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Everything posted by mwc45

  1. Peter-Dead (hanging man in Shi no). Wait, yes he died on Sh no, but on the iPhone version you find his grave, which makes me believe it isnt him, plus many people are missing arms if you look at the power switches(correct if wrong). & the Ray Gun is believed to be made by a man named Porter, or at least the PaP'd version. (Porter's X-2 Ray Gun? also correct if wrong))
  2. If that picture was real, then what about the 4v4 mode, they could technically add the modes to the screen, but still, idk & I would love in these modes if you travel in a certain way, like an upgraded DG2 teleports you from Der Riese to Kino by time travel.
  3. IMO, I would be alright with things like the quadrotor and the assault-dronish vehicle. But... the spider tank feels too OP to me.
  4. I just want 2 simple things. the wunderwaffe, and the flamethrower. I REALLY miss the flamethrower and I wish they never took out the waffe (I don't count CotD because it's non-upgradable). Am I the only one who misses these guns?
  5. Der Riese was so long ago and I don't think the story exactly told of Sophia getting screwed like what happened to Maxis and Sam, IMO, it's either a new Sam, a completely new character, or Anderson (I think). But, with the story so far, it is possible for it to be a version of her that was teleported to the future.
  6. I have ps3 and i already know it's not cleared up. When i bought elite for black ops 2, the man said that xbox's elite would still get 1 month early. I only bought the elite for my love of zombies (didnt buy it for mw3)
  7. I think that's more for gameplay purposes only. In the cut scene for Cotd, they weren't really trying to slap the celebrities as it certainly looked like they were trying to take a bite out of them. And does anyone find it weird that they specifically went for George Romero like that? I'm sure the zombies only attacked them in the first place because of the original crew's presence there, but it's all so very weird. Maybe, the zombies could somehow sense that they alone couldn't get to the Original Crew on their own, so they took the most advanced mind in the area, (George) and somehow turned him into a zombie. But, he went after the celebs, for reasons unknown, maybe because they were in the way, instead of the Original Crew. Think about it! i believe that samantha did kill george because she mistook him as a member of group 935 when he found the 115, but since the actors were helping the crew continue the story, she knew she would have to try and stop them.
  8. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/346029/black-ops-2-zombies-detailed-more-players-more-zombies-new-modes/ this link was tweeted by a guy working on zombies (it says it has 8 players). this is where i got the link.
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