going to start playing every game like this (regardless of how stupid it may look) Every aspect of my life has been doubling as a workout lately. Ohhh..... My arms are still shaking.....
  22. I like Double Tap more than any perk (yes even more than Jugg. While it is the most useful, I enjoy the affect of Double Tap more). I use Semi-Auto weapons more than most, and I have a really fast trigger finger, so I like the speed it gives me. When I use wall guns for training, I like to quickly turn corners and unload an entire clip in 3 seconds so I dont get stuck unloading and caught from behind in my circle. 3 Round Burst weapons benefit incredibly. All the shots hit so quick that the recoil (EPC WN. Favorite weapon. M16. Favorite wall gun) is almost nonexistant. I LOVED deadshot, but I got really used to quickly adjusting my aim UP to hit the heads without it, so now it kinda screws me up, because I shoot over their heads sometimes. In terms of "My favorite" and not "usefulness" I would go: Double Tap, Stamin-Up, Juggernog, Speed Cola, Mule Kick, PhD Flopper, Deadshot, Quick Revive.
  23. This is getting kinda far off Topic, but I would definately do super-high round runs, but I am not allowed to leave my XBox on unattended for ANY amount of time. If I had the PC version this wouldnt be a problem, but I would have to rebuy the game, and my Map Packs, just for a high run round. Not really worth it IMO. I would rather just sit there for hours without breaks (With proper preparation.) Now Back on Topic. Anyone though about "Boss Rounds" that are Normal Zombie Rounds, with difficult Boss Zombies appearing alongside the zombies. It would make Boss rounds just as Difficuly (minimum) as an equivilent Zombie Round, with Boss Zombies adding a difficult twist+Perhaps a Max Ammo.
  24. I know it doesnt take "Days" to get to 99, it takes near a day though. Some of us only get a few hours a day to spend on video games (I do intend to get to 100 sometime soon though). But its unrealistic to expect people (please take no offense) with a life to get past 50 in any game of zombies, without an extremely high level of detication to 15+ hours of straight gaming. I do like the idea of different Boss Rounds Per Boss Round though, just not such a drastic ammount of rounds between each change.
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