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Everything posted by TroubledTurkey

  1. Last night, while playing Der Riese with my friend, I finally realized exactly what it is about (other people's) kiting that annoys me so much. I kill too fast to be a compatible player with kiters, because they will just keep running and running their little circles, not firing off a single bullet until the flow of zombies stops completely. This makes things boring for the people who killed their zombies on sight, as the kiters will horde up every zombie before shooting. There was atleast 6 times in this particular game where I ran to the bridge and shot my Wunderwaffe at the trains being built in the courtyard, followed by the phrase "Hurry the F up already!!" Honestly, is it really that hard to kill WHILE you are kiting? I mean really, I do it, so it cant be that F'in difficult. (Sorry if ya dont care to read my complaining, I just wanted to point this out, and how annoying it is.)
  2. ^You cant just assume this. Samantha seems too Omnipotent to just not know this But anyway, I always thought it was because Richtofen was there, in Siberia, In the lighthouse, where the zombies first began to attack in COTD. Perhaps the zombies "appeared" (the one that took George was the first) the moment that Richtofen and his team Appeared (via Teleportation) in Siberia. Just his presense brought on the zombies. (My theory anyway)
  3. .... You put Mustang and Sally 3 times. In what world would you even be going for a Box in that situation? (Oh and on Moon, the Box is still easy to hack when its in space.)
  4. Forgot the "knife" specification. Not that it really matters, but some people (for some reason) prefer Bowie Knife over Sickle/Sickle over Bowie Knife.
  5. Imagine there is a zombie map that has EVERYTHING in it. Everything from WaW Nacht Der Untoten to Moon. What would your dream combo of Weapons/Perks/Equipment be? (4 perks only) This is mine, my absolute perfect Combo: Perk1: JuggerNog Perk2: Deadshot Daiquiri Perk3: Double Tap Perk4: Mule Kick Weapon1: EPC WN Weapon2: WunderWaffe DG3 JZ Weapon3: 420 Impeller Knife: Sickle Lethal Grenade: Semtex Tactical Grenade: Gersch Device LethalEquipment: Bouncing Betty TacticalEquipment: Hacker
  6. For me, my favorite weapon sometimes depends on the Map and the game. (in general, my favorite weapon is the M2 Flamethrower [WaW] and the FN FAL [black Ops].) Nacht: WaW-M2 Flamethrower. BlackOps-FN FAL Verruckt: WaW-M2 Flamethrower. BlackOps-FN FAL ShiNoNuma: WaW-WunderWaffe DG2. BlackOps-WunderWaffe DG2 Der Riese: WaW-M2 Flamethrower. BlackOps-WunderWaffe DG2 Kino Der Toten: FN FAL FIVE: FN FAL Ascension: FN FAL Call of the Dead: Famas (Its all ya need) Shangri La: FN FAL Moon: Gersch Device. WonderWeapons arent really my thing. The only ones I really like are the DG2 and the Shrink Ray. DG2 because I have had so much experience with it, and the Shrink Ray because of Power up drops and its ammo count. Honestly, I HATE the Thundergun. its cool and all, and a great weapon, but I just loathe its design. How a gun LOOKS really affects how much I like it sometimes. The Scavenger is alright, but I'd rather just use an upgraded Draganov. I do enjoy myself a Wave Gun from time to time on Moon, but I dont really care if someone else gets it, as long as they have my back. Gersch Devices are so much more attractive on the Moon Map though. I love the FN FAL. Its an FN Powerhouse! I am always overjoyed when I get it. Long Live the FN FAL!!!
