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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. I always, ALWAYS, get double hit when trying to knife in dead ops..... As for Atlantis, I recommend going to the palace ASAP myself, I love the piranha trap! Other wise I suppose I usually try for jug right away, I will have to try the trident some time. Those Spawn of Chultlu are ridiculous! I think they are almost as annoying as the thief in FIVE. Except en masse! Great guide by the way! I think it is good to have these rounds mapped out for maximum efficiency, as these rounds are what can make or break some games. I usually just knife forever, until round 4 or so. I have found using a hand position similar to the "O.K." sign with your index finger curled over the controller to hold X [or square] while the thumb knifes and you constantly horizontally T-bag the window by moving close and then back over and over can effectively hold a window almost indefinitely (without jug double hits are sometimes unavoidable) but I do like what I see about the M14. I used to go for the Olympia as a new player, then I worked the m14 for a long time, now I "graduated" to M1911 and combat knife, but I may just consider looking back into the power of the M14 again.
  2. The story really sucks you in and you really begin to feel it if you do the major easter eggs. After doing moon, which I only intended on doing for the bonus of having all 8 perks permanently for the game, I was really drawn into the story in the maps and searching all over every map for any little hidden snippet of information. I can not tell you how many hours I spent searching Der Riese in solo looking for something, anything, that may have been missed. I know that is almost like no time to the real pro's at discovering the stories hidden elements, but to me that is very different from how I was before doing the Moon easter egg. Try doing the three major eggs, Call of the Dead (co-op), Shangri-la (painful), Moon (amazing). Keep in mind that unless it has been changed, which I am pretty sure it has not, between the 4 players of your moon game, you need to have at least 1 person with the Shangri la achievement and 1 person with the co-op call of the dead achievement. I recommend doing them both yourself anyways. The Call of The Dead one is really easy, and if I ever have the time I could probably help you get it quickly. The Shangri-la one however you NEED four players for. So good luck. I got lucky and found two really good players, and nice people, on this site in the teammate finder section, to do it with, and I am glad it is done. Maybe some day if you only need one extra person to fill in your group I could help you get that achievement too. Anyways, do the eggs!
  3. This is directly from the sites official Code Of Conduct. How much offensive language and/or flaming do you think I could find?
  4. Der Atzi, stop. Calm is not weak. Are you saying your purpose here is to be angry and therefore make others angry?
  5. Der Atzi, Why are you upset with BlindBusDrivr? He has stated nothing that is offensive or even highly controversial. You on the other hand have sworn "DON'T you get it?!?! the bios were created AFTER the freaking soi! Think logically! Your REALY starting to PISS ME OFF!" - (Der atzi), refused to acknowledge facts and even further insulted the facts along with those who use them, " We don't know how he acts before 935, he might be a pretty nice guy who loves murder! And don't revert to your stupid waw bios bus!" - (Der atzi), later completely contradicted yourself by giving credibility back to the previously insulted evidence "for all we know they could have hidden crucial facts!" - (Der Atzi), and indirectly insulted BlindBusDrivr "And I'm starting to see how what's his face's earlier post about seeing different sides of the same picture differs umung the amount of lodgic one puts into their actual thought!" - (Der Atzi), which is mildly entertaining as you make several spelling and grammatical errors in the process of trying to insult his intellect, oh and you contradicted your self again, "he (Richtofen) might be a pretty nice guy who loves murder!" vs "Also richtofen was not a nice guy!", and finally decide to unjustly ignore him and then confess your hatred towards him "As for you bus driver I'm ignoring you, and I'm going to use my added hatred towards your nonsense to own some undead maggot bags" - (Der Atzi).. I have formed three beliefs out of all these statements. First, you should learn to type and spell. Please. Trying to follow what you were saying was honestly quite difficult. Perhaps some of what you said would not come off so offensively if it was structured better. Second, you should learn to be a more polite debater. Your fellow CoDz members here are stating their well placed doubts against your theory and as a theorist it is your place to address those doubts in a calm, scientific manner. If you do not feel the need to explain yourself, no one else but you will believe your theory and you will in essence have wasted not only your time but everyone else's in doing so. Third, I believe you should apologize to BlindBusDrivr either on this thread or via PM, for your inexcusable behavior, no one should ever act this way on these forums, but it does happen, and that is why something as simple as an apology will correct your error. If you cannot find it in your heart to apologize I would like to request you take a break from theorizing until you can maturely handle opposing viewpoints to your own. Please take heed to what I have said here, or next time you may insult the wrong person and get Moderators involved, and no one here wants to see that happen. So please, behave. -MegaAfroMan
  6. you could try to find Ehjookayted's original No mans land survival guide in the moon map section, I also highly recommend SuperHands "Taking the luck out of a 90sec PaP" and watching ChopperNators Video.
