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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Oh! And Danny Phantom is backish too! Yay...
  2. I've had it relatively commonly NOT spawn ANYwhere in the entire church area (front and back) in the early snow fall rounds (3+4 or so). I don't think I've yet had a problem with not getting it during the round 10 snowfall.
  3. Do you recommend just moving on if you're unlucky and the ice staff part does not spawn at church in the early snowfall? I've had it happen twice now where there simply was no part until round 10. I've checked in front of the church, near the tank, behind the tank, behind the church and around the generator. No dig spots during the snow round, save one, which just gives me a non-staff result.
  4. It really HEAVILY depends on the map, not only because of which perks are actually obtainable there, but also because of the environment ofthe map and the weapons available. For instance, I regularly don't use staminup in BO1, but in Origins, it comes after Jug for priority in my games, simply because it makes the mud much more managable. In order to answer this properly I'd need to write out my perk order for every map, including the perks that aren't actually there.
  5. Dwellers as staff were disbanded and upgraded to Mod. The user group has been put in limbo until further notice. There was breif discussion in my time about bringing it back as a purly honorary title, but I don't think it really gained traction.
  6. I'd argue that the golden spork and the hells retriever don't use 115, but I guess that's only due to intuition. Mainly that stems from the fact that the map tells you 115 isn't at play. "Not this time", it is 666. So I think it'd follow that at least those two highly supernatural weapons are just part of that game and not actually an acheivement of 115. As fantastic as our wonderweapons are, they still have an element of science behind them. The Hells Retriever and Golden Spork do not. Giant dog heads consuming the souls and bodies of dead zombies, then awarding you with a very strange looking homing and returning tomahawk has almost no science element in it. Likewise with the spork. You have to fetch it in afterlife, then with the retriever all the while hearing the laughter and shouts of our announcer, then you need to strangely watch the spoon stir a bathtub of blood before satisfying the announcer's need to see a mass amount of zombies be blown up and dissolved to bits in the showers, before you can then watch a strange hand ascend from under the surface of the blood to give you a golden clad spork, which seems to instantly kill the zombies until quite late for a melee weapon of any sort. Both of those are far more supernatural than fantastical. Likewise, are we sure the beacon requires 115 at all? What about the punch and elemental punches? They don't seem to take any physical form that would allow for 115 to even be in play.
  7. I've always told people something similar to this. In Co-op games where you don't expect to pass 40 or so, Lightning is always my favorite choice. I think it is the easiest to build and upgrade (I have the switches memorized, and I actually play piano) and until it reaches the point where it no longer effectively kills, it seems to be the best at clearing and killing. When it comes down to it, all the staves are pretty much very useful in 97% of games. Which is why I don't "call" a staff when I play with people. I'm just glad I get one.
  8. Income for the site benefits us all assuming we put ads on it. Minorly it can add a bit of fame back to the callofdutyzombie.com name, even if it is only really directed at callofdutyzombies.com/records. It can serve as a free location to advertise the forum IF we so decide. It keeps competition from sprouting up. Income if we put ads on it, is the largest thing.
  9. Again relates back to my point: No forum connections to the leader boards. There doesn't need to be one. Just an area where leader board staff post the approved records, and an area where the public (or users if you make them sign up) submits their claim and proof.
  10. Are we REALLY splitting up an already tiny market even smaller? "The OTHER side of the zombies community"? No no. It is one market. Don't route the people through the forum at all. If they want to join that's their perrogative. There should be nothing making them join the forum, and nothing making them even touch or look at the forum.
  11. I think yes it'd bring complainers, but it also has the potential to be contributers. Regardless it will increase traffic. Yes the process is laborious, but so what? Appoint a handful of members to verification positions, or take applications from the general public. You don't need to pile it on the existing forum staff. Ideally the only thing that should connect our record board with our discussion board should be the url. You shouldn't have to even touch the discussion boards if you are only interested in the leader boards and visa versa. And Chopper, I'm sure a LOT of people will be trying to fill this vacuum. Not just your friend. I personally believe we would be a fool to not even attempt to move into this new market. I mean consider this: After some painful advertising and getting the word out there, after appointing enough people to be able to handle the time demands, and after finally have viewers, you could attach ads to that page. Generate a minor income to help offset the cost of hosting and still honor carbon's stance on never having ads on the forum. Is this guaranteed? No of course not. It's still worth the effort.
  12. I think the idea should be pitched to Hells Warrior, Strwrs Bob and the rest of the staff to creat a new "page" on the front page at say callofdutyzombies.com/records which can function to allow people to submit and view records. Filling this new vacuum could do us well as a site. Although I support NOT doing this in the forum format via threads. It could look more "official" to have it as a unique page seperate from the forum.
  13. You must have left right as I came in. Waffles is still around somewhat. Carbon lurks but he is no longer the owner and admin of the site. Strwrs Bob has that position, as does Covert Gunman, but Covy is away for religious reasons. He'll be back around summer time I believe. Welcome back to CoDz. glad to see a veteran user come back from the dead.
  14. It depends on the specifics Boom. if by running a train, you mean leading around a full horde of 24 zombies without downing, then yes. Anyone should be able to do that. However in that case gathering a train is what takes skill, especially in less than ideal areas. You need to be able to alter your course on the fly if a zombie happens to end up in front of you for whatever reason. Sometimes this alteration is just a side step and back again, but in some instances this can be an entire rerouting. in most (I suppose not all...) training locations there is an element of chaos to the spawns such that you cannot repeat a simple shape ad infinitum until you're sick of playing. You do need to have at least a basic understanding of your player capabilities, the zombie AI, and the surrounding map and spawns in order to make proper adjustments to survive.
  15. The main distinction between this, and training in the crazy place post EE where you have access to all the staves, is that the staves will onlyfill up during max ammos if they are in active use. Being able to hold three, means three will be filled with every max ammo.
  16. In Mob of the Dead the bottom of the spiral area, the lowest two entire sections are completely spawn free. No zombie spawns. If you're willing to connect the docks to the main prison by only the Gondola this is a camping heaven. Soo much room to move around and back up if necessary. Origins, I've seen some pretty crazy co-op (not too many solo) camping strategies in the tunnels to the crazy place, I believe wind was one of the better ones if my memory is correct. Buried, in the saloon there is a campers dream hallway which has a drop down escape on one end that only players can use, and a zombie spawn and entrance on the opposite end. Coupled with the abundance of traps, the Vulture aid perk, and the time bomb, this map is quite campable. On TranZit while it may not be pure camping per say, just riding the bus with 4 players can actually be quite effective. The zombies slow down drastically if a breach occurs. Otherwise I know you can camp the spawn with it's 4 windows thanks to the self closing turbine door, or the area behind bus depot where the navcard spawns is pretty decent. Die Rise, I've actually used a rather cheap solo camping spot that may be possible to extend to 2 or 3 players. In the upsidedown Buddha Room, sit as high as you can (comfortably) on the busted diagonal pillar that leads nowhere. Sliquify the base of the pillar. The zombies just pool up beneath you, so as long as you renew the sliquifier shot every 25 seconds or so, you're safe. This will NOT last you much past the 40s, but I think that's a fair limit for a camping spot. Nuketown is the only one I've never gotten the hang of. I think camping in BO2 is actually slightly easier than in BO1. But that's my opinion.
  17. I'd like to run for Senator for the CoDz district. I can think of no other group I'd be proud to represent. Where do I sign up?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MysteryMachineX