  7. I always just assumed: Ray Gun: Japanese (Marked as) Porter's X2 Ray Gun: Nazi (H. Porter) WunderWaffe DG2: Nazi (Richtofen) Monkey Bomb: Nazi (Richtofen) Winter's Howl: American (unspecified. Just because its in the Pentagon) ThunderGun: Russian (unspecified. May be created by Maxis, but I strongly believe its Russian made) Gersch Device: Russian (Gersch) VR11: Russian OR Nazi (Well its located in Siberia. Then again, its a 935 base...) Scavenger/Infra-Dead: Nazi (Just a guess. I dont even really consider this a WW anyway) ShrinkRay: Nazi (only now have a read the "Maxis" theory though. I always assumed it was Nazi Made because of the Nazi's trying to discover Shangri-La) QED: Nazi (Richtofen) Wave Gun: Nazi
  8. Oh, Moon and Five are the FUNNEST maps to run around in! (Gotta admit though, the War Room on FIVE is not very fun anymore. not much to do BESIDES circles) I dont really play Nacht anymore, but I had a weird little strategy for it involving room-to-room. tricky, but good enough. I always let other people handle the wonderweapons though. My friend Clint, if he has a thundergun, I KNOW he has my back. Every Map (besides NAcht) has its own special way of wiping out zombies really fast on any round. Just gotta know how to use them the best way you know how. Again, this is opinion. Disagree if you want.
  9. Oh come on, you cant say thats the only way to get to high rounds. I "Circle" the whole map as my primary strategy on a regular basis (though its less of "circles" as just running around). You dont HAVE to let them build up, just kill everything you see as you go, and anytime its safe, shoot what you got behind you, grouped or not (UNless you are using a group-based Wonder Weapon). I get that people like to stay in one place, running in circles to get far, but really? How long can that really stand before supreme bordom sets in. Atleast when you use the entire map as your playground, it keeps things fresh, suprising, and challenging. Running in circles isnt a challenge
  10. Every map has almost endless strategies for them. Most of my "strategies" come from brief stops on rooms, and seeing if I can train in them before I leave somewhere else. I havent had much experience with 4 person strategies. I dont play online much, but I got a bunch of 2 person ones. I try to go beyond the obvious in my strategies. The obvious: A Big open area, like the Lighthouse shore, or the PhD Flopper Landing pad on Ascension. What I look For: Small looking rooms that can be used for "Arch-Hording" rather than Circle Kiting. OR a series of rooms that ends in a repeatable lap. I dont ever really USE my strategies, beyond initial testing,when things get chaotic and I need to establish some order among the zombies, or I cant decide where I want to go, so I stay in one strategic location. Otherwise I just go wherever. This one is Semi-Circles, and Semi-Archs. Its good for brief stops in this area and you dont want to interupt someone across the Flinger, or in the start room. Just build a train up there, and then leave down the stairs instead of using the conventional escape routs (Flinger/Zipline)
  11. Ok, this one is DEFINATELY well known by now. Its one of the most popular spots I have seen, but not many people know how to run it well. I dont know what other "Good" people do in this spot, but I am going to share what I do in this spot. The Spot up by the Flinger and the Power. The other strategy I posted, about killing George and then using his lightning to whore some Max Ammos, works very well in this spot too. Its harder with George around mad at you, but it DOES work if executed correctly. It involves starting at the designated spot, shoot while backtracking across the edge of the flinger and to the right of it (away from the Power room) Then you jump OVER the flinger diagonally, and run to the spot near the doorway/stairs. You shoot here if you want, then make a full circle back around the room back to the starting point. Keep going until you are again, next to the stairway. Then backtrack to the start OR the first shooting zone by the flinger if the start point is overwhelmed at the moment. If the written version doesnt help, this is a kinda crude drawing of how I wanted to describe it.
  12. I play without my Mic a lot. Sometimes I just dont wanna use it, or I am with friends and just dont want to annoy the players with the babble I have with friends. I still listen to what people say. I always try to do something to make sure they know I can hear them. When I play with people with no mics, I always say "If you can hear me, Jump Twice!" Funny story. My friend ALWAYS says this when he is games with no mics. The ONE time I joined a game with him and didnt have my mic (broken), he DIDNT ask it. I spent like 10 minutes jumping in the guy's face trying to tell him I can hear him. I guess my methods of letting people know I hear them are open to enterpritation. Knifing someone to tell them you can hear them is probobly not the best option (can be excued as "harassing" them or some BS like that). I wish the "jump Twice" thing was Universal. It would make things a LOT easier than taking a shot in the dark. I'm not much of a team player though (unless Coordinating with Friends on Moon) So I dont communicate much, but I still show respect for my fellow teammates and stay out of their way/support their strategy/whatever. I hate playing with kids though. They scream and fight too much. I've quit so many good games just because 2 kids wont stop bitching at eachother about some random bull that wasnt of any relivence to anything! The one instance I still remember was some racial BS. This was only one kid in the wrong though (He was RACIST!) I left and invited the other kid to a party and we merced on some zombies. Some kids are alright. This one was. The racist wasnt. (Gotta admit, the fight was pretty damn funny lol. The racist kid just kept making a fool of himself, and we just laughed at him, which made him even more angry and made a BIGGER fool of himself .) I have also played with the "IMpatient friend" type. You know them well, you know they can do alright, but then they start to screw you up and you cant really get mad at em, cuz their not just some random guy, its your friend. AFter Round 30 on Moon, my friend started to go down a crapload of times, accidentally steal my trains, or step on a launcher by mistake and screw us both up. I didnt get mad at him though, Everyone has off times. I just guided him to Jugg, then let him have the dome for himself and developed a new strategy.