  7. Welcome to the site! I am 115% positive you will come to enjoy everything about it here! I recommend checking out this thread if you feel like you could improve upon your zombie slaying, it may take a long time to fully understand and master all the information in there so do not give up if it does not make sense. I know I still have a lot to learn myself. Ehjookayted's Master Zombie Guide - viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18800 - Simply a masterpiece of many great guides all put in one place. This is a strategy gold mine (or should I say 115 mine?) Otherwise check out the sub forums in the general zombie discussion section for interesting theories on the zombies story line, which really starts to pull you in after doing the 3 major easter eggs (do them if you have not, they really are very interesting). Or perhaps join up with one of the sites two large groups, although we in no way require anyone to ever feel forced to do so. They are not rival groups either, far from it. TeamGrimReapers - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=15181 - Team WunderWaffe's - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=17609 - Both have very large thread so I recommend reading the first page or 2 and the last page or 2 to get a good gist of what both are. Or start posting theories in the Zombie Training Facility - viewforum.php?f=66 - Or create polls or zombie game/ map related posts and questions here - viewforum.php?f=53 - in the General Zombie Discussion area. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and may you walk on warm sands.
  8. Der Atzi, no need to spam devil faces and caps lock. You say the "SOI" was caused before the information in the W@W Bios? The MPD encounter did not occur until Richtofen was experimenting at Der Riese, It was before the zombie maps gameplay takes place but the Bios describe him even farther back than his work at Der Riese. Ergo most of the information in the W@W bios are most likely chronologically before the MPD encounter. And if the in game bios written by Treyarch are not credible then how can anything we ever claim to figure out here be credible?
  9. I have noticed the last few times while playing Der Riese that one, so far only one, of the lightbulbs indicating the status of an electric trap will be a yellow color instead of green, even stranger, it is not always the same lightbulb. I have seen it be the light bulb inside the Furnace room, and the light bulb inside the trench gun room. It bothers me, I am not sure if its important, or just an error with the color or texture, but it always seems to affect one, and only one, light bulb in each game. Has anyone else noticed this?
  10. I guess it depends on preference. I have not ever had the time, or perhaps capability, to go above the 30's in co-op, so getting to each new bracket is still exciting, but for you tried and true zombie veterans the easter egg might make you bored out of your skulls with the lack of challenge that goes along with it. I can say it was nice to not feel the need to kill someone after downing at round 36 though. Just have your buddy loop and pick you up and it is as if you never went down. I just felt at the time that the people who know of but have not yet done this easter egg may not fully be aware of what they are missing.
  11. I just finished doing the moon easter egg for the first time, and I want to stress how much easier everything is without having to worry about downing so much. It takes a massive load off of your shoulders, with co-op if someone downs just stop shooting, horde, revive (quick revive) and you are both good. No re-perking, no losing mule kick gun, LMG's act like SMG's with double tap and stamin-up, overall you would not believe how much easier it is after doing the easter egg, and I highly recommend doing it if you have not yet done so. Shangri-la can be pure torture though so good luck. Also I recommend restarting the match until the first excavator is Pi, just makes filling the soul canisters a lot less hazardous. This post may seem kind of pointless to some, but I never realized how much simpler it would be. With 8 perks, one buddy, hacker, max wave, and MS, we were flying through the rounds so quickly. Had to suicide at 37 sadly so it really is not an impressive number, but we plan on trying again soon with more time reserved for the game. Anyways, do the Easter Egg, try it, try it, Sam I am.