      Gathering your personal information helps further the cause of our friendly neighborhood CIA. Only you can help to the reconstruction of Griffin Station. You might benefit from this one day too lest you fall pray to environmental concerns like the CDC.

    3. MegaAfroMan



      Absolutely. You're right, I must continue to be a good citizen, I don't want to see the CIA fail when we need them most.

    4. MysteryMachineX


      Exactly. The government just helps us. Without them, we wouldn't have school, roads, power, or those lovely buses and black vans that drive around and check up on us all the time.

  18. I'd like to inquire how many staff members were present for this meeting, just to satisfy my own curiousity.
  19. Why is it that the news programs on Comedy Central are generally more accurate than the "official" news shows on Fox and CNN?

  20. I'm pretty sure it is actually dependent on all three of those things. I know for Black Ops 1, it was. That's why you'll hear of people recommending against using the high round strategy for earlier rounds, because it is built for when the spawn speed is maximum. It's dependent on "zone", as in most maps zombies will not spawn all the way across the map from you, so where you are effects where they need to travel from to get to you. Some maps have farther distances to travel, some maps don't. Some zones have more spawn points, and some has less. It is all dependent. I'm making a very loose educated guess, but I do believe that spawn speed practically maxes out around round 60. After that it won't make a difference, they really can't come in faster. Other than that it is completely dependent on where you are. Most strategy guides have a mention of how long a typical spawn takes if you're doing it right.
  21. The same could be said for your post, however what cannot be said is the following: My posting in this thread was to prevent you from being bombarded with similar "tips" on how to properly bump, and to prevent others from wasting their time repeating what I said. Where as your response to my post only affects me. Likewise it's rather entertaining that your only responses haven't even been to the comments which actually were about your threads content. You're just making yourself look worse. I suggest you turn it around and start responding the posts on topic, and ignoring the ones like mine which are moreso off topic. Good luck with your thread.
  22. I'm glad you decided to start posting! It is always great to add new voices to our community!
  23. Please don't bump this thread by writing the word "bump". There is a button you can use near the top of the thread if enough time has passed. Also it looks quite rude considering you took the time to do that, and not to respond to the varied counter-points to your theory. Here at CoDz we submit pretty much every idea to conjecture. If you can't give solid premises, your conclusion will not be accepted.
  24. I usually store an Upgraded SVU in order to maximize points using the sniper bonus points persistent upgrade. I keep it for a few rounds until I hit around 10 or so, then I put it away after getting a Max Ammo and start getting a replacement.
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