  13. Yeah, thats why I recommend it for this strategy. The Upgraded Dragonov is really a beast though, I prefer it over most weapons any day, just not for single zombie kills. I know the benefits of every gun. I have had decent round runs (25-30+) with every weapon at least once. No weapon is really worse than any other, just require much different tactics. Eventually, they all become crap lol.
  14. Usually I pass on the Scavenger Actually. My Slot 1 weapon is often just the M14 or M16, 2 early guns that can benefit you up through round 30 with no problem. Slot 2 weapon is basicly just a good "George Killer" weapon from the Box. For this strategy, ya gotta kill George atleast 6 times to get complete full benefit from it. I reccomend the Upgraded Famas or upgraded Draganov. Once you get one of those, your Slot 1 weapon will quickly become obsolete, should you decide to try and keep the WunderWaffe. The Waffe should last until George Returns (considering you killed your last zombie AFTER he "died") and then its just a process of surviving with George pissed at you until your Waffe ammo runs low, then you just kill him again, get another free Perk and a New Wunderwaffe. Slot 3 is whatever the hell you want. I just bought the AK once I got Mule Kick. I didnt even need the 3rd gun, because I had virtually endless WunderWaffe ammo.
  15. Yeah, I was talking about that one. The Debris to Bouncing Betties. I use that doorway sometimes. Not all the time, I usually just stick to the Thompson side, but I switch it up depending on player placement. I keep tabs on my partners all the time (since they usually just stay in one room) To make sure I dont collide with them on my routes (I go from room to room, never stopping unless I wanna mow down the followers, or I have to turn around and leave the way I came.) Usually, if I know someone is camping in that hallway, I'll Shock-Trap my Train, just incase they arent prepared, then I either dip out the top, or go teleport by the MP40. Sometimes if someone is in that hallway, I might just run in, train behind me, and have to U-turn and run out because I dont wanna get in anyone's way. A lot of people think when I run into their train spots, stop, turn around and run, its because I am trying to steal their kills or something, but nah, I am just keeping a distance from my teammates. I really hate it when my entire team are all posting in spots that block off the Room-to-Room routes through the maps.
  16. Well I have no real way to deal with them, but I do try to anger them sometimes. If I see a mob of people whoring up the Box, I'll go up, join them, hit the box once, and if its something "Terrible" I'll take it. If its a good gun, I'll let it be. Freaks people out lol. Theres been so so sooooo many times I've just let a ThunderGun go because there were people over-using the box. (plus I dont really like the Thundergun). People just react really negatively if you let something good go, even though its none of their buisiness. There was one time I was really mad at this dude on Moon for using the Box too much (He hit it like 70 effin times. I used it twice. Both were Teddy Bears.) So I used it after that, got a bad gun. Hacked it. Got a Ray gun. DIDNT take it. DIDNT hack it again. Just let it dissapear. Told the guy I didnt want it. He yelled at me for not hacking it for him. I told him to go F himself and stop hogging the Box. Rage Quit. Kept going with my friend, got pretty far. Got kinda easier without that guy.
