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Everything posted by TroubledTurkey

  1. I'd practice mine in Co-Op first. Its how I got good at it. When I first tried it in solo it was a pain, but now its just really really easy. heres another for you: 1) Get the WunderWaffe DG3JZ and 420 Impeller. 2) start on the edge of the bridge by the Thompson side and wait for some zombies. Once it gets hairy, drop. DO NOT KILL AFTER THIS! 3) Run towards the original Box spawn and wait for the train, once its close enough, run towards the backsides of the barrels (near the window) 4) wait again, once they are close again, run into the Bowie knife room and stop under the part of the catwalk where the window is. 5) Run TOWARDS the quick revive room (not into it) and once they get close again, run into the catwalk room. 6) Wait for the mob up by the STG, then once they start up the stairs, drop down, go up the catwalk and drop off back into the power room, run through the door to the FG42 (this will be how you get Wall Ammo for it) and wait by the entrence to the double barrel room. 7) UNLOAD!!!!!
  2. I've always found it pretty decent to rape train in the start room. Its not too hard, just takes a lot of practice. You have to use the mainframe stairs a lot, and its much MUCH MUUUUCH easier in Black Ops since you can jump zombies climbing up. Its not really a circle either, its more of just looking for space to run between zombies and keeping them in a straight, orderly line. Detailed "strategy" : Start in the middle, at the bottom of the stairs (Facing Mainframe), keep the Carbine side SHUT! When zombies begin to flood in from the rear and left sides, you wait for a moment, then run up the stairs to the PaP, wait there, drop down to your right (Facing PaP, Carbine side) run back and wait at the window (turn around here) they should come in a line from the mainframe drop towards you, run around them towards the fence, wait there untill they start to get close, then run towards the window on the Double barrel side, they should once again come in a straight line. Once they get close, run up the stairs to the Double barrel room and drop off the side. You SHOULD be back in the center of the room where u started and you can begin shooting. (This is really only for rounds 15+, once the zombies start to spawn fast.)
  3. Got to 29, then had to sleep, so I decompressed the labs and fought off crawlers untill I suffocated (Cant give the zombies the satisfaction of killing me
  4. The Nazi Bell is "Die Glocke" (german for "The Bell") Not the mechanism. Its also called the "Wunder Waffe". It is a theoretical Nazi "weapon" that supposedly used for anti-gravity stuff, while controlled in a stone structure (think "Fly Trap"). I dont know much about it, just some basics. In short, the "Nazi Bell" in Zombies is the precursor to the "WunderWaffe DG2" (DG=Die Glocke) As for the little story connections, thats pretty cool, I might look up more on that sometime.
  5. That works, but using Insta Kill or Nukes wont spawn a Bonfire Sale. I prefer a Claymore Pit. If everyone contributes 2 claymores per round and camps in it when the Theif comes, it will just destroy the MF before he can do anything.
  6. TroubledTurkey


    You lose one perk, but it can get you where u need to go. just hope its one you dont necessarily need. I'll try to see if theres an alternative and get back to ya, but I dunno if there is. Are both tunnel 11 and 6 cut off?
  7. TroubledTurkey