  12. Is the upgraded scavenger an insta-kill or just enormous damage? You could also do the EE and kill george to get the WunderWaffe, you'd have to start killing him quite frequently though so I do not think it would be an effective way to get to 100+ Just some ideas on speeding up that one. Good luck to you though, I wish I had the patience and skill for 100 on solo, I think due to a combination of boredom and fear of not being believed I probably will not ever go for solo high rounds. Wish I could get over those issues and follow your footsteps in these 100+ runs.
  13. I think its rather relative question to ask. Everyone will nominate different people, and someone who truly is good, would (hopefully) NEVER nominate themselves. Its just very egotistical to claim you are the best or even one of the best. Luckily a lot of the key users on this forum seem to be genuinely very nice people, in my opinion those are the only GOOD players, who wants to play with someone who can prove 99 on all co-op but is an ass about it? I would very much rather play with a nice guy who has only done 30+ on the maps. It is rare to find a nice person, who would also be alright with nominating themselves as one of the best or THE best on the forum. I am curious as to what the point of this thread exactly is. Enlighten me General Doggy.
  14. My worst habit is probably more of a personality flaw, I have authority issues, I will most of the time leave a game unless I have the highest round there by at least 5 rounds and I usually do my best to ruin peoples games when they get bossy. Even I know that in the end the direction we go does not make too much of a difference as long as we stick together, but I have gone the entire opposite direction on Kino to screw over some bossy person who decides to tell everyone else "we are going to open this door" "Hey AfroMan open this door" even if they have the most points. I will just sprint away and wait for them to buy it or die and then progress by my self in the other direction, just for the sake of rebellion. I also keep major grudges in zombies. You throw a grenade by me? I spam all 4 straight into your window on an insta-kill. I once followed a kill stealer with the Kar98k on der Riese waiting until he almost killed a zombie, just to shoot it in the head and take it from him. I managed to prevent this one player from getting ANY kills for 4 rounds before I could not do so any more. I'm not sure if he noticed that he did not get any, but I did, I kept the score board up and watched it like a hawk.
  15. I think a nice way to improve late game stagnancy could be to make all guns after Pack-a-punching have very very similar Damage Per Second stats, the cost to PaP is always 5000 so why not encourage players to PaP the weak guns as well? In almost all cases (with a few notable exceptions) weak guns are still much weaker than strong guns after they both have been Pack-a-punched. I really would like to see the weapon choice come down more to preference and playing style than to what will kill the most. If you want to go really high and not take forever doing so you do not have much of a choice, you need the raygun, the Wonder weapon/ M&S, and/or an LMG. I think that PaP could be bumped up to be perhaps more expensive but much more powerful, say the L96 pap-ed would auto quickscope heads with deadly accuracy, and the spectre would make you move at 150% normal speed, and the Stakeout gained 3x the amount of spread distance and pellets, china lake caused an explosion similar to (weaker than) the astronaut exploding, etc. Most players can rack up the necessary points to PaP quite quick most of the time, so if we raise the price by 2500 or even double it to 10000 then it would not really be too unobtainable by the time you need those weapons for survival. Or perhaps have a super pack-a-punch, or the aether-o-matic wich would then cost that additional points where the normal PaP would still be 5000 with its current effects, purchasing the super PaP or activating the Aether-o-matic for another 5000 or 10000 points would then give it the final power boost (all weapons would end up around the same base DPS wise) and the unique effect for the weapon. It would allow the rounds from 30-40 actually to be playable without spending hours of time spraying or needing the raygun or wonder weapon. Granted the ray and wonder weapon should still be better than any super PaP weapons when they are also upgraded that far. I think Super PaP and a perma-super-perk would help address late game monotony a lot and help those in the early game have more goals to strive towards.