  17. Dont play Der Riese with me then lol. Thats one of those doors I always end up opening for some reason or another (sometimes not even a reason. I'll just have some extra points and I'll open it). I wont if someone's gonna be a bitch about it though. I'd rather keep a door shut than listen to people complaining about it. If I got someone following me relentlessly, I'll usually find a way to trap them in a room with a horde. Best done by leading the person in a long, complex route around the map, not killing anything untill you get into a small room, then you U-Turn and run past the train, which bunches them up in the room's exit. If you are quick enough, the horde will bunch up following you, lose track of you, and turn around, overwhelming and killing the Lackey on your tail. Doesnt work every time, and If you know its coming, its easy to avoid (if you are the "lackey" in question)
  18. I have never ever had to leave a crawler to turn on the power. Its just never happened. Usually once I get any type of wall gun I consider it safe to go get perks Mid-Round. Its just kinda the way I play. Unless its Moon or Shangri-La, my most used perks and the Pack a Punch are just another brief stop in my path. I Put a Lot of (And at the same time, very little) thinking into Zombies. you just have to know where you want to go, what you plan to do there, how long you expect to be there, and the best way to escape. I take the Box into consideration too. I Box whore a lot, but in a different way. I use it once or twice per-round while I am running. It gets done what needs to be, leaves the box open for anyone to come use afterwords, and doesnt extend the game time beyond what it needs to be. Expect the Best, Prepare for the worst. I always thought this was the best way to play, because I've only ever had any fun playing zombies this way. Just doesnt feel right to have a big empty map with nothing to kill. If someone NEEDS a crawler to upgrade, Buy a gun, get a perk, the least they can do is make it fast. As for the Copycat Failure thing, I didnt tie it too much with Lackeys, because Lackeys always seem to follow me just because I am doing good, or running by the Box, or something like that. The Copycat people see you doing something new that they havent seen before, and Immediately try to do it perfectly the first time, only to inevitably fail and bring the team down. Its really more specific to FIVE, because it seems like the Basement strategy is the least-known train routines there is.
  19. Requirements: Easter Egg COMPLETE Perks: Jugg, any 3 others. Weapons: Slot1: Scavenger Slot2: Dissasembler, Lamentation, Upgraded Famas, something like that. Slot3: N/A until Aquiring Mule Kick. Otherwise, any weapon. This works best when making trains. Any of the usual looping spots work with this. Try to get your "Slot2" weapon as early as possible. Do as you wish until around 10-20 (or whenever u get your Slot2), save a crawler (key here) and kill George. Get the WunderWaffe. Kill the crawler AFTER George is completely gone. For the single round George is absent, use the Wunderwaffe (if you dont mind losing it eventually) Or Flopper (If you want to save the Waffe/Just finished getting all 8 perks.) After Aquiring the perks you want (or all of them) Save the Waffe untill George returns. Make him mad and have him chase you, as you are building up a train. Let him shock you a few times, to zap up all the zombies, and use the Waffe from there. Make sure EVERY group you zap is pre-zapped by George. This is key here. If done right, you always get a MAx Ammo apon reaching your last, or first to last clips. If you dont, whip out ur Famas, kill George and get another one. (Only had to do so a couple times. I usually got a Max Ammo) George Zapped Zombies will ONLY Drop Max Ammos, if you kill them with a No-Power up Weapon. WunderWaffe and Scavenger. I got to 73 last night doing this. It works really really well. I used the "Land in front of Lighthouse" train spot when I got to 73, but I tried it with other spots after. Start Room, Bottom of Lighthouse, Power room area. Not as good affects (cept in start room) but they work, if you are on your toes. And it just gets easier as the rounds go up. Just takes longer.