    Hack the terminals in the start room to get them to leave. If you are in the start area with no hacker, use a Gersch, QED or Spaceman zombie to teleport to its area. It sucks, I know, but its the only way I know (as of now)
  8. 25 last night. Got about 1500 points in Area 51 (Slow) then trained after the beep, threw my Nade and surpassed 2500 points. Bought jug, went to the moon, bought revive, opened through tunnel 6, power on at round 10. Bought MP5K, Got Wave gun from the Box (hacked a no-box zone), bought Mule kick and Deadshot around 12. Lost tunnel 11, saved Bio dome twice. Got a Ray Gun as my 3rd weapon. Went to area 51 again around 17 and upgraded all my weapons, Hacked MP5k right as I got back. Trained in Bio Dome until I threw a QED and got teleported to the labs and got gangraped by phasers. Lost all my perks (Round 20). Trained in Bio dome again with no perks till round 23, then bought Deadshot. 25 I tried to go get jugg, but the bouncer thing turned on when I tried to go through the door and I overshot the next one and fell to my death.
  9. Well theres always the ammo thing, where u can pick up knives, and a BK shot to the head is 1 shot kill to atleast 20 (farthest I've tried it, non-upgraded)
  10. You can kind of Fan in Verruckt pretty easily. In the Thompson room, if you are careful, but I've found that the best way to horde zombies in Verruckt is to just lap the entire building until you got a mob. The stairs can really throw you off though, but with the right people (or person) it can go down pretty well. The Weapon changes in the Revamped versions are putting me a little down though. I really liked the BAR in Der Riese, but atleast the Good O'l FG42 and Carbine are there. The upgraded knifing system is a real "look forward to" kind of thing. One last question for ya dude; In Der Riese, they fixed the "Sticky Zombies" thing right? I hated that. You run past a small group and just get stuck to one and get trapped!
  11. I know, right? The classic maps got me more excited than Moon did (nothing against moon, but I am looking forward to the classics). Running trains has gotten redundent though. I try not to do it anymore. LAtely I just run around a map like a mad man and hope for the best, and it works out well most of the time, except for when people get all butt hurt when you just come flying out of nowhere, rack a few of "their" kills and dip. (its not really THEIR kills when the zombies are in YOUR way). Jug is essential though, would be cool if it were in Nacht Der Untoten, but it wouldnt be right.
  12. I havent played Nacht Der Untoten on BO Yet, but I can imagine that the level is a beast with the blackops engine. I am kind of hoping that it makes it more difficult to Fan the help room as well (does it?) cuz that became a joke really quick once I figured it out. Innability to upgrade, in my opinion, kind of gives the classic maps ('cides Der Riese) Their own personal edge and difficulty. The PaP was a great addition, but putting it in the revamped maps would just kinda ruin them.
  13. I've had this happen too (With Scavenger and WunderWaffe DG2). I kinda just assmumed that there was an "anavoidable" Max Ammo every 4 or 5 rounds or something, to compensate for the lack of Boss round or something. It made sense to me at the time. I used to think the ThunderGun never had drops, but I've had that drop one Max Ammo on one occasion, and a Nuke on another occasion (never had another one again). Good to see that someone found some sort of order behind that chaos though. If it is the electrified zombies that drop the power ups, than I am just lucky enough to get the drop right when my ammo is just about empty every time XD. Oh, and I know this isnt the Ascension board, but what about the thing with the Thundergun? I KNOW the Thundergun doesnt have drops!
  14. Yeah, good to be here, I guess. My WaW map rounds will probobly change tommorow once I get the new Map Pack, especially Shi-No-Numa since round 800 on SNN is about round 50 on a black ops map.
  15. Yeah, I've never really had any real troubles with the Windows (cept when someone jumps through with me and one of us gets blocked in). As for keeping zombies in check, after Round 10 they sorta just do it themselves, regardless of how mercilessly you kill the hordes, you dont even really need to rape-train them. I have yet to find a single Random Player that has been able to pull it off at all, for whatever reason; be it too hard for them to window jump, or just bad survival skill in general. Either way, its been a "goal" of my friend and I to show this specific strategy around. It takes practice, but who knows? maybe more people will play Five if they know a fun-as-F&^K way of getting far. It may just be my opinion, but just about everyone, give or take, that I have showed this strat to first hand have found it way more entertaining than fanning in the War Room or Camping in the Elevator/Defcon room.
  16. Several months ago, my homie Sean and I were playing Five on Split Screen when we realized the windows in the Basement level. After about 3 attempts at trying to utalize these windows we finally found a (nearly) Foolproof lapping strategy in the basement. It began as simply our alternative way of playing Five, but soon evolved into our only way of playing Five. The basement Window Jumping Strategy is a lot more intense than the normal strategy, but it leaves you in good distance from the most beneficial wall guns and it has the elevator and Teleporters as decent Safety Nets. The strat has evolved many times since, develpoing new Sub-Routes when blocked in, Specific firing zones for certain weapons (its just prefference though), and a dope Claymore minefield zone for getting quick and Easy Bonfire Sales. The strategy has been tested up to 30+ solo and atleast 29 Co-Op (best if atleast 1 of your 4 people stay out of the basement.) It seems like the Basement labs are very much overlooked on everything besides the power and Box, so I just wanted to share this, see if anyone else has tried it or perhaps wants to learn it. Its fun. Heres a (Crude) Map I made explaining it as best I could. BLAM Purple Circle=usual starting area Orange Circle=Good zone for Gunning Green Circle=Teleporter Pink Circle=Claymore Minefield (wasted on Zombies. good on Thief) Red=Zombie Spawn Blue=Jumping Window Purple Line=Main Path Lavender Line=Sub-Paths (All of them are not included) Note: This map was made for showing the Solo version. The Co-Op version is much easier and a team of 3 split up through the basement will have a much easier time than a solo runner.
  17. Hey, I'm new. Been playing zombies for only 3 years (came into it during the later months of WaW) and I can say I am pretty decent at it. My XBox Gamertag is "TroubledTurkey", obviousley and I've been wanting to join a zombie board for a while now, but just havent gotten around to it... Well.... I hope I have some good discussions here, maybe even meet some new, actually GOOD people to play zombies with. Isaw everyone else doing this, so why not; Heres my rounds as I remember them (most of my farthest rounds are solo. Co-Op takes a while and Randoms usually suck): Nacht Der Untoten: 52 (Fanning in Help Room with M2 and Thompson. Solo) Verruckt: 24 (Camping in Speed Cola Room with MG42 and Ray Gun. Split Screen) Shi No Numa: 823 (Run and Gun with WunderWaffe DG2 and Trench Gun for Dogs. Solo) Der Riese: 42 (Run, Gun, Teleport with 420 Impeller and Reaper. Split Screen) Kino Der Toten: Also 42 (Run and Gun with SkullCrusher and Lamentation. Solo) FIVE: 38 (Run and Gun in Basement/Labs With Winter's Fury and AK74Fu2. Solo) DoA: I dont play it. Ascension: 55 (Fanning on Flopper Pad with Zeus Cannon and Ray Gun. Solo) Call of the Dead: 37 (Run and Gun with Skullcrusher and Mustang and Sally. Solo) Shangri-La: 30 (Run and Gun with Fractalizer and Mustang and Sally. Solo) That be all.
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