  16. These are some really nice idea's [brains] for you Vamppa. I personally, only disagree with the removal of Gersh Device type grenades, and traps. The Gershes even with all 4 people having them, will not be too helpful past the 30's if there are no forms of auto max ammo drops, on moon, the astronaut glitch causes the potentially infinite max ammos with the hacker to be balanced, even if it is not meant to do that it nonetheless makes it less over powered to have gershes and the hacker to get max ammo's whenever you want them. Any how I wish that there was some element added to the game that made every game within a map more unique, such as random weapon lists in the box, or rearrange wall weapons (except for the starting two), or more Pack-a-Punch effects along the lines of the Balistics or Crossbow. I would prefer a bunch of unique upgrades instead of the generic, more power, more ammo, faster firing rate, pretty scope. Even the G-11 was good enough, no sway, and full auto from a 3 shot burst (however deadshot makes the no sway thing somewhat un-unique). I also would like to see increased melee possibilities, and would love the idea of a super perk, such as the Fates in Dead-ops, make a certain round (such as 20) be a unique boss round and upon completion the players are teleported to a super perk room where they all randomly activate a 115 meteor and get a super perk, it should remain with them unless they completely die, at which case they should respawn with a preset super-perk. Idea's could be Conservationist-25% more ammo in all guns, 1.25 larger clips. Gunslinger-double all damage multipliers to weapons The real doctor- zombies ignore the player while reviving, upon revival of player the other player is ignored by zombies for 10 to 15 seconds. The reviver cannot shoot while reviving, the revivee cannot shoot while being revived or during the invincibility period. Thrifty- all purchases, cost 1/2 price, player constantly receives 2x points. Preset respawn- Undead- player can purchase one free perk and one free weapon, player also can take one extra zombie hit before downing, however sprint time is decreased by 1 second. These only have minor thought put into them, as I just came up with them off the top of my head. I would like to see more than anything though, a zombies only player card, with kill/death ratios, highest rounds, average rounds, average revives, and all sorts of odd bits of info available. If they only slightly improve gameplay but drastically overhaul the online records and social aspect of the game I would be happy.
  17. I do not know if you can really find an all around zombies "pro", however my opinions, they are my own and are not in anyway meant to offend anyone and certainly are not law, are as follows: I believe a pro must be able to keep deaths down to a minimum of 3, excluding lag related deaths. That is how many deaths you get in solo, no reason you should die much more than that if you are a pro when online. I believe a pro should be a master of kiting, able to attract as many zombies as quickly into a manageable train in almost any location. They should be able to recite all of the available weapons to you off the top of their head, and probably know the Clip size, spare clip number, Pack-a-punched name and additional effects, the location of the gun on the map, perhaps even damage and firing rate of the weapon, and maybe even the chance of pulling it out of the box at particular times (monkey bombs are more likely till someone receives them, the wonderweapon has varying probabilities, the box has certain percentages of getting the bear after a certain number of spins, ect...), they would be able to get head shots with almost any gun, and could hold a barrier closed indefinitely. They should be perfectly able to carry all three teammates for as long as the game goes on, with minimal deaths on their part due to him. A pro should also be, friendly, a good leader, polite, and should not hold grudges on players. This perfect "pro" would most likely lead in all 5 scoring categories at least 75% of the time (points, kills, revives, least downs, and head shots). He very likely would also be within at least the top 100 on every leaderboard. Perhaps even top 50 or 10. Now I do not realistically, expect anyone to achieve this, but it should be what we strive to become, after practice and dedication, and some polite words, a few thousand of people who are at least trying to be this way, will help make all of zombies matchmaking a much better place. Realistically, anyone who even gets 1/2 of these things completely mastered, will be one of the best players out there. These are my thoughts on the matter anyways.
  18. That would probably be why the leader board weights kills as the most value in determining your world ranking.
  19. It really depends on what you mean. The worst map design for randoms is probably Shangri-la followed very closely by moon in my opinion, as both require team work to Pack-a-punch, even though moon requires that same cooperation for Juggernog and Speed cola as well, the teleporter can be activated using all of the LIVE players, where in Shangri-La you need all four people regardless of who may or may not be down. However moon has the added problems of No mans land, and breakable windows, I still think exceptional players can work around it most of the time. Now I did vote for Moon. Here is why. If you are talking about the worst randoms, then I would have to say you'd find them in either Kino or Moon, (probably FIVE also but I have not played that with many randoms as of yet) Kino will usually contain at least one time out of every 2 or 3 games, one horrible killstealer, one person who goes down constantly, one person who is always complaining and does not get along or cooperate, and then half of a decent person. All of the rest will usually be either people who do not have a mic, or are in parties, or occasionaly do not realize their mic is on and you hear horrible screeches and muffled sounds and blaring music through a low quality mic. On moon, some will be really good, and others will be really bad. There really is not that large of an in between group. You get the people who ruin no mans land by being AFK or by deciding they want to run a train. You get a lot of rage-quitters it seems because it is a more difficult map to recover from a respawn on due to the difficult location of jug and PaP. People will break the windows, hold on to hacker and not use it, camp out doors and quit when the person with hacker does not revive them (he can not breathe out there people!) and then the normal issues that come with having non-cooperative people playing with you on a map. Due to the fact that moon was in both my design and persona lists I decided to vote for it as the worst map for randoms. I do have to say though it does seem to have the highest quantity of players with mics and at least a semi willingness to talk (not necessarily listen however).
  20. MegaAfroMan


    Aw man, somebody DID steal my sweet roll... Welcome to the forums! I hope you come to like it as much as I do.
  21. Der atzi, You need to relax. Take a deep breath or twelve. Now to address your statement. 1.You do not KNOW they are not ending the franchise. Yes it would be dumb, but then again when has potential stupidity stopped people from doing things? 2. Again you do not know that this will happen. It makes just as much sense to get a new group as it would to try and fix the old one. Why can there not be prequels? The Star wars saga made millions off of the prequel trilogy. As far as spin offs The Clone Wars saga also has gave them a nice profit, so why can zombies not do the same? 3. I am not highly informed on the stories finer details. 4. It is possible. Does not have to be likely though. 5. I do not see how mars zombies are homosexual. Aether is the word you were probably looking for. (...And you hammer face...). He did not say it was worthless. He said he hoped it did not get dragged to the point of becoming worthless. Read more carefully next time. Freiken? I think you, sir, need to expand on your vocabulary. Also watch your tongue, there was no need at all to tell his to "Shut (his) fucking mouth and learn some freikening logic.) What even is freikening? Is that German? Please stop the anger filled posts. Also please learn proper manners towards your fellow human beings and expand your vocabulary to contain more adjectives than "fucking", "frieken" , and "friekening". This would have been so much more acceptable if you replaced those words with "silly", "yellow" and "minty" respectively. Thank you for your time, and remember if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it at all. Sincerely, MegaAfroMan
  22. If I was actually trying to survive: Perk 1: Juggernog Perk 2: PHD Flopper Perk 3: Speed cola Perk 4: Mule Kick Weapon 1: Porters X2 Zap guns/ Max wave gun Weapon 2: The Reaper (Ppsh oh how I loved thee) Weapon 3: Mustang and Sally Tactical Grenade: Gersh Device Lethal grenade: Stielhandgranate Tactical equipment: Hacker Lethal equipment: Bouncing betties (Just love the name) If I was trying to have fun: Perk 1: Juggernog Perk 2: Deadshot Daiquiri Perk 3: Speed cola Perk 4: Double tap Weapon 1: G115 generator Weapon 2: Longinus Tactical grenade: QED Lethal Grenade: Tomahawk Tactical Equipment: Care package! (Think of the crushing capabilities!) Lethal Equipment: C4
  23. Thank you all for your thoughts and ideas, I do understand that there is no correct answer to my question but perhaps seeing other peoples ideas will help refine your own. As a community we need to learn from each other. I personally believe, that running is fair as long as you are not the only one doing it. If your other three teammates are asking you to stick with them, I think perhaps you should give their plan a shot. After all this is a team game, and since records are rare with randoms, why not try to get a friend or two out of the match by being social and not running in a different corner of the map, with your mike muted unless there is ammo, monkeys, or you are downed. @ Killallzombies- Yes I know there are more than those three places, but those three were the only ones I was comfortable with at the time. I am pretty sure I mentioned that in my writings above. @ Tom852- Yes that is how the game is, but that does not mean that is how it has to be. It might have been enjoyable for you, but everybody has different tastes. I would have gotten bored with only a small trickle of zombies at any given time. I usually do not care about points or kills past a certain point either, but then again, neither do I care much about long (30+) term survival when I am playing with randoms. I have only gotten above 25 with randoms one time. All of my high rounds are done with my friend in private matches. It does not mean I will suicide at round 29, but I generally do not plan for the game to go that long, so I usually spend in strange ways, and often have a high chance of needing to leave the game at the higher rounds because I never plan that far. That does not mean I am right in that mindset, it just is my opinion. @ iB Proto- Is this with randoms? With friends (or even cooperative randoms with mics) it is easy to create an agreeable plan. But when you have silent randoms or ones that disagree with the plan is it alright to force them to go with your idea? Huh, I actually prefer the spawn loop out of all of those. At 25-30 in the games I have had with friends I ran in the STG room and they sat on the catwalk or in the tunnel and sprayed at my zombies from which ever direction. Anyways, thank you all for contributing! Until next time, MegaAfroMan
  24. Its not entirely black and white yes, but that does that not mean we should not try to find the acceptable shade of gray? It is a very relative question however. It depends on the map, and the people playing it, and the goal. If its you and a few friends on a large map going for survival, then every man for himself would probably achieve your goal faster. My question is, what should you do with people you do not know? And it may be exploitation, but that exploitation is what makes the 'best' players the 'best'. If you try to rough it out in a small area with your team mates sticking together, the game will probably not get too far, as compared to one or all of you running in different areas. Just because it ensures survival does not make it fair however. Its usually unlikely to ever have a serious attempt at beating a record so why else play with randoms if you just go off into a corner and run in circles? It is not really a competition, it is not really social or team building, so what is it? Running at all is technically exploiting the zombies slower movement speed and limited path finding abilities. Where would any of you draw the line? If you were playing and doing really well, at what point would you decide it is kind of unfair to the other players?
  25. So, after playing many, many games with randoms, I have come to question whether or not there even is a proper way to play fairly in zombies. I like running. However, is this fair to everyone else? In a map such as Kino there are not that many commonly known easy places to run. So if you are running in the lobby and getting half the zombies every round and point spamming them with an SMG is that really fair to the other three players trying to survive in the stage? Zombies is a team game is it not? I know I found myself getting frustrated that this one player had nearly 60,000 points by round 20 or something similar when I had only near 20,000 because all of the places I knew how to survive in were already being used, and not wanting (yet) to be rude and kill steal I tried to survive in the aisle in the theater between the stage and lobby. I could not go anywhere either, as someone was running the stage and someone was running the alley and someone was running the lobby I was stuck in place. I know that if I was in any of their positions I probably would not being questioning the fairness of it all, however now I think about it often. Is it really fair to horde the zombies and complain when someone kills them, even if you have a lead of one-hundred or more kills than the next closest guy? Is it really fair to extend the round so long, because you want to squeeze every last point out of the zombies with your SMG? Is it even fair to split up and leave your "team mates"? Granted camping will not allow long term survival, but the game itself really is not built to be team friendly, or at least, not in the way that it has come to be played. As fair as we try to be, does buying that extra 1250 point door really make up for the fact that you will be later taking more than half the zombies every round and quickly tripling everyone else's points and kills? Some may say that it is fair because knowing how to run properly is a skill, therefore you deserve those points. What if it is a map that has a few running spots? Like my above Kino situation. On Der Riese I have discovered that running in the spawn location will almost always give you more zombies than others will see in the map, due to the shaping of the map. There are many, more zombies spawns that would be closer to the lobby than most other running or camping locations. I have actually been asked not to run in that location when playing with my friends, and it is very noticable in our scores if I do or not. If running is fair, regardless of the huge point leads, is it still fair in the Der Riese situation? Is that still skill? Or does it come down to a game of 'who gets there first' or 'who leaves first' if a stand off should occur? I would like to hear input on this matter very much. Until then, MegaAfroMan
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