  20. Oh, I am so guilty of that one lol. I open all doors I see, whenever I have the points, regardles (unless specifically directed otherwise) Unless its someone on FIVE trying to tell me to keep a door in the labs shut. Cuz that just isnt gonna happen. 1) LACKEYS: Zombie players I hate the most, are what I call, "Lackeys". People who will see someone doing good in a game, and just follow them everywhere, doing what they do, trying to stick to them like glue and usually take a bunch of kills. Thinking about it, does this ever occure to kiters or campers? I can understand how they would try to follow someone who never stays in one room for more than 15 seconds, but not someone staying in one place or going in circles. I'll usually try to sabotage these people somewhere during my voyage around the map. I always go back and revive them, but it teaches them a lesson in staying off my back. 2) COPYCAT FAILURES: This one, for me, is FIVE specific, A friend and I always play online on FIVE, and we like to stay in the basement. It just really REALLY blows when the 2 other people we play with come down and try to mime our strategy, and just die miserably. You revive them, they die instantly, and then again, and again and again and again! Eventually your at the point where you just order them out of the basement so they dont die anymore, or stop reviving them. I bet this happens on other maps often, but none for me more than FIVE. 3) CRAWLER WHORES: I hate those people too. The people who make a crawler every single effin round and spend waaaaay too long trying to get a good gun or something. Ya dont really need em! I know some people here may frown on me for this, but if a zombie flow ends, and the round doesnt, its time to go Crawler hunting. If someone rage quits because you killed a crawler, than they are just losers anyway. 4) ATTENTION HUNGRY BRAGGERS: People who think they're the shit. I ran into a few of these people. People who go on and on gloating about how far they can get, and how they never ever go down. Its the funniest thing, when they die, you revive them, and they die again lol. I've had so many of these people quit for giving them shit about it. I dont try to be a dick about it, but its just so much fun XD especially if they were jerks first. WEll those are my 4. Thank you.
  21. Really? Not even gonna reply to my intended topic. Alright then. Whatever. World at War Shi No Numa, on solo, only spawns a maximum 24 zombies per round. If you get the WunderWaffe DG2, you can wipe out any round with 3 shots. Dog rounds give you a Max Ammo every 4 rounds, so you never run out. After round 210, every 2 or 3 zombies round will have really low health. Its fun to blow em away with a shotgun on those rounds. Dont even need the DG2 for em. I did this the first time and got to round 427. Then I tried for 1000, but died at 800. If you do it right you can kill a round in about 30 seconds.
  22. Well I usually wait, if I can, to hack the excavator untill a round change or a time when everyone wants to teleport. Unless its breaking Tunnel 11 or the Dome. If its one of those places, I just sorta dip back to the recieving bay and hack it, killing anything I see on the way. Excavators always seem to mess up my teams whenever it shows up. Whether it be some random guy going to try and hack it mid-round and dying, or me leaving to hack it mid round and everyone else dying while I am still hella far away. If I ever see the Spaceman in my way, I'll usually just turn around, run past anything following me and do another lap through Tunnel 11, the receiving Bay, and Tunnel 6. Usually gets him out of the choke points he blocks you in. ^-This is if we are camping/Running the Dome. If I am playing with a good person, I'll just stick to the running strategy of "Through Tunnel 11, Run across Power Room, Through Tunnel 6, Through Recieving Bay." This just makes hacking the excavators just another part of the loop. The moment you get any breaks from zombies at all (or even a small gap in flow) you can just hack it, and keep on running afterwards. ^-With this one, its in everyone's best interest to hack EVERY Excavator. Since one person will be using the Dome, most likely, and you will be using Tunnel 6, AND Tunnel 11.
  23. This is how I did it. But I used the M14, didnt use the MP5k. It makes it easier if right after you get any Max Ammos, Unload every last 1911 bullet you have into a line of zombies (aim to hit 2-3 with each bullet.) This gets you atleast 2000 points for a generally useless (unless Insta Kill/PaP) weapon.
  24. Usually its suicide. But more times than many I have just stopped to shoot, and just stood there shooting and completely forget I have to start running again and get cut off from behind (Not always in a "clear" state of mind when I play zombies.) It doesnt always lead to death, but atleast near-death before I get away.
  25. "Whooo. I feel so High!" ~Richtofen, Shangri-La When using Geysers "Do you like my glowing Green Balls?!" ~Richtofen, Kino Der Toten. Shooting Far away Zombie with Un-Upgraded Ray Gun. "OH they will be all over the floors! On the Walls! On The Ceiling!" ~Richtofen, Kino Der Toten. Obtaining Explosive Weapon. "Next time uncle Edward will give you stronger Legs. EDWARD! Give them stronger legs! You're Terrible at this." ~Samantha, Moon. Killing a Crawler